The University of Split the Catholic Faculty of Theology

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The University of Split the Catholic Faculty of Theology THE UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT THE CATHOLIC FACULTY OF THEOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT THE CATHOLIC FACULTY OF THEOLOGY ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2015/2016 Split, October 2015. A CIP catalogue record for this leaflet is available at the Split University Library UDC 378.096:271.3>(497.5 Split) The Catholic Faculty of Theology (Split) Academic Calendar 2015/2016/ the University of Split, The Catholic Faculty of Theology/ <editor Jadranka Garmaz>. - Split: The Catholic Faculty of Theology, 2015. ISBN 978-953-256-078-7 1. Garmaz, Jadranka 160106052 Academic Calendar 2015/2016 The Catholic Faculty of Theology of the University of Split, Managing Editor: Associate professor, Jadranka Garmaz, Ph.D. Editor in Chief: Full professor Ante Mateljan, Ph.D. (the dean) Computer Typeset: Paola Jukic English edition: Angelina Gaspar Publisher: Dalmacija papir, Split CONTENTS General information about the Faculty.................................................................................. 6 History ................................................................................................. 7 The University of Split .......................................................................................... 10 Organization of the Catholic Faculty of Theology • Authority, government, offices and services ............................................................11 • Teachers listed according to their title and appointment rank ................................13 • Chairs and head of chairs ................................................................. 15 • Postgraduate studies ................................................................. 23 • Committees of the Faculty ....................................................................... 23 • Journals’ editorial boards ............................................................................ 26 • Students’ activities .......................................................................... 27 • Academic Year Dates ............................................................................... 28 Schedule of classes • Graduate Philosophical-Theological Studies (PTS) ........................................... 31 • Undergraduate Theological-Catechetic Studies (TCS) ........... 36 • Graduate Theological-Catechetic Studies (Graduate TCS) .......................... 39 • Elective courses ............................................................................... 41 • Seminars ............................................................................... 43 Final oral examination • Pre-requisites for study completion and its form (PTS) ................................... 46 • Final oral examination (Graduate PTS) ............................................................. 48 • Pre-requisites for study completion and its form (Undergraduate TCS) ........... 53 • Final oral examination (Undergraduate TCS) ........................................ 55 • Pre-requisites for study completion and its form (Graduate TCS) ................. 58 • Final oral examination (Graduate TCS) ............................................................. 60 Course description • Elective courses ................................................................................. 63 • Seminar courses .............................................................................................. 131 Academic Calendar Details ............................................................................................. 161 List of students with an academic degree ............................................ 177 GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE FACULTY THE UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT THE CATHOLIC FACULTY OF THEOLOGY Zrinsko-frankopanska 19 HR – 21001 SPLIT, p. p. 329 Phone: (021) 386-142, 386-152 E-mail: [email protected] ▪ Web: • Tel. (021) 308-300, 308-315 Office of the Vice-Dean for Science • Tel. (021) 308-303 The Catholic Faculty of Theology Faculty The Catholic Office of the Vice-Dean for Education 6 • Tel. (021) 308-320 Secretary’s Office • Tel. (021) 308-317 ▪ tel./fax: (021) 386-144 • Office hours: from 9.00 to 12.00 sati Library • Tel: (021) 308-319 • Opening hours: week days from 8.00 to 19.00 Student Service Desk • Tel. (021) 308-316 • Office hours: from 9.00 to 12.00 sati Computer Office • Tel: (021) 308-314 Office of Accounting • Tel: (021) 308-318 Publishing Office • Tel. (021) 308-301, 386-166 ▪ fax (021) 386-138 HISTORY The Catholic Faculty of Theology, the attended by seminaries, theologians and of Theology Faculty The Catholic University of Split was created by the mer- lay students from Split, surrounding area ger of the Theology of Split and Franciscan and dioceses of the Archdiocese of Split Theology of Makarska. This higher educati- of the time. In 1777, reputation of the on institution is the oldest one in the sout- Archbishop’s Seminary was approved by hern Croatia, as its Cathedral School dates Dominican Provincial Vanacca who clai- back in the early Middle Ages when the med it could had been compared with any ancient Archdiocese of Salona was foun- European College of the time. The Semi- ded as its new seat in Split. nary was fully accredited by the authorities The Cathedral School programme inc- of Illyrian Provinces in 1810 and due to its luded Grammar, Liberal Arts and Theolo- higher education status it could award aca- gical Studies which were later harmonised demic titles. However, more than hundred with the Rules of the Third (1179) and the years later, in 1821, Austrian government 7 Fourth Lateran Council (1215). In spite of abolished all Theological Colleges of the the crises caused by Ottoman conquests, time in Dalmatia, in order to open a new lectures in Practical Moral Theology were regional Theological College offering the still delivered. On the basis of the docu- plan and programme harmonized with all ments from 1593 and 1594, the Cathedral other education programmes in the Empi- school started with the simplest format re. Two- year philosophical studies, called of theological instruction despite the gra- Lycee from 1810, continued to work until ve poverty. Giovanni Domenico Marcot de the 1848 when its higher education status Serafinis, called Foconio, the Archbishop was abolished by the new Austrian Law on of the time, founded the Seminary in 1581 education and reduced to two-year college but abolished it due to poverty in 1594 curriculum consisting merely of the intro- and organized theological education in the duction to philosophy. Cathedral School. As the time required, The Faculty of Theology was established the programme no longer included Gram- in 1826, in Zadar, by a decree of the Empe- mar and clerics proceeded their studies in ror Francis II of Austria and its programme Moral Theology, Holy Scripture and Music was harmonized with the Faculty of The- at the local Grammar School which staff ology in Vienna. It targeted theologians was supported by the Archbishop. from all Dalmatian dioceses. However, in The Archbishop’s Seminary of Split 1922, Dalmatian Bishops issued a decree, founded by the Archbishop Stjepan Cosmi approved by the Holy See, concerning the in 1700 consisted of the Grammar Scho- Faculty transfer to Split. Then, the Faculty ol and two Colleges – philosophical and programme was harmonized with that of theological. Unlike other Convent Scho- the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, ols of the time, designed for the pupils Croatia, and the Catholic Faculty of The- and students of specific religious com- ology of Split became fully accredited by munities, the Seminary offered classes in General Decree on the Status of the Roman grammar, humanistic-rhetorical, philosop- Catholic Faculties of Theology, from 7 June hical and theological studies which were 1940, and Ordinance on the Faculty of The- ology in Split, from 9 February 1941. At that Austrian Law on Education regulated time, theological studies were organized reorganization of education system in 1828 as a five-year study programme which was which resulted in the merger of both Colle- extended to six-year programme, after the ges (two-year study in Sibenik and another Second Vatican Council. The Faculty was two in Makarska) and education in Phi- affiliated to the Catholic Faculty of Theo- losophy was suspended. In 1907, four-ye- logy, Zagreb, in 1972 and officially named ar study programme was organized again at the Catholic Faculty of Theology Split. the College of Makarska and philosophical The Institute for Theological Culture of studies were introduced too, in 1936 when the Lay founded in 1970 as an independent the College was named The Franciscan higher education institution, (initially as a Theological College of Makarska. Decree two-year and lately as a three-year study on the Status of Roman Catholic Theologi- programme, concisely) at the Faculty of cal Colleges, from 7 June 1940, regulated Split. In 1990, it organized regular four-year its faculty status. In 1971, the Faculty was study programmeand in 1991 was named affiliated to the Catholic Faculty of Theo- The Catholic Faculty of Theology Faculty The Catholic the Theological-Catechetic Institute. Due to logy in Zagreb. the foundation of the Catholic Faculty of Both Catholic Faculties of Theology, in 8 Theology in 1999 and the Bologna system Split and Makarska, have been affiliated to introduced in 2005/2006, the Theologi- the Catholic Faculty of Theology in Zagreb, cal-Catechetic Institute transformed into since 1995. Undergraduate Theological-Catechetic Stu- Based on negotiations and Agreement dies and Graduate Theological-Catechetic
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