APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES (Director of Corporate Services – Democratic and Registration Services)


1.1 This report asks the Council to agree appointments to the Joint Group of South Central Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees.


2.1 That two Members of the Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel are nominated to sit on the Joint Group of South Central Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

2.2 That two deputies are appointed, also drawn from the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel, to substitute if either Member is unable to attend.


Borough Solicitor

3.1 There are no legal implications arising directly from this report.

Borough Treasurer

3.2 The appointees will be entitled to claim travelling expenses to meetings in accordance with the Members' Allowances Scheme at the casual user rate payable to officers. This is unlikely to exceed £100 per annum.

3.3 County Council provides the lead administrative support to the Group. Costs associated with this will be shared on an equal basis amongst member authorities. In practice this means the cost of the venue and a buffet lunch when the Council hosts the meeting. These costs will be minimal and can be met from within existing budgets.

Equalities Impact Assessment

3.4 Not relevant to this report.

Strategic Risk Management Issues

3.5 Not relevant to this report.


4.1 The Joint Group of South Central Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees is made up of two Members of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committees from each of the following Local Authorities:

Council • County Council • Council • Council • County Council • City Council • Borough Council • City Council • West Council • Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead • Wokingham Borough Council

4.2 The role and function of the Joint Group is to facilitate the exchange of information about planned health scrutiny work by each member authority and to share information and outcomes from local health scrutiny reviews. In addition the Joint Group reviews regional or specialist health services that impact on residents of member authorities.

4.3 The Joint Group meets at least three times a year and each member authority takes it in turn to host meetings.

4.4 The terms of reference of the Joint Group have recently been revised and no longer stipulate that the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of each Member authority will be the representatives on the Joint Group. Therefore the Council is asked to determine Bracknell Forest’s nominations.

Background Papers None

Contact for further information Ann Moore, Head of Democratic and Registration Services – 01344 352260 [email protected]

Doc Ref G/Committee/Cttees/Docs May2008-April 2009/Council/23 July 2008