Sept. 22 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2004

NOTE: The President spoke at 5:15 p.m. at Physical Fitness and Sports; entertainer John Arnold Palmer Regional Airport. In his re- Michael Montgomery; senior Al Qaida asso- marks, he referred to professional golfer Ar- ciate Abu Musab Al Zarqawi; Prime Minister nold Palmer; Senator Zell Miller of Georgia, Ayad Allawi of the Iraqi Interim Govern- who made the keynote address at the 2004 ment; and Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi Republican National Convention; Lynn C. of Japan. Swann, chairman, President’s Council on

Statement on Senate Confirmation of Porter J. Goss as Director of Central Intelligence September 22, 2004

I am very pleased that a strong bipartisan mission of leading the CIA at this critical majority in the U.S. Senate today voted moment in our Nation’s history as we face to confirm Porter Goss as the next Director the challenges and the dangerous threats of Central Intelligence. Porter Goss is a of this century. I look forward to his coun- leader with strong experience in intel- sel as we implement intelligence reform, ligence and in the fight against terrorism. including the recommendations of the 9/ He is the right man to take on the essential 11 Commission.

Joint Statement Between the of America and the Islamic Republic of September 22, 2004

President George W. Bush and President that have given rise to disaffection and frus- met in New York on tration in the Islamic world. In this connec- September 22, and reaffirmed their com- tion, he recalled his concept of Enlightened mitment to broaden and strengthen the Moderation which envisages cooperation of U.S.-Pakistan relationship in keeping with the United States and other leading world the vision agreed to in their meeting at powers in finding solutions to long standing Camp David in June last year. issues that affect the Muslim world. The two Presidents reviewed progress in The two leaders also noted their coopera- the global war on terror, and pledged to tion to stop the proliferation of weapons continue working together, ensuring that of mass destruction, and committed to sus- the appropriate resources are available. tain full efforts towards this end. President Bush expressed appreciation for The two leaders discussed the impor- Pakistan’s efforts in this area. They also tance of building security and prosperity welcomed the progress of the Joint Work- in the region. They noted the urgency of ing Group on Terrorism and Law Enforce- maintaining a safe environment for fair ment and agreed to further strengthen bi- elections in Afghanistan and President Bush lateral cooperation in this regard. thanked President Musharraf for his efforts President Musharraf highlighted the in support of out-of-country voting in Paki- need for addressing the underlying causes stan.


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