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In Your Neighborhood Norwegian Heritage Favorite sweater Sharing memories loved through Det snør, det snør, of Decorah-Posten generations tiddeli bom. Read more on page 13 – Thorbjørn Egner Read more on page 14 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 3 January 20, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy .com News Find more at New chapter in Norway’s oil saga www.norway.com News Oil discovery Employers in Norway are likely to ban smoking for employees brings renewed during work hours, says Min- enthusiasm to ister of Health Anne-Grethe Strøm-Erichsen. Tighter re- strictions on smoking were dis- cussed during a hearing in Nor- way’s Parliament on Jan. 13. Ke l s e y La r s o n Strøm-Erichsen said the sale of Copy Editor 10-packs of cigarettes is likely to be banned. The government is also considering legislation “We have found a new oil that would ban students from province,” said Helge Lund, CEO smoking during school hours of Statoil, to NRK in early January. and make all entrances of public The new oil find in the Barents Sea buildings smoke-free, Strøm- is located only seven kilometers Erichsen said. The efforts are southwest of the Skrugard find, part of a large goal of making which was discovered in April of Norway completely free of to- 2011. Statoil is calling the find bacco products in the future. “Skrugard’s twin,” as it is very (blog.norway.com/category/ similar in size at 200 – 300 million news) recoverable barrels. The find is cur- Travel rently going by the name “Havis.” In light of these two finds, added More than 44 million passen- Photo: Harald Pettersen / Statoil gers travelled to and from Nor- See > oil, page 6 The Havis discovery is a boon for northern Norway, bringing new jobs and opportunities to the region. wegian airports operated by Avinor in 2011. This a growth of 10.4 percent from the year before, and new record. “This is Støre meets with Clinton a result we are proud of,” says Art on the edge Managing Director Dag Falk- Norway’s Foreign Petersen. Airport Garder- Art lecture by curator Dr. Patricia Berman moen, which is Avinor’s largest Minister visits airport, passed 21 million pas- at House in New York sengers last year, an increase by Washington, D.C. 10.5 percent over the previous year and a new record. (blog.norway.com/category/ Ro y a l No r w e g i a n Em b a s s y travel) Norwegian Minister of For- eign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre spent What’s inside? two days in Washington, D.C., News 2-3 attending meetings with among Business 4 others Secretary of State Hillary Research & Education 5 Clinton and President of the World Photo: Siri H. Hollekim Haaland Opinion 6-7 See > Støre, page 11 On Jan. 10, Støre met with Clinton. Taste of Norway 8 Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Brandsdal with the win Obituaries & Religion 11 First win of the Arts & Style 12 season and second In Your Neighborhood 13 of his career Norwegian Heritage 14 Photo: American Scandinavian Foundation / Christine A. Butler Sports 15 Edward P. Gallagher (right), President and CEO of The American-Scandinavian To p h e r Sa b o t Foundation, speaks with HM King Harald V for the October opening of the art Faster Skier exhibition “Luminous Modernism: Scandinavian Art Comes to America, 1912.” $1 = NOK 6.0597 Inside or out was the question Sc a n d i n a v i a Ho u s e updated 1/16/2012 of the day, and the right choice in In comparison the men’s final was in for the men’s Dr. Patricia Berman, curator of the Edge” at Scandinavia House in 12/16/2011 5.9591 Milano cross-country Sprint. “Luminous Modernism” will give New York on Jan. 26 at 6:30 p.m. 7/16/2011 5.5545 Eirik Brandsdal won his first a lecture titled “Universal Truths 1/16/2011 5.842 and Local Fictions: Nordic Art on See > art, page 7 See > Brandsdal, page 15 Photo: Dagbladet 2 • January 13, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter 56 norske kommuner har ikke frp under 10 Historisk båt brant i Skipet var i ferd med å bli restaurert og lå til lovpålagte beredskapsplaner prosent kai ved Haugesund båthotell nord på Has- seløy da det begynte å brenne. Skipet var For første gang på nesten 16 helt overtent ved 18-tiden. Ved 20.30-tiden Dette er altfor dårlig, kunne fagleder for brann i Haugesund, Øys- mener Direktoratet for år er Frp under 10 prosent, tein Fonnes, opplyse til Haugesunds Avis samfunnssikkerhet og mens Arbeiderpartiet fosser at det var foretatt søk i båten og at det ikke fram og igjen er landets var gjort funn av mennesker om bord. Han beredskap forteller at båten var helt overtent da bran- største parti nvesenet ankom stedet. – Dekket og hytta på båten er totalskadd, ellers var den godt rib- Foto: Svein Arild Aae – NRK vg bet for inventar ettersom den lå til restaure- En trampoline har gått amok på indre Averøy En rekke hendelser i Norge det siste året ring, sier han. Båten ble bygget ved Hauges har vist hvor viktig beredskapsplanene er for På Aftenpostens og Respons’ partiba- Jernskibsbyggeri i Haugesund og levert i store trafikkulykker. Det kan også handle sikkerheten for innbyggerne. Det har vært rometer går Frp ned 1,9 prosentpoeng og juni 1925 som M/S Svanøy. Den ble om- om situasjoner som oppstår om kommunens flom og kraftig nedbør på Østlandet. Langs ender på rekordlave 9,8 prosent. bygget i 1955. Ifølge Haugaland Veteranbåt- innbyggere blir akutt syke av pandemi, sier kysten herjet storm og orkan da Berit og Samtidig holder Høyre seg på topp med lag lå Synova (Gamle Svanøy) i Sheppard’s Brekke. Dagmar var på besøk. 31,5 prosent, selv om partiet denne gangen Marina i Gibraltar fra 1975 og ble brukt som Det var i 2010 det kom nye bestem- Om kort tid offentliggjør DSB den årlige må tåle en tilbakegang på 1,8 prosentpoeng. losjiskip for nordafrikanske arbeidere ved melser om kommunal beredskapsplikt. Der kommuneundersøkelsen. Her vil det fremgå Arbeiderpartiet på sin side får en vel- marinaen. Skipet ble oppdaget av ferierende ble alle kommunene pålagt å gjennomføre nordmenn, som gjenkjente skipet. Målet til hvilke 56 kommuner som ikke har innført de kommen opptur og blir landets største parti helhetlige risiko- og sårbarhetsanalyse. veteranbåtlaget har vært å få Gamle Svanøy lovpålagte beredskapsplanene. Pålegget kom med 36,1 prosent. Oppgangen er på hele 5,4 I kommuneundersøkelsen kommer tilbakeført til 1925-drakt. i 2010. prosentpoeng. det til å fremgå at 283 kommuner har laget (NTB) Ikke minst under orkanen Dagmar Professor og valgforsker Bernt Aardal beredskapsplaner, 14 kommuner er usikre og oppsto det situasjoner der den kommunale mener at Frp lekker både til Høyre og Ar- 56 kommuner har ikke gjort dette. 152 kom- Giske til Stortinget på tirsdag beredskapen ble satt på prøve. Flere bygder beiderpartiet. Over 15 prosent av dem som i muner la planene i 2008 eller tidligere, mens Næringsminister Trond Giske (Ap) vil først- var uten strøm i flere døgn, og en rekke veier fjor stemte Frp, vil nå stemme Høyre, mens 100 kommuner innfridde kravet etter at de kommende torsdag komme til Stortinget for og ferjesamband ble stengt. Boliger og andre 8 prosent sier de vil stemme Ap. nye forskriftene ble innført. å gi sin versjon av feiden med Telenor og bygninger ble ødelagt. For bare vel to år siden var Høyre og DSB legger nå opp til at fylkesmennene salget av TV 2. – Giske har selv bedt om – Innbyggere erfarte alt fra det ubehage- Frp omtrent jevnstore, begge med over 20 skal følge opp saken. Alle kommunene skal å få komme til Stortinget. Redegjørelsen lige til det skremmende, sier avdelingsdirek- prosent. Men Frp fikk 41 mandater ved val- ha beredskapsplaner, og det blir viktig med vil mest sannsynlig finne sted på torsdag, tør Per Brekke til kommunal-rapport. get i 2009, mot Høyres 30. sier Stortingets første visepresident Øyvind øvelser. – Gode planer er ikke nok alene. pla- Planene som kommunene er pålagt å Om det var valg i dag, ville styrkefor- Korsberg (Frp) til NTB. Opposisjonspar- nene er null verdt om de ikke øves på. Kom- legge, handler ikke bare om håndtering av holdet mellom de to blitt dramatisk endret: tiene har avkrevd svar fra Giske om håndter- munene må påse at planene utarbeides, og at situasjoner som følge av ekstremvær. Det Høyre ville gått fram til 54 mandater, mens ingen av TV 2-salget og kontakten med Tele- de blir praktisert, sier avdelingsdirektør Per skal gjennomføres beredskapsanalyser for Frp ville falt tilbake til 16. nors styreleder Harald Norvik. Norvik sa på Brekke. alle typer hendelser. en pressekonferanse fredag at han var blitt English Synopsis: Many Norwegian municipali- English Synopsis: The leader of the July 22 Commis- utsatt for utilbørlig press fra næringsminis- – Planene skal ta høyde for summen ties lack a statutory contingency plan, which would ion is worried that the money she is paid for her work teren. Det er ventet at Giskes redegjørelse vil av alle tenkelige hendelser som kan ramme provide a plan of action in the event of a catastrophe. will be higher than what is in the budget. Therfore she innlede torsdagens stortingsmøte, og at den kommunene og kommunenes kriseledelse. Such plans are very important in light of the recent has set a maximum number of hours for which she can be paid. vil bli fulgt med en kommentarrunde fra de Det kan være alt fra store branner, flom og disastrous storms that have hit Norway’s coast. ulike partiene. Dersom Stortinget ikke slår seg til ro med Giskes svar, kan redegjørelsen bli gjenstand for komitébehandling. I så Kjøper privat fall er det Stortingets presidentskap som vil Dristigere Spellemann avgjøre om saken havner i næringskomiteen eller kontroll- og konstitusjonskomiteen. sikkerhet for I stedet feiret (NTB) ferske artister som Enorme erstatningssummer etter «Dag- 350 millioner Honningbarna, Jonas mar» Alaska, Envy og Team Me Prognoser i slutten av desember viste at kroner «Dagmar» ville koste forsikringsselskapene med den ettertraktede rundt 360 millioner kroner. Nå har antall sk- Private vektere skal munnharpen i natt ademeldinger doblet seg. Finansnæringens forsterke regjeringens egen fellesorganisasjon (FNO) har samlet inn tall Aftenposten fra forsikringsselskapene i Norge i etterkant sikkerhetsstyrke for å møte Foto: Trygve Indrelid – Aftenposten av «Dagmar», som skapte forårsaket store behovet etter 22. juli Årets Spellemann ble Bernhoft, som Jonas Alaska vant prisen for årets nykommer, mens Stella Mwangi var nominertfor årets hit ødeleggelser i store deler av landet. I slut- inntil i fjor var et ukjent navn for de fleste. ten av desember hadde selskapene fått inn nrk Han gjorde det til gjengjeld aller best, med rundt 6000 skademeldinger. Nå er antallet både Årets Spellemann og Årets mannlige em forbigått. – En så stor kontrakt er ikke bare nytt fordiblet. FNO er overrasket over økningen. artist. Mens det er liten tvil om at Kaizers Or- for oss, men for hele vekterbransjen, sier - Tallet har steget veldig over nyttår og vi ser – Den var stilig. Nå må jeg ha blitt vok- chestra publikumsmessig er Norges største avdelingsdirektør Ole Peder Nordheim i Sik- nå at antall skademeldinger er 12 900 etter sen, sa han da han fikk sin første pris. rockeband i øyeblikket, gikk prisen i den kerhetstjenesteavdelingen i Departement- «Dagmar». – Vi har ikke sluttsummen enda, At Bernhoft ble Årets Spellemann, var ettertraktede kategorien rock til de fortsatt men den nye informasjonen tatt i betrakting, enes servicesenter (DSS). ventet av mange, etter den fenomenale solo- svært unge Honningbarna. er den vesentlig høyere enn først antatt, sier I kjølvannet av bomben i regjering- suksessen til den tidligere Span-vokalisten. Musikkvideoprisen gikk til den ferske kommunikasjonssjef Tonje Westby i FNO til skvartalet åpenbarte det seg et enormt behov Bernhoft har riktignok lang erfaring og har hip-hopduoen Envy fra Oslo, som ikke har VG Nett. for vakthold og sikring. Alt fra de raserte også gitt ut en soloplate tidligere. Men han hatt noe etablert plateselskap før nå. (VG) kontorene til de nye, midlertidige departe- har ikke vært et navn på alles lepper før det Også Stein Thorleif Bjella var inntil i mentsbyggene trengte beskyttelse. Det ble store gjennombruddet med albumet Solidar- fjor lite etablert. Han ble i pressedekningen Rekordpris på boliger – folk flytter hjem en umulig oppgave for DSS egne sikkerhets- ity Breaks. I april håper han gjengjeld å være på forhånd nærmest entydig omtalt som Funnene av de store feltene Skrugard og folk alene. stor nok til å trekke 9000 publikummere til forbigått. Stemmen som ofte målbærer de Havis setter fart i fremtidsvisjonene som – Vi gikk til nødanskaffelse av vektere selveste Oslo Spektrum, med sine soulpre- marginaliserte menn i Distrikts-Norge, var Nord-Norge som hovedlandsdel. Fredag slo en uke etter bombeangrepet. De ble satt inn gede vokalprestasjoner. nemlig en opplagt kandidat til beste tekst- regionavisen Finnmark Dagblad stort opp at der det var mest kritisk, uten skikkelige in- For bare et par år siden var Spellemann forfatter. Den ble han ikke nominert til. De- et hus gikk hele 900.000 kroner over takst struksjoner. Det nye behovet for sikkerhet er regnet som de veletablerte artistenes konkur- rimot ble han nominert i visekategorien, og i Hammerfest, hvor det er høye priser fra en situasjon vi må leve med i mange år. Etter før. Oljeoptimismen får æren - eller skylden. ranse, der de yngste hovedsakelig gjorde den vant han. 22. juli har vi ansatt 45 nye sikkerhetsvakter. Statoil står bak funnene av både Skrugard og seg gjeldende som Årets Nykommer. Artis- Ferskingen Jonas Alaska var nominert Men vi ønsker ikke bygge ut for mye, sier Havis - og karakteriserer Barentshavet som ter i full blomst og på høyden av karrièren til tre priser, men måtte nøye seg med prisen Nordheim. et kjerneområde på norsk sokkel. dominerte vinnerlistene. I fjor var vinner- for Årets Nykommer. (VG) English Synopsis: The government has made a his- feltet merkbart yngre, og i år er opplagte English Synopsis: This year’s Spellemann Awards devi- toric NOK 350 million to hire private security to meet navn som Kaizers Orchestra, , ated from the norm by celebrating many new up-and- needs after July 22. Maria Mena, Odd Nordstoga og Sivert Høy- coming artists instead of just the well-established. Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news January 20, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Most expensive city in the world Norwegian UN worker kidnapped The 34-year-old Norwegian man who Trondheim is more was working for the United Nations was kidnapped by armed tribesmen in Yemen’s expensive than both capital Sanaa on Jan. 15, the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs reports. Zurich and Oslo, Officials said the UNDP worker was taken hostage by the Obeyid Marib tribe. They according to recent were said to be demanding the release of a tribesman who was arrested by the survey Yemeni authorities on charges of killing two soldiers.The Norwegian Foreign Office has contacted the Norwegian Embassy in Saudi Ke l s e y La r s o n Copy Editor Arabia, which is also responsible for Yemen, asking them to enquire into the abduction. According to NRK, the Norwegian is unhurt, A comparison of prices of 241,000 dif- and has been able to call his family. ferent goods and services puts Trondheim at (Norway Post) the top of the list for the world’s most expen- sive city, writes adressa.no. Behind the list of Impersonating his father Photo: CH / www.visitnorway.com Jonas Gahr Støre’s son Vetle (18) parodies the 20 most expensive cities and the survey Bryggene is one of Trondheim’s best-known landmarks. The city was recently named most expensive in his own father in the school revue. Among is the website Numbeo.com. This is a data- the world, ahead of Oslo. the sketches that reap the most laughter base where you can enter prices and compare from the audience is Vetle Slagsvold Støre’s living costs from a number of cities in the next Scandinavian city on the list is Copen- 2005. In , which ranks second on parody of his own father. In the skit, the world. Over 23,000 people have contributed hagen, in 14th place. the list, prices have risen an astounding 103 18-year-old plays an energetic and over- to the survey, which was presented at the end It is no wonder Scandinavian cities rank percent, according to numbers released from optimistic version of Foreign Minister Jonas of last week. so high on the list. In the Trondheim area, Gahr Støre, who attempts to unite the leaders All the seven top spots on the list are housing prices have raised 56 percent since See > Trondheim, page 9 of the Middle East in peace. For Vetle Støre, held by cities in Norway or Switzerland. The it felt completely natural to play his own father. “I really doubt that he acts as I parody him when he is in meetings. The sketch is Expedition based on that he is very excited and wants to Roses from around the world get these two parties to be friends. They come together and it all gets a little Mr. Bean-like,” Two Norwegian artists reaches Antarctica he said. “He has not seen the parody himself, constructing monument Centennial expedition but he thinks the idea sounded fun.” with iron roses sent from reaches endpoint Jan. 12 (VG) all over the world Second assessment ordered for Breivik A Norwegian court on Jan. 13 ordered a No r w a y Po s t new psychiatric evaluation of confessed VG mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, after an earlier report found him legally insane. Judge The Norwegian expedition that has fol- Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen said in Oslo the Artists Tone Mørk Karlsrud and Tobbe lowed the exact same route to the South Pole new evaluation is necessary considering Malm in Bærums Verk outside Oslo are as Roald Amundsen did 100 years ago, fi- widespread criticism of the initial findings. slowly filling their workshop with meticu- nally reached their endpoint, Hercules Inlet, Arntzen said two Norwegian psychiatrists – lously crafted iron roses in unique varieties. on Jan. 12. Agnar Aspaas and Terje Tørrisen – had been They have come in mostly from abroad. This is the first Norwegian group to appointed for the new evaluation. However, The roses will be a central part of the have crossed the Antarctic using this route, Breivik doesn’t want to talk to them because monument to the memory of victims of the from Ross Barrier, along Amundsen’s route, he doesn’t believe they will understand him July 22 terrorist attacks-which the two art- up Axel Heibergbreen (glacier), into the any better than the experts who interviewed ists themselves initiated. “To date we have South Pole point, and from there all the way him for the first assessment, defense lawyer received about 250 roses from around the Photo: Frode Hansen – VG out to the coast on the other side. The trip Geir Lippestad told reporters after speaking world, and we expect that we will eventually Artists Tone Mørk Karlsrud and Tobbe Malm was 1,750 kilometers long, and has taken 46 to his client in prison. Lippestad also said get up to 500 pieces. We need that many if our display some of the roses they've received from days. the defense team is skeptical toward a new around the world. vision is to be carried out,” said Tobbe Malm Two Norwegians organized the expe- evaluation because the first assessment to VG. “The blacksmiths have put a lot of dition, Christian Eide and Børge Ousland. was leaked to Norwegian media. “We want evidence to be presented in court and not in work into these roses, and the response to the tween 300 to 400 blacksmiths to make roses. They led the group, which consisted of an the media,” Lippestad told NRK. project has been incredible,” said Malm.The Some of the relatives of the victims also have Antarctica, page 15 (Winnipeg Free Press) two expect that they will get help from be- See > Roses, page 11 See > Enjoy Norway all year long. Keep up with Norway and the Norwegian-American community with the only Norwegian newspaper in North America! $ Subscribe – it’s easy! one year subscription: 59 Call us toll-free at $79 in Canada and $179 in Norway and all other countries (800) 305-0217 to start a new subscription

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • January 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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Scott Peterson of Allstate Insurance in tion of 2011 Seattle Home / Auto Insurance Seattle, Wash., has been recognized by Seat- Professionals signals that my constant effort tle Magazine in its selection of “2011 Seattle to deliver excellent work has paid off. It is Home / Auto Insurance Professionals.” gratifying to be recognized in this way.” Peterson commented on the recognition: Peterson is a long-time supporter of the “This is quite an honor for me. The fact that Norwegian American Weekly, and we salute Seattle Magazine included me in its selec- him for his excellent work!

Business News & Notes I can help you with your changing insurance or financial needs. Scott F. Peterson Statoil to raise R&D 27 percent to meet to build wells by 30 percent and costs by 15 (206) 783-2195 output goal percent by 2020, the Stavanger, Norway-based 1713 NW Market St. Statoil ASA, Norway’s biggest oil and natural- company said in a statement. It will also im- Seattle gas producer, will raise research and develop- prove so-called reservoir characterization or [email protected] ment spending 27 percent to NOK 2.8 billion modeling, adding about 1.5 billion barrels of ($468 million) this year to help the company oil equivalent in reserves. Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. meet a 2020 target for output gains. The invest- (Business Week) Insurance and savings offered only through select company and subject to availability and qualifications. Savings applies to most ment will allow Statoil to cut the time taken major coverages.Allstate Fire and Casualty Insurance Company: Northbrook, IL. © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research January 20, 2012 • 5 Research & Education Closer to the goal Against the current Cancer treatment with minor side effects Lakselaget offers scholarships and grants to Minnesota and Norwegian women

Photo: Heidi Widerø / Innovation Norway Norwegian company PCI Biotech is researching a treatment plan to target only cancer cells.

Re s e a r c h Co u n c i l o f No r w a y Photo: Johan Wildhagen / www.visitnorway.com Lakselaget, the Norwegian women’s club based in Minnesota, offers scholarships and grants to women from Minnesota and Norway for educational or work exchange. Side effects are currently the biggest “This is a chemical substance increas- problem with any cancer treatment. Norwe- ing cells’ sensitivity to light. We have cre- Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e gian biotech company PCI Biotech is draw- ated and patented a molecule (called Am- ing closer to the goal of creating a treatment phinex®) which we inject into a patient and which kills only cancer cells, leaving other let circulate for a few days. Then we give the Minnesota-based Lakselaget (Norwe- lost for experience gained. Applicants should cells unaffected. patient the desired drug. After a short while, gian for “The Salmon Club”) will be offering have an interest in contemporary Norway It is not difficult to find a drug that de- we shine the laser on the tumour where both scholarships for the ninth time in its 10-year and in the sciences, technology, business, stroys cancer cells. The problem lies in the Amphinex® and the medication are now pres- history. The application deadline is March 1, politics, language and culture, or in the co- fact that a drug’s active substances kill not ent. When light is applied, Amphinex® trig- 2012. operation between the countries. only diseased cells but also other cells in the gers processes within the cancer cells, sub- Lakselaget offers scholarships to Min- The Lakselag Scholarship Fund was es- body. This is why the side effects accompa- stantially enhancing the effect of the drug.” nesota women desiring to study in Norway tablished to celebrate, encourage and advance nying traditional cancer treatment are often and to Norwegian women wishing to study the organization’s motto: women who swim so severe. Reducing doses in Minnesota or at the University of North against the current. Its goal is to promote in- The challenge of effectively transport- Dakota, Grand Forks. The organization also ternational connections between Minnesota Trying to eliminate side effects ing molecules to a targeted area inside a cell provides grants to Minnesota professional and Norway and allows recipients to obtain, The dream of any cancer researcher is has long stymied cancer researchers. For women who have an opportunity to work teach and share knowledge that will benefit to come up with a medication that works pharmaceutical companies, it has created a in Norway and to Norwegian women who women in their complex roles in today’s so- solely against a cancerous tumor – without bottleneck, slowing down further develop- have an opportunity to work in Minnesota. adversely affecting the rest of the body. ment of a number of molecules with great The grants are meant to supplement wages See > lakselaget, page 13 This goal can be attained in two ways: medicinal potential. one is to produce targeted drugs that affect Patients have often had to receive high- only the cancer cells; the other is to devise er doses of a drug than what would other- smarter means of delivering a drug to its tar- wise be necessary had there existed a way get without affecting other parts of the body. to target drug delivery to the right location Norwegian company PCI Biotech has inside a cell. Because of these higher doses, been focusing on the latter approach since the side effects patients experience are com- 2000. Researchers working on the project mensurately more severe. “Fotokjemisk internalizering for cellegiftter- “Now we have finally succeeded in api av kreft” (Photochemical internalization finding a way to deliver cancer medications of chemotherapy) have steadily been getting inside the malignant cells, destroying them closer to a solution. Headed by Chief Scien- effectively,” states Dr. Høgset. tific Officer Anders Høgset, the project has These cancer-killing medications pass received funding under the Program for Us- through cancer cell membranes far more er-driven Research-based Innovation (BIA) easily, which significantly increases their ac- at the Research Council of Norway. curacy. It follows that doses can be reduced substantially with side effects becoming cor- Laser light and light-sensitive cells respondingly less severe. The technology in use is based on light “In the laboratory, we have managed to and is called photochemical internalization enhance the effect of some cytotoxic drugs or PCI. It was discovered in 1994 at the Nor- by a full 50 times! We did so by adminis- Education Issue 2012 wegian Radium Hospital in Oslo (now part tering Amphinex® and directing light to the of Oslo University Hospital). cancer cell,” explains Dr. Høgset. Does your Scandinavian PCI Biotech uses the technology to di- organization offer a student rect a red laser to the area of the body where The cancer disappeared scholarship? Submit it to us by the drug is to have its effect. The light dra- PCI Biotech, together with University Feb. 1 to be included in our matically enhances drug delivery to specific College London Hospital, began performing locations inside the diseased cells. research on human subjects two years ago. special Education Issue! “But in order to achieve the desired ef- “All patients involved in the study ex- fect from the light, we need to give the pa- perienced a considerable effect from the Email us [email protected] or tient a photosensitising compound,” explains call (800) 305-0217 Dr. Høgset. See > cancer, page 11 6 • January 20, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

An opinion column about current issues in Norway Join the conversation! On the EDGE Should “The Boss” play at Utøya? By Kelsey Larson, Copy Editor

On Dec. 14, 2011, the Norwegian seemed to find him a suitable choice for a inherently Norwegian. So why not bring news media was bombarded with reports possible memorial concert on Utøya. a Norwegian artist in, if a concert is to be and speculations that , I’m not so sure I agree. Of course, the held? Springsteen is world-renowned, yes, internationally acclaimed American mu- AUF makes quite clear that the gjenreising but the events of July 22 are Norway’s. It sician, would play at a tribute concert on (reconstruction) of Utøya is extremely im- is absolutely vital that Utøya is reclaimed Utøya July 22, 2012. The report, which portant to them. One assumes this applies by the AUF as a space for healthy politi- originated on TV2, stated that “central to an emotional level as well. Rather than cal debate, for good times with friends, for sources in the AUF” had been in contact have the island be a symbol of the terrible summer fun. A concert is a great way to with Bruce Springsteen, who hadn’t yet crime that took place there, the AUF wants do this. But save for Norway that which is confirmed the gig, but had given “positive it to continue to serve its purpose as a place Norway’s – bring in a Norwegian artist to signals” about playing a memorial concert of open dialogue and fun for politically headline. on the island. Sixty-nine people were killed engaged young people. What better way Of course, the event has yet to be and 60 injured on Utøya in the terrorist at- to symbolize this on Utøya than to bring planned, and AUF leader Eskil Pedersen Photo: Labor Party Hammerfest mayor Alf E. Jakobsen (shown here tack of July 22, 2011. a world-famous, universally adored rocker seems to have it under control. “We will in a 2009 stock photo) says the optimism the oil Most news sources also argued that to the island? His presence will bring in- have a good planning process for this with- brings is an incentive to keep young people to since Springsteen will be in Norway al- ternational attention to the reclaiming of in the AUF, and work in close contact with work and live in northern Norway. ready in July – playing a show in Oslo on Utøya by the young people of Norway, and the support group. The most important July 21st and in on the 23rd and the world will see that Norwegians remain thing for us is that there will be a good and 24th – there is nothing stopping him from resilient and hopeful for peace. worthy gathering for our members and all < oil playing on Utøya on the 22nd. But how will friends and relatives of others affected,” he From page 1 The AUF quickly responded to the those who were killed, and the survivors, said to NTB. rumors, denying that they were true. “Of feel about this? I don’t think it’s a stretch to to the immense find this fall – which likely course it is an honor if it’s true that Spring- believe they might wish for something a bit consists of 800 million to 1.8 billion barrels steen is positive about playing for the AUF, more somber, a bit more quietly respectful, – it is no wonder that Lund also made the but it is too early to say anything about it something that might better pay tribute to understatement of the century when he said, since we have not yet decided what form those who were killed and those who made “It has been a fantastic period for the Norwe- an event at Utøya next summer will take or it through the terrible event. There is room gian oil industry.” how to mark the July 22 anniversary next for optimism and hope for the future in The Havis find is already credited for year. Therefore, it is not possible now to such a ceremony, even without a world- what seems to be an early economic boom say anything about who will contribute or renowned musician taking part. Does the in northern Norway. The Finnmark Dagblad not,” said Labor Youth leader Eskil Peder- AUF want their Utøya memorial ceremony recently published an article stating that one sen to Norwegian news bureau NTB. buried neck-deep in the international atten- house already added NOK 900,000 (ap- The question remains as to why the tion that Springsteen would surely bring to proximately USD $150,000) to its original story sparked so much interest with nearly the event? value. According to Hammerfest mayor Alf every major Norwegian news source. TV2 Maybe a concert held on the island E. Jakobsen, “oil optimism” could be behind pointed out that Springsteen has always next July is a good idea. Maybe it will sym- such stories. been a political musician (his albums have bolize a willingness to move on, to create “It is the optimism associated with in- often included social commentary, and he a better, stronger Norway. But therein lies creased activity and employment, and also was a very vocal supporter of President Ba- another problem. What happened on Utøya that youth who have moved away now want rack Obama’s 2008 campaign). Because of and in Oslo was such a significant event to move back home. We saw it a while af- his social and political engagement, TV2 for Norway, and the pain and suffering is Photo: ospoetry.homestead.com ter Snøhvit field came into operation. The young people talked among themselves, The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is and agreed, ‘If you move home, I will move not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. home, too,’ the Hammerfest mayor told VG. The Snøhvit field is a natural gas field recent- ly developed on Melkøya, near Hammerfest, of that. Those who had faith have won over oritize its projects. Sigurd Enge, a consultant would wish for it,” said Enge to NRK. and resulted in great economic progress in the skeptics,” said exploration manager Knut for the Bellona Foundation, a Norwegian or- Enge believes the industry must decide the area, especially in keeping young people Harald Nygård about the find. ganization that specializes in raising ecologi- whether to prioritize the findings of the more at home who previously would have moved And it’s not just oil and offshore jobs cal understanding of nature and the environ- environmentally vulnerable areas in the to a more economically successful area such that will be found in the area. The need for ment, is one of these. north, or to aim for higher production in the as Oslo or Stavanger. housing and office space will increase, as “Now the oil industry on the Norwegian fields already in operation. The Havis find and the Skrugard find well as demand for hotels, shopping and continental shelf has made so many success- “The potential there is much higher than together has doubled the amount of oil Sta- other services. ful discoveries that we must begin to priori- both Havis and Skrugard together. It’s not toil has discovered. It is enough oil to run Of course, there are many who believe tize. Norwegian suppliers don’t have the ca- quantity, but the recovery potential that mat- a Norwegian municipality with 25,000 in- that Norway needs to take a close look at its pacity to build everything at once, although ters,” said Enge to NRK. habitants for 200 years. “Those who have now wildly successful oil industry and pri- [Oil and Energy Minister] Ola Borten Moe faith win. Skrugard and Havis are examples

SAM & ELLIE By Ray Helle

UPDATE norwegian american weekly January 20, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, Dear Editor, nic groups. By combining these two genera- Managing Editor On Jan. 12, the mail brought the Dec. The 2000 American Census reports that tions, one gets an average of 4 ethnic groups Christy Olsen Field [email protected] 23, 2011 edition of the Norwegian American around 4,5 million Americans are of Nor- represented. Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager Weekly. Right at the top of the front page, a wegian descent. The American Community This was no surprise, really. It just con- little over an inch from the mailing label, is Survey of 2007 reports approximately the firms that Norwegian descendents actually Kelsey Larson [email protected] a well-placed and very understandable note: same numbers. This does not mean that these belong to several ethnic groups, especially Assistant Layout Editor “Time-Dated Material – Do Not Delay.” 4.5 million have at least 50 percent Norwe- the younger generations who are farther Harry Svenkerud [email protected] What part of that does the United States gian blood in their veins, as many might removed from Norway. Had I asked more Advertising Postal Service not get? Oh well... Better late think. The census asked people to identify people outside of the Norwegian community, (206) 441-3044 [email protected] than never. Maybe that should be the new their ethnicity. However, it only allowed and families with more children, then the av- Contributing Editors slogan of the USPS. two answers. That would mean that a person erage number of ethnic groups represented Bjarne Anthonsen Bonsall, Calif. who has grandparents from Norway, Swe- would have no doubt been higher, probably Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. From a subscriber who would really like to den, and Denmark could only name much higher. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. read the news in a timely fashion, two of those ethnic groups in their answer. Since people could only give two ethnic Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. Rasmus Falck oslo, Norway Janet McCormack That means that many people of Norwegian groups on the census, and Norwegian de- Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland Morris, Ill. descent have probably not reported Norwe- scendants belong to on average four ethnic Judith Gabriel Burbank, Calif. Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. gian on the census. In the book, “Norske groups, the number of Norwegian descen- Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. pionerer i sju verdensdeler. Norwegian Pio- dants could be at least 10 million, and prob- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. neers,” I wrote about this and concluded that ably much more – even closer to 20 million. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. Dear Janet, one would have to figure that the number of However, it would take extensive scien- Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. We appreciate you bringing this to our Norwegian descendants living in the USA tific studies to reveal how many Americans Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. attention. In our office, we depend on the is much higher than 4.5 million, possibly as have Norwegian blood in their veins. Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. USPS to deliver our newspaper on time every much as 10 million or more. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. week to our subscribers, and we take mailing Because of the feedback I have received Sincerely, Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. / delivery complaints very seriously. about this, I asked several Norwegian Amer- Torbjørn Greipsland Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. David Moe Juneau, Alaska By tracking the delivery date and pass- icans about their ethnicity. Most of them are www.emigrantforlaget.no Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. ing on the information to us, we can go to over 50 years of age and several of them Askim, Norway Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y, the USPS with specific examples of delivery are quite active in the Norwegian commu- Lisa Portelli Bradenton, Fla. John Erik Stacy Seattle, Wash. problems. We want you (and every subscrib- nity. On an average, those thirteen people Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. er!) to get the Weekly on time, and we truly that answered belong to three ethnic groups. Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Write to us: Letter to the Editor Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. appreciate your feedback. Those same thirteen people reported on the 7301 5th Ave. NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115 Beate Ørbeck oslo, Norway ethnicity of their children or a niece or a or email [email protected]. Thanks for your support! nephew. The total of thirteen in the younger CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you Editor generation belong to an average of five eth- have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for < Art style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right From page 1 Oslo. Early in her career she worked closely tion of paintings by leading Nordic artists not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor with Kirk Varnedoe on the landmark exhibi- of the late 19th and early 20th century, in- taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and Focusing on selected works in the Lu- tion Northern Light: and Symbolism cluding Prince Eugen, Akseli Gallen-Kalle- letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian minous Modernism exhibition, this lecture in Scandinavian Painting, 1880-1910, which la, Vilhelm Hammershøi, Eugène Jansson, American Weekly, and our publication of those views is toured the United States in 1982-83. Ásgrímur Jónsson, Carl Larsson, Edvard not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions will explore the tensions between interna- and complaints about the opinions expressed by tionalism and national and regional identities The author of many books, articles, and Munch, Harald Sohlberg, and Anders Zorn, the paper’s editorials should be directed to the that characterized Nordic art at the turn of essays, Dr. Berman is currently at work on celebrates the 1912 Exhibition of Scandina- publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published the book Edvard Munch: Fashioning the Self vian Art that was a critical model for North weekly except the first week of the calendar year, last century. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks Patricia Gray Berman, a leading spe- and the Nation. She has received numer- American regional modernism on the eve of of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • cialist in early modern Scandinavian art, is ous awards and fellowships, including the the 1913 Armory Show. Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. Anna and Samuel Pinanski Teaching Prize, Organized by the American-Scandina- NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription professor of art history at Wellesley College Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, and the University of Oslo's Institute for Phi- Wellesley College, in 2008, and both a Ful- vian Foundation (ASF) in recognition of its US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. bright Senior Scholar Grant and an American centennial anniversary, in collaboration with losophy, the History of Ideas, Art History, SINCE MAY 17, 1889: and Classical Studies. Philosophical Society Fellowship in 2006. an international team of scholars headed by Formerly Norway Times Dr. Berman has curated or co-curated Patricia Gray Berman received a BA Dr. Patricia Berman, Professor of Art History Western Viking & Washington Posten numerous exhibitions, including, most re- from Hampshire College, Amherst, Mass., at Wellesley College and the University of and an MA and PhD from New York Univer- Oslo, the exhibition includes loans from ma- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- cently, I Munchs Laboratorium: Veien til au- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, sity, Institute of Fine Arts. jor museums and private collections in Scan- len (In Munch's Laboratory: The Road to the Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven Festival Hall); (co-curator) which opened “Luminous Modernism: Scandinavian dinavia and the U.S. Visit www.scandinavia- NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. in September 2011 at the Munch Museum, Art Comes to America, 1912,” an exhibi- house.org/events_exhibitions_current.html. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • January 20, 2012 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway Fabulous fish soup NORDIC DELICACIES Tuck into a bowl of creamy and satisfying “A TASTE OF NORWAY IN THE HEART OF BROOKLYN!” norsk fiskesuppe in the days of January 6909 ird Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 www.nordicdeli.com

Travel to Vesterheim to Study Scandinavian Folk Art! Scandinavian Flat-Plane-Style Figure Carving with renowned figure carver Harley Refsal For all levels. Youth ages 12-17 signed up with a participating adult receive a 25% discount. February 17-19 | $190 members / $240 non-members (Class held Friday evening and all day Saturday and Sunday.) Check vesterheim.org for a full 2012 class schedule. We have some new and exciting options this year!

Preserving a Heritage, Connecting Us All. 523 W. Water St., Decorah, IA • 563-382-9681 • vesterheim.org The Little Viking Scandinavian GiftS a touch of Scandinavia in southern California We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected]

Photo: Tine Creamy Norwegian fish soup makes a delicious dinner to share in the winter months. Fiskesuppe Norwegian fish soup

Celebrate Norway all year long. Adapted from The Transplanted Baker http://transplantedbaker.typepad.com Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! Just $59 for one year. Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] to get started.

Nordic Spirit presents 2 large carrots, peeled and diced 1 1/2 pounds fresh fish, skin and bones re- 1 leek, washed well, and sliced thinly moved (we recommend salmon, cod or 1 potato, peeled and diced monkfish, but use what you like) After the – Before the Reformation 2 rutabagas, peeled and diced Handful of peeled and deveined shrimp 3 Tbsp unsalted butter, divided 2 cups milk ScaNdiNavia 2 Tbsp all-purpose flour 1/2 cup heavy cream in transition 6 cups good fish stock (substitute fish boul- Salt and pepper to taste Please join us lion if needed), warmed Juice from 1/2 lemon for this two-day Chives or flat leaf parsley to garnish Nordic Spirit In a large stockpot, melt 1 Tbsp of the butter and sauté the carrots and leek over medium symposium of heat until softened. Add the remaining 2 Tbsp of butter and let melt, then add flour, stirring illustrated talks quickly to make a roux (this will be the base of your soup). and music for Add the warmed fish stock, potato and rutabaga and turn up the heat to medium high. Bring to boil, then reduce to simmer. Once the vegetables are fork-tender (about 20 – 25 min- the public utes), add the fish and allow to simmer until the fish is cooked through. If using shrimp, add a few minutes after the fish as they require less cooking time. For information, call Add the milk and cream, and season with salt and pepper. At the very last minute, add February 10 – 11, 2012 the lemon juice (the soup will separate if you add this before the cream or if the soup is boil- Thousand Oaks, California (805) 778-0162 or email [email protected] ing). When you are ready to serve, garnish with the chives or flat leaf parsley (or fresh dill if you have it!). Note: For leftovers, reheat over low heat on the stove. Enjoy! Photo: Ernst F. Tonsing www.scandinaviancenter.org norwegian american weekly January 20, 2012 • 9 travel Walking in a winter wonderland Hunderfossen Winter Park near Lillehammer is a fairytale of snow and ice

Photo: CH/www.visitnorway.com Left: The snow hotel at Hunderfossen Winter Park is Scandinavia’s southernmost ice hotel, and overnight guests are given sleeping bags and sheepskin blankets. Center: The Big Troll at Hunderfossen keeps watch over the sledding hill. Right: Hunderfossen Winter Park is fun for all ages!

Vi s i t No r w a y < Trondheim Vikrem-Rosmæl. “I feel that the survey has www.visitnorway.com From page 3 little weight. We get figures from the city's Statistics Norway. hotels each month and they show that we Just 15 minutes from the center of Lille- In the middle of Hunderfossen Winter- have the cheapest rooms on both weekends hammer, a winter wonderland awaits you at park you will find Hunderfossen Snowhotel. Number like this make some skeptical of the survey. Director of Tourism in Trond- and in summer,” she told NRK. Hunderfossen Winter Park. Try snow rafting, With elegant lighting and location close to In the survey, New York was used as the ice climbing, snow scooters, ice bowling and the Fairytale Castle – a unique accommoda- heim, Line Vikrem-Rosmæl, does not agree with the results. “No, Trondheim is certainly basis for the index, writes the Travel Daily many other exciting activities for young and tion experience! News. All cities are compared to New York, old. The room temperature will vary -3 to not expensive. I am skeptical of the sur- vey, because we know that we are cheaper which has 100 points. Currency is measured The enchanting Hunderfossen Winter -7°C (approximately 26 – 19°F) and guests against the U.S. dollar and euro. Park cannot be seen or visited before the sun have a nice and warm sleep in very comfort- than, say, Stavanger, Bergen and Oslo,” said goes down and the dark night takes control. able sleeping bags on sheep skin. Those who dare to visit will immediately be And for those in a romantic mood, there seduced by its mysterious heart, its attempt- is an ice cathedral for a fairytale wedding. ing looks and its thrilling adventures. The cathedral, excavated from ice and snow, A Piece of Norway in America has a unique atmosphere with ice sculptures, Adventures that warm your soul soft music and magic lighting. Try the quad bikes (driver's licence is When the cold gets a little bit too much, required and helmets are provided) where you can take refuge in the Cave restaurant you will go on a 300-meter-long slope. If where you will find an open fire and local you would like to drive more, you can sign delicacies on the menu. up for a longer snowmobile safari. However, Hunderfossen opens Feb. 11, and is open the safari must ust be booked prior to arrival from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. every Wednesday, Fri- and is not included in the entrance fee. day and Saturday until March 3. Those who seek less adrenaline can go You will find Hunderfossen at the en- on a horse-drawn sleigh ride around the park, trance of the Gudbrandsdalen Valley, just 15 play ice bowling and take a drink in King Va- kilometers north of Lillehammer. lemon's Ice Bar. Visit www.vinterparken.no for details.

Photo courtesy of Flickr Dregne’s Scandinavian Gifts Westby, Wis. January Sale: Save 20% off everything! In business for over 35 years, Dregne’s Scandinavian Gifts serves western Celebrating 50 years of business in 2012 Wisconsin with their specialty Scandinavian gift store. They carry a wide variety of Scandinavian items, and feature local artisans who do traditional Norwegian arts and www.scanspecialties.com crafts. Visit them at 100 S. Main St., Westby, WI 54667. For information, call (608) 634-4414 or visit www.dregnesscandinaviangifts.com. 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Share your favorite piece of Norway in America! Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (877) 784-7020 Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] Mastercard and Visa accepted. Hundreds of items available for nation-wide shipping! 10 • January 20, 2012 norwegian american weekly roots & connections

A monthly feature to share Brought to you by with kids and grandkids BarnebladBarneblad Heidi Håvan Grosch All about PlayingPlaying withwith shadows ShadowsShadows When the sun shines we can see our shadow. When it is dark outside, like it is during winter in Norway, lights and candles inside the house make shadows. Have you ever tried… • to make your shadow dance? • to catch someone else’s shadow? • to make shadow puppets with your hands?

It is easy to tell a story with shadows. Here is what you need: A flashlight, a wall, a dark place, stiff paper, scissors.

1. Cut out shapes from the stiff paper (old file fold- ers work well). They can be shapes like circles, squares or triangles. They can be real things like a tree, a sun or a car. If you cut out spaces in the shapes (like windows in the car, eyes on a face or legs on an animal) the light will make a more interesting shadow. 2. Put your flashlight about a yard/meter from the wall. You can lay it on the floor or have someone hold it. Hold your shapes up to the wall to make the shadows. Photo: http://www.jamboree.freedom-in-education.co.uk/ Play around with how far away from the wall to hold the shapes. How does the shadow change? Can you have your shapes “talk” to each other? Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (De tre bukkene bruse) is a very famous Norwegian tale about three goats, a troll and a bridge. Try making shadow puppets for this story. First, cut out a bridge, a troll and three billy goats (one little, one medium- sized, one big) from the stiff paper. Attach each puppet on a thin stick or a clear straw so you can move them around and create more shadows! Have fun!

Once upon a time (det var en gang), there were three VERY hungry billy goats. Gr- Troll: Who is crossing my bridge? I am going to eat you for middag! rrrrrr. Medium-sized billy goat: Oh no, Mr. Troll. Don’t do that. I am just a medium-sized Big goat: Let’s cross that bridge and eat the nice grass on the other side! goat. Wait until the next goat comes. He is much bigger than I am. He will make a Medium goat: We can’t do that! There is a nasty troll that lives under the bridge. much better middag for you. Little goat: I don’t care. I’m hungry! Troll: Fine. You may pass.

The little billy goat crossed the bridge first; “trip, trap, trip, trap.” Finally it was the big billy goat’s turn. “TRIP, TRAP, TRIP, TRAP!” Troll: Who is crossing my bridge? I am going to eat you for middag (dinner)! Troll: Who is crossing my bridge! I am going to eat you for middag! Little billy goat: Oh no, Mr. Troll. Don’t do that. I am just a little goat. Wait until the Big billy goat: Oh no, Mr. Troll. You can’t do that! I am going to use my horns to send next billy goat comes. He is much bigger than I am. He will make a much better mid- you flying so you can’t bother us again. dag for you. Troll: Ahhhhhhhh! Troll: Fine. You may pass. And after that, the three billy goats gruff ate as much grass as they could hold. Next it was the medium-sized goat’s turn to cross the bridge. “TrIp, TrAp, TrIp, Snipp Snapp Snute, er eventyret ute. (The end) TrAp.”

20. januar Marie Petersen Maffie Staten Island NY 26. januar Thorwald Kamp Minneapolis MN Anne Marie Steiner Seattle WA Arvid Lingaas Edmonds WA 24. januar Egil Solberg Malte MT Regina Jensen Scotts Valley CA Ivar O. Thornes Milwaukie OR Regina Johnson Comfrey MN 21. januar Andrew Vedvik Madison WI Rudolf K Jacobsen Stanwood WA Faith Skindelien New London MN Ella Carlson Toledo OH Sivert Nordbruget Mill Bag BC Can Arne M. Tandberg Spokane WA Esther Larsen Auburn WA Alice Holm Eissner Fargo ND Christina Marie Rolf Radcliffe IA 22. januar Bill Nesseth Lake Forest Park, WA Want to see your birthday in the Nels Wahl Dillingham AK Frank Dryden Belmont NJ Aldora Dryden Belmont NJ Norwegian American Weekly? Vicki L. Grorud Portland OR 25. januar Happy Birthday to Lillian Arper Bremerton WA 23. januar Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Uneda M. Haugen Mesa AZ norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at our readers who are Ben Muri Great Falls MT Magna Møller Blessing Rio Verde AZ least one month in advance. Severin Jorgensen Langevåg Norway celebrating birthdays Nels Kjelstad Mesa AZ NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed Jorunn Hoem Kristiansund Norway away? Please notify us. this week! Sverre Rying Rock Hill SC norwegian american weekly January 20, 2012 • 11 Obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Annabelle Gertrude Hedstrom Jacobsen July 31, 1918 – December 31, 2011 The real world Annabelle was born July 31, 1918, in moved from the family home in Kirkland, to I recently read an article on the sub- have.” I would add to this observation that Miles City, Montana. She graduated from Walla Walla, Wash. She passed away on Dec. ject of TWW – “texting while walking.” the real world is also a key place for con- Roosevelt High School in Seattle, Wash., 31, 2011, after a brief illness, surrounded by It seems that more and more pedestrians necting with God. and attended Seattle Business School, and her children. are stepping into manholes, running into One thing that Martin Luther em- Cornish College of the Arts. Annabelle was preceded in death by her people, walking in front of cars and bik- phasized throughout his life was the “real She married Roger Greene Jacobsen, husband Roger, her parents, and her brother ers while they are focused intently on the presence” of God in the world. For Luther, and they raised four daughters in Seattle and Bud Hedstrom. She is survived by all eight screen of one device or another. Social God was present in the Bread and Wine Kirkland, Wash. When Roger’s sister and of her children, Kristine Quinto and Hildi scientist, Sherry Turkle, is quoted in the of Holy Communion, in other people, and her husband died suddenly in 1968, Anna- Bruzas of Grangeville, Idaho; Lynne Bren- article saying, “When we focus on our de- in all of nature. When we disengage from belle and Roger added four more children to nan of Walla Walla, Wash.; Greta Hansen of vices while walking, we miss the connec- this real world, we risk disengaging from their family. Roger’s mother, Emmye Anne, Lynnwood, Wash.; Leland Ross of Seattle, tions that count, with the people we love, God. I urge you to promise yourself that soon moved in too, and lived with them until Wash.; Graham Ross of Portland, Ore.; Alan with our physical surroundings.” you will take more time away from your her death in 1986. Their house was always Ross of Seattle, Wash.; and Peggy Agee of In this fast paced digital world, we various screens and begin to observe and a busy and friendly place. Thanksgiving and Oaxaca, Mexico. Annabelle had 28 grand- can become so focused on the cyber world interact with God in the real world around Christmas gatherings would sometimes in- children and 25 great grandchildren, in whom that we begin to miss out on the real world you. I will now practice what I preach and volve a crowd of over 50. she found great joy. right around us. In the same TWW article, stop looking at this computer screen. I will Annabelle and Roger were members of A memorial service celebrating her life William Powers says, “We’ve forgotten go sit in the chair in front of our cabin and University Baptist Church until they moved will be held on February 25, 2012, at 1 pm, that the real world is, hands down, the look out at the forest and the lake. to Kirkland, where they joined Rose Hill at Rose Hill Presbyterian Church, 12202 NE most powerful source of information we Presbyterian Church and were members for 90th Street, Kirkland, WA. the rest of their lives. Her family will always love and miss In the summer of 2011, Annabelle her. < Støre < Roses From page 1 the fact that we have to help better the pos- From page 3 uation of the amazing rose-parades that oc- sibilities for the Palestinian economy and its curred after the terrorist attack, and all these Bank Robert B. Zoellick. growth.” also helped to create their own roses to cover roses shows that support for victims is strong After his meeting with Clinton on Jan. Støre had busy days in the American the sculpture.“We want this monument to be all over the world,” said Karlsrud. 10, Støre said: “We discussed Afghanistan capital, with meetings at International Mon- a continuation of the amazing rose-parades Two large monuments have been and further development, schedule for trans- etary Fund, the World Bank and with several that occurred after the terrorist attack, and planned in support of victims of July 22. One ferring the issue of security to local govern- political analysts on both the Republican and all these roses shows that support for victims will be in Oslo, and one at Utøya. The two ment and challenges when it comes to the the Democratic side. is strong all over the world,” said Karlsrud. artists hope that their works will be chosen to Afghan process of reconciliation.” The two The Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived Two large monuments have been planned in compete in the Oslo competition along with also touched the subject of the peace process on Sunday, Jan. 8, and left Washington on support of victims of July 22. One will be in other contributions. in the Middle East, saying, “We agree on Tuesday, Jan. 10. Oslo, and one at Utøya. The two artists hope “We are hoping for Oslo, but the monu- that their works will be chosen to compete in ment will be erected somewhere no matter Funeral Home the Oslo competition along with other con- what,” said Karlsrud. tributions. Karlsrud and Malm were on their way SOlie and Crematory The roses will be a central part of the to a meeting of art smiths on July 22, and got Honoring • Caring • Serving monument to the memory of victims of the the idea to create the monument in the days July 22 terrorist attacks-which the two artists afterwards. The two think it has been power- 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 themselves initiated. ful to work so closely with such a symbolic “To date we have received about 250 project. roses from around the world, and we expect “We have received much support from Has your family changed over that we will eventually get up to 500 pieces. several family members, and that has been We need that many if our vision is to be car- important. It is their children we must re- the years? member,” said Karlsrud. ried out,” said Tobbe Malm to VG. Your benefi ciaries may have changed, too. “The blacksmiths have put a lot of work The two artists plan to unveil the monu- ment at the two-year anniversary of the ter- into these roses, and the response to the proj- Make sure this information is up-to-date. To get started, talk to your ect has been incredible,” said Malm. rorist attack, July 22, 2013. fi nancial representative today! The two expect that they will get help The work will be 16.5 feet high, and the from between 300 to 400 blacksmiths to top of the sculpture will rest a rose-covered make roses. Some of the relatives of the globe. It shall represent unity and global en- victims also have also helped to create their gagement, and the names of all the victims own roses to cover the sculpture. will be carved into the granite foundation. “We want this monument to be a contin-

< Cancer From page 5 and breast cancer. Many cancer patients stand to benefit light treatment and, in most cases, the treated greatly from localized treatment, but a great tumours disappeared altogether. No serious number also require treatment that can attack cancer that has spread to other parts of the Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products side effects were observed,” says Høgset. are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent PCI Biotech is now going to follow up body. Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, 800-847-4836, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial with further clinical studies. As part of a future project, PCI Biotech representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also intends to extend its method to treatment of licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. Tapping into the body’s own immune sys- metastatic cancer. The project will investi- • NOT A DEPOSIT • NOT FDIC INSURED tem gate whether the technology can activate a • NOT INSURED BY ANY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AGENCY Up to the present, PCI Biotech has fo- person’s immune system, enabling it to at- • NOT GUARANTEED BY THRIVENT FINANCIAL BANK • MAY LOSE VALUE cused on localised cancer treatment, for ex- tack cancer cells in more than one part of the Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) ample for mouth cancer, facial skin cancer body. 27082NAWA N8-11 201103947 12 • January 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Get creative this year Calendar of Events Vesterheim announces 2012 class schedule What’s going on in your neighborhood?

California Nevada Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner Vegas Viking Lutefisk Dinner February 18 January 28 San Diego, Calif. Boulder City, Nev. Welcome to Valhall, Sons of Norway in The Vegas Viking Lodge is hosting its 13th San Diego, Calif. Our annual Lutefisk and annual lutefisk dinner in the Las Vegas sub- Meatball Dinner will be held Feb. 18 at urb of Boulder City, Nev. Advance tickets the East San Diego Masonic Temple, 7849 are required for this popular event, which Tommy Dr. in San Diego. The bar opens costs $18 per adult and $5 for children 10 at 3:30 p.m., and dinner served 4 – 6 p.m. years and younger. There are seatings at Cost: $20 per person. RSVP by Feb. 15 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. You don’t want to miss with a check payment to Judy Sawyer, 5173 it! Send a check made out to the Sons of Waring Rd #416, San Diego, CA 92120. Norway to Gwen Knighton, 2156 Marston For more information, call (619) 583-0859 Mills Court, Henderson, NV 89044. Please or your contributing editor Bjarne - include your name, phone number and sen at (760) 631-5678. whether you want the 3 p.m. or 6 p.m. seat- ing. Purchase your tickets by Jan. 20. Visit Valhall Lodge Centennial Gala us at www.VegasViking.com. March 17 San Diego, Calif. New York Save the date! Sons of Norway Valhall Regional Modernism: Symposium on Lodge 6-025 is celebrating its 100th an- Early Modern Nordic Art niversary with a special gala. Registration February 11 and no-host bar begins at 6 p.m., dinner and New York, N.Y. celebration at 7 p.m. including dancing. The program, Regional Modernism: New Black tie optional, and bunads encouraged. Art in Scandinavia, 1880-1912, will offer Reservations due by Monday, March 5. For audiences an in-depth look at the art, his- more information, call Patricia Becker at tory, and cultural relations of the Scandina- (619) 583-1076. For reservations, please vian countries during the dynamic decades call Tam Stautland at (619) 299-9237 of the early 20th century. Presenters will explore the ways in which the distinct, re- Photo courtesy of Vesterheim Colorado gional modernism of the Part of Vesterheim's 2012 class schedule features “Scandinavian Flat-Plane Style Figure Carving” Barneløpet 2012 communicated with the rest of continental with renowned figure carver Harley Refsal, Feb. 17 – 19. February 25 Europe at the turn-of-the-century and how Granby, Colo. it came to influence North America’s own Ve s t e r h e i m Mu s e u m Save the date! Sons of Norway District 6 modern artists following their exposure to is proudly inviting all youth cross country the 1912 Exhibition of Scandinavian Art. skiers to attend this family event in Colo- For more information, call (212) 779-3587 Vesterheim Norwegian-American Mu- couldn’t be more thrilled about the class line rado. Barneløpet is a non-competitive ski or visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. seum announces its 2012 class schedule with up she’s planned for the year,” Vesterheim event modeled after similar events in Nor- some exciting new class options. A full class Executive Director Steve Johnson said. “Dar- way. Every skier finishes a winner and re- May 17th Fundraiser list can be found at vesterheim.org, or by lene grew up in Spring Grove; she’s lived in ceives a medal. March 4 calling (563) 382-9681. Norway; she’s studied Norwegian folk art – Brooklyn, N.Y. The schedule starts out with two classes she’s got traditional background with lots of Illinois Save the date! The Norwegian-American in February. In “Dry Needle Felting—Sculp- new ideas and energy,” he added. Norge Ski Club 2012 Winter Tournament May 17th Parade Committee is proud to tured Norwegian ‘Folktail’ Critters with Another new aspect to Vesterheim class- January 28 – 29 present the first annual Parade Fundraiser! Nancy Sojka and Gyle Moen” on Feb. 18, es this year includes youth. “The museum Fox River Grove, Ill. Join us March 4 at the Salty Dog Bar and learn to make three-dimensional needle-felt- strongly believes in the importance of keep- Norge Ski Club’s January tournament Grill, located 7509 3rd Avenue in Brook- ed figures inspired by Norwegian folktales. ing Scandinavian traditions alive by passing (International 5-Hills and Junior National lyn, from 2 to 6 p.m. For just $20 per per- Youth ages 10 – 17 signed up with a partici- them on to our youth,” said Fossum-Martin. Championship Qualifier) will take place son, the event includes a light buffet and pating adult receive a 25 percent discount. “We are a gathering place where folks of all Jan. 28 – 29. The club plans on hosting four dessert, along with raffles, door prizes, a 50 From Feb. 17 – 19, learn carving in “Scan- ages can come and share stories and experi- international teams who will be competing / 50 pot and more fun and games! Come dinavian Flat-Plane Style Figure Carving” ences tied to their heritage and we value the against elite Jumpers from the U.S. in the and support us, and bring your friends and with renowned figure carver Harley Refsal. importance of nurturing inter-generational 4th stop of the 5-Hills Tour. For questions family! For information, visit www.may- “We are offering our usual fantastic, learning,” she said. Therefore, some of the 17paradeny.com or call (718) 748-1874. call Tricia Fisk at (815) 455-6061 or email traditional folk-art classes this year,” said courses this year are open to students ages [email protected]. Washington Vesterheim’s Education Specialist Darlene 17 and under, provided they are accompa- Fossum-Martin. “Plus we’ve included some nied by a fully enrolled adult in the same Lutefisk Dinner Maine classes to enhance our traditions by looking class. Youth tuition will be discounted 25 Maine Nordmenn Meeting February 4 Kennewick, Wash. at the many similarities and connections we percent of the full tuition price. Youth and February 2 have with our Nordic neighbors.” parents can check the class list for informa- Falmouth, Maine The Sons of Norway Sol-Land Lodge 2-086 invite you to their Annual Lutefisk Dinner One new class, offered in May, is “Fine tion about which classes are open to them, as Maine Nordmenn will meet at 6:30 p.m. Art to Folk Art—a Good Marriage: Begin- well as age requirements. on Thursday, Feb. 2 at Emmaus Lutheran on Feb. 4, 1 – 4 p.m. It will be held at the ning Drawing and Design Composition” Vesterheim’s Education Program in- Church in Falmouth, Maine. Guest speaker Kennewick First Lutheran Church, located with Doug Eckheart.This three-day creative cludes rosemaling (Norwegian decorative Charles Kaufmann, Director of the Long- at the corner of Highway 395 and Yelm fellow Chorus in Portland, Maine, will St. in Kennewick, Wash. The meal will be journey, organized with the folk artist in painting), woodworking, fiber arts, knife- give a preview of the March 3 – 5 presenta- served buffet style. The menu includes mind, includes projects that will improve making, cooking and other traditional arts. tion of “Ole Bull, Longfellow, and Elgar: the lutefisk and sauce, meatballs and gravy, the students’ ability to train their eye to see Each class is geared toward different levels Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf” fea- potatoes, vegetables, lefse, Scandinavian and organize the world around them in a new of experience, from beginning to advanced, turing Norwegian violinists Arve Tellefsen specialties and cookies. Admission is $20 way,” Doug Eckheart said. “I hope students so there is something for everyone. Whatev- and Henning Kraggerud. Craft and Culture for adults and $10 for children 6 – 12 years will get in touch with the power of their own er your ethnic heritage, and whether you’ve session meets at 1 p.m. with rosemaling old. For more information, contact Ginger creative potential,” he added. been studying Norwegian folk art for years lessons from Bob Boylestad. For more (509) 734-7876 or Nancy (509) 375- 0919, Other new classes include sculpture, or have just begun, Fossum-Martin believes information, contact Mary Johnson, (207) or visit www.sol-land.org. hand carving bowls, chip carving, Swedish that Vesterheim will inspire you to make a 428-3640 or [email protected]. decorative painting, knitting Swedish and tradition into something new. Danish sweaters, Danish papercutting, brew- For complete schedules of events, exhi- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 ing beer and mead, carving table décor, and bitions, and classes, and more information to be added to the Norway.com online calendar and the Weekly! planning and preparing a Norwegian buffet. about ways to donate, check out Vesterheim Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. “Darlene came to Vesterheim this fall online at vesterheim.org. as our new Education Specialist, and we < Transition From page 1 norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us January 20, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood Story of the eagles Family sweaters Norwegian-American author shares the story Sweaters from of the bald eagle family of Decorah, Iowa Norway are passed through three generations and corners of the US

Ka r i n So n j a Mi l l e r Bradenton, Fla.

In 1966, my parents visited Flekkefjord, Norway, which was my mother’s birthplace. She had three beautiful Norwegian sweaters knitted for my three daughters, one for my son, and two for my husband and me. At that time, we lived in Danbury, Conn., and in the winter we lived in those sweaters: skiing, ice skating, all winter sports. Every- one would compliment our family on how great we all looked in our beautiful Norwe- gian sweaters! Photo courtesy of Karin Sonja Miller Photo courtesy of Mary Jo Thorsheim In 1971, we moved to sunny Bradenton, Madeline, wearing her grandmother’s sweater Fla. No need for wool sweaters here, so in from Norway. Sp e c i a l Re l e a s e the cedar chest they went. In 1981, my daughter Susan and her hus- and now her daughter can wear it. band had a daughter named Sarah, who was In 2001, Sara and her husband had a This exciting soft-cover book by Mary (612) 871-2236 or mail a check, made out my first granddaughter. After a few years, they baby girl Madeline, my first great-grand- Jo Thorsheim follows the Decorah eagle to Park Press, and send to: Park Press/Thor- would go to Colorado on ski trips, and out of daughter. They are moving to Seattle, Wash., family of 2011 through the eyes of a school- sheim, 1455 West Lake Street, B-20, Min- the cedar chest came the Norwegian sweat- and you guessed it – once again the sweaters age child. A beautiful story, it is richly il- neapolis, MN 55408. ers. Susan and Mark would wear our sweat- are coming out of the cedar chest! lustrated with selected photos of the eagles If you want to use VISA or MasterCard, ers, and Sarah wore her mother’s sweater. As So far, three generations are proudly – from hatching to fledging – and small cam- provide a phone number and suggested time usual, they all looked so beautiful! On the ski showing their Norwegian heritage. My eos from Jacob's world of home and school. where you may be reached and I will call slopes, all kinds of compliments were given mother Margit Amanda Nilsen would have Although it is geared to the early you. (If you find phone lines busy, please of the beautiful Norwegian sweaters and the been so proud to know these sweaters are reader, adults are buying it for themselves leave a voice mail message.) Some have sent matching hats. My daughter was always so being passed from generation to generation. as a memoir of the 2011 season, to read to credit card numbers by dividing them in half proud to say her Norwegian grandmother Who knows who the next lucky person will younger children, and as gifts. It is appeal- and sending one-half in each of two emails. had made them for her when she was little, be to wear this sweater! ing to all ages. The book is illustrated with Shipping: well-packed, sent by USPS photos of the eagle family and small cameo mail, Media Mail or First Class. Let me graphics that follow the story. A portion of know if you prefer Priority Mail Norwegian- the proceeds is being donated to The Rap- For more information, please see www. Always the owned tor Resource Project (RRP) of Decorah Iowa eaglechildrensbook.com or my posting on best possible since 1963 which has approved the inclusion of selected the RRP Forum Merchandising/Fundraising prices! screen shots by the author. thread, Reply #20. All of the proceeds are being donated to AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS the Raptor Resource Project. About the author Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide “Adorable,” “life-like,” “cute,” and “I Dr. Mary Jo Thorsheim holds a Ph.D. have to have one to stand by my computer” degree in Educational Psychology, from the 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 – these are just some of the comments about University of Minnesota. She has long ex- the eight-inch stuffed toy eagle. Recom- perience with children, both professionally Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] mended for age three and up, adults are also and personally. She has used this experience cherishing the stuffed toys for themselves! to carefully pace the book and select the vo- Soft, new plush material is used for the head, cabulary. The book distills a lot of informa- body and wings. The eyes are yellow, as are tion about the eagles and the development Subscribe to the Weekly! the actual eagles’, and the beaks and feet are of eaglets, brought down to an easy reading Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] quite realistic, too. Surface-washable. level and a controlled length. The content is Regarding the info on the website: www. educational, yet presented in a fun way. Her Sons of Norway Building, B-20 eaglechildrensbook.com motivations to write the book were to inter- 1455 W. Lake Street The cost is $12.95 for either a book or est children in nature and eagles, as well as Norway Art Minneapolis, MN 55408 toy, $25.00 for the set of one each. VISA or reading, and to benefit the Raptor Resource (612) 339-7829 MasterCard, money order or check. Email Center. Perhaps her greatest qualification is www.norwayartonline.com • email: [email protected] [email protected], call (612) 339-7829 or that she herself was once a child! By appointment please

< Lakselaget tober through May to network, mentor, eat From page 5 MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE salmon, and receive information from a va- a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w ciety. riety of noteworthy speakers. Topics range Lakselaget is a 501(c)(3) non-profit or- from the arts to health, history, sports, heri- ganization for professional women and col- tage and beyond. Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, lege and university students who are Norwe- For more information about the schol- commercial transactions and estate planning. gian, of Norwegian descent, or are interested arship and opportunity fund application pro- cess, visit: www.lakselaget.org and click on in contemporary Norwegian issues and all 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 things Norwegian. The organization meets the “Foundation” tab. the first Saturday of each month from Oc- Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 14 • January 20, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly Norwegian heritage Memories of Decorah-Posten Contributing editor Larrie Wanberg reflects on his time working at the influential Norwegian-language newspaper published in Decorah, Iowa

La r r i e Wa n b e r g Grand Forks, N.D.

The Decorah-Posten was a big part of with a young student. my life as an 18-year-old freshman at Luther The first time I walked into the mailing College in Decorah, Iowa, in 1948. My first room, I was overwhelmed by the “moun- employer was B. B. Anundsen, publisher of tains” of newspapers stacked on tables, ready Decorah-Posten, which at that time was said for distribution. I was told that there were to be the world’s largest Norwegian language 30,000 papers to be wrapped in brown paper newspaper. bundles and tied with binder twine, with the I arrived in Decorah by train from North shipping label for a bulk of papers going to Dakota with $18 in my pocket. I wasn’t sure designated post offices. I had made the right decision when the train A whole crew was mustered on Wednes- backed into Decorah on a dead-end rail-spur day and Thursday to tackle this job. As a boy from Waukon, Iowa. I was broke because the scout with a knot-tying merit badge and as farming operation with my brother on our a horse-loving kid from ranching country deceased uncle’s homestead was a total crop where roping and knot-tying was often the loss, hailed out two years in a row. play of children, I excelled at this job. I arranged all my classes in the morn- One day, B. B. Anundsen stopped by ing and looked for a job in Decorah during my workstation and asked me engaging afternoons. I had an interest in journalism, questions about my home life and my ca- so I applied at the Decorah-Posten for a job reer goals. He learned about my financial in the paper’s ship- hardship, my father ping department and being a Luther gradu- as a “go for” in the ate in 1914, his being linotype composition an editor of College section, replacing Chips, and my inter- lead “slugs” of cor- est in being a journal- rected type in trays of ist. He offered me a handset page layouts. job on weekends at B. B. Anund- his home, doing yard sen hired me, after a work and some gar- brief interview about dening. I needed to schedules and reli- walk from the cam- ability for work. He pus to the other end seemed like a type-A of town to reach his personality, always house – well over a in motion, darting mile or more each throughout the depart- way. ments, and over-see- One day, he said ing all operations to to me, “My daughter meet the established has a bike stored in deadlines. When the Decorah-Posten was founded in 1874 by Bry- the garage. You can paper was on its way nild Anundsen (pictured above), who emigrat- use her old one, it’s to subscribers, he was ed to the U.S. from Skien, Norway. in good shape. It‘ll personable and was make it easier for you interested in his workers – even me, a rather to get across town, but it’s a girl’s bike. Does shy kid who was used to seeing 360-degree that make a difference to you?” horizons instead of close quarters, stuffy sur- “As long as my feet can reach the ped- roundings, and print-shop workers who con- als,” I said, “It works for me,” and thanked stantly teased each other and swore a lot. him. In my next pay envelope, I got a raise. The swearing embarrassed me, as a His encouragement lead to my co-edit- preacher’s kid. When the printshop work- ing College Chips in 1952, and I’m still writ- ers noticed my flushing, the pace seemed to ing today. pick up. One day, they asked me what I was studying. Larrie Wanberg “grew up” in the front “I’m going into the ministry,” I an- pew of Zion Lutheran Church in Towner, N.D., swered, making up the response, “and they where his father preached and his mother was told me at the College that I had to work a organist. Larrie was a Fulbright Scholar at year in a print shop to qualify.” the University of Oslo in 1958 where he met After that, the swearing was limited to his future wife, who was a Fulbright student to picking up a hot lead slug, or hitting a thumb Luther College in 1959. With careers in aca- with the printer’s mallet, and the teasing demia, research, military service, child therapy and entrepreneurship, Larrie is capturing sto- stopped. We all got to know each other and ries from the heartland, documenting pioneers, to enjoy working together. patriots and personalities and sharing them I remember Einar Lund, the distin- through social media with the hope of engaging guished editor, as a quiet, studious man, rath- both the young and the young-at-heart in dis- er tall, somewhat bent over, and with white covering and preserving their Nordic heritage. Photos courtesy of Erik Anundsen / Anundsen Publishing Company hair. Sometimes, he would stop briefly and Top photo: The Decorah-Posten building in Decorah, Iowa. Middle: The front office of Decorah-Pos- Larrie joined the Norwegian American Weekly talk to me – like a wise professor interfacing ten. Notice the typewriters! Bottom: The press for Decorah-Posten. as a contributing editor in November 2011. norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/sports January 20, 2012 • 15 sports < Brandsdal From page 1 ing Brandsdal the space he needed to work. Against winds and snow The heat was hotly contested, and the race of the season, and just the second of his first and second place finishers were almost Emil Hegle Svendsen captures men’s 10k sprint career when he held the inside line into the an afterthought with most eyes focused on a homestretch in the Milan freestyle sprint. hard-charging Petukhov, and Peterson. Germany’s Josef Wenzl was just behind Brandsdal’s planning extended beyond in second, with Teodor Peterson (SWE) rid- the last corner. He saw one key to the narrow ing an aggressive lane change in the final and windy city-sprint course. 200 meters to claim third. “When you wanted to advance, you had Racing before a large and enthusias- to go 100 percent for it,” Brandsdal told Fast- tic crowd in downtown Milan, Wenzl and erSkier. “Because if you tried 90 percent you Brandsdal matched up in all three heats en wouldn’t succeed…When I really wanted to route to a 1-2 finish. attack, I went for it. It worked today.” A total of .2 seconds separated the pair For Brandsdal, it is less about power and in the quarters and semis, and each man took more finesse, but the results were the same. a turn in the top spot. “When I am in good shape I manage Brandsdal went wide in his quarterfinal, to be calm and use my technique,” he said. but felt the distance wasn’t worth the speed, “Then usually the flat terrain fits me pretty and switched for the semis. good.” “More people had used the track there A veteran of nearly two-dozen World [on the left] so it was more softer,” he told Cup sprint races, Brandsdal has been through FasterSkier. “I just had to compare that to the wringer on more than one occasion, but taking a longer line.” still is challenged to stay relaxed and execute He said that in the semi the strategy his plan. Photo: Rene Miko / International Biathlon Union “worked really good,” and planned to em- After a hard fought semifinal, Brandsdal Emil Hegle Svendsen was eneergized after capturing the victory at Nove Mesto na Morave. ploy it in the final. said the adrenalin was so intense that he had But with Wenzl skiing right to one side to retire to a changing room to try to calm Bi a th l o n Wo r l d in the semi, there would be no secrets. down. “Wenzl, he was in my semifinal, and he “I couldn’t land afterwards,” he de- saw me do that [stay left], so I was a little bit scribed feeling after the semi. Emil Hegle Svendsen of Norway beat for Svendsen until Fourcade’s older brother concerned he would take that line in the fin- It took a coach to help bring him back to the strong winds and blowing snow this Simon made a run for first place. The older ish,” Brandsdal said. earth and focus on the finals. afternoon to capture the men’s 10K sprint, Fourcade had a prone penalty but was ski- The Norwegian described his plan “as a The Norwegian entered the race well with one standing penalty in 27:13.1. Fin- ing fast. A clean standing stage would give risk,” but at the end Wenzl stayed wide, giv- rested and well trained, having skipped the ishing second and third were France’s Four- him an easy victory. But the wind gods beat entire Tour de Ski. cade brothers, Simon and Martin, 2.7 and 9.6 him into two penalty loops. He did not give seconds back, with three and two penalties up at that point, managing to leave standing The Swedish Meatballs respectively. just 3.5 seconds behind Svendsen and just Ellen Lindstrom 917-968-2926 Russia’s Shipulin finished just ahead of his brother. By the 9.1K mark, he behind the Fourcades in fourth, with one was one-tenth of a second ahead of the Nor- penalty, 14.4 seconds back, just 5.1 seconds wegian star. Yet he could not hold that lead; ahead of his teammate, Andrei Makoveev, the wind down the finish straight was brutal also with one penalty. Sixth went to the as he finished. U.S.’s Russell Currier, who shot clean, 23.2 seconds back. Wind pushing Svendsen tweeted yesterday that it would Wind and snow again be a windy wild ride today and it turned out It was another one of “those days,” when just as he said. “I think it was a good predi- the wind and snow made a perfect competi- cation. You can see form the shooting results tion almost impossible. Unlike the women’s that it was weird day. You just had to be right ...a delicious musical experience! sprint yesterday, the men did not face bliz- with the wind and shoot as normal in prone. It www.theswedishmeatballs.com zard conditions. However, strong winds from was very difficult in the standing; you could the left side of the shooting range brought in feel the wind pushing you from side-to-side. a steady stream of light to moderate snow I am happy with nine out of ten today.” which hindered shooting and made sprinting He expected that it would take clean Subscribe to the Weekly! down the home stretch almost impossible. shooting to win, since the top men are so Call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] The local fans got a thrill when Jaroslav Sou- closely matched. “I thought someone would kop briefly took the lead after shooting clean shoot clean. Even though it is hard condi- in prone only to pick up four standing penal- tions, you have to shoot clean to win most ties and fade out of contention. days. When you look at the results, you can see how tight it was, with 15 men in one min- The Scandinavian Hour Close call for Svendsen ute.” Celebrating over 50 years on the air! Svendsen again showed that his recent performance surge was no fluke. He shot as Tough day on the job KKNW – 1150 AM well as anyone, mastering the prone stage Svendsen felt the skiing was just as Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST with ease, then powering around the tracks to tough as the shooting with the steady snow the standing stage. His one penalty seemed falling. “Skiing was very difficult; the new Streaming live on the internet at: to put him in the driver’s as he crossed the snow was slow and in some places it was icy. www.1150kknw.com finish line 9.6 seconds ahead of Martin It was a tough day on the job today!” Fourcade, who had two prone penalties, but managed to clean standing while the wind For more information, visit www.biath- swirled around him. It looked like a runaway lonworld.com Advertise in the Weekly! < Antarctica Reach over 20,000 Reasons to advertise: From page 3 challenging route as Amundsen. The route is long, reaches extremely high-altitudes, and Norwegian-American readers • Affordable! $10/col inch for Englishman, two Norwegian men and two is cold and windy, Eide and Ousland state in EVERY week! B&W, $15/col inch for color Norwegian women, all the way to the end- the press release. • Free ad design point. The group started the expedition on Nov. • Support the only Norwegian- According to a press release, Eide and 27, but was delayed for 17 days due to poor American newspaper! Ousland were very happy with the execu- weather. As a result they missed the celebra- tion of the expedition. This is the first time tion of the 100th anniversary of Amundsen's an expedition has chosen to use the same, expedition on Dec. 14. For details, call (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected] TRAVEL IN STYLE YOUR STYLE BUSINESS, ECONOMY EXTRA OR ECONOMY

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