ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED NEWSPAPER Thursday 15 May 2014 16 Rajab 1435 - Volume 19 Number 6066 Price: QR2 PRIMA heavy Al Sadd qualify trucks launched for ACL in Qatar quarter-finals Business | 17 Sport | 28
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[email protected] Editorial: 4455 7741 | Advertising: 4455 7837 / 4455 7780 GCC must learn Confusion over sponsorship change to live with differences: Govt plans sweeping reforms Former PM DOHA: Media reports about the press briefing told The ‘some key amendments being Peninsula that from what he read DOHA: The GCC region should made to the labour law’ cre- in local English newspapers (not get used to different opinions ated euphoria in the expatri- The Peninsula) some key amend- and should be able to solve issues ate communities yesterday ments were to be announced at through discussions, according to but soon fizzled out after the the event. former Prime Minister and Foreign Ministry of Interior and the “But the whole thing turned Minister H E Sheikh Hamad bin Ministry of Labour held a out to be so disappointing. They Jassim bin Jabor Al Thani. press conference. were just proposals for change,” In an interview with Bloomberg It turned out that the sup- said the diplomat. FROM LEFT: Colonel Abdullah Saqr Al Mohannadi, Director of Human Rights Department, MOI; Ali Ahmad Al yesterday, the former Premier posed amendments were only This newspaper didn’t carry Khulaifi, Director of Planning and Quality Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs; Brig Muhammad said Qatar was keen to have good proposals, which needed to pass any report yesterday of the Ahmed Al Atiq, Asst.