A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base for Innovation in Sustainable Development

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A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base for Innovation in Sustainable Development sustainability Review A Bibliometric Review of the Knowledge Base for Innovation in Sustainable Development Ronald Vatananan-Thesenvitz 1,* , Amaury-Alexandre Schaller 1 and Randall Shannon 2 1 Institute for Knowledge and Innovation—South-East Asia (IKI-SEA), Bangkok University, Bangkok 10110, Thailand; [email protected] 2 College of Management, Mahidol University (CMMU), Bangkok 10400, Thailand; [email protected] * Correspondence: [email protected] Received: 27 July 2019; Accepted: 20 September 2019; Published: 18 October 2019 Abstract: This review explores the rising research field of sustainable development in combination with innovation. The basis to reach sustainable development is innovation, which plays a role on all dimensions, be it economically, socially, or environmentally. In this review, science mapping techniques were employed in order to asses 1690 journal articles extracted from the SCOPUS database concerned with innovation in sustainable development (ISD). The main objective of the review is to reveal the size, growth trajectory, and geographic distribution of the ISD literature. Furthermore, the aim is to assess the key publishing journals, authors, and documents as well as to uncover the intellectual structure and topical foci of the research domain. The review acknowledges a reasonable body of knowledge spanning nearly three decades. A result of this review is that the sustainable development literature emerged from the environmental research field and that the topical foci of the domain is closely aligned with the sustainable development goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. This review is a first attempt to systematically analyze the literature on innovation in sustainable development (ISD) by applying science mapping techniques such as bibliometric analysis. It shall give guidance for future research and demonstrate the practical implications. Keywords: sustainable development; sustainable development goals (SDG); innovation; sustainability; science mapping; bibliometric review 1. Introduction In today’s knowledge-based economy, in order to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, it is essential to innovate constantly [1]. Globalization has altered the economy of each society [2]. Nowadays, countries are connected in new ways, and knowledge, technologies, information, financial capital, and markets are denationalized, giving the possibility for each society to access more of everything. Inflexible nations or industries, who resist against globalization will suffer significant opposition in becoming more sustainable. Environmental issues such as water, soil, and air pollution, excessive land use, biodiversity loss, as well as resource depletion endanger the Earth’s life support system [3–5]. Challenges such as poor working conditions, high unemployment, widening inequalities, the poverty trap, social vulnerabilities, as well as the inter- and intragenerational inequity, represent a big threat to societal balance [6–8]. Moreover, economic challenges as problematic ownership structures, flawed incentive structures, deregulated markets, and supply risk endanger the financial and economic stability for organizations and even whole societies [3,9]. In this context, the concept of the Circular Economy gained widespread attention on the agenda of politicians and peace-keeping organizations [10]. At the core of the concept lies the idea of minimizing waste and the reutilization of resources. The regenerative approach still allows the business model to be profitable by reusing, Sustainability 2019, 11, 5783; doi:10.3390/su11205783 www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 23 Sustainability 2019, 11, 5783 2 of 22 minimizing waste and the reutilization of resources. The regenerative approach still allows the business model to be profitable by reusing, remanufacturing, recycling, and repairing different remanufacturing,resources. The concept recycling, is in and contrast repairing to the di fflineaerentr economy, resources. which The concept has a wasteful is in contrast approach to the to linearthe economy,production which model. has a wasteful approach to the production model. TheThe economist economist Thomas Thomas Robert Robert Malthus Malthus (1766–1834) (1766–1834) is is considered considered to to be be one one of of the the first first to to note note that growththat growth might one might day one reach day its reach limits its [11 ].limits He based[11]. He his assumptionbased his assumption on resource on scarcity, resource especially scarcity, on theespecially limits of goodon the quality limits agricultural of good quality land, and agricultural hence the land, resulting and decreasehence the in agriculturalresulting decrease output in [12 ]. In theagricultural same vein, output David [12]. Ricardo In the (1772–1823), same vein, who David agreed Ricardo with the(1772–1823), population who theory agreed of Malthus, with the also foresawpopulation the limits theory of economicof Malthus, growth also foresaw due to the a scarcity limits of of economic natural resources. growth due However, to a scarcity both of economists natural didresources. not include However, in their considerationboth economists technological did not innovations.include in Thosetheir consideration innovations “have technological shifted the innovations. Those innovations “have shifted the total production curve upwards, increasing output total production curve upwards, increasing output per unit of input and offsetting, but not eliminating, per unit of input and offsetting, but not eliminating, the tendency towards diminishing returns” (p. the tendency towards diminishing returns” (p. 499, [11]). Nonetheless, the Malthusian theory of 499, [11]). Nonetheless, the Malthusian theory of “environmental limits” might be seen as the origins “environmental limits” might be seen as the origins for the concept of sustainable development [11]. for the concept of sustainable development [11]. The concept of sustainable development was introduced to overcome environmental challenges [11]. The concept of sustainable development was introduced to overcome environmental challenges Before the World Commission on Economic Development (WCED) came up with the definition for [11]. Before the World Commission on Economic Development (WCED) came up with the definition sustainablefor sustainable development, development, there there were were already already significant significant precursors precursors to to it. it. However, However, the the report report by by WCEDWCED [13 [13],], titled titledOur Our Common Common Future Future, is, is often often seen seen asas the starting starting point point for for the the concept concept of of sustainable sustainable development.development. Recently,the Recently, the United United Nations Nations defined defined a set a ofset ‘sustainable of ‘sustainable development’ development’ goals goals (SDGs) (SDGs) [14,15 ] due[14,15] to a multitudedue to a multitude of negative of negative phenomena phenomena such such as climate as climate change, change, political political instability, instability, scarcity scarcity of resources,of resources, and cultural and cultural conflict, conflict, but also but positive also onespositive such ones as economic such as integration,economic integration, and technological and innovationstechnological [11, 16innovations]. The organization [11,16]. initiatedThe organization the agenda initiated 2030 for the sustainable agenda development2030 for sustainable including 17 SDGsdevelopment and 169 including associated 17 targets SDGs [and15]. 169 It is associated a universal ta agenda,rgets [15]. which It is cana universal be seen asagenda, a plan which of action can for people,be seen planet, as a plan and prosperityof action for in people, order to planet, reach and peace prosperity and freedom in order for everyone.to reach peace Figure and1 illustratesfreedom for the blueprinteveryone. of theFigure 17 SDGs. 1 illustrates the blueprint of the 17 SDGs. FigureFigure 1. 1.The The 17 17 sustainable sustainabledevelopment development goals by the the United United Nations Nations [15] [15. ]. TheThe objective objective of of this this article article is is toto reviewreview thethe statestate of the art in in innovation innovation management management and and sustainability,sustainability, and and especially especially identify identify key key links links between between thethe two research research fields. fields. In In order order to to reach reach this this objective,objective, the the authors authors respected respected the the guidelines guidelines for for systematic systematic literature literature reviews reviews [17 [17]] and and addressed addressed the followingthe following research research questions: questions: RQ1:RQ1: What What is is the the volume, volume, growth growth trajectory, trajectory, and and geographicgeographic distribution of of the the knowledge knowledge base? base? RQ2: What are the most influential journals, authors, and articles on innovation in sustainable development? RQ3: What is the intellectual structure of the field’s knowledge base? RQ4: How did the intellectual structure of the field evolve? Sustainability 2019, 11, 5783 3 of 22 This review applies science mapping techniques [18,19] in order to assess the knowledge base of innovation in sustainable development. This review will provide a systematic, bibliometric synthesis of research trends identified in the SCOPUS-indexed publications. According to
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