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\ V Section VIII THE STATE PAGES HE following pages present individual summaries on the several Tstates, commonwealths and territories, First appears a summar)' of the events in 1958-"5;9 thjy: made Alaska and Hawaii, respectively, the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth States of the Union. A tabular page next presents certain historical data on all of the states, commonwealths and territories. Individual state pages follow for each jurisdiction. Included in tliem are listings of various executive officials, the Justices of the Su- prenie°Courts, officers of the legislatures, and members of the Com missions on Interstate Gooperation.'Listings of all officials are as of December, 1959, or early 1960. Concluding each page are population figures and other statistics, provided by the Uni.ted States Bureau of the Census. Most of the data on these pages, however, Avere provided /' directly by agencies of the states themselves. ; -oa "tft . V lis Alaska and Hawaii The Forty-ninth and Fiftieth States of the Union .••'.,—• ••••..<*'" ' '• • •. :..••••/• .\ 1959 Alaska and Hawaii became the Forty-ninth and Fiftieth I States, respectively, of the United States of America. In both cases the movements for statehood had continued for many years. A train of events during the biennium 1958-59, in Congress and in the two territories, crowned the efforts with success. Alaska had become a territory of the United States in ^12, forty- five years after its purchase from Russia in 1867., On-May 28, 1958, the United States House of Representatives voted 208 to 166 for its admis sion tb the Union. The Senate followed suit on June 30, 1958,,with a favorable vote of 64 to 20 for the statehood bill. President Eisenhower signed the act on July 7. As enacted, the bill called for a referendurh vote in Alaska on three propositions before its admission as a state. Under these propositions Alaskans were to indicate that they (1) wanted immediate statehood, (2) accepted the boundaries of the territory as the boundaries of the state, and (3) accepted conditions as to transfer of public lands to the "state and power of the President to withdraw certain rhilitary lands in emergency. The people of Alaska went to the polls, on August 26, 1958, and by overwhelming majorities approved all three referendum proposi tions. The President, on January 3, 1959,.signed the admission procla mation. That completed the process. Alaska was our Forty-ninth State. •'; ... -• Haw^aii became a territory of the United States in 1900, two years after the annexation of the former kingdom in 1898. On March-11, 1959, the United States Senile voted 76 to 15 for its admission tC) the. Union as a state. The House of Representatives adopted the state hood bill on the next day, March 12, by a vote of 323 to 89. The Presi dent signed the act on Marclf 18. In a plebiscite held on June 27, the people of Hawaii voted over whelmingly for statehood. The President made the statehood procla mation on August 21. Hawaii thus became the',Fiftieth State of the Union. • BptlTAlaska and Hawaii had adopted their state constitutions years in advance of statehood—Hawaii in 1950, Alaska in 1956. Both consti tutions are regarded as among the finest in the nation. With the constitutions in effect when statehood arrived in .1959, and with execu tive officers and the legislatures elected accordingly, organization of the governmental structures of the two states proceeded immediately. (Extensive series of articles on the two new states have appeared during 1958-60 in State Goi/ernmenf^ published by the Council of State Governments: on the quarterly, issues of Autumn, 1958,.and Winter, 1960; on Hawaii in the issue of Summer, 1959.) ^' ;•••.• '''•/--' .506 •••• • ^ .•• *^St! THE STATES OF THE UNION—HISTORICAL DATA <2>* Date Date Chronological organized admitted order of State or other as to admission jurisdiction Capital Source of slate lands Territory. Union to Umon Alabama, Montgomery Mississippi Territory. 1798(a) March 3. 1817 Dec. 14. 1819 22 Alaska Juneau Purchased from Russia. 1867 Aug. 24. 1912 Jan. 3. 1959 49 Arizona Phoenix Ceded by Mexico. 1848(b) . Feb.'24. 1863 Feb. 14. 1912" 48 Arkansas.... Little Rock Louisiana Purchase, 1803 March 2. 1819. June IS. 1836 25 California.... Sacramento Ceded by Mexico. 1848' (c) Sept. 9, 1850 31 Coloradb Denver^ Louisiana Purchase, 1803(d) Feb. 28. 1861 . Aug. 1, 1876 .38 Connecticut., Hartford Royal charter. 1662(e) Jan. 9. l'788(f) 5 Delaware.... Dover Swedish charter. 1638; English Dec. 7, 1787(f) 1 charter 1683(e) Florida. Tallahassee Ceded by Spain. 1819 March 30. 1822 March 3. 1845 27 Georgia. Atlanta Charter. 1732. from George II Jan. 2. 1788(f) 4 to Trustees for Establishing t the Colony of Georgia(e) iHawall.... Honolulu Annexed. 1898 June 14. 1900 i\ug.2L 1959 50^ Idaho Boise Oregon Territory. 1848 March 3,'1863 July 3. 1890 43 Illinois... Springfield Northwest Territory, 1787 Feb. 3.1809 Dec. 3. 1818 21 Indiana... Indianapolis Northwest Territory, 1787 May 7; 1800 Dec. 11. 1816 19 <^a Iowa...... Des Moines Lou isiana Purchase, 1803 June 12. 1838 Dec. 28i 1846 29 Kansas.,. Topeka Louisiana Purchase, 1803(d) May 3Q. 1854 Jan. 29. 1861 •34 Kentucky. Frankfort Part of Virginia until admitted .^ (0 June 1, 1792 .15 as state Louisiana. Baton Rouge Louisiana Purchase, 1.803(g) March 26,, 1804 April 30. 1812 18 Maine.... Augusta Part of Massachusetftxuntil (c) March 15. 1820 23 admitted as "state \^ ' Maryland Annapolis Charter, 1632, from Charles I~ April 28. 1788(f) ' to Calvert(e) Massachusetts.. Boston Charter to Massachusetts Bay Feb. 6, 1788(f) Company, 1629(e) Michiilan....... Lansing Northwest Territory, 1787 Jan. 11. 1805 Jan. 26, 1837 26 Minnesota St. Paul Northwest-Territory, 1787(h) March'3. 1849 May 11, 1858 32 V Mississippi Jicksoa Mississippi Territory(i) April 7. 1798 Dec. 10. 1817- 20 Missouri Jeffersoft City Louisiana Purchase, 1803 June 4, 1812 Aug. 10, 1821 24 Montana....... Helena Louisiana Purchase, 1803(j) May 26, 1864 Nov. 8, 1889 41 Nebraska Lincoln Louisiana Purchase, 1803 May 30, 1854- March 1. 1867 • 37 I^ierada. Carson City Ceded by Mexico, 1848 March 2. 1861 Oct. 31, 1864 36 New Hampshire. Concord Grants from Council for New Jun^ 21, 1788(f) 9 * England, 1622 and 1629. Made royal province, 1679(e) New Jersey...... Trenton Dutch settlement, 1618; Eng Dec. 18. 1787(f) lish charter,- 1664(e) New Mexico. Santia Fe Ceded by Mexico, 1848(b) Sept. 9. 1850 Jan. 6. 1912 47 New York... Albany Dutch settlement. 1623; Eng- July 26. 1788(f) ii lish^control, 1664(e) North Carpllna. Raleigh . Charter, 1663, from Charles 11(e) Nov. 21. 1789(0 12 North Dakota.. Bismarck Louisiana Purchase, 1803(k) March 2. 1861 Nov. 2*1889 39 Ohio. Columbus Northwest Territory. 1787 (c) Feb. 19. 1803 17 Oklahoma Oklahoma City Louisiana Purchase. 1803 May 2. 1890 Nov. 16. 1907 46 Orejion Salem Settlement . and treaty with Aug. 14. 1848 Feb. 14. 1859 33 Britain. 1846 Pennsylvania Harrisbiirg Grant from CHarles II to Dec. 12. 1787(f) William Penn. 1681(e) Rhode Island.. Providence Charter. 1663. from Charles life) May 29. 1790(f) 13 South Carolina. Columbia Charter. 1663. from Charles 11(e) May 23, 1788(f) < 8 South Dakota.. Pierre Louisiana Purchase. 1803 March 2, 1861 Nov. 2, 1889 40 Tennessee. .>»:. Nashville Part of North Carolina until •(c) . June 1.1796 16 admitted as state •Vexas Austin Republic of Texas. 1845 • (c) Dec. 29, 1845 28 Utah... Salt Lake City Ceded by Mexico. 1848 Sept. 9. 1850 Jan. 4, 1896 45 Vermont Montpelier From lands of Ne%v Hamp (0 March 4. 1791 14 shire and New York Virninla.. Richmond Charter, 1609. from James I June 25. 1788(f) 10 » to London Cdmpany(e) •••:r •••••• Washington... Olympia Oregon Territory. 1848 March 2, 1853 Nov. 11, 1889 42 West Virginia. Charleston Part of Virginia until admitted (c) June 20, 1863 35, as state Wisconsin.... Madison Northwest Territory; i 787 April 20. 1836 May 29, 1848 .30 Wyoming Cheyenne' Louisiana Purchase. 1803(d,j) July 25, 1868 July 10. 1890 44 Guam. Agana Ceded-froni Spain. 1898 Aug. 1, 1950 Puerto Rico... San Juan Ced'^l ifom Spain. 1898 July 25, 1952(1) Virgin Islands. Charlotte Amalie Purchased from Denmark; January 17. 1917 (a) By the Treaty of Paris. 1783, England gave up claim to (f) Date of ratification of^t). S. Constitution. the 13 original colonies, and to all land within an area extending (g) West Feliciana District' (Baton Rouge) acquired'from' along the present Canadian border to the Lake of the Woods, Spain, 1810. added to Loui.ijana. 1812. down, the Mississippi River to the 3l3t parallel, east to the • (h) Portion of land obtain,ed by Louisiana Purchase. 1803. Chattahbochle, down that river to the mouth of the Flint, east (i) See footnote (a). The lower portion of Mississippi was also to the source of the St. Mary's, down that river to the ocean. acquired from Spain in 1813^1 jf\ Territory west of the Alleghenies was claimed by various states, (i) Portion of land obtained fi;om Oregon Territory, 1848. but was eventually all ceded to the' nation. Thus, the major (k) The northern; ^he Red River Valley were part of Alabama was acquired by the Treaty of Paris, but the acquired by treaty with Grew Britain in 1818. , lower.portion from Spain in 1813. (1) On this date Puerto Rico-became a self-i?bveming common-: (b) Portion of land obtained by Gadsden Purchase. 1853. wealth by compact approved l^y the'.United States Congress and- (c) No territorial status before admission to Union.