


2 4 9 12 Portion identified as non- I 15 I responsive to the appeal 16 19 24 28 Ef'fed1 of Zond Vehicle Re-entry on . 30 34 Portion identified as non­ 37 responsive to the appeal 41 44


MISSION: The mLSSton of the terest on significant developments roonthly Defense lntelligmce Digest is and trends in the rr1ilitary capabili­ to provide all components of the ties and vulnerabilities of foreign Department of Defense and other nations. Emphasis is placed pri­ United States agencies with timely marily, on nations and forces within intelligence of wide professional in- the.Communist World.

WARNING: This publication is clas­ marked "No Foreign Dissemination," sified secret beca.use it reflects intelli­ certain articles arc releasable tp gence collection efforts of the United fordgn governments; however, such States, and contains information af­ release is controlled by the Defense fecting the national defense of the Inte.Uigence Agency. United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18 U~S.C., Section 793 and S·ection 794. Its transmission or the revelation of its ~~~ contents in any manner to an un­ JOSEPH F. CA.RROLL authorized person is prohibited by Lt General, USAF Jaw. Althongh the publication is Director

Overall classiAcation of this document is-sECREl Two Jmportcmt vehicles l•a<"f the Sovid$ cle>ser to. ~t~anned Lunar Right

. PRJNG a 59-day pqriod in tllcir 1968 the 's back . side along .a free skiP"glidewas.:sinlilar t~' the USApollo ·D space program, the Soviets provt:d earth-return trajectory, enter~. "the :. ~ fe-=e;tltry:; ho.wever, the. Z:ond orange they could: recover a lunar orbital earth's atrqQJ~Phere . ·along a ba:lli~tic from acmospherie re•entry to toucb­ within the Soviet landmass.; rc-eritl)l tr~j.ectory, and was .picked 'l)j:> g<:twn. Y..M 4,8~ na~ti<;~l-mil~ . cqm- demon~Lraie etfect\ye .heat-shielding: !Jy ~ Soviet -r~coveJ~Y ship 1n. the pared to .a .. l,S()().:na.uti~~-mile down-· du.ring·re-entry; and briug back data Il.1dlan Ocean. . ran_ g~ ·cfut;ance f<>r ':¢-

(e Jvly 1969 -5ecret 31

I SSBSS Bor01lkhi,r;sing·radioamd iilll.11ii.n-aiwn, was firsr to lociitt t~nd drt~.-W aklngsit/e i6-e Zu1:!1 ~- ..l$j"

Steamn;g tcwatr

., The Soviets . used what . tb~y call a ·southern vat·Hmt" re-entry J or- the· ~·~cc:wery · ?f their circumluriai: space~ craft. Tlus. means the ·atmoophe.cic ~'e-w;ttry location was in me s.outhcrh hemisphere and the spaeccraft was travcling ..in a south ~ to-north direction. This is the only type ohe-e.n~ry profile that v.dl! allow the Soviets to··i•cer,wer pu.rations in~:li~a· te that deccl¢ration . · ~hips <.:>f t11e search _a'il(i l'c~cue servic.e their .circl.irruunar spa{;ert ah'~raft carr'ici:i ~-ystern~ "n{f ~dentine equipm~nt was missions and cot'tH be .us<.-d as a the Zond back to th~ · tJSSR. checked out. To ensure tbat Zond 5 back-up recovery mode for manned ·Zond &· re,entry .a:od '(ecoye!'y. would enter the atmnsphere a-t the pre­ lunar missions. Zon the rc~i:nh.:y w.as made- at a (jisca_nce .qf corridor for the Zone! 5 was 'betwcC)l a trnosphcri:c re-ent.rt location. 'fhc 64,700· -naut::ic-~l miles a rid .­ il'l a tota1 tir.ne .from re-entry to touc·h~ trajectory. The·S0uthern variant allow$ entry corridor choseri cprrespor1ds t<:> down of ,apprmdmately L5 minutes: the acrodymuujc, de~clcration loa.. ma:xirnmn aerodynamic deG'dcration Several" Soviet S.pacc £vent .$up- to be reduced frQm tha~ i:>f a balli. cvels of between 10 and 16 G's. Co.m­ por.t. S.hips (SSESS) and a ntlmber of re-entry. · - ·- 32 Seeta Defvtnse lnt~lligertce Digest ------.-.,.------·-----·--··--... ..

SSVRS Golovni1l initiate.d rctrietHd operations mul lifted the Zortd aboard,$

Prior tCl entering the prescribed re-entry vehicle remained within the atmospheric immersion, and decelera­ corridm. tile rc-enu-v vehicle was atmosphere for slightly less than three tion levels remained below 4 G's I !' ;;eparal<:d from the ' spacecraft i.n­ minutes, during which time the during the second innnersion. These str:mnent section and stabilized hv a n force reduced flight velocity to below levels are wel.l within the tolerable 1. .· ­. oii~board system \,;hich ear ~ h orbital velocity, ensuring t•etum range from manned 1· c -t~.mry. Aero­ ; · rientcd Lhc vehicle few re-entry. to earth. The primary task of the dynamic maneuvering re-c_ntry ve­ The shape of the Zond 6 re-entry re-entry trajectory c;ontTo·J system hiCles of rhc Zond 6 type: arc particu­ r vehiclc·· ·-an axisymmetric u·uncated duritlg Illi rn um G's wer ·· less the i.nitial re-entry atti t.u d~ must be trajectory· control system during the than for the Zond 5 re-encry, the total precisely COl1LTollcd to Lnsure that the second immersion was to achi<;yc an hcac load was greater becau:~ of the aerodynandc forc.e is in the proper a.cc.uratc lauding at a prcde:rermined longer fiight timt.: within the atmos­ direction of khc lift vcc1ot·. Zond 6 impact point within tbc Sovi ~;-c Union. phere. Th<: double immersion of the was controlled by rota ting. the space­ Ar an altitude of 25,000 feet a.nd a Zond 6 skip-glide re-entry trajectory craft about the centerline (roll) a..xis. velocity ·of 650 feet per S t~ cond the subi ccts the heat shie.ld to tv

July .1969 ~ettl 33