712 Statistical Year-Book
712 STATISTICAL YEAR-BOOK Flour, exports of, 1893-1902 248,249 Foreign born in Canada (by provinces) 95 ii countries, area and population of 58-62 ii II exports and imports of 293 II II imports from each country, dutiable and free, 1902 215 M II revenue and expenditure per head. 531 n II shipping engaged in trading, 1896-1900 426 ,, goods, exports of, 1868-1902 236, 237 II produce exported by Canada, 1901, 1902 254, 255 Forest products, exports of raw, manufactured, &c, 1868-1902 281 II exports of, comparative statement, 1897-1902 257 II II raw and manufactured, 1868-1902 236 237 ,, imports of (free) 1901, 1902 212 II products, manufactured, exports of by Canada, 1902 279, 280 II raw products of, exported by Canada, 1902 277, 278 Fractional, circulation of Canada, 1884-1902 319 Franchise, electoral, in Canada 28 Franklin, area of 3 Free and dutiable imports, 1868-1902 183 „ „ July, 1902, to March, 1903 679-688 II imports from Great Britain and United States, compared, 1901, 1902 225-234 Freight carried by steam railways, 1875-1902 348 II II on Intercolonial railway 377 H principal articles of, carried by Canadian railways 357, 358 n principal articles carried through canals, 1900, 1901 401 French treaty of 1895, imports under, 1896-1902 300 Fresh water fisheries, value and kinds. 1901 161 Fruits, imports of, value and duty, 1901, 1902 203 Fruit trees in Canada 105 Fruits and vegetables, customs receipts from (1868-1902) 536 Funded debt, payable in Canada and elsewhere 544 II total of 544 Furs, imports of, value and duty, 1901, 1902 203
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