Barking Dogs Environmental Health Dog toys Bracknell Forest Public Protection West Berkshire Kong dog toys are widely used and recommended for Partnership Wokingham therapy and prevention of boredom, anxiety and other We are committed to being accessible to everyone. If you behavioural problems. These toys can be stuffed with require this document in an alternative format or translation, different foods for the dog to lick and taste while you please call Environmental Health and Licensing on are out. These toys come in several sizes. Don’t get Telephone 01635 551111. one so small your dog could swallow it, or so large that he could get his nose stuck inside it. You must consider the size of the dog’s jaws. Bracknell Forest Council Environmental Health & Licensing A Kong should never be fast food. The point is to keep Time Square your dog interested for as long as possible. Recipes Market Street for tasty stuffngs could include cheese, chicken, dog Bracknell biscuits, liver, dog choc drops, meat scraps or fruit - Berkshire RG12 1JD though probably not all at the same time! telephone: 01344 352000 email:
[email protected] Training your dog West Berkshire Council: Remember, training is important so that your dog Environmental Health and Licensing does not bark at just anything that moves. A well- Market Street, Newbury trained dog should be able to tell the difference Berkshire RG14 5LD between people allowed into the house and people telephone: 01635 503242 who are intruders. Good training combined with email:
[email protected] affection and companionship should mean that your dog will not develop bad habits.