30 years of columbus diversity • discussion • debate metropolitan club Wednesday, July 26, 2006 100 E. Broad St., Suite 2350 • Columbus, OH 43215 Available online at www.sourcenews.com Ph: (614) 464-3220 • Fax: (614) 464-9767 • E-mail:
[email protected] • www.columbusmetroclub.org Wednesday, AUGUST 2 This week at CMC Welcome NEW Wednesday, July 26 Critical Thinking about Media Sponsored by Time Streetcars for Columbus? Warner Cable and CMC members A Perspective from Messages in an Election Year Ohio Cable Portland. Telecommunications Rick Gustafson, CEO Are you ready during the political season the mes- Association Portland Streetcar Com- for the barrage sages escalate! Media educator pany; Denny McGinn, of hard-hitting Frank Baker will speak on media Chair, Mayor Coleman’s commercials? education and its role in 21st centu- Downtown Streetcar Working Feeling bom- ry classrooms, media literacy and Guests at the member reception - Group. With a special historical barded with smil- elections – focusing on the media’s Marie Parks, Gabrielle Wonnell and perspective by Jeff Darbee, of ing politicians coverage of campaigns, political Instructional TV and Distance new recruit Nancy Wonnell. Benjamin D. Richey and welcome Education. While there, he collabo- remarks by the Honorable Mayor plastered on advertising, and how being media Michael B. Coleman. Sponsored by COTA buses, t- literate can help voters decipher the rated with both Time Warner Cable shirted volun- facts. and The Orlando Sentinel to bring CMC honorary Founders. Frank Baker, teers on street A journalism graduate of the media literacy education to teachers Media Literacy corners and University of Georgia, Baker worked and students in the nation’s 16th Consultant wads of cam- in television news from 1977 to 1986, largest school district.