The brochure provides an overview of several social initiatives implemented by ExxonMobil in 2015–2018

ExxonMobil Russia Inc. is thanking the National Women’s Health Foundation, the National Foundation for Personnel Training, the Downside Up Charitable Fund, the Association of Women Leaders, Committee of 20, the Hope Foundation, the My Vmeste Founda- tion, and regional not-for-profit organization Benois Center for sharing the materials and photographs used in this report and in- valuable assistance in its drafting.

2 Introduction

For more than 25 years, ExxonMobil has been operating in Russia bringing in its global expertise and the highest occupational health and environmental protection standards. All those years, we have acted on our commitment to contribute to the sustainable development of the country and improving living standards of its people, among other things, through charitable programs.

Strategic investment in social development programs integrated into a corporate management system is one of the core principles of a socially responsible business. We are supporting projects in different areas aimed at enhancing the wellbeing of the people and improving their life quality, and among other things, addressing urgent social issues in the regions where we operate. Collaboration with local authorities, government agencies, health and education officials, and not-for-profit organizations enables the Company to implement high-profile projects in all the regions where we operate. A lot of our employees participate in the corporate charitable effort as volunteers.

Some of the ongoing charitable programs have enjoyed our support for more years than one, which allows us to see how formidable social economic and infrastructure challenges are addressed in the regions where we operate.

We have identified a number of key areas for collaboration with charity funds, namely health care, education, culture, and economic opportunities for women. We are glad to share with you our report on multiple charitable programs implemented in the above areas over a period of 2015 through 2018. We are happy that our joint work contributes to creating a better future for Russia, and trust that our active involvement can make a difference.

Glenn Robert Waller, President ExxonMobil Russia Inc.

.ru 3 About the company

ExxonMobil is a global energy company, which applies next-generation technologies and innovations in order to meet the growing energy demand of the global market. We are a major global company engaged in oil exploration, development, production, refining, and marketing. The Company’s strategic management is underpinned by our humanistic princi- ples and human values translated into life through specific projects.

For more than 130 years, ExxonMobil has been an industry leader in developing various energy sources and cutting-edge technologies in order to meet global energy demand, improve production efficiency and reduce environmental footprint at all levels of our corporate organization. Through multiple research programs we are seeking continued improvement of our technologies and new promising energy solutions.

ExxonMobil in Russia ExxonMobil divisions have been continuously operating in Russia since 1995. Representation offices of the Company exploration and production functions are located in Moscow and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk; those of the refining and marketing function, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and Novosibirsk. The approximate size of the Company’s workforce in Russia is 1 000 persons. Orlan platform, Sakhalin-1 lubricant brands used for cars and trucks in the Russian automotive and other Neftegas Limited is a subsidiary of ExxonMobil Corporation operating industries include: 1, Mobil Delvac, and Mobil SHC. the Sakhalin-1 project on behalf of an international consortium on production sharing terms. The Sakhalin-1 project is one of the largest single foreign direct investments in Russia covering three oil and gas blocks located off the Chemical northeastern coast of Sakhalin Island. The Project has been in progress since ExxonMobil markets a wide range of petrochemical products in Russia used 1990. by local industries (packaging, construction, automotive) to develop and produce high-quality consumer products. Catalysts & Licensing Global Lubricants Business Unit (EMCL) licenses a broad portfolio of ExxonMobil’s refining, gas Mobil Oil Lubricants LLC is selling lubricants in Russia under the Mobil and chemical technologies and offers specialty catalysts for the manufacturer trademark through a network of 25 independent distributors. The leading of fuels, lubricant base stocks, basic chemicals and intermediate products.

4 Our high performing catalysts, advanced process technologies and global operating experience help customers improve operations, lower emissions, and grow high-value products.

CPC Pipeline ExxonMobil affiliate has 7.5 percent ownership in the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC) pipeline, which transports oil from Kazakhstan to the Russian port of Novorossiysk in the Black Sea. CPC completed an expansion project in 2018. The total throughput capacity of the pipeline has been increased from 28.2 million tons to 67 million tons (1.4 million barrels per day).

Corporate social responsibility We operate in different countries across the world each having unique cultural heritage, specific needs and sensitivities. In our work, we invariably adhere to the highest ethical standards and comply with all applicable laws, Berkut platform, Sakhalin rules, and regulations. Respect for and observance of human rights is part of our corporate culture and we pay heed to local and national customs and traditions. We are committed to being a good corporate citizen wherever we work, and hence, provide targeted support to social development projects meeting the needs specific to the region where we operate.

Since its startup, the Sakhalin-1 project has generated more than US$15 billion in tax and royalty payments to the federal budget, including US$ 6.2 billion – to the Sakhalin Oblast budget.

To-date, more than US$16 billion in contracts has been awarded to Russian contractors and joint ventures with Russian participation.

More than US$230 million has been invested into upgrades of infrastructure used jointly by the Sakhalin-1 project and local communities, including hospitals, roads, power and water facilities.

Approximately US$31 million of charitable contribution programs have been implemented by the Sakhalin-1 Consortium to improve healthcare, education Orlan platform, Sakhalin and to support indigenous communities. 5 Yastreb platform, Sakhalin

In 2015, 2016 and 2017, ENL was recognized by various Russian Archangelsk and Murmansk regions. This program upgraded diagnostic and organizations as a Leader in both Corporate Social Responsibility and rehabilitation equipment for hospitals and launched a public awareness environmental performance for its support of local communities. campaign for early check-ups. In 2018, the company continued to support the program in Moscow. In 2013 and 2017, ExxonMobil implemented a women’s health project to address the need for early cancer diagnosis and preventive healthcare in the

6 Medical equipment delivery at the Arkhangelsk Oncology Centre Health care 1 ExxonMobil has invariably attached high priority to safety and occupational health of its employees. The Company also appreciates the importance of a good public health care and medical aid system in the regions of its operation. 7 ExxonMobil is focused on social projects designed to improve health care and living standards in the regions of its operation. For many years, the Company has supported a number of charitable projects leading to a better quality medical care, upgraded medical equipment and materials, and higher professional qualification of the medical staff. We highly appreciate successful collaboration and commitment shown by the medical facility officials and the administration of the regions housing our women’s health programs. Glenn Robert Waller, President ExxonMobil Russia Inc.

Healthy North, Healthy South Since 2013, ExxonMobil in partnership with the National Women’s Health Foundation has implemented a health care program for residents of the Extreme North and the Krasnodar Territory focused on combating cancer. The choice of the program was dictated by the fact that cancer diseases are the most important risk factor leading to early deaths among the Extreme North residents. Notably, over the last 12 years, cancer rate in the Murmansk Oblast went up 77%.

Understanding the importance of combating cancerous diseases to the residents of the Extreme North, ExxonMobil for five years has supported infrastructure upgrading projects with the aim of improving the quality of cancer diagnosis and patients’ rehabilitation in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. In 2016, the cancer combating project was expanded to cover the Krasnodar Territory facing the same severe problem.

Training for medical personnel Along with the installation of the new medical equipment in 2016 and 2017 in the Extreme North region, on-the-job training was provided to radiotherapists with ExxonMobil’s support, including master-classes supported by educational learning material made available to the local specialists.

Chief doctor of Krasnodar clinical hospital №1

8 Master-class during the Radiotherapists Training Workshop in Krasnodar

Five specialists from the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions took a two- oncology. The conference and master-classes were held in the Prof. week personal training course organized on the basis of the Blokhin Russian Ochapovsky Medical and Research Center and Hospital #1 with expert Oncology Research Center through online consultations. After such trainings, support by the Blokhin Oncology Research Center. The program involved 230 the leading medical centers in the region were able to do breast imaging radiotherapists based in the Krasnodar Territory and improved local expertise reporting in compliance with the BI-RADS international standard. in cancer diagnosis, osteology, and breast cancer radio-diagnosis.

In the fall of 2018, a major scientific and practical program was organized in Krasnodar for radiotherapists on the role of conventional X-ray imaging in 9 Murmansk

Special medical equipment From 2016 through 2018, the following diagnostic equipment was bought and delivered under the charity program for the Murmansk Regional Oncology Center: Arkhangelsk

A unit for digitizing and processing mammographic images

A telemedicine-based screening mammography unit

A video colonoscope

A hand-carried color ultrasound scanner

Three health care facilities in the Arkhangelsk region - the Arkhangelsk clinic Moscow oncology center, the Arkhangelsk municipal outpatient hospital #1, and the Sverdlovsk municipal emergency aid hospital #2 received:

A special software package for screening mammography

In 2018, the Prof. Ochapovsky Medical and Research Center and Hospital#1, leading medical facility in the Krasnodar Territory received a donation of a telemedicine-based module with a digital information system, which also supports remote medical consultations on a wide range of cancer treatment issues with experts from the national oncology center.

The equipment bought for the medical facilities in the Extreme North improved the quality of early diagnosis and created a platform for data consolidation and consultations with experts from the national oncology center. In 2017, the Sochi Oncology Center #2 received the BTL-6000 Lymphastim Krasnodar and Bioptron-2 physiotherapy modules and rehabilitation sets (mastectomy prosthesis and underwear) for cancer patients.

10 from ExxonMobil. The program evoked great interest from the medical university participants and faculty. Twenty-two program participants, specialists from government-run medical facilities in the Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions, and Krasnodar Territory earned a completion certificate from the North Medical University for the upgrading course of psychological care for cancer patients and their families at all stages of the treatment process.

Upon completion of the training program, the best students received grants for group psychotherapy treatment of female cancer patients in their respective towns. ExxonMobil Russia sponsored psychotherapy group sessions for cancer patients held free of charge in Murmansk, Monchegorsk, Arkhangelsk, and Sochi. The groups were attended by 67 women.

Unique service to cancer patients provided free of charge Arkhangelsk Oncology Centre employees at the telemedicine consultation session with In 2018, ExxonMobil supported a new project initiated by the Foundation, the the Blokhin Russian Oncology Research Center establishing of Russia’s first charity support center in Moscow for women diagnosed with breast cancer, named Vmeste (Together). The concept of the Psychiatric Oncology Psychological care for cancer patients is standard practice in the developed countries included in the treatment and rehabilitation programs and significantly improves the effectiveness of conventional cancer treatment methods. Russia has no training system for medical psychologists in psychiatric oncology, hence, before the Healthy North Program, the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Oblasts hadn’t had a single certified cancer psychologist.

The unique training course was developed with the help of leading medical practitioners whose goal was to provide clear action algorithms to medical psychologists at each stage of cancer treatment process, as well as a set of practical psychological support methods for medical teams, and instruct them in psychological group therapy for cancer patients.

In March 2017, a two-week training program was successfully conducted in Arkhangelsk on the basis of the North Medical University with the support Participants of the programs of the support center for women diagnosed with breast cancer «Vmeste» 11 Center reflected the best international practices of psychological care for cancer patients.

The unique program developed by the Center caters for the needs of recently diagnosed patients and those released from hospitals after treatment. The Program includes individual consultations of cancer psychologist, group psychotherapy, and consultations with an oncologist, dietitian, lymphatic system specialist, and medical lawyer, as well as support to the cancer patient’s family, special aid (mastectomy prosthesis and underwear), etc. ExxonMobil sponsored computer equipment and internet purchase for the Center.

The deployment of the information management system in the Center and the development a technical platform for on-line services are in progress with financial support from ExxonMobil. Soon, the Center will be able to provide services on-line to patients across Russia. A responsible attitude to the health was cultivated in the children through entertaining interactive games

Medical care for orphaned children A responsible attitude to their health was cultivated in the children through In 2015 and 2016, the Nadezhda (Hope) charity foundation with the support entertaining interactive games, including a series of talks on healthy food and from ExxonMobil Russia Inc. implemented a comprehensive aid program to healthy lifestyle, instruction in healthy cooking, meetings with professional orphaned children, including social integration of foster home graduates in fitness trainers, outdoor activities, sports competitions and tournaments, and five Russia’s regions focusing on education, social integration, and medical regular training in a gym. The feedback received from the project members care. suggests that the program facilitated the development of a conscious attitude to their health in the children and motivation for taking good care of The medical care program was designed as a comprehensive health care it. initiative and included extended medical help at professional health care facilities controlled by the Nadezhda foundation, the promotion of healthy lifestyle, as well as targeted help to children in emergency situations. Among other services, the program provided a better access to dental practitioners for the children, and supplied them with sports equipment and medication.

In 2015 and 2016, 112 children received dental treatment in the Center’s dental office.

12 «I’m now aware that active recreation is better than passive recreation. In this Care for people with developmental disorders Foundation I meet and hang around with my friends – we like to compete in One other area where ExxonMobil Russia Inc. has provided charitable sport, and I hope that this winter we might also go for a skate». support is helping people with developmental disorders and disabilities. Our mission is to foster an environment encouraging self-realization of the people Slava Sh., in need of special support and their active engagement in public life. member of the Foundation programs Curative teaching center «I find the discussion of healthy food very useful. I especially liked the In 2015 and 2016, ExxonMobil Russia Inc. supported several programs presentation by the dietitian. She clearly explained how we should eat, what designed by the Curative Teaching Center for children with multiple we may eat, and what we shouldn’t. I’m glad that the Foundation organizes developmental disorders. meetings with such interesting people». The Curative Teaching Center holds annual development and rehabilitation Nadya К., field classes in the form of integrative summer camps for children suffering member of the Foundation programs from multiple health disorders. Under the program, therapeutic teaching sessions were held with a group of children suffering from severe and multiple developmental disorders like autism, ICP, mental retardation, genetic syndromes, movement or other disorders. The summer program was conducted in a scenic Valdai area near Novgorod, where health care specialists organized teaching and entertainment in various formats, including day hikes, parent groups, etc. All those events helped the children connect to and engage in the world around them through various therapeutic activities.

For many families with children suffering from developmental impairment such integrative camp is the only recreational opportunity outside the city limits. In the absence of a centralized comprehensive care system, such families face serious problems at the household and community level. In the camp, both the children and their parents find themselves in a friendly atmosphere of acceptance and solidarity, they receive professional consultations and psychological trainings, share their experience with other parents, and enjoy the respite allowing them to spend pleasant and useful The Curative Teaching Center holds annual development and rehabilitation time with their children. field classes in the form of integrative summer camps for children suffering from multiple health disorders 13 A training course in the Curative Teaching Center

«While our kids were busy taking classes in the teaching center, we parents «Sashka is different every day, she has changed so much here, she feels at became good friends. Being together gives us strength. The kids recognize home in this space and began playing with other kids – I’m so happy!» one another and feel happy, celebrate one another’s birthdays. Misha, Masha and Alyona communicate very well. It would be nice if they could Sasha’s mother, member of the Foundation programs communicate with other kids as well. The camp is invaluable time for us because we are together».

Anastasia, Misha’s mother

14 Children and parents – participants of programs in the Curative Teaching Center 15 Care for children with Down syndrome and speech development sessions – the work covers aspects of child Partnership between ExxonMobil Russia Inc. and the Downside Up Charitable development and education facilitating social adaptation of children with Foundation started more than nine years ago. Downside Up is the only Down syndrome, preparing them for independent life, successful organization in Russia catering for children with Down syndrome and their communication with same-age children, and attending nurseries and schools. parents on a gratuitous basis. For more than 20 years, the Foundation’s charitable programs are available free of charge to children with Down syndrome from birth to age 7, and since 2017, also to teenagers.

Statistics show that each year one in every 700 babies on the planet is born with Down syndrome regardless of the place of residence, the parents’ life style, harmful habits, or other factors. In our country, about 2,200 babies a year are born with Down syndrome. Children with Down syndrome cannot be “cured”. Normally, they need no medication or special food, but they do need continued development training, and their parents need professional support and assistance.

The Foundation’s programs are focused on meeting those needs through various consistently organized events, from home visits to infants before their first birthday to individual consultations and group sessions for children in different age groups with speech therapists, special education teachers, psychologists, and experts in the development of movement skills and cognitive capacities. The Foundation publishes and makes widely available special methodological literature on Down syndrome for parents and specialists; provides online consultations to families in the forum; conducts practice-sharing seminars and does a lot more.

ExxonMobil Russia Inc. sponsors the Foundation’s programs designed to Statistics show that each year one in every 700 babies on the planet is born with Down syndrome encourage children with Down syndrome to lead a full productive life, facilitate their active and dignified lifestyle and engagement in the world In addition, the Foundation offers an educational program to Down around them, and build their self-confidence. In their work, Downside Up syndrome specialists in order to share international expertise and best professional teachers and psychologists rely on the expertise of the leading practices with the teaching personnel. Russian and foreign researchers and practitioners, use scientifically proven approaches to child development challenges, and design their own methods based on their multi-year practice. The therapeutic care programs include dance and play gymnastics, special development classes in various disciplines,

16 Kids with Down syndrome need no medication or special food, but they do need continued development training 17 Teaching consultations and Circulation of the magazine The number of manuals published in consultations to families provided by «Take a step» the Fund and sent to parents social counselors

1000 3710 2000

750 3707 1500

500 3704 1000

250 3701 500

0 0 0 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018 2015 2016 2017 2018

In addition, in 2016, a training course was developed for professional health care providers to children with Down syndrome:

9 SEMINARS were delivered in November through December 2016 354 PERSONS 188 REMOTE ATTENDEES

Multiple memorable events were held as part of the Foundation’s educational effort, for instance, the mediasyndrome project commemorating the International Down Syndrome Day (March 21) which included 11 TV and radio broadcasts; 2-hour VK live, and 76 publications in web publications; 3751 publications initiated in social networks and blogs.

18 The Lomonosov State University Museum of Earth Sciences Education 2 Availability of education to all, including disadvantaged children, is the goal ExxonMobil is seeking to achieve through a wide range of educational programs across the world. Quality education should be available to all, and to that end, we put considerable effort and resources in improving educational opportunities for widely different social groups. 19 The Lomonosov State University (MGU) Museum of Earth Sciences ExxonMobil Russia Inc. is highly pleased to support young and inquisitive talents, future top professionals. Specifically, in 2015 and 2016, a charity training and research program under the name Develop through Acquiring Knowledge was implemented on the basis of the Lomonosov State University Museum of Earth Sciences by the National Foundation for Personnel Training with the company support. The Program curriculum developed by Russian scientists, university researches and faculty members was intended for school students aged 12 to 16 who participated in tours, master-classes, and quests in the Museum of Earth Sciences under the guidance of volunteers from students and faculty of the Moscow State University and other higher educational institutions.

For the first time in the Museum’s history, a structured training course was provided to volunteers on how to educate schoolchildren and methodological Develop through Acquiring Knowledge program was intended for school students aged 12 to 16 guidelines were issued to help them conduct interactive educational sessions with school students. Specifically, five theme tours were organized: Rocks, Mineral Diversity, and Mineral Wealth. Geotectonics and Constitution of Earth, Volcanoes and Volcanicity, Mineral Over 100 school students from Moscow and Moscow regions took the tours organized for them under the Program.

The Program members also provided qualified professional consultations and methodological support to school students instructing them on how to conduct and document research in geosciences.

The children were involved in training and scientific research projects the best of which were recognized by special awards delivered at the program closing ceremony.

Glenn Waller, President of ExxonMobil Russia Inc, and D.Yu. Puscharovsky, Dean of Geology at the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov

20 Over 100 school students from Moscow and Moscow regions took the tours organized for them under the Program

Specialists in science, technologies, engineering, and mathematics will soon Care for children living in orphanages be playing a key role in building future wellbeing of humankind. The educa- and orphanage graduates tional Program Develop through Acquiring Knowledge implemented on Social orphans – who are they? They are children who have no adults to look the basis of the MGU Museum of Earth Sciences is our contribution to the after them, even though one or more parents may still be alive. Regretfully, education of the new generation of such specialists. the last several years saw a steady increase in the number of such children. The Government undertakes to provide social care to such children; still, they Glenn Robert Waller, President ExxonMobil Russia Inc. need help both while living in orphanages and after graduation, to be able to adjust to independent «adult» life.

Over 100 school students from Moscow and Moscow regions took the tours organized for them under the Program 21 In Russia, ExxonMobil Russia Inc. provides charitable aid to several foundations working with a highly vulnerable group of young people: graduates of orphanages and orphaned children. These children have a special social and psychological status suffering from a critical or near-critical stage of psychological distress caused by the parents who let them down, violence they had suffered, failure to adjust to their school environment, or their life on the streets in anti-social environment. They badly need help in order to adjust to the highly challenging independent life in the adult world.

In 2015 and 2016, ExxonMobil Russia Inc. in continued collaboration with the Nadezhda (Hope) and My Vmeste (We Together) Foundations implemented a comprehensive program providing assistance to orphaned children in their social adaptation efforts in five Russian regions focusing on education, social integration, and medical care. The enthusiastic team effort at gardening brought good results The We Together Foundation

The educational Program comprised several diverse modules aimed at social rehabilitation of orphanage graduates. The key goal here was to develop professional motivation in orphanage and residential care home graduates, assist them in acquiring a profession, provide tuition, and improve their knowledge levels through exposure to the history and culture of their homeland.

Regretfully, the level of education and the quality of social and psychological care provided by residential care homes and orphanages to the children left in their care is not always up to the mark, which puts the children at risk in the future. The Program developed by the Nadezhda (Hope) Foundation was focused on filling those gaps seeking to prepare the graduates to challenging The educational Program was aimed at social rehabilitation of orphanage graduates real-life situations, teach them how to make independent decisions and take responsibility for their future, and helping them find their way in the professional world.

22 The Program provided for: efforts. To cite one example, growing vegetables for their own consumption • professional orientation training and tours was the first step towards self-support and overcoming their dependence on of operating production facilities; charity. The children were highly inspired to see that they can use the results • teaching computer literacy; of their own labor and their enthusiastic team effort at gardening brought • assistance in acquiring a profession; good results: the children harvested 6 sacks of potatoes, 2 buckets of carrots, • assistance in raising the graduates’ knowledge 5 containers of tomatoes, 2 buckets of beetroots, 4 containers of onions, 2 levels as needed for enrollment in higher buckets of garlic, 7 pumpkins, 15 kilos of cucumbers, and 20 cabbage heads, educational institutions; as well as apples, strawberries, small radish, and greens. • educational tours (lectures, group visits of theater shows and museums, etc.).

Also, targeted assistance was provided to orphanage graduates receiving higher education in Moscow colleges and universities.

The Dacha Continuing Education Program The unique Dacha program implemented by My Vmeste (We Together) charitable foundation deserves special note. It is intended for graduates in need of support in the hardest period of their lives, at a time when they are mastering a profession after graduation from orphanages and starting their work careers. In that period of their life, most graduates have nobody around them to provide the much needed guidance and support, it is difficult for them to find their first job and hold down to it. The absence of social support prevents them from finding proper orientation in the adult world. Charitable contributions from ExxonMobil Russia Inc. enabled the Me Vmeste Foundation to implement a program for 60 residential care home and The volunteers helped the children participating in the Dacha program with their household chores orphanage graduates named Dacha (a countryside house). The Program members lived and worked with their curators in small countryside houses Under the same Program, the Foundation also bought several sheep, and by (dachas) in the Kostroma and Vladimir regions. joint effort installed a heating system in the house built back in 2014 with the support of ExxonMobil Russia Inc. for the children who stayed there in order Working outdoors in the fresh air under professional guidance, the children to tend for the animals in the winter season. The youth also put a lot of effort learned how to use their leisure time in a productive manner and discovered in beautifying their houses. They built a sheep stable and erected a fence. the specifics of farming, working on land, carpentry, and needlework. Creating an appropriate infrastructure facilitating achievement of specific tasks, the Dacha Program specialists brought the children closer to nature and helped them benefit from curative effects of manual labor and collective 23 It is important to note that the skills acquired and values adopted by the Big change in the lives of orphaned children children under the Program will stay with them for a long time: the children In 2018, ExxonMobil provided sponsorship support to the Big Change charity were helping the elderly village residents around their dachas on their own program for children living in orphanage and orphanage graduates. The accord: cut the grass, chop up firewood, and plough their land plots. In 2015, Foundation is helping orphanage students and graduates, as well as adopted the children erected a monument to the village men killed in the Second children, to get worthy education and become members of society in their World War, taught needlework to local village kids, and prepared gifts for own right. The focus here is on individual approach and educational their village neighbors. environment based on trust and respect.

In 2017 / 2018 academic year, at least 70 children and adults aged 15 to 30 who lived in and graduated from Moscow orphanages benefitted from the Program.

22 INSTRUCTORS 8 SUPERVISORS 6 CURATORS ADVISORS were helping students to fill the gaps in were helping the participants to master were helping students to clarify and update Research group identified the challenges their education new social roles, communicate with their goals, and coordinating the work of cura- faced by orphan care specialists and facili- people, and widen their horizons tors, monitoring the results and the best prac- tated their professional upgrading tices they were using

24 ExxonMobil volunteers – the charity race participants

Volunteer Initiatives of ExxonMobil Russia Inc. Every year, ExxonMobil volunteers are highly enthusiastic participants of the Charity Sports Programs. Their involvement attracts public attention to the people with Down syndrome and encourages friendly attitude to such people showing that they should be treated as equals.

For many years, our employees have participated in charity runs, bicycle races, and skiing competitions.

The Day of Care Volunteers from ExxonMobil Russia Inc. also enjoyed visiting the Dacha for the Day of Care organized by the Company. They worked in the garden, brought gifts to the children and helped them with their household chores. Each volunteer was delighted to see the achievements of their wards who felt increasingly more at home in the «adult» life.

ExxonMobil volunteers – enthusiastic participants of the Charity Sports Programs 25 Handmade arts of the women participating in the Female Entrepreneurship Support and Women’s Economic Opportunities Enhancement Programs Economic opportunities for women 3 ExxonMobil is building its business on the principle of equality, which explains why improv- ing economic opportunities for women is high on the Company’s priority list. In addition to creating favorable working conditions and the atmosphere of equality at its own facili- ties, the Company also invests in programs aimed at economic empowerment of women and facilitating their increasing presence in the economy as the starting point for the de- velopment of equal opportunities for society in general.

26 ExxonMobil proactively implements programs supporting female entrepreneurs and improving economic opportunities for women wherever it operates. ExxonMobil Russia Inc. has provided charitable contributions to several such projects seeking to develop female entrepreneurship in Russia.

Committee of 20 Program supporting female entrepreneurship In 2015, the “Committee of 20” Association of Women - Business Leaders, with financial support from ExxonMobil held a number of educational conferences, round tables, and seminars aimed at further development of female entrepreneurship.

The Russian law does not define the concept of “female entrepreneurship”, and Russia has no government-sponsored programs which would grant exemptions or envision special protection measures for the benefit of women entrepreneurs, like it is done for instance in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The initiative of the Committee of 20 represents a successful effort of creating a The Conference was attended by operating entrepreneurs, officials of women’s organizations promoting the idea of female entrepreneurship in local forum for discussion of challenges faced by female entrepreneurs and the environments and many others potential solutions, as well as sharing the best practices used by women entrepreneurs. The Conference was attended by operating entrepreneurs, officials of women’s organizations promoting the idea of female entrepreneurship in local environments, aspiring entrepreneurs, government officials of various levels, and the mass media.

Nine interregional events were held under the project in Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, the Krasnodar Krai, and in Moscow. For instance, the Conference attracted 115 delegates from 13 municipalities of the Arkhangelsk region. The Murmansk conference was attended by 120 people. The Conference discussion was conducted in several formats (from presentations by key speakers to real case reviews) and focused on such subjects as female leadership, social entrepreneurship, government support to entrepreneurs, including the social development sphere. Also, certain key practical issues specific to female entrepreneurship were considered, including how to get child care allowance, how to manage all-male work teams, how to handle the problems associated with creating jobs for women Female Entrepreneurship Support Program participants at the conference 27 with small children, and how to register as a provider of social services. The Program members highly appreciated the practical value and usefulness of the subjects chosen for presentations and trainings, as well as the immediate relevance of the issues discussed by the Conference panelists.

The Energy of Success Program Another initiative promoting women’s economic activities is the program named Energy of Success implemented in 2015 and 2016 by the National Foundation for Personnel Training with the financial support by ExxonMobil Russia Inc.

The Program was aimed at creating a favorable environment for female entrepreneurship in the region, the development of local talent, and building a special infrastructure for aspiring female entrepreneurs allowing them to create businesses which would generate revenue in addition to bringing pleasure. The Program also helped women entrepreneurs find colleagues, like-minded persons, and partners.

The Program focused primarily on folk souvenir manufacturing and sales projects and envisioned several educational and training events. The Project comprised several modules: the information module aimed at engaging women in the Project, the online educational module in the form of webinars and classroom sessions broken up into three sub-modules, the project oversight and business plan compliance phase, as well as wide media coverage in social networks and other Internet resources.

A number of seminars were held with educational purposes in order to identify potential members of the Program in the Arkhangelsk Oblast. The Program attracted 40 women, including 20 who came out with business plans for manufacturing traditional Arkhangelsk folk souvenirs; 3 women registered as independent entrepreneurs, and 7 made a decision to do so.

The Energy of Success Program became popular among female residents of the Arkhangelsk Oblast and was highly appreciated by the regional The Program focused primarily on folk souvenir manufacturing and sales projects and envisioned several educational and training government authorities and public organizations. events

28 Each year, the Moscow Festival hosts several dozen ballet stars from the world’s leading ballet companies Contributions 4 to cultural development

ExxonMobil Russia Inc. does not stay away from projects supporting arts and culture. We endeavor to contribute to culture and personality development in society, and support the initiatives bringing beauty in our lives and promoting high arts. 29 Benois de la Dansе, Russian «Ballet Oscar» (New York), the Béjart Ballet Lausanne (Switzerland) and Joffrey Ballet (US), Since 2011, ExxonMobil Russia Inc. has supported the international ballet Le Ballet Preljocaj, and other acclaimed ballet groups. The Benois prize For festival Benois de la Dansе. The festival program includes the award of the Lifetime Achievement was awarded to such iconic figures in the world of Benois de la Danse prize and two charity gala-concerts organized by the dance as Mikhail Baryshnikov and Alicia Alonso, Marina Semyonova and regional non-profit organization Benois Center. Maurice Bejart, William Forsythe and John Neumeier, Twyla Tharp and Trisha Brown. The International Ballet Prize Benois de la Dansе known to the world as ”Ballet Oscar” is awarded annually for the highest achievements in choreography in the preceding year.

Members of the Benois jury chaired by the prominent Russian choreographer Yuri Grigorovich are eminent figures in the world of choreography, acclaimed choreographers, heads of major ballet companies, and the brightest ballet stars. The Benois de la Dansе prize was founded in 1991 in Moscow by the International Dance Association (now the International Union of Choreographers) and in the same year was first presented on the stage of the Russia’s Bolshoi Theater.

The competition was accepted under the patronage of UNESCO immediately after its establishment in appreciation of its huge creative potential and the ability to influence the development of ballet dancing in Russia and across the world. In 1996, the competition was included in the program of the World Decade of Culture. The International Ballet Prize Benois de la Dansе is awarded annually for the highest achievements in choreography in the preceding year In June 2018, ballet stars from 22 world’s leading ballet companies gathered in Moscow to participate in the festival. In 26 years of its existence, Benois de The Benois de la Danse gala concerts give the opportunity to see the best la Danse saw 200 soloists from 34 countries performing on its stage with new performances of the year which appeared on ballet stages across the more than 130 exemplary ballet masters from around the world sitting on the world, and also show the never fading art of the festival prize winners of jury in different years. The support from ExxonMobil Russia Inc. has given previous years, choreographers and dancers, the pride and legends of the ballet lovers an opportunity to enjoy the performance of the world’s brightest world’s ballet stage. ballet stars. The festival prize winners include such renowned ballet dancers as Svetlana Zakharova, Diana Vishneva, Ulyana Lopatkina, ballet stars of the The funds raised by the Benois de la Dansе gala concerts are used to support Paris National Opera and State Ballet Berlin, the La Scala Theater Ballet (Italy) Russian ballet veterans. The funds are delivered to them in the form of and Rhein Ballet (Germany), the UK Royal Ballet and Hamburg Ballet individual material aid. (Germany), the Norwegian National Ballet and Complexions Modern Ballet

30 In 26 years of its existence, Benois de la Danse saw 200 soloists from 34 countries performing on the stage 31 The Pokrovsky Cathedral: Symphony of Flowers The State Historical Museum organizes annual art-festival bringing together professional and amateur artists. The festival events held both indoors and outdoors are open to all who come to enjoy the Pokrovsky Cathedral interior and surrounding area and try their hands at depicting their own vision of that masterpiece of world’s architecture and a symbol of Russia.

In 2015, an artistic festival, Symphony of Flowers was held in the Pokrovsky Cathedral (St. Basil`s Cathedral) the general sponsor of which was ExxonMobil Russia Inc. For the first time ever that internationally renowned Russian architectural monument housed flower and sculptural compositions from natural materials which highlighted the beauty and harmony of the Pokrovsky Cathedral. The festival was attended by children who created a volumetric image of the Pokrovsky Cathedral from flowers.

The sites for flower and sculptural compositions are set up around the museum

A number of artistic sites were created as part of the festival program for the guests to create flower and sculptural compositions, and for musical concerts on wind instruments, and lectures on the need for environmental protection and husbandry. All festival events taken together produced a holistic image of the unique beauty of the Pokrovsky Cathedral blended with the beauty of music and flower compositions. The event was highly appreciated by its participants.

The art festival participants near the Pokrovsky Cathedral museum

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