Publications of Interest to the Marine Mammals Committee 1993
International Council for the C.M. 1994/N:3 Exploration of the Sea Publications of interest to the Marine Mammals Committee 1993 compiled by Arne Bjßrge DENlVlARK Amos, B., Bloch, D., Desportes, G., Majerus, T.M.O., Bancroft, D., Barrett, J., and Dover, G.A. 1993. A review of molecular evidence relating to social organisation and breeding system in the long-finned pilot whale. Rep. int. Whal. Commn (special issue 14): 209-218. Paper WP 20 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August September 1993. Andersen, D., Kinze, C.C. and Skov, J. 1992. The use of pelvic bones in the harbour porpoise PllOcoella pllOcoella as an indication of sexual maturity. Lutra 35: 105-112. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. Further studies on the population structure ofthe 10ng-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, off the Faroe Islands. Rep. int. Whal. Commn. (special issue 14): 219 232. Paper WP-23 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, August-September 1993. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. The population structure of the harbour porpoise, PllOcoella pllOcoella, in Danish waters and part of the North Atlantic. Marine Biology 116: 1-7. Andersen, L.\V. 1993. The genetical population structure of the Western and Eastern North Atlantic 10ng-finned pilot whale, Globicephala me/as, analyzed by electrophoretie markers. Paper WP-29 presented to the ICES Study Group on Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, Denmark, • August-September 1993. Bloch, D. 1993. Frerpbankens hvaler. In: Gaard, E. und Poulsen, M. (Eds.). Frerpbanke Projektet. Fiskiranns6knarstovan, Heilsufrpiiliga Starvstovan, Natturuvfsindadeildin, Natturugripasavn, Biofar: 135-138. Bloch, D.
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