May 26, 2006 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 9961 Canadian Interparliamentary Group and was IN HONOR OF DR. JOSE PROTACIO HONORING THE LIFE OF ranking Republican member of the U.S.-Euro- RIZAL AND THE OF THE CONGRESSMAN ROBERT N. GIAIMO pean Interparliamentary Group. Domestically, KNIGHTS OF RIZAL, CLEVELAND Winn was a leading advocate of ‘‘value engi- CHAPTER HON. JOHN B. LARSON neering,’’ a cost-saving government manage- OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment system that was implemented in the HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH early 1970s. He also was a leading advocate Thursday, May 25, 2006 of a successful proposal maintaining ten re- OF OHIO Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I gional federal office centers in the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rise today to pay great honor to Congressman States, which preserved Kansas City as a fed- Robert N. Giaimo, who passed away on May eral regional office center, rather than transfer- Thursday, May 25, 2006 24, 2006. Bob proudly served in this body ring those functions to Denver. from 1958–1980, representing the New Haven Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in area in Connecticut. Bob was a profound fig- Winn also is remembered for his advocacy honor and recognition of Dr. Jose Protacio ure who believed in public service and worked of a proposed Tallgrass National Prairie Park Rizal and the Order of the Knights of Rizal, tirelessly for the people of Connecticut. in Kansas; as a result of his initial efforts, the Cleveland Chapter. The accomplished life and The son of Italian immigrants, Bob was Kansas Flint Hills are now home to the works of Dr. Rizal remains a great source of raised in North Haven, Connecticut and was Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, a unit of inspiration for the people of the beautiful is- elected in 1958 to serve the Third District of the National Park System managed in partner- land of the . His heroic and poign- Connecticut. During his 22 years in Congress, ship with the private National Park Trust dedi- ant writings and efforts, focused on freedom, Bob made many significant contributions to cated to the rich natural and cultural history of continue to inspire and energize the people of this country. Bob co-sponsored a bill that cre- ated the National Endowment of the Arts and the tallgrass prairie ecosystem. the Philippines, and Filipino Americans as well. Humanities, which has allowed people in this In their 1972 analysis of Winn’s career, the country to reach their creative potential. He Ralph Nader Congress Project’s Citizens Look During the 1800’s began express- also led the first successful effort to end funds at Congress review of Winn’s activities con- ing their anger and frustration over colonial for the fighting in Southeast Asia. Bob worked cluded that: ‘‘Legislatively, Winn shows a good rule. Intellectuals, poets, artists and writers be- to eliminate the loyalty oath in the National feel for Third District needs and interests. . . . came the spiritual leaders in the Filipino quest Defense Education Act, and to include the old Although Winn has had considerable experi- for freedom and independence from . It New Haven Railroad in the Penn Central ence in public speaking and writing, his style was the written works by an unknown, young merger. Bob’s priority in Congress was to cre- ate meaningful change and he represented is more folksy than polished.’’ During his ten- doctor from Lugana Province, Jose Rizal, the values and aspirations of the people of the ure, he taped a weekly radio program on cur- which set fire to the independence movement. Third District of Connecticut. rent congressional issues that was distributed Dr. Rizal’s explosive first novel, ‘‘Noli Me Tanere,’’ (Touch Me Not), shattered the fa- Bob was well-respected among his col- to local broadcasters, as well as drafting and leagues. During his 11-terms in Congress, he cade of colonial rule and shed light on the de- circulating weekly newspaper columns and served on the House Budget Committee, structive limitations forced upon the Filipino twice-yearly congressional questionnaires that which he chaired for 4 years, the House Com- were sent to all in-district postal patrons. He people. The novel, though immediately mission on Information and Facilities, and the banned by the Spanish rulers, was dissemi- estimated that over 2,000 Third District resi- Joint Committee on Intelligence. Bob also nated underground with other highly charged dents visited his Washington, D.C., office dur- served on the House Appropriations Com- passages by Dr. Rizal and others. ing the first four years of his tenure, and mittee, and its subcommittees on Department bumper stickers proclaiming: ‘‘I visited Con- In , 1892, Rizal founded the inde- of Defense, District of Columbia, Treasury Postal Service and General Government, Leg- gressman Larry Winn in Washington’’ were pendence movement, Luga Filipina. By 1898, islative Branch, and Housing and Urban De- seen frequently across the Kansas City area. an armed struggle for independence had begun, and government officials accused Dr. velopment. Bob was an inspiration to his col- Upon announcing his retirement from the Rizal of leading the charge. Following the leagues and the people he represented. U.S. House in 1984, Representative Winn Mr. Speaker, I ask that my colleagues join circuslike spectacle of an unjust trial, Rizal published a column in the Christian Science me today in honoring the life of Robert N. was found guilty. On the evening of December Giaimo. Bob’s legacy lives on in this Nation Monitor decrying the increase in congressional 30, 1896, Dr. Rizal was executed by firing partisan rancor. Twenty two years later, his and among his family. My thoughts and pray- squad in what is now known in Manila as ers are with Bob’s wife, Marion Schuenemann words are even more relevant: ‘‘It is important . The night before his scheduled Giaimo, his daughter Barbara Giaimo Koones, now for both Republicans and Democrats in execution, he wrote the poem ‘Mi Ultimo and his granddaughter, Tracy Elizabeth Phil- the House of Representatives to recognize Adios,’ a heartrending and poignant expres- lips. Today, we lost a tremendous person who that a continuation of this rancor will undercut sion of his abiding love for the people and worked hard to improve the well-being of this the legislative process. Most Americans are country of the Phillipines. country and the state of Connecticut. neither Republicans nor Democrats but are Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me f independents. This expresses a desire for in honor and recognition of the 2006 celebra- TRIBUTE TO LAWRENCE E. pragmatism over ideology. Members of the tion of the influential life of Dr. Jose Protacio HORNER House, without abandoning their individual Rizal. Dr. Rizal rose from the quiet life of a vil- philosophical approaches, should also ap- lage doctor to become a beloved and coura- HON. BRAD SHERMAN proach problems pragmatically.’’ geous national hero of the Philippines—a man OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, Larry Winn, Jr., served the whose words blazed a trail of freedom IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Third District of Kansas as it’s Representative throughout the Philippines. I also want to Thursday, May 25, 2006 honor and recognize the leaders and mem- with diligence and decency for eighteen years. Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to bers of the Order of the Knights of Rizal, It is fitting that we now name a major postal pay tribute to Lawrence E. Horner for his civic facility in the Third District after him, and I Cleveland Chapter, for keeping the significant and philanthropic service to the residents of hope the House will move swiftly to approve spirit of Dr. Jose Rizal alive for each new gen- the Conejo and San Fernando Valleys. Sev- this measure. eration to know and understand. The life of Dr. enty-six years young, Larry is a proud veteran, Jose Rizal reflects an innate quest for freedom an accomplished businessman, and dedicated for all people, and highlights the ideology that public servant. despite the seemingly endless struggle, justice Larry has served as my senior district advi- and liberty will inevitably rise. sor since November 1997, and will be retiring

VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:14 Mar 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00113 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 7\DAT FILES\BR26MY06.DAT BR26MY06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 9962 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 7 May 26, 2006 at the end of this month. He has been an in- retired Chief of Staff, my former Chief Deputy ‘‘Morrie’’ Turner, a native of Oakland, Cali- valuable asset to me and to my constituents. Sheriff in our other lives, my campaign advi- fornia. Morrie Turner is known not only for his His knowledge of issues ranging from eco- sor, my little brother, my best friend—some legendary talent as a nationally-recognized nomic development to military and veterans have even called him my ‘‘alter ego’’ Lencho cartoon artist, but has contributed greatly to affairs has been crucial to helping me better Rendon. our country through his use of art to advocate serve my constituents. I will miss his depth of Lencho is a legend in the House of Rep- for social equality and community awareness. experience, leadership, and personal charm. resentatives and counts many, many friends On Wednesday, May 31, 2006, the East Bay Larry’s extensive knowledge of the Conejo here in this Chamber . . . friends he will re- Community will come together to celebrate Valley has been an invaluable asset. I con- main close to in this next chapter of his life. Morrie’s outstanding career and immeasurable sulted extensively with Larry when working to Several of them join me in bidding our friend contributions to our society. protect and expand the Santa Monica Moun- and counselor farewell, but not goodbye. Born in 1923 in Oakland, California, Morrie tains National Recreational Area. His advice Lencho and I met not too long after I was assumed his nickname at an early age, al- and experience were critical to my successful elected Nueces County Sheriff in South Texas ways preferring it above the name Morris. He efforts to defend this irreplaceable natural re- in 1976. He was working for the Webb County attended Cole Elementary and McClymonds source. Sheriffs office and a DEA Task Force; and he High School in Oakland, and ultimately grad- Mr. Speaker, Larry received his bachelor’s was beginning to make a reputation for him- uated from Berkeley High School in June and master’s degrees in Science from Indiana self as one of the absolute best at finding the 1942. Morrie began drawing caricatures University. His studies were interrupted while druggies and getting evidence on them. around the age of 10, and by the time he fin- he served in the Army during He was a master at that, and his detective ished his secondary education he was com- the Korean War. and undercover work were monumentally dan- fortable with his drawing technique. After grad- In 1954, Larry was discharged from the gerous just about every day. By the grace of uation, which was in the midst of War Army and met and married Betty Thurman. God, Lencho lived to talk about—or not talk II, he enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps, and Happily married for more than 50 years, they about—the everyday danger of living under- continued his drawing while on guard duty. have raised three children and contributed cover to catch the bad guys. This eventually led to his first series, a strip countless hours volunteering in their commu- He ran my first campaign for Congress, a called Rail Head, which was based on his ex- nity. task he took on each election cycle—and he periences in the war and which appeared in In 1960, Larry and Betty moved to Southern remains my campaign chairman. In Texas, Stars and Stripes. Following the war Morrie returned to the California where he worked in the aerospace Lencho is the guy you go to when you want Bay Area, where he began working as a clerk and defense industry for Lockheed, Litton, and to hear the straight scoop. for the Oakland Police Department, but contin- finally as a Vice-President of Northrop in He can find the bottom line . . . and see ued drawing on a freelance basis. During that Newbury Park. around the comers . . . and strategize a way time, and at the encouragement of his mother, In 1973, Larry began his career in politics to get you where you want to go. He works on numerous campaigns in South Texas during he began sending his drawings to magazines. by winning a seat on the Thousand Oaks City After sending out thousands of drawings, he Council. He served on the Council for more election season, and he understands the pre- cise—yet nuanced—intersection of politics, achieved his first national publication in 1947, than 16 years. During that period, his fellow which was in a baking industry publication Council Members asked him to serve as policy, people, and the art of the possible. Here on the Hill and in the international called Baker’s Helper, and which earned him Mayor for an unprecedented five terms. a check of $5. After several publications of his While serving as Mayor and Council mem- community, Lencho has made more friends than we can count. He employs the same work on roughly the same scale, Morrie got ber, Larry helped solidify a sound economic his first big break when Better Homes & Gar- base for the city. He also established senior skills on Capitol Hill he learned and practices in South Texas: figure out where you want to dens bought one of his cartoons for $75. citizen facilities, teen programs, increased the Throughout his many years of drawing, city’s supply of affordable housing and helped go, and he can find a way to get you there. He is widely respected by both Members of Morrie had received no formal art training and lower the crime rate. All of his efforts resulted so he sought advice and encouragement from in an improved quality of life for Conejo Valley Congress and Capitol Hill staff members. But it has been me and my staff members— other professional cartoonists. In that process, residents. he began to question why there were no art- Mr. Speaker, all of us in this House are de- here and in Texas—that have felt his absence most abruptly and most profoundly. We ists from communities of color working as pro- pendent on the dedication and hard work of fessional cartoonists, particularly among those our staffs. When I was elected to represent haven’t missed a beat in our work for South Texans, but we have missed the presence of who were publishing national pieces. In re- the 24th Congressional District in 1996, I knew sponse, his mentor Charles Schultz, creator of I would need an outstanding and popular lead- the man that we all respect and we all love. You grow so close to people with whom you the infamous Peanuts strip, suggested that er in the Conejo Valley to head my Thousand Morrie create one. In the early 1960s he did Oaks office. Larry accepted the challenge and stand in campaigns. Lencho is unbelievably talented on so many just that, creating Dinky Fellas, the strip that was instrumental in ensuring that my constitu- levels, and has a deep and abiding compas- would later evolve into the hugely successful ents received the quality services they needed sion for people and families. It’s an old rule of Wee Pals, a strip that takes place in a world and deserved. politics: people that campaign together will al- without prejudice and that celebrated ethnic, Larry’s hard work and dedicated service in ways be there for each other. That is certainly racial, cultural and other differences in our so- that office and, following redistricting and the true for me and my organization, but it’s true ciety. In 1965, the series became the first 2002 elections, as a member of my Sherman for most every political organization. multi-ethnic cartoon syndicated in the United Oaks office staff, have been exemplary. And so it will be—Lencho remains a trusted States. Wee Pals went on to appear in over Larry’s accomplishments in business, poli- member of my family, and I will always seek 100 newspapers worldwide, and has also fea- tics, government, and community service are his counsel on matters political and personal. tured a weekly additional panel called Soul an impressive legacy. I will miss his service, I know he remains a trusted member of this Corner, in which the life of a famous person but I look forward to his continuing friendship. Capitol Hill family. from a community of color is detailed. f Wee Pals also carries special significance in f my district, because it later became the cor- TRIBUTE TO LENCHO RENDON HONORING MORRIS ‘‘MORRIE’’ nerstone of an Oakland Police Department TURNER crime prevention and safety program. Through HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ this effort, Morrie’s message of open minded- OF TEXAS HON. BARBARA LEE ness, equality and cultural embrace was cou- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA pled with one of public safety and community service, thereby impacting the lives of count- Thursday, May 25, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES less young people and families in the 9th Con- Mr. ORTIZ. Mr. Speaker, this month Capitol Thursday, May 25, 2006 gressional District and beyond. Hill saw the departure of one of the most tal- Mr. LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Morrie’s outstanding work in periodicals has ented people in Texas politics today, my just- the extraordinary life and work of Morris been recognized by the public on numerous

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