
The Lotus : Opening the Way for the Enlightenment of All People

he Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai of China disciples known as voice-hearers and cause- analyzed the content and meaning of awakened ones), women and evil persons from all the Buddhist , concluding the possibility of ever becoming Buddhas. And Tthat the constitutes the highest even for those considered capable of attaining essence of Buddhist teachings. , the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings He classified the Lotus Sutra as conveying presume that the process of doing so requires the teachings that Shakyamuni Buddha countless lifetimes of austere practice. There expounded toward the end of his life, which is no recognition that an ordinary person can the Buddha intended to be passed on to the attain Buddhahood in this single lifetime. The future for the enlightenment of all people. Lotus Sutra, on the other hand, makes clear T’ien-t’ai also pointed out that teachings the that all people without exception possess a Buddha expounded prior to the Lotus Sutra Buddha nature and indicates that they can should be regarded as “expedient means” attain enlightenment in this life, as they are, and set aside. In the Immeasurable Meanings in their present form. Sutra, considered an introduction to the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni says: “Preaching the Law in various different ways, I made use of the Outline and Structure of power of expedient means. But in these more the Lotus Sutra than forty years, I have not yet revealed the truth” (The Lotus Sutra and Its Opening and n analyzing the contents of the Lotus Sutra, Closing Sutras, p. 15). T’ien-t’ai divided its twenty-eight chap- Later, in the Lotus Sutra, he indicates that tersI into two parts: he called the first fourteen he is “discarding expedient means” and “will chapters (from “Introduction” to “Peaceful preach only the unsurpassed way” (LSOC, Practices”) the “theoretical teaching” and 79). In terms of the depth of its teaching, the the last fourteen chapters (from “Emerging Lotus Sutra unequivocally recognizes the from the Earth” to “Encouragements of the possibility of all people, regardless of capacity Universal Worthy”), the “essential and without distinction or exception, to teaching.” attain enlightenment. Sutras preached prior Beginning from the first chapter, “Intro- to the Lotus Sutra place limitations on who duction,” the story conveyed in the Lotus is capable of attaining enlightenment and are Sutra unfolds at Eagle Peak, where countless therefore considered only partial expressions listeners gather to hear the Buddha preach of the truth. For instance, they exclude persons important principles and teachings. The prin- of the two vehicles (classes of the Buddha’s ciple of the “true aspect of all phenomena,”

THE HISTORY OF 9 expounded in “Expedient Means,” the second place in “two places and three assemblies.” chapter of the sutra, is central to the theo- The two places are Eagle Peak and “in the air.” retical teaching. Another important principle, Shakyamuni begins preaching to the assembly the “attainment of Buddhahood by persons gathered on Eagle Peak (the first assembly), of the two vehicles,” is emphasized beginning raises the assembly into the air to continue his with “Simile and Parable,” the third chapter, preaching (the second assembly) and returns and continues through “Prophecies Conferred the assembly to Eagle Peak to conclude (the on Learners and Adepts,” the ninth chapter. third assembly). The “air” in this scenario Through these teachings, T’ien-t’ai derived symbolizes the pure realm of eternal truth, the principles known as “the mutual posses- and Eagle Peak symbolizes the saha world, the sion of the Ten Worlds” and “three thousand real world filled with suffering and delusion. realms in a single moment of life.” During the Ceremony in the Air, Shakya- In “Teacher of the Law,” the 10th chapter, muni urges that the Lotus Sutra’s teachings be the discussion develops around the theme of propagated in the evil age after the Buddha’s who will propagate the Lotus Sutra in the evil passing. In “The Emergence of the Treasure age after the Buddha’s passing. Tower,” he expounds the concept of the “six The 11th chapter, “The Emergence of the difficult and nine easy acts” 1 to illustrate how Treasure Tower,” describes an immense tower difficult it is to propagate the Wonderful adorned with seven kinds of treasures rising Law of the Lotus Sutra in the world after the up out of the earth and standing suspended Buddha’s passing. In “Encouraging Devo- in mid-air. Many Treasures, a Buddha of past tion,” the 13th chapter, Shakyamuni describes ages who is seated in the tower, attests that the “three powerful enemies,” 2 three types of Shakyamuni’s teachings set down in the Lotus arrogant people who will persecute those Sutra are true and correct. Following this, all who propagate the Lotus Sutra in the future Buddhas of the ten directions throughout the evil age. universe gather before the Treasure Tower. Determined to face any difficulties, many Shakyamuni then enters the Treasure ask permission to propagate the Tower and takes a seat next to Many Trea- sutra after the Buddha’s passing. However, in sures. Those gathered at Eagle Peak—where “Emerging from the Earth,” the 15th chapter, Shakyamuni Buddha has been expounding Shakyamuni restrains them. Instead he the teachings of the Lotus Sutra thus far—are summons forth a multitude of bodhisattvas, lifted into the air through the Buddha’s tran- whom he identifies as his original disciples, scendental powers, and the preaching known who emerge in astounding from as the “Ceremony in the Air” begins. beneath the earth. Known as the “Bodhi- From the first through tenth chapters, of the Earth,” they are true leaders Shakyamuni preaches at Eagle Peak. The who will propagate the Law after the Buddha’s following twelve chapters, from “The Emer- death. gence of the Treasure Tower” to “Entrust- These events reveal that the purpose of the ment,” describe the Buddha’s preaching and Ceremony in the Air is to entrust the task of events that take place during the Ceremony propagating the Lotus Sutra in the age after in the Air. Then, from “Former Affairs of the the Buddha’s passing to those who share an Bodhisattva Medicine King,” the 23rd chapter, eternal bond with the sutra’s teaching. The to the end of the sutra, Shakyamuni returns emergence of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth the assembly to Eagle Peak where he concludes marks the beginning of the essential teaching his preaching. Because of these changes in of the Lotus Sutra. venue, the preaching of Shakyamuni Buddha In “Life Span of the Thus Come One,” the depicted in the Lotus Sutra is said to take 16th chapter, Shakyamuni reveals that he

10 ESSENTIALS EXAM, PART 2 attained Buddhahood “in the remote past,” and the true aspect are inseparable, and all thereby making clear the true nature of his things and phenomena are expressions of the enlightenment and the ever-present potential true aspect. The “Expedient Means” chapter for Buddhahood innate in all people. Further- teaches that all phenomena take form and more, he entrusts Bodhisattva Superior Prac- function in accord with the principle of the tices and the other leaders of the Bodhisattvas “ten factors of life” (see pp. 47–48). of the Earth with the essence of the Lotus Daishonin clarifies that all Sutra for the sake of future generations. With phenomena are, in fact, Myoho-renge-kyo— the conclusion of the Ceremony in the Air, the essential Law of the universe itself. In his Shakyamuni returns the assembly to Eagle writing “The True Aspect of All Phenomena,” Peak and preaches the means to lead all people he says that this principle “means that all from suffering to happiness through citing the beings and environments in the Ten Worlds, examples of several bodhisattvas. These are from , the lowest, to Buddhahood, the the bodhisattvas Medicine King, Wonderful highest, are without exception manifestations Sound, Perceiver of the World’s Sounds and of Myoho-renge-kyo” (The Writings of Nichiren Universal Worthy. Daishonin, vol. 1, p. 383). In light of the teaching In “Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva of the true aspect of all phenomena, all people Medicine King,” the 23rd chapter, Shakyamuni are equal in that they share the essential nature says, “After I have passed into extinction, in of Myoho-renge-kyo. Based on the principle the last five-hundred-year period, you must that all people can attain enlightenment, spread it abroad widely throughout Jambud- the theoretical teaching begins to emphasize vipa and never allow it to be cut off” (LSOC, the fact that Buddhist teachings expounded 330), predicting the worldwide propagation prior to the Lotus Sutra do not describe the of the Lotus Sutra beginning in the fifth “attainment of Buddhahood by persons of five-hundred-year period after his death. He the two vehicles.” The Lotus Sutra reveals also predicts that the benevolent deities will this possibility and that, based on the same protect those who propagate the Law. With principle, the attainment of Buddhahood even this, he concludes his preaching. by evil persons, as well as the attainment of Buddhahood by women, is possible. Though Buddhism in general may appear to be a fair Core Principles of the and egalitarian religion, only the Lotus Sutra clearly sets forth a teaching of fundamental Theoretical and Essential equality. Teachings The Buddhist principle central to the Lotus Sutra’s essential teaching, its latter four- he Buddhist principles central to the teen chapters, is the “attainment of Buddha- Lotus Sutra’s theoretical teaching, the hood in the remote past” described in “The Tfirst fourteen chapters, are the true aspect of all Life Span of the Thus Come One” chapter. In phenomena and attainment of Buddhahood the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings and theoretical by persons of the two vehicles. teaching of the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni is The concept of the “true aspect of all depicted as having been born in India as a phenomena” is expounded in the sutra’s prince, becoming a monk and for the first time second chapter, “Expedient Means.” “All attaining enlightenment while meditating phenomena” includes all things and activities beneath the . But the concept of throughout the universe. “True aspect” is the attainment of Buddhahood in the remote past ultimate reality or true nature underlying and fundamentally overturns this existing permeating all phenomena. All phenomena of Shakyamuni Buddha’s enlightenment. In

THE 11 the “Life Span” chapter, Shakyamuni says, “It The Bodhisattvas has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds, of the Earth thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of kalpas since I in fact attained Buddhahood” he Bodhisattvas of the Earth are the (LSOC, 265–66), toppling the prevailing view innumerable host of bodhisattvas who that he had attained enlightenment for the first emergeT from beneath the earth and to whom time in his present lifetime. He also reveals his Shakyamuni entrusts the propagation of the true nature and identity as a Buddha who has essence of the Lotus Sutra in the age after his been enlightened since the remote past and death. The realm beneath the earth represents states that he has been constantly in this saha the world of truth, or the ultimate reality world teaching the Law to the people. of life. The sutra describes the of In the “Life Span” chapter, he teaches Bodhisattvas of the Earth as being equal to that the period since he originally attained “the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers,” enlightenment is long beyond comprehension. each with a retinue of followers. To help his listeners understand, he relates The sutra explains that Bodhisattvas of an example of astronomical scale describing the Earth have been taught and trained by a length of time known as “numberless Shakyamuni after his attainment of enlight- major world system dust particle kalpas.” enment in the remote past, and that they Though this seems to refer to a fixed, though already possess the ultimate principle or incalculably remote, point in time in the Law for attaining the enlightened life state past, Shakyamuni is in substance describing of Buddhahood. But having the mission to eternity (see The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra, propagate the Mystic Law in the degenerate vol. 4, p. 14). This also shows that the world of age called the Latter Day of the Law, they take Buddhahood is eternally present within life. the form of bodhisattvas rather than Buddhas. The sutra quotes him as stating, “I practiced They are led by four leaders—Superior Prac- the bodhisattva way, and the life span that tices, Boundless Practices, Pure Practices I acquired then has yet to come to an end” and Firmly Established Practices. All vow to (LSOC, 268). Shakyamuni who achieved the propagate the “Great Law” after the Buddha’s attainment of Buddhahood in the remote passing, and Shakyamuni entrusts them past is still practicing the bodhisattva way; in with this mission. Referring to the content of other words, he is a Buddha who continues to Shakyamuni’s preaching in the Ceremony of carry on a compassionate practice to save all the Air, Nichiren Daishonin taught that the people while innately possessing all the Ten Bodhisattvas of the Earth will indeed make Worlds and fully utilizing them. This teaching their appearance in the world in the Latter reveals not only that the life of Buddhahood Day of the Law after the Buddha’s death and is eternal, but that the nine worlds are also that the great Law referred to in the Lotus eternal. It teaches that Buddhahood can never Sutra is the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. be separated from the other nine worlds, that Nichiren Daishonin, who propagated the they are eternally present together in life, essence of the Lotus Sutra, Nam-myoho- which itself is eternal. This is the basis for the renge-kyo, at the beginning of the Latter Day principle of the mutual possession of the Ten of the Law as predicted, fulfilled the function Worlds—that each of the Ten Worlds possesses and mission of Bodhisattva Superior Prac- the potential for all other nine worlds within tices. As Nichiren says in “The True Aspect it at each moment. of All Phenomena”: “Now, no matter what,

12 ESSENTIALS EXAM, PART 2 strive in faith and be known as a votary of whom he expressed profound respect, Never the Lotus Sutra, and remain my disciple for Disparaging continued to bow to people the rest of your life. If you are of the same in reverence while uttering these words of mind as Nichiren, you must be a Bodhisattva praise, ultimately attaining Buddhahood and of the Earth. And if you are a Bodhisattva leading countless others to enlightenment. of the Earth, there is not the slightest doubt The Latter Day of the Law is known as the that you have been a disciple of Shakyamuni age of quarrels and disputes. The only way to Buddha from the remote past” (WND-1, 385). change such times for the better is for each This means that we who believe in Nichiren’s of us to believe in the Buddha nature within teaching and strive to practice in accord ourselves and within all others and to act with his intent are Bodhisattvas of the Earth consistently in a way that expresses respect directly connected to Nichiren Daishonin, toward all people. the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. Buddhism teaches the loftiest way for human beings to behave. In this regard, Nichiren Daishonin says: “The heart of the Bodhisattva Never Buddha’s lifetime of teachings is the Lotus Sutra, and the heart of the practice of the Disparaging Lotus Sutra is found in the ‘Never Dispar- aging’ chapter. What does Bodhisattva Never he practice of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging’s profound respect for people Disparaging, described in the sutra’s 20th signify? The purpose of the appearance in chapter, demonstrates the way to practice T this world of Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord and propagate the correct Buddhist teaching of teachings, lies in his behavior as a human in the evil age after the Buddha’s passing. being. The wise may be called human, but the Shakyamuni identifies Bodhisattva Never thoughtless are no more than animals” (“The Disparaging as himself in a past existence. Three Kinds of Treasure,” WND-1, 851–52). The sutra describes Never Disparaging as The purpose of Buddhism is to guide people praising all the people he encountered, toward the kind of human behavior repre- bowing to them in reverence and saying: sented by the practice of Never Disparaging: “I have profound reverence for you, I would believing in the noble Buddha nature within never dare treat you with disparagement or ourselves and others, and expressing that arrogance. Why? Because you will all practice belief in our actions. the bodhisattva way and will then be able to attain Buddhahood” (LSOC, 308). This statement by Never Disparaging consists of twenty-four characters in the Lotus Sutra’s Chinese text. Because it expresses This article is adapted from the October 2009 the essential spirit of the Lotus Sutra, it is Daibyakurenge, pp. 98–102. known as the “twenty-four-character Lotus Sutra.” It reveals directly and concisely 1. Six difficult and nine easy acts: See explanation on the spirit and action to respect the life of pp. 16–17. every person based upon the Lotus Sutra’s 2. Three powerful enemies: Also, three types of enemies. Three types of arrogant people who persecute those philosophy that all people equally possess who propagate the Lotus Sutra in the evil age after the Buddha nature. Despite being cursed and Shakyamuni Buddha’s death. Miao-lo summarizes these three as arrogant lay people, arrogant priests and attacked with staves and stones by those to arrogant false sages.