Challenge Ahead For New Registrar

-by David Kilborn- that has had moral problems News Writer within its ranks and high employee turnover rates in the recent past. Millerretired from Trinity in 1985, On November 15 th, Dean of but according to her and Dean the Faculty Dr. Jan K. Conn an- John S. Wagget, the administra- nounced the appointment of Dr. tor in charge of the Registrar, she Nancy Birch Wagner as the new was subsequently brought back in college Registrar, effective Janu- August to tackle these problems ary 1,1990. Wagner's selection and to deflect criticism aimed at ends a search process that took the office by reassuring the rest of over seven months and even the Trinity community that a stable stalled once. During this time, hand presided over the depart- there was discord within the ment. registrar's office that caused some In the period after Miller's employees to leave. retirement in 1985, until this Wagner is presently the As- August, the Registrars office has sistant Dean of the College at installed a new computer system, Wesleyan University, where she lost two Head Registrars, and also teaches. From 1980 to 1988, recently, was operating with just Wagner was the registrar at the one full time administrator. Hartford Graduate Center. She Miller suggested that the received B.A. and M.A. degrees chaos within the office was partly in German from Vassar College caused by the college's request and a doctorate from Yale Uni- that the last Head Registrar, A crane stands ready to remove parts of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate. Photo by David Molner versity, in Germanic Languages Joanne Hanley, in effect, hold two and Literatures. She taught at positions. Besides being Head Yale as well. Registrar, Hanley was hired as Wagner was offered the job the expert in charge of the new A Diary from Berlin: last semester, but turned it down "IA" computer system installa- for "personal reasons." She then tion, said Miller. Miller also said contacted Trinity earlier this that Hanley's responsibility for Views From Both Sides of the Wall month to reopen her candidacy. implementing the new computer sneeze, the history of the. event, needed a plan of attack. Wagner said that she changed her kept Hanley in the computing -by David Molner- has been written. Prior to departure, 1 iiau mind based on "professional and center for much of her4enure. Well, it was with more than compiled a dossier of the past two personal reasons," on which she After Hanley leftin April and Special to the Tripod usual scrutiny that I gave the weeks 'events in East Germany. I wished not to comment due to the no successor was appointed, events in East Germany the once vacuumed up all these facts on the nature of herpresentemployment. plane and discharged the follow- Rhonda Geddis, the Associate There are moments in history over, and something told me that She did say that part of the reason Registrar, took over all adminis- the place was coming unscrewed. ing scene: five days in East Ger- was the "chats" that she had with it seems - 1789, 1848, 1917 - many split between Berlin and trative duties. According to which tend to erupt into eras, rather The hot tip was that the entire East Interim Head Registrar Joanne Wagget, Geddis did a commend- German cabinet had resigned. Liepzig. History would just ooze Miller, Associate Registrar than rounding the sixty second up out of the ground around me, I able job considering that the of- mark with the usual sangfroid, I'mnotinsistingthatyouneed Rhonda Geddis, and Data Coor- fice was "operating with a bunch to plan for this sort of thing, but was sure, if only I positioned dinator Louise Gunning. Wagner chipping the future into the pres- myself between the seat of gov- of temporaries and people who ent. These are the so called revo- there really is no harm in some expressed her enthusiasm over her had not been there long." How- preliminary spadework. One ernment, Berlin, and the publica- new post saying that she wants to lutionary moments, which, even tion capitol, Liepzig. ever, as several administrators when one has the ear to the ground, doesn't just go whizzing around stay at Trinity for "a long time." said, forces within the college, in some crumbling Eastern Euro- So, some six thousand miles Wagner will step into an of- give relatively few warning sig- later, I was in line with a couple of especially the faculty, were un- nals. They simply breeze right in pean countries like a popped bal- fice, currently headed by Miller, Please see Registrar, Page 6 loon. Strategy was the thing. I hundred passport clutchers at the and happen, and before you can portal of history, Checkpoint Charlie. This was my second visit to the city, the first having been in Gerety Outlines Harassment Policies 1987 when prevailing conditions were closer to some boarding The letter from President Gerety. The pamphlet clearly school in a Bronte novel. I no- •by David Gerber- "We want to impress upon ticed the change even during the victims that we are supportive and Gerety enumerated the steps that describes the Colleges policies and News Editor are being taken to "reduce the procedures regarding sexual har- routine border formalities; East hope that they'll bring forth inci- Germans streamed past wearing dents, so that others won't have to number of assaults that take place assment. A lengthy definition of in our community." Gerety will the term sexual harassment pre- various masks; tears, joy, solem- In a letter to the Trinity Col- suffer this indignity," said the nity, perplexity — all amid a lege Community, President Tom Dean of Students Office. recommend to the Sexual Harass- cedes the two levels (formal and ment Grievance Committee that informal) of complaints. chorus of West German ya-hoos. (jerety reinforced the College's According to the Dean of As fascinating as it was to stance on sexual harassment. A Students Office, approximately they investigate the issue of sex- According to the Dean of ual assault on campus. He will Students Office, if there is enough witness, the importance of the pamphlet outlining the sexual eight women have been victim- movement westward did not en- harassment grievance procedures ized in some way this year; how- then ask the board to make sug- interest, they would be willing to gestions to the the community on form a support group for victims tirely dawn on me. Travel restric- accompanied the letter, which was ever, not all of these cases have tions had been eased, and the distributed on Friday. specifically involved date rape. how we may improve the situ- of sexual harassment. Regarding ation. the confidentiality of such agroup, politburo had been dissolved and Members of the community the Dean of Students Office noted reestablished. ButDeyelopments have always been urged to act that it would be for women who had been thrown into high gear as responsibly, but Gerety warned were looking to speak with others I had crossed the Atlantic. that we must go one step further. whohavehadsimilarexperiences. To my disadvantage, I re- "We must discourage others as Above all, the Dean of Stu- mained a step or two behind the well. To be silent is to be an dents Office is hoping that women unfolding events. I spent the first accomplice in these offenses," will feel confident enough in the afternoon trekking through East said Gerety. system that they will come for- Berlin, noting things and trying Inordertogetvictimstocome ward ratherthan assume reticence. Please see Wall, Page 5 forth, the College made it clear that confidentiality will be kept throughout the process. "The Medical Office and the counselor are required by law to maintain confidentiality. In addition, other outlets such as the Dean of Stu- dents Office, the Women's Cen- •Rampant Violence at Brown ter, and the Sexual Harassment Grievance Committee are mor- • Bad Poets Showcase ally and ethically bound to confi- dentiality," said the Dean of Stu- •Trinity: 1984-1986 dents Office. The distribution of the pam- • The Tripod GRE Review Matt Freeman and Mike Pina grapple during Jcllo wrestling on Saturday phlets which accompanied the evening. The match was a draw. See story Page 6. photo by MMc™ s iimm.i letters was another step taken by Page 2 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 Opinion Editorial Minority Hiring Policy The latest product of Trinity's attempts to grapple with issues of race is the Resolution on Minority Hiring. Approved by both the faculty and the board of trustees, the policy is a neccessary step in the quest for a more diverse faculty and administration. The Tripod supports this resolution rSecause it will lead to the kind of staff which Trinity must have to honor.its committment to diversity. The college has decided to pursue minority students aggressively, making a committment to faculty and staff diversity essential. It will not be easy, but careful implementation of this policy can only benefit the college. President Gerety has promised to spearhead the drive for the best faculty possible, but in some areas the numbers are not favorable for Trinity. ' At only $131 million, a weak endowment is part of the problem. Dean Cohn has said the college would like create ten new teaching positions in the next five years, but the school can only afford five. Of these five, at least three positions will be filled by minorities in accordance with the new hiring policy. Tri-Delta Misrepresented in Editorial Yet many faculty members believe virtually all professors hired in To the Editor: was quite surprised that I was not childrens hospitals, nursing the next 5-10 years will be minorities, eliminating any opportunity to The objective of this letter is to contacted in order to inform you homes, and soup kitchens, and we add white, male professors to the staff. This means that for the next five provide an answer to the question on some of our activities. In speak- will continue to be committed to years, Trinity will be hiring the majority of its professors from a posed in last weeks editorial en- ing with the other philanthropy the Hartford community, as will minority of available PhD's. titled "Psi - U: Making an Im- chairmen, I discovered that they the other Greek organizations on President Gerety is correct when he says "there's nothing second pact." The question was in regard were not questioned either. It campus. Certainly the fact that all rate about Trinity," but the fight for new faculty will be a bitter one. A to the participation of the col- seems that in a college newspaper the Greek organizations are com- quick glance at the list of top universities and colleges reveals stiff leges' fraternities and sororities an editor would know to contact ing together in the Benefit Bash competition, and many of these schools are equipped with bigger in philanthropic activities. It read. his sources before writing, in order for Hunger and Homelessness endowments and better facilities. "But where are the schools' other to verify his information. Thus I Week demonstrates a serious Even Hartford, attractive for its managable size and geographic recognized Greeks?" The article feel that it is my job to make up for commitment to enriching the location, suffers in the comparison due to the high cost of living. commends Psi - U for their com- your lack of research and to in- community. If you had taken the Gerety has proposed housing subsidies from Trinity as one remedy for mitment to academic and com- form you and the Trinity commu- time to research Greek benefits in this problem, but money is tight. munity service activities, but nity of the "philanthropic ven- the past, you would have found Us going to be hard for Trinity to lure the very best minority neglects to mention the philan- tures " of Tri - Delta and other similar coherent approaches to professors away from the larger nniyprsfop'-^r]jjyy^-prpRt'gir"'g thropic endeavors of the other Greek organizations. bettering the community. 1 ajneges;"Tiatucr\naW pebple"may think. Greek organizations. Last May Tri - Delta and Pike We only wish that you had Because of this, Trinity runs the risk of passing up qualified Before answering this ques- played in a softball game in which contacted your sources before professors simply because they are white males. This would be a tion I would like to pose a few the players were sponored foreach writing your editorial so that other shame, because it could defeat the resolution's goal of improving questions of my own. How can inning played. The proceeds Greek organizations could have Trinity's staff. the rest of the schools' population which Tri - Delta received went shown that they too are taking The Tripod is not suggesting that the school alter the Resolution become aware of the activities of towards a Halloween party for the steps toward "making an impact." on Minority Hiring; rather, we are saying it should be applied with care. the fraternities and sororities if Trinity Community Center this There is along list of things which Trinity can't afford right now, and you publish their articles late or fall. The children were met in The Sincerely, one of them is to become cut off from the majority of qualified PhDs. fail to publish them at all? Tri- Cave by sisters after parading in Ingrid Boonisar Quality must always be the firstpriority in the hiring of new faculty and Delta submitted an article on rush costume around campus and gath- Ann Luke administrators, just as it must be paramount in the acceptance of and the possibility of the estab- ering goodies from AD, Crow, Mimi Keller students. lishment of a third sorority which KKG and St. A's representatives. The college is in a delicate position right now, caught between the was intended to be printed during During the week of November Editor's Note: The deadline for need to follow through on the creation of a more diverse campus and rush. It was printed three weeks 13, Tri - Delta sponsored a can articles being submitted by mem- to fill five new faculty positions. Trinity is a good enough school to after rush, and its initial purpose collection for the Loaves and bers of the Trinity community is 5 have it both ways, but only the school can hire anyone who meets this was defeated. Other Greek or- Fishes Soup Kitchen. Sisters and p.m. on the Friday before publi- school's exacting standards. ganizations have submitted ar- pledges collected over 200 cans cation. Many of the articles and ticles concerning their commu- from around the Hartford area letters mentioned above were re- nity activities which have had to which were donated to the soup ceived after this deadline and/or be resubmitted as many as three kitchen at the end of the week. Tri were too slanted to be printed. In times before publication. - Delta also donated the waitressing service of fifteen girls the future, organizations which TRIPOD My second question concerns wish Tripod coverage should that of your research technique. for an evening at The Student Auction. contact the one of the news editors Robert E. Cockburti Being the philanthropy chair- (listed in the staff box on this woman for Tri - Delta sorority, I In the past we have visited page) two weeks in advance. ,* \ |Editor-in-Chief| j Kappa Responds to Editorial To the Editor: so visible to the Trinity campus raising money for the Newing- I currently hold the office of but we do not pursue such activity ton Children's Hospital to the scholarship/philanthropy of to get recognition or a "pat on the simple act of singing'and brin- Kappa Kappa Gamma, and as a back" from the campus. We do ing joy to lonely people. representative of this sorority, I philanthropic activities for the Sincerely, pp^iP^^lf^?^^* must express how disturbed I am groups themselves, and we take Cathy Leveroni'90- about the editorial in the last issue great pride in our activities from of the Tripod. I believe the editor was irre- sponsible in his presentation of Do Women Ask For Rape? information regarding not only Kappa sponsored philanthropy To the Editor; to even imply that they might, a projects, but those of the greeks as On November 21, the Office more appropriate title might have well. Hedidnolmaketheeffortto of Residential Services and the been "Rape: why does it hap- research such activity within our Resident Assistantprogram spon- pen?" Granted, this is not as sen- chapter or Tri-Delt. sored a FAS on Rape. While I sational as the ORS/RA's choice, A simple phone call would applaud their efforts on address- but it also does not offend the have revealed that Kappa is in- ing this sensitive issue, I would victims, or would-be victims of volved in many philanthropic like to express my feelings on the rape. events. For example, in two title of this program. Being raped is an act where a weeks, Kappa will be selling I was very offended when I woman's body is reduced to an All letters must be received by 5 p.m. Friday. Only letters signed by the wreaths downtown to help the saw the signs for "RAPE: does a object, something without choice. author and including a phone number for verification w ill be considered for Connecticut Traumatic Brain In- woman ask for it?" The very na- To be additionally insulted with publication. Though there is no limit on length, the Tripod reserves the right jury Association, and in Decem- ture of that sign implies that the the question that the rape might to edit any submission over 250 words in length. Letters may be left on the ber we will be caroling at a com- answer might be "yes." There is have been the woman's fault is door of the Tripod office (3 ackson basement) or mailed to Box 1310 The munity nursing home. no question on this matter: women simply intolerable. I npod can be reached at 297-2583. Perhaps our projects are not never ask to be violently and Sincerely, sexually abused, and it is an insult Katherine Hopkins, '90 The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 3 Opinion Violence not Answer to Racial Slander To the Editor: him with sexual references. In the senseless brawling. Individualism Important I find Tricia Johnson's letter case of Bedder vs. Director of Moreover, Trinity is an intel- of 7 November 1989 entitled Public Prosecution (1954) an lectual community. Violence has to Minority Hiring Policy "Harassment may lead to vio- impotent man attacked a prosti- no place here. It is contrary to one lence" both inaccurate and dis- tute after she jeered him because of the primary goals of a liberal tressing. Miss Johnson writes in of his inadequacy. The court stated arts institution; to promote a To the editor: critical moment, we should not response to a previous article, that the prostitute's actions were mature, intelligent exchange of I applaud the sentiments lose sight of the irreducible "Racial Harassment may lead to not adequate to provoke a battery. ideas. Take note of the number of expressed in the letter on minor- uniqueness and integrity of the violence." If you call a person a All of these cases may be found in times Trinity has punished brawl- ity hiring that appeared in last human personality—of what "nigger" they may strike out at Weinreb's Casebook on Crimi- ers. week's Tripod. At the same you and you will be legally re- Racial comments are terrible Elizabeth Cady Stanton in an sponsible because your language The only exception to the law, and have no place in an intellec- time, I think it is important to 1892 address called "the indi- promoted the response." which is still being discussed is tual community, but violence is reaffirm that all faculty hiring viduality of each human soul." Miss Johnson, the law has where the batterer discovers an not the answer. Racial comments decisions are in the final analy- To ignore this truth even at never, and still does not recognize act of adultery. Courts are split on can offend, but violence is bar- sis choices made among indi- a time of crisis will, I believe, harsh language, sexual allusions, the subject of whether the revela- baric and both positive law and viduals rather than racial or eth- or racial slander as adequate provo- tion of adultery to the wife or the school will not tolerate it. weaken the foundation that sup- cation for a battery. The law clearly husband will be adequate to pro- People cannot strike out at other nic categories. ports the moral and intellectual states on several occasions that it voke a battery. Otherwise words people who offend them verbally. It is vital that Trinity make endeavor in which we are en- will not tolerate the existence of alone are not sufficient and must People who do this must, as you extraordinary efforts to attract gaged. "fighting words", and there are no be combined with actions that can yourself said, "be prepared to minority candidates for faculty Sincerely, legal consequences as such ex- either be interpreted by the bat- accept and deal with the real cept to the person committing the terer as life threatening or a threat consequences involved." positions. "Diversity,"however, Prof. Jack Chatfield battery, not to the slanderer. of serious bodily harm. Sincerely, takes many forms. Even at this History Department If you strike out at someone Miss Johnson, the law recog- Jay Flemma '89 who calls you a nigger, you are nizes freedom of speech. I under- the one who will face the prosecu- stand that the word "nigger" is tion. very racist and incites feelings of The precedent case on the hatred and frustration among matter is a Supreme Court deci- Blacks. But no racial slander is sion of 1976, CharjlinskivsJiew adequate to provoke a battery. The Hampshire which denied the exis- law cannot elevate racial remarks tence of "fighting words." Other to the level of adequate provoca- cases include Freddo vs. State of tion. It would result in countless, Tennessee (1913) where a man mindless fights over namecalling. was convicted of battery after The law must retain the positive striking a worker who shouted function of deterring certain devi- expletives at him and slandered ant forms of social conduct, e.g., IDPs Face Challenges To Scholar Achievement To the Editor: we must either arrange for time I was much distressed to read off or resort to independent stud- the letter in your November 14 ies. Thus, the relatively simple issue ("IDP's Need Separate act (for a traditional student) of Honors Program") arguing that it meeting with a professor or visit- is "essentially unfair to asses (sic) ing the library or bookstore is a IDP students on the same basis as major undertaking for most undergraduate students who are IDPers. enrolled on a full-time basis" in Most of us try to squeeze 12 determining class rank or choos- to 14 hours a week into each ing department fellows. The let- course, excluding class time. ter misrepresented the accom- That's tough when you're putting plishments of the majority of in a 40-hour week at work and nontraditional students at Trinity trying to give your family "qual- by suggesting that the different ity" time. We have little choice pace and intensity levels that some but to spend our evenings, week- of us choose, or have thrust upon ends, and holidays studying. And us, give us an unfair advantage. being responsible for paying our Resolution on Minority Hiring While a handful of IDP stu- own college bills is a great incen- dents do take but a single course tive for demanding academic To the Editor: ity suffers. each semester, the overwhelming excellence from ourselves. Because initiatives such as the Resolution We see the Resolution on Minority Hiring as majority do not and must balance on Minority Hiring (recently passed by the fac- one step in a longer process and as an initiative On the whole, IDP students that should influence all hiring at Trinity. There the demands of academia against have no inherent advantage over ulty and approved by the Board of Trustees) those of holding down a full-time have historically been viewed as having pur- is no teaching area in the curriculum that is re- other undergraduates except, per- served for whites only; nor are minority faculty job, parenting, being a spouse, haps, motivation and maturity. If poses at odds with the interests of women, we, engaging in community activities, the undersigned members of the Women's Stud- qualified to teach only certain subjects. There- we earn academic honors it is fore, it is important for all searches to be regarded etc. To suggest, for example, that probably because we worked a bit ies committee, feel called upon to make the the two or three courses a working following statement. as and conducted as opportunities to recruit mi- harder that our younger nority staff. We see this proposal as an integral parent with two children is able to counterparts undgrequally trying: We wholeheartedly endorse the decision of take in a semester is somehow the faculty to approve the Resolution on Minor- part of the wider effort to be create a more egali- conditions. So it seems terribly tarian education environment. We hope that dis- less demanding that the four or unfair that the writers of the letter ity Hiring. We also recognize the continuing five taken during the same period need to hire more women faculty. However, we cussion of these matters will continue throughout chose to misrepresent our accom- the Trinity community. by a traditional undergraduate is plishments merely because our regard as individious the assumption that "mi- to misunderstand the enormity of nority" and "women" are conflicting and mutu- circumstances, at first glance, Sincerely, the former's accomplishment. appear to be less than equal to ally exclusive categories. In the first place, 52 percent of the minority population are women; Patricia Byrne Typically, IDP students work their own. Nothing could be fur- Leslie Craine ther from the truth. in this significant overlap of the categories of . regular9-to-5 jobs andhave family "minority" and "women" there is surely no Cheryl Greenberg obligations. Because mostclasses Sincerely, Joan Hedrick W. Robert Chapman, IDP conflict. But beyond this, we believe that the are held during workings hours, hiring of more men and women of color is a Helen Lang special, critical need inextricably bound up with Paul Lauter the interests of women and Women's Studies at Sonia Lee Trinity. The presence of more minority faculty Dan Lloyd The opinions expressed in will further the climate that Women's Studies Lindsay McNair '90 seeks to create of an open, egalitarian, pluralistic James Miller community in which diverse voices are heard Jane Nadel-Klein these letters do not necessarily and respected. We regard "academicexcellence" Susan Pennybacker at Trinity as an issue inseparable from the need Helen Raisz reflect the views, thoughts, to increase the numbers of, particularly, Afri- Milla Riggio can-American and Latino/Latina faculty. With- JaneRudd opinions, or beliefs of the out greater diversity, the quality of pedagogy Kimberly Simmons '92 and of the entire educational experience at Trin- Anne Utz Editor's Note: Due to a number of typographical errors which may have altered the meaning of the Tripod as a whole or in part. authors, The Tripod is reprinting this letter in its entirety. It first appeared on November 14. Page 4 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 Opinion Student Sees Fight for Equality Headed in Wrong Direction less? Transparent? To the Editor: white are less important than those who are," he re- sponded. And racial nomenclature isn't my only complaint. Recently, I received a flyer from the office of I'd also like to know why it is that non-whites are allowed Admissions. It pertained to an upcoming visitation "But...they're still minorities, right? As in, 'not the majority?'" to be proud of their heritage, while those of us in the weekend for students belonging to ethnic or minority colorless majority are supposed to ignore ours, February groups. At first, I didn't think much about it. A special "Well, yes. But 'people of color' is a lot more respectable." is Black History Month. Why can't we have a White weekend for minority students seemed perfectly OK to History Month? And why is it that Hispanic Pride week me. "But it sounds silly." (Brilliant logic there.) But there was something about the flyer which "Silliness doesn't have anything to do with it." He is perfectly acceptable while the very words "white made me uncomfortable. I read it and re-read it several began to sound testy. "African-Americans have gotten pride" are not permitted in polite society? Why am I times until I found the problem. the short end of the stick for four hundred years. All we branded a racist and a bigot if I say that I am pleased to be The flyer did not make use of the word "minority." want is a little respect." a white person? I like being white. Is that so wrong? Instead, it employed the term "students of color." Ini- Suddenly I was thrown off track. "Afro-Americans? Please don't misunderstand me. I'm as liberal as the tially, I wondered if I had misunderstood the concept. You mean black people?" next guy. I voted for Dukakis last year. I thought Gerry Did "students of color" refer to blacks, Hispanics, and "No," he insisted. "We're now called African- Ferraro was swell. But I can't understand why our society Asians, or to students interested in studying color? Americans." is supposed to glorify racial, ethnic, religious, and even (Future interior designers, perhaps?) I was puzzled. "So what does that make me?" sexual minorities - all in the name of equality. Is it really I showed the flyer to a (black) friend of mine. He "You're white." fair to praise one group at the expense of another? informed me that "people of color" is now the preferred This is my point. Why is it that minbri — oops, I realize that blacks, Hispanics, Asians, Jews, homo- term to use in reference to minority groups. people of color — get to change their name every three sexuals, native Americans, and other non-majority people "What's wrong with saying 'minority groups?'" I or four days while us white guys remain white? (We have suffered greatly from an intolerant and insensitive asked. aren't white, after all. We're sort of pinkish-beige). And society. Were it my power to do so, I would banish all that's not all - if I'm not a "person of color," am I color- forms of prejudice and bigotry from the face of the Earth. "The word 'minority' implies thatpeople who aren't But I can't. We live in a world where people notice each other's differences. And, people being what they are, we tend to shun those who are not like us. I'm sorry about this...but its not my fault! And don't punish me for being in the There's a PS/2 that's majority. I wish that the radical left would real- ize that part of the reason for the resurgence of conservatism in the 198O's is the perception that right for you. the civil rights movements of the 60's and 70's went too far. White, middle class Americans grew tired of hearing that white, middle class Americans were terrible people. They grew tired of "affirmative action" programs, reckless school desegregation, forced busing and grandiose wel- fare handouts. In short, they grew tired of paying lip service to the god Equality without seeing any Model 25 Model 30 286 Model SO Z """ Model 55 SX Model 70 386 ' i tangible results. 8525 001 8530 £31 8550 031 8555 061 8370 Ffci / A I believe that most Americans are tol- Memory 64OKt) 1Mb erant, progressive people. I believe that most Processor 808ti(8MHfl 80286 (10 MHz) 80286 (10 MHii 803PbSX"(16MH/) ' 8OJ8D-M6UH ) r Americans want to sincerely end prejudice and 3.5-inch diskette drive 720Kb 144Mb 1.44Mb 1 44Mb 1 -14Mr> racism. I believe that most Americans want to Fixed disk drive 20MD 20Mb 30Mb 60Mb 60MI) give minorities the opportunity to succeed. But Micro Channel"' when black extremists condemn white people for architecture Yes - Yes Yes being white people, the cause of civil rights is Display Monochrome 8513 Color B513Color 8513 Color 8513 Color severely wounded. When radical homosexuals Mouse Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes demand that society "accept" their behavior, the Software DOS40 DOS 4.0 DOS 4 0 DOS 4.0 DOS 4 0 opposite generally occurs. When militant femi- Microsofl' Wiciosofl MicrosoM MlCIOSOll nists demand "equal representation" for women Windows/286 Windows/286 • Windows/286 Wtndows/38C Windows/386 HOC Windows Word 50" Word 5.0" Word 5.0" Word 50" in all areas of society, males feel threatened. Express'" hDC Windows Excel" Excel" Excel" Radicals in any group (racial, religious, or even Express hDC Windows hDC Windows hOC Windows hDC Windows Express Express Express national 0 have a tendency to spoil that group's Manage/'" hDC Windows hDC Winnows hDC Windows image. Radicals in the civil rights movement hOC Windows Manager Manager " Manager have caused many whiter to look upon minorities Color" hDC Windows hDC Windows hDC Windows Color. Color Color with a mixture of fear and suspicion. Price $1,499 $2,299 $2,799 $3,499 $4,699 To those who believe that the only way to end prejudice is to shove their ideas down the throats of the majority, I say this: Clam down. You're only going to alienate the very people whose support you need. The best way to win equality and acceptance is to demonstrate that And right on the money, too. you're worthy of that acceptance. You're not 1 going to solve you're problems through quotas No matter what your major (or your budget), there's an IBM Personal Sy stem/2* and forced hiring procedures. Americans have thai can make you look great—in school, and alter you graduate. And now you come to accept minorities as equals. Now show can choose from live complete packages of hardware and preloaded software, at us that you deserve the respect for which you special low studenl priees. VUiuts more, when you buy your PS/2.1* you will get a fought so hard. mouse pad. a 3.5-inch diskette holder, and a power strip—all free. I have probably offended many mem- And you"re entitled to a great low price on the PRODIGY® service. Aside, from bers of Trinity's minority community. I will probably be labeled a racist, as well as a homo- all this, three of (he most popular IBM Proprinters™ are available now at phobe, an anti-Semite, and who knows what else. special low prices. Do I accept these labels? No. I am not a bigot. I Proprinter 111 w/Cable (4201/003) $399 am just a white, male, heterosexual, middle class Proprinter X24E w/Cable (4207/002) $549 Protestant who doesn't enjoy having other Proprinter XL24E w/Cable (4208/002) $669 people's beliefs or convictions forced upon me. I Start out the new year right. Check out all these special savings think quite a few members of the majority agree with me. Earlier today, I showed the rough draft now—before its too late!* Offer ends February 15,1990. of this letter to the friend of mine I mentioned ear- lier. I asked his opinion. "You're a typical white person," he How're you going to do it? said. "You think everyone who doesn't look like you or think like you is inferior. Contact: Nancy Sowa There you have it. In the thirty years Life Sciences Building since the struggle for racial equality began in earnest, we have come full circle. It is now whites Phone: 297-2571 - the majority - who are the victims of "reverse racism," where bigotry is used as an excuse for all the ills of the minority community. Any criticism Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00-3:00 of a non-white is interpreted as an attack from the •Thisot1enslimitedloqualil«;rJsludents.lacultvandslatlwhoorderanlBMPS/2Model8530-E21 8550mi flw nm ocm .-» KKK. r 6 lh OU9h Ff!b(uary 15 1990 The fxeconligured BM PS/2 Model 8525 001 is available through December 31,1989 only P,ioes cuoied cto no ,n ^» c , ° ? ' - Check wiin your institution regarding these charges Orde's are sublet to availability Pnces are subiect to rh-ln™ H^?*' g °M'°' Pr°cess'»9 charges It's time for the liberals (my ideologi- lime without wrmen notice - v nces are s"5|ect lo change and IBM may withdraw the promotion at any cal brothers) to wake up. You have defeated the "Microsoft Word and Excel are the Academic Editions specter of prejudice. Now show us that you're islered service mark and trademark worthy of the equality you won. iaaKs ol nternational Business Machi -! mrw^rr h Color jHelwemartsel hDC Compute, Corporate 80386SX and 60386 ar Sincerely, Kyle M. Ashinhurst'92 The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 5 News Assaults Plague Brown Campus -by Hugh Anderson- attacks just undermine the frame "Everybody is concerned about News Writer of mind of a lot of students here anybody being hurt," Robinson have." Dean of Student Life John also said. A few weeks ago The Brown Robinson said in Herald reports But recent letters to the Her- Daily Herald ran a full-page that "I assume [the attacks are] ald reveal that students are not advertisement that read: "Should very debilitating for student mo- satisfied with what has been done Brown Police Be Armed? You rale." to prevent future crimes. Last Tell Us..." The Department of Police and weekend three students reported The Herald's concern is a far Security Services at Brown re- being robbed on or near Thayer cry from the issues of nuclear leased a statement which reported Street, which hosts many stores testing, abortion, and pluralism that "while the motives for these and shops used by Brown stu- usually equated with Brown's assaults are still unclear, we be- dents. A letter sent to Providence Should activist student body. But with a lieve that these acts of assaultive Mayor Joseph Paolino by Brown recent onslaught of crime on behavior are not occuring be- President Vartan Gregorian said Brown campus that includes over twenty tween Brown students. Instead, "the campus is vigilant, our secu- reports of unprovoked assaults on we believe that non-university rity forces are alert, but neverthe- Police Be Brown males, students are wor- individuals are responsible for less these incidents do continue." ried. most of this criminal behavior." Although the Providence Po- Armed? "I came out of my dorm once, The report also stated that three lice have agreed to help combat and a guy said 'Don't go any- assaults involved "items thrown future attacks, it has usually been where '," a freshman said. "I turned at people from moving vehicles," the business of Brown security to and looked at his friend, and he and one "involved a physical as- patrol the campus. And while had blood all over his face. He'd sualt with a pipe while others were students seemed to accept the idea just been attacked." threatened with a handgun." that Brown's security may have to And because students at Brown Even more disheartening is resort to carrying guns, the re- are renowned as pacifists, the at- the fact that the attacks are not sponse to the Herald' s question tacks have a bitter irony which limited to back-alleys or poorly lit favored holding out as long as has some Brunians confused. streets, but are frequently near the possible. '"We don't want to hurt any- center of campus. In fact, two "Once you give them guns, body, and we advocate peaceful students were assualted and beaten you can't take them back," a stu- resistance," a student said. "The inside a local Dunkin' Donuts. dent said. Overnight Helps Students Security Blotter Realize Plight of Homeless The discussion featured several Friday, Nov. 10 at 8:35 p.m. - Quad, by the Bishop: Security Officer The next morning many com- on routine patrol noticed three subjects swinging from a rope which foreign students who colored the plained of soreness, dampness and -by Dana Cimilluca- discussion with their own coun- was attached to the Bishop Statue. Students complied with Officer's News Writer insomnia. According to Van tries' perspectives on the fight Campen, sleeping outside put request to get off same. against poverty. quite a strain on her ability to Saturday, Nov. 11 at 11:55 p.m. - A.D. Fraternity: Occupants On Wednesday night After the demonstrators function the following day. reported two males had come to door claiming to be off duty police ConnPIRG members Jennifer Van watched a film entitled "Down She stated that the purpose officers, who wanted access to the party. Students informed same Campen '90 and Sakina Natar '92 and Out in America," it began to of the event was to spend one organized an overnight on the rain and, with only about 45 faith- evening like the homeless do in that party was restricted to students Subjects stated they would be Cave Patio in order to raise aware- ful people left, most of the group order to better understand their back to shut same down. Security Officer checked area with ness on campus of hunger and moved to the Cook Arch for shel- plight. negative results. homelessness. ter, where they spent the remain- Although no one in one night ing 8 hours. The event was among the can experience the anguish that Sunday, Nov. 12 at 1:02 a.m. - PIKE Fraternity: Security personnel major events of Hunger and A few students reportedly hundreds do in this city nightly, observed flames shooting from the hood of a vehicle up towards a Homelessness Week sponsored by braved the rain on the Cave patio she now sees what a truly difficult tree. Fire Department in to put out the flames, however students had a number of organizations. and stayed there for most of the time they have. "It's easy to say obtained fire extinguishers and put out same. There were no The event began at 7:00 p.m. night. Under the arch, the group we care but we really don't know witnesses as to how the fire got started. when the day-long Oxfam fast sang folk songs and received two what their pain is like," she said. ended, and continued until 8:00 noise complaints. Sunday, Nov. 12 at 2:45 a.m. - Chapel: Anonymous complaint the next morning. Rain forced the received of unknown person scaling the north side of the chapel. group, which reached about 150 Subject was met by Securi ty personnel who escortedsame down trie students at its height, to move to Deans, SOAR Film Series stairwell to tower and Hartford Police were contacted. Subject not the Cook Arch around midnight. a student, arrested for trespassing. Before the rain, however, several to Center.on Oppression musicians and speakers were Sunday, Nov. 12 at 4:05 p.m. - Elton: Student reported an unknown Years 1954-1965," the most' heard. The Dean of Students Office male lying unconscious apparently drunk. Security Officer was Among those who spoke were and Students Organized Against widely acclaimed series on the history of the civil rights move- able to rouse same. Subject not a student and left without further Mel King, current Profesor at MIT Racism (SOAR) have organized problem. and founder of the Rainbow a Tuesday night series of films ment. that will deal with the problem of Williams has also been a Coalition, whose membership Sunday, Nov. 12 at 10:50 p.m. - Cook Dorm: Student reported a includes Jesse Jackson among' oppression on Trinity's campus. national correspondent for the group of students acting in a disorderly manner. Students were others, Father Rose from Grace The series began last week Post, a panelist on "Washington hrowing beer and cups out window and being loud. Security Church in Hartford, and Judy with a showing of "The Autobi- Week In Review," as well as Officers got to scene and knocked on door. Upon entering there Beaumont from My Sister's Place, ography of Miss Jane Pittman." corresponding and writing for a shelter for the homeless in Hart- "The series was originally several documentaries. were 15 students jumping up and down on furniture and pile of ford. slated to deal specifically with "This series is part of the wood in the middle of the room. Non-occupants of room were King spoke of the need for racism," said Christian Deans' office to get students aware asked to leave anddid so. There was spilled beer and tossed garbage students to use democracy and Scognamillo '91, the student of the problems of oppression on all over room and hallway. Students were still celebrating from a technology as weapons for fight- organizer of the events. "The this campus without slamming the banquet they attended earlier. Dean of Students notified. ing hunger and homelessness. program was just expanded to deal things down their throats," said Rose took a different approach as with all types of oppression." Scognamillo. "They thought a Tuesday, Nov. Mat 10:10p.m. -Life Science Auditorium: Anony- he warned of the danger of the Tuesday, November 28 Juan • series of films was a good way to mous report of a group of students entering building with a keg was suburbs' ignorance of the home- Williams, political reporterforthe do that." received by Security. Security Officer went to scene and spoke with less. Washington Post Magazine, will Next semester the series will occupants of same who stated that beer is usually present at their Rose stated that communi- be speaking as part of the series. begin in February with a sympo- meetings. Students were asked to remove keg, as Security was not ties around Hartford are literally Williams is also the author of the sium on homophobia. In March aware of this arrangement and the keg would have to go. Students and April sexism will be ad- handing out bus tickets to the poor documentary series "Eyes on the cooperated with request and left building. and sending them downtown. Prize - America's Civil Rights dressed. Hartford itself is now unable to Tfday, Nov. 17 at 9:30 p.m. - High Rise: Student reported to accomadate 300-400 of its own Security Officer on routine patrol that some unknown person(s) had homeless and hungry every night. Photograph for the Tripod! hot B-B's in her direction. Student wished to remain anonymous. As winter approaches, the need Area checked and the sound of an air rifle was heard coming from for a bona fide shelter at night will south side of High Rise. Building was checked with negative soon be essential to the survival Spring Semester Photographers of many of those people. Desired. Contact Kathleen esults. An open-microphone discus- riday, Nov. 17 at 10:00 p.m. - Hartford Hospital: Student trans- sion followed, enabling anyone Thomas, 524 - 0314 who wanted to voice his views. ported earlier due to excessive intoxication, called for a ride back. L Page 6 • The Trinity Tripod 'November 21,1989 News Life Oil Other Planets

TUFTS UNIVERSITY dorms. The program is meeting the police if drugs were distrib- A student who is accused of resistance from some of the stu- uted in the cafeteria. screaming "Aunt Jemima" out of dents who are afraid that RA's his dorm window has decided not will be security spies. MT. HOLYOKE COLLEGE to appeal his level I probation, Holyoke announced their ten saying an appeal would not be WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY year plan recently, a plan that "worth the hassle." About60demonstrators gath- outlines in very general term the The student was brought ered on Wesleyans fraternity row purposes of Holyoke's future. It before the Tufts Deans' office by November 3 to protest the exis- includes remaining an all female a young woman who claimed she tence of all male fraternities. The school and improving "techno- was the victim of his racial slurs. students called for coeducation of logical infrastructure, particularly The student in question claims the the all malefrats, and claimed that in computers." Mt. Holyoke entire incident was an unfortu- they promote " a system of all decided it "must never become nate misunderstanding, and that male privilege as it exists [on the defensive about the future." his remarks were not directed at Wesleyan campus]." the student or meant to be racially Middletown's mayor, Paul U. OF SOUTH CAROLINA derogatory. Gionfriddo Wes '75, said the An experiment involving university's much ballyhooed single sex dorms has been a mis- WILLIAMS COLLEGE drug problems are not the city's erable failure at (the other) USC. Williams has been toying concern, putting enforcement A trustee suggested the experi- with the idea of instituting an RA responsibility on the school's ment to promote safety, privacy, program. The school has no shoulders. During the recent and decrease sex between unmar- immediate plans to bring a pro- marijuana smoke out, the school' s ried people. Visiting hours were gram into being, and currently public safety director alerted not allowed, but that soon will employs a junior advisorprogram, Middletown police and instructed change. 450 of 500 students in- which are only used in freshman the food service director to call volved in the experiment peti- tioned the university for visiting hours. Jennifer Shultz '90 and Susan Monaco '90 for Kappa Kappa Gamma on __ .g p.^ , Saturdayd ^ HiotPhotoo bbyy Kathlee Kathleenn bS.. ThomaI nomass ^ Nint8 h Trinity 9 Papers Announced This year's Presidents Fel- written specifically for the Pa-for the Trinity Papers is Friday lows, members of the class of '90, pers. The work must have been February 2nd. ' All materials have decided to follow the tradi- done while the author was a stu- should be sent to Dean Ronald tion established by previous fel- dent at Trinity. Papers can be on Spencer's office, #232 Williams lows and to produce the ninth any topic, but only those of ex- Memorial. edition of the Trinity Papers. The ceptional quality will be pub- Papers will be read without Trinity Papers is an annual journal lished. bias - all identification will be of outstanding undergraduate Requirements for submitted removed and the papers coded by scholarship. • The Papers will works are as follows: There is no numbers. Authors will become consist of superior student papers, minimum length requirement. As known to the editors only after scientific research reports, and any a rule papers must not exceed 25 the selection process is complete. non-fiction expository writing. double spaced type-writtenpages. All-papers not accepted for publi- All undergraduate Trinity Editors may require revision be- cation will be returned to their students are encouraged to submit fore publication. All work sub- authors. work done for courses, seminars, mitted will be reviewed by an The Fellows encourage all independent studies, and essays editorial board drawn from the students to submit their best ef- Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin. Photo by David Mofner President's Fellows who make the forts for recognition by the Trin- final selection. ity Community as will as outside Wrestling Raises Funds, Spirits The deadline for submission readers of the Papers. chosen by the loudness of the of Trinity's fraternities and so- Jobs in Alaska Attention: -by Jay Akasie- audience's response. rorities. Many participants, in- Hiring men and women News Writer The event was held by Black cluding B-PSI member Brian • Summer - year round. GOVERNMENT Power Serves Itself (B-PSI), an Chisolm '92, were disturbed that CANNERIES, FISHING, SEIZED VEHICLES organization formed by Trinity the field of participation did not LOGGING, TOURISM, In a night filled with flying from $100. drop-kicks and reverse suplexes, students two years ago. Member extend into other areas of the CONSTRUCTION. Up to Jean St. Louis '90 was optimistic Trinity community. Fords, Mercedes, Corvettes, student grapplers proved that they $600 weekly, plus FREE about the event. "This is the first "I think it went well consid- could wrestle with the flair of room and board. Call now. Chevys. Surplus Buyers professionals. For its first time, year Trinity, is having Jello Wres- ering we didn't get any admini- Guide. tling, and hopefully we'll make it stration or faculty involvement," .. Call refundable. Trinity witnessed "Jello Wres- (1) 602-838-8885 tling" on Saturday night in Oostirig annual." said Chisolm. "We tried to get 1(206)736-0775, Gymnasium. St. Louis also stressed the im- some of them to wrestle, but none ext. #760H E xt. A 8408 The ring held 1600 pounds of portance of its purpose. "The pro- of them did." red jello, where the opponents ceeds go towards developing schol- Despite the absence of fac- squared off in a slippery contest arships for local Hartford students ulty members, the night's matches SUMMER UNDERGRADUATE of bodyslams and atomic drops. trying to attain a higher educa- still saw many unusual and in- If no pin occurred, the winner was tion," said St. Louis. timidating characters. The card B-PSI was aided by members included the "Amazons," a fe- RESEACH FELLOWSHIPS male tag-team duo wielding large bones as clubs, and even an ap- are being offered by pearance by "Zamfir - Master of New Registrar the Pan Flute." NECUSE Continued from Page 1 within the college and another, The matches culminated with New England Consortium for Undergraduate Science Education sure of the department's focus. Robin Smith, resigned. When a tag-team main event of mon- , at The college administration, to asked why she left, Smith said strous proportions. The Crow tag appease the community, asked that the college "treated us like team tandem of Charles Gill '91 Amherst College, Bates College, Bowdoin College, , Miller to come back and, said kids. They just gave us a hew and John Niland '92 defeated a Colby College, , Harvard University, College of the Wagget, did "precisely what I mother [Miller]."•••:• ' team from Pike to cap off a 9 Holy Cross, Middlebury College,Mount Holyoke College, Smith hoped she could bring in terms of There was an apparent lack match card, which included teams College, Trinity College, Wellesley College, Wesleyan University, stability [and] knowledge of the of communication between the from Crow, Pike, Kappa Kappa institution." administration and registrar em- Gamma, and the Umoja House. Williams College and Yale University Miller's return, however, did ployees, especially on Miller's When exiting the arena, the In the fields of role. Specifically, some workers crowd marveled at the supreme not please several personnel ifVthe Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth registrars office. Resentment were not pleased that Miller did displays of athleticism which they stemming from Miller being an not leara to use the new computer had just witnessed. There were Science, Environmental Science, Mathematics, Neurpscience and Physics uuwiuoutsideur leaItgadu tLoU discorUlSUUrUd in thmee system",/"••*"*»,, buwuit wervvwet no11ULt tolLU1dU thaIflcitl some who were more concerned office and to charges that the ad- Miller was leaving on January 1 st about other things, though, as one Stipend: $3,000 andsll e spectator asked, "Who's going to ministration was not i n touch with neither needed that knowl- List of Opportunities and Details of Fellowships will be the department. Last month, one edgeno''was asked by the college clean up this mess?" available in your Science Department and Career Counseling worker asked to be transferred t0 learn. : Offices by January 1,1990 The Trinity Tripod • November 21, 1989 • Page 7 News A Trinity Student's Perspective at the Wall Continued from Page 1 other wonders. People were Sunday and Monday were full machine bui Iding workers and the done and the people are not gi v i ng fruitlessly to extend my visa. friendly and instructive; political of the best. The population of the West German whom they were an inch, or falling all over them- Signing up for five days in the change was taking place as a result city had doubled by Saturday, visiting, and we drained several selves over what many see as DDR is nothing akin to check in at of popular pressure, and over the public transportation was slowed mugs of the best while getting the purely "cosmetic" changes. the Ramada. course of my stay I came to see that down and packed to the gu n wales, low-down on East German poli- The question of a reunified Vital decision number two East Germans had quite truthfully and tines to the banks where East tics. What they told me coincided Germany crept up in many talks. brought me out of East Germany described theirs as "a revolution Germans awaited their one with what every other East Ger- Such an event would be the ful- some ten minutes before an 80,000 from below". I found that the hundred deutsch mark gift man told me. Here's what I fillment in deed of the fraternal person demonstration took place natives were taking advantage of stretched over kilometers. I learned. spirit which underlay all the events budgeted for, and it was after a unrestricted travel in the form of roamed around late into the night, Egon Krenz is a crook. He would be rash to unleash right sluggish hour and a half that I stampedes, and that, with regard to waxing political with this and that fixes elections, he applauded the now. The pace of change ad- traded in the whip and fedora for a continuing reform from the gov- West German, listening to inter- crackdown in , and the re- vances steadily, but decisions are cozy single with two of the fluf- ernment, they were taking no duke views, reading signs, watching the cent reforms come not of his ini- made with a deliberate cautious- fiest. Here again I missed out, for whatsoever. more uppity ones going at it with tiative, but from his powerless- ness, which I found rather en- about ten minutes away, people Enlightened by this, I crossed chisel and hammer. ness to reverse the process of couraging. were standing on the wall in front to the West in the afternoon and Sunday had brought with it change. His days are numbered. The political aspect of the of the Brandenburg gate— un- made a beeline for the Brandenburg an historic event. In addition to Much more highly favored is affair has a scope much wider heard of, mind you, for the past Gate, where every major news opening up new crossing points, a Schabowski, a new Politburo than can be given adequate ex- twenty-eight years—- chiseling station in the world was perched section of the wall had actually member with a clean record and pression here. I might add, how- away at pieces, using battering and a whirling gaggle of people been removed by the East Ger- an honest mug, and somewhat ever, that there is a consensus rams, shoveling down every kind buzzed around, chanting "die man government, at Podsdamer less, Modrow, also of the Polit- among Germans at least that the of booze imaginable, and even Mauer muss weg" (the wall must Platz. This amazed me. Potzda- buro and expected to succeed East Bloc is finished. I found jumping over to the Eastern side go). Banner waving, singing and mer Platz was the heart of old Krenz as Party Chief. them to be quite convincing on and taunting the E. German sol- shouting competed for the atten- Berlin; it was the hotspot where If there is one thing East this point, and I toyed with the diers, who eventually rolled out tion of the eye. But euphoria was Prusiian heiresses sipped tea at Germans are, it is savvy. Every- idea of training to Prague, but I tanks equipped with water canons checked, in no uncertain terms, by the Kranzler Cafe; it was the epi- one I spoke with applauded re- had a paper to do, and I had run to fight back the fury. the presence of some three hundred center of activity, which, having forms, but held with tight fists a out of soap. I returned to Hartford This was perhaps the single East German soldiers who stood been rent asunder for 28 years, skepticism about the present Tuesday night, up one piece of most important event in Berlin in on the wall, where only the night was now revitalized. government. The present changes one Berlin Wall, four roles of film twenty-eight years; one of those before, every two-legged German I spent long hours standing are indeed thought to be irrevers- richer, memory-laden, and badly moments I was talking about be- that could fit was rallying to the right at the front of this entrance, ible, but much more needs to be in need of a shower. fore, and although I missed it, I moment. with hundreds of thousands Ger- jumped right into its wake for the The West German police were mans lining the street which con- next three days. there too, serving and protecting tinued past me. East Germans SGA INFO BOX Refreshed against the new and all that sort of thing, but even came pouring through in bushels, day, and apprised of the recent thus monitored, the activity sent and I had the occasion to speak -The Curriculum Committee met and considered ways to diversify events from the morning's paper, the brain reeling. It was late after- with East German soldiers, who, Trinity's curriculum. Please direct suggestions to your representa- I readjusted my grip on the handle noon when I realized that I needed to the extreme advantage of the tive or Sara Klein. and decided to put a bit of topspin another place to stay, and with new reforms, are not the hench- -Trinity was represented by two SGA representatives at the Con- into my game. some luck found a cheap, clean men of people like Egon Krenz, necticut Student Association meeting last week. At the meeting, I ventured over the border place about 30 minutes walking but rather align their sympathies representatives discussed the issues that their campus' are presently again, this time to get the scoop distance from the action. I decided with the people. Free elections, addressing. from some of the locals, and hav- to make this my roost for the re- freedom of expression, and the -The SGA won $500 in Marriott catering which may be used for an ing risen early, to stop off at the mainder of my stay, and I spent a right to come and go as they please alcoholic event. Suggestions were taken on how to spend the Pergamon museum, which houses good sixteen hours each day in are the demands of the day. money, which was the SGA's prize for winningtne RA challenge. the better part of the ancient Greek West Berlin, with a twittering That night I happened into a Possibilities include a dinner for the homeless, or box lunches todis- acropolis, the gate of Miletus and curiosity. bar where I met two East German tribute to homeless persons in Hartford.

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Dining Hall remained open until This year that had been billed Ogilby Dorm finally accepted women beginning in the Fall of 3:00. It .was closed for studying as a turning point by George on Friday and Saturday night. Orwell's novel did not hold as 1984. The administration "has decided that the need to comply Alpha Delta Phi had a quiet much change as advertised. fall after.a restriction was placed There were a few hints of the with Title IX can no longer be ignored," according to the news on it for the entire 1984-85 school Big Brother element around, year. The penalty was levied fol- though. At the beginning of the story. Twelve women were al- year, surveillance cameras were lowed to reside in Ogilby that first lowing an alleged hazing incident put up around the football field, semester. around the Fall Open Period. the lower Long Walk, and the The workers at Buildings and Debate over the open cur- chapel. The Tripod strongly urged Grounds staged a reorganization riculum began in late November. caution for the security depart- of their hours and assignments. Some of the recommendations ment in an editorial. This occurred as a result of trouble included abolishing freshman between the College and the un- seminars, implementing a writing Fraternities were falling like and math proficiency exam, and snowflakes in February. Both ions representing the custodial Colby and Amherst abolished personnel. creating interdisciplinary minors. fraternities, with each saying that The remainder of the spring The decisions were left up to the frats "no longer serve an overall proved uneventful. For the most administration for debate. constructive role." part, the- fall semester continued Computer Science was added the trend. to the list of possible majors for Overcrowding was a major Trinity students. It took two years theme of the fall, as 515 freshmen to develop the program as it ob- began their college careers. All of tained enough computers and soft- the dorms either were at capacity ware to offer this major. or exceeded capacity, leading to In sports, the women's vol- frantic attempts to find suitable leyball team played its first sea- rooms for everyone. Study lounges son in the fall, playing to a "re- were used for faculty support as spectable and at times strong" 1985 was not a banner year administration regarding its and apartments were made into single-sex status. Also, contro- well as the establishment of the rooms for students. season. Trinity football ended for the Tripod. New editors and Allan K. Smith Professorship of another NESCAC title season varying opinions about the direc- versy arose over the wearing of A new magazine made its the shirts bearing the Sigma Nu English Language and Literature. debut. Offhand magazine began along with Joe Shield '85 at quar- tion of the paper led to numerous The house at St. Anthony's terback. Shield was ultimately stylistic changes. Nevertheless, logo. The administration indi- as a semi-annual literary magazine cated that "as far as President became a national historical land- to showcase ideas and opinions signed by the Green Bay Packers the Tripod remained on the fore- mark by being the oldest building front of the campus and its prob- English is concerned, Sigma Nu through the literary arts. and released soon afterwards; doesn't exist." to still be in use as a fraternity Vandalism in the cafeteria Field hockey began a string lems. " building in the state. Two projects occupied the Divestiture from South Af- after hours led to a new system of in 1984. Its solid season led to a rica became an issue in the fall of Debate began on placing a usage. Students who wished to use NIAC title. Throughout the re- campus in the fa/1. The search for new dormitory on Vernon Street a new Dean of Faculty was well 1985. Columbia and Bowdoin the Dining Hall had to sign in at the mainder of the 80's, women'sfield decided to divest their holdings in across from North Campus. The front desk after 9:00 pm, and the hockey became a dominant force underway. Also, a new Day Care idea was to expand the campus Center was taking shape follow- South Africa, which caused Trin- in NIAC. north while alleviating the hous- •HTTP ing a three year program to de- ity students to ask for the same. Eventually, the Trustees voted to ing crunch which had occurred in velop one. The Center would be the past two years. located in the storage basement of keep their holdings in South Af- the Life Science Building, rica. JoAnn Pulver was named A Trinity Alumnus from the Assistant Dean of Student Activi- The search for the new Dean ties. The role of the Dean also was took longer than expected. The class of 191.1 died in October of 1985. While that event may not planned to expand to include ; V original two finalists for the job coordinating RA functions and to were rejected, making the search seem significant, the will this man left was. Allan Smith '11 willed undertake studies regarding stu- continue into the spring. dent life. Sigma Nu's recognition be- the college over $4 million dol- came a hot issue in the spring. lars, well exceeding the largest Field hockey won its second Concerns were raised by the gift given to Trinity. The funds straight NIAC title. Overall, however, sports was rather medi-

The winter of 19 86 was filled community. They voted unani- pected to end in the Spring of inside, he heard noises coming a mobilization of students, ad- with speakers for Trinity. Among mously to end all investments with 1988. from the back. A man emerged ministrators, and staff to ensure the visitors to Trinity: Bishop American companies doing busi- Dean Joe Tolliver resigned zipping his pants explaining that that the violence would never , Sen. Barbara ness in South Africa. over the summer. A search began he had had to go to the bathroom. happen again. Kennelly, Sen. Barbara Mikulski, The Dean of Students Office for a new member of the Dean of A female followed soon after- In a related incident, just two and Dr. William deVries. suspended a student for a year for Students. The search was to be a wards. After explaining who he days earlier a dance sponsored by An interesting incident hap- selling the drug "ecstasy" to Trin- national one, according to Dean was, he was summarily disci- the Trinity Coalition of Blacks pened in the winter. The Tri- ity students. The issue of drug use Winer. The search would ulti- plined. was closed "because of alcohol Deltas invited members of each on campus replaced divestiture as mately lead to the appointment of The security police not sum- policy violations," according to fraternity over to their house for a the "hot" issue on campus. The Kirk Peters to the job. marily disciplined had a difficult security reports: The president of supposed dinner. Instead, once administration vowed to "take Security had an embarrass- month. At a Trinity Women's TCB felt that security closed the eachfrat was represented, theTri- intensified actions" against drug ing month in October. As a stu- Organization dance, a brawl en- party because they felt that "there Delts locked the door and de- users on campus. dent tried to enter the AIESEC sued. A Hartford resident attend- were too many blacks on cam- manded that objects belonging to The fall began with the con- and ConnPIRG offices, he real- ing the dance went to the hospital pus." them be returned. The hostage struction of the new dorm on ized that the door was jammed with bruised ribs, a concussion, Seabury had a wet winter, so crisis lasted very briefly as repre- Vemon Street. Work was ex- shut from the inside. Once he got and lacerations. The fight led to to speak. On November 7, a pipe sentatives from Crow and AD left exploded in the third floor rup- after denying any knowledge of tured after an alumnus innocently the stolen items. grabbed the pipe while rounding A bomb threat at Mather led the staircase. Nearly 1000 gal- to the evacuation of the student lons of water was spilled at the center in March. A1 am. call said rate of 30 gallons per minute. The that "there was a bomb in the water came down the stairs, spread Washington Room." No bomb on the second floor and eventu- was found. ally seeped through the walls- Athletic success marked the Many professors' offices lost au spring. Boththemen'sbasketball their books. • , andhockey teams won the ECAC Pi Kappa Alpha was placed Division III title. on suspension for a semester in The Trustees eventually changed their tune after a great December for alleged hazing. deal of debate within the Trinity Next: The Final Years 1987-1989 The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 9 Features Major Breakthroughs in Electronic Rudeness logical family (technically, "The them in large trucks and shipping gist. It's best not to think about it. Johnsons") as chickens, and both them across state lines, would be It's best to simply take your tur- male and female turkeys have— my guess. This time of year, you key and stuff it, then cook in in an Dave Barry this is a direct quotation—"a could be driving on an interstate absurdly hot oven for about two fleshy head appendage, the highway, and inside the truck right days while basting incessantly, snood." Of course the turkeys at in front of you could be hundreds, and then, just before serving, Thanksgiving is the special Andrews concerning a fascinat- the supermarket no longer have possibly thousands of pounds of mount it on the chassis of a radio- time of year when we tradition- ing project at the Smithsonian snoods, which forces us to ask snood (SIX DIE IN SNOOD controlled toy truck. ally bow our heads and ask our- National Zoo designed to save the ourselves what the turkey indus- SPILL). And driving right be- selves whether it was medically rafe, endangered black-footed try is doing with them. Putting hind you could be a ferret biolo- © Tribune Media Inc. 1989 necessary to eat those last four ferret. The zoo has been breeding cubic yards of stuffing. But its these ferrets and plans to let them also when we pause to give thanks go, but zoo biologists are afraid CaSvin & Hobbes By Bii§ Watterson for our many blessings, in the when they (the ferrets) get out in . tradition of the Pilgrims, who were the wild, they won't know how to thankful after that first winter in protect themselves. So they (the rock-strewn New England, a zoo biologists) got hold of a winter filled with cold and dirt Wyoming road-kill badger and and disease and starvation and had it frozen and flown to Wash- death and hostile, rock-strewing ington, where a taxidermist gave Indians. Yes, they had much to be it a fierce pose and mounted it on grateful for, those Pilgrims, and the chassis of a radio-controlled on that first Thanksgiving the ones toy truck. The idea ids that Robo- who were not totally dead yet Badger will lunge around after gathered together to compare the ferrets, causing them to de- parasites and give thanks. "At velop a healthy fear of the many least we don't have portable cel- stuffed, radio-controlled predators lular telephones,"they said. they will surely encounter in the This is more than we can say wild. about the modern era. Just re- The article also states that the cently I went to a movie, and right biologists have been teaching the in the middle of a crucial scene I ferrets to dive into their holes by heard this irritating electronic pelting them with rubber bands. I noise, and this woman sitting in am still not making this up. So I TO TO JUMP TO ICSJ'O TUtNK. THIS WOULD BE front of me reached into her purse, I UMM... NOTHING- EISE FEU. THE FLOOR, t LAHDBACK WE WE OF THIHG Wt'D LMM we're talking about people who s UP. JUST WE. THIS IS ON TOE CE1UHG.' m ABOUT IU SCIENCE CUSS, pulled out a telephone, and, right probably look perfectly normal; I VERM STRANGE. SRSONAL GRAVtH MUST BUT NO, WE LEARN ASOUT there in the movie theater, started who have normal children and HME REVERSED PouftlTf.' CAftRMS CLOVIOS having one of those vital conver- wear normal clothes and drive sations that people tend to have on normal cars to a normal-looking portable phones. ("Guess where I building where they go inside and am! The movies!") SHOOT RUBBER BANDS AT Of course I'm used to people FERRETS. I bet that they also HMIW& VH fBSWi. SIMM THERE.S HOT MMTWWJ talking in movie theaters. As far argue over who gets to driveRobo- POLARIS BEIERSS) B •*, ON TOE CEILING WAT as I can tell, a large segment of the Badger. HEM. H01SNKE. W3W AM r COULD EVEN CLIMB UP. r GC»G to GET UP TO population goes to the movies for Well I don't know about you, ^ THE FLOOR? the purpose of having loud per- but when I read a heartwarming sonal conversations while story like this, it makes me want —TT chomping on Baby Ruth bars the to express my thanks by eating an size of naval cannons. But this enormous Thanksgiving dinner HON AtA t SUPPOSED TO was something new, a major elec- that continues to expand inside Do WS HQMEWS*. WHEN tronics rudeness breakthrough, my stomach for the better part of IX TRMTED CM TOE and this woman should be very a month. So let's transform our- {CEILING? IT'S IMPOSSIBLE thankful that the state legislature, selves into total goobers by put- over the objections of.the Na- ting on our French-style chef hats tional Rifle Fondlers Association, , and then let's head to the kitchen recently enacted a mandatory to make this: "cooling off period on the pur- THEH I'LL HME TQ HOLD Mf PLME VPSIOEOOVM fcBCWE chase of machine guns in theater EASY TURKEY RECIPE lobbies. m HEAD ^^^n SCRUPE THE Step number one in the prepa- TOD OFF THE UNDERSIDE! Of course, there are some ration of any kind of a large de- AHD If I SPUL MWWNG, IT WILL fW 10 FEET UP technology items that we should ceased animal for eating is to learn TO WE acofc WO SPLOT.' be thankful for, a good example about its various body parts, and being: Robo-Badger. I am not there is no better source for this DM WILL HME TO BDVT m making Robo-Badger up. I found kind of information than an out- BED TO WE CEILING N out about him thanks to alert reader dated edition of the Encyclopedia WM. AND DM> YiOHT BE TCD TONCHT, AND MOM WlU. HME THIS IS &0\W& TO BE. NB3JT THIS, no SIR.. TO ST&.HD ONl t\ SIEPLRBCEE THE MtfST FUM t'VE J. Rhein, who sent me an Associ- Brittannica. According to mine, TO H(\ND ME DiNNEE.. EVER UM>.' ated Press article by Robert M. turkeys belong to the same bio-



We're Features. We're Here to help Printed by permission of the Hartford Couraiit Page 10 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21.1989 Features

Place Stamp Here Steve Safran GRE Review

As everyone knows, it always helps to take a sample exam prior to the actual standardized test. So, in lieu of the usual sarcastic ramblings usually presented in this space I have deddedto do the Senior Class a service by publishing the ACTUALGRE'S YOU WILL BE TAKING! Don't ask how I got them, and for crying out loud, don't tell anyone!

SECTION 1:9 MINUTES, 9 QUESTIONS: Directions: Fill in the word or sett of words which, when inserted in the sentance, Section 3: Geography best fits the meaning of the sentence: Directions: Use this map to answer the following questions. 1. Over the of sirens, you could still hear the hoarse of his voice. (A) plethora—whining (B) moaning—groaning (C) gaggle—impassioned, lonely, compelling cry (D) joy—he bet to win on in the fifth at Suffolk Downs mocking the sound 2. Working •' under the pressure of time, Edmond didn't notice his mistake. (A) plethorally—jejune (B) carelessly—life-ending (C) because his folks threw him out of the house at age 14,—fly was down when the nurse made that (D) 16 hours—wife leaving him for a proctologist which he would have thought was a 3. Held up only by a steel cable, the chairlift carried IS people . 1 (A) plethoresque—to new heights of agony (B) really-—or twelve fat people (C) Japanese—to Cleveland (D) slender—to their plummeting, painful deaths Q: Which country is this? (A) Sweden (Brrrr!) 4. The trial was conducted in manner, full of . (B) The Soviet Union in ten years, (A) a plethora—denouments . (C) Japan, or might as well be. (B)E Minor—scumbag attorneys • (D) The United States of America (C) a Shakepsearian—-long poems that didn'tirhyme (D) a happy, go lucky Iranian—dismembered; hands

5. She grabbed his so hard he couldn't for the rest of the night. (A) plethora—do situps Section 4: Interpret and Panic (B) ear—go over square root tables in his head (C) keys—drive his motorcycle 100 (D) you know what—you know what

Directions: Choose the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that of the original pair

6. MOUTH: ORIFICE:: ; (A) revolving doors: office ; " (B)tounge: don't know where it's been I (C) sounds like a fun : first date ' (D) eye: to gross to get into here, but call me sometime for the details CX 60 7. PHARMACIST : DRUGS :: \ (A) psychiatrist: your mother i CO (B) biologist: failing grades • CD (C) political scientist: fake footnotes I (D) comic writer: lame gags like these \ a. 8. MIST: RAIN:: \ (A) World Series: Earthquake ; (B) Tripod: news reporting [ (C) Debbie Gibson : musicians with talent O 20 (D) B&G: repairmen

9. GUN : HOLSTER :: (A) foot: Quayle's mouth • ': • (B) train : tunnel ' (C) Hitchcock: imagery 10 20 30 (D) you know what: you know what Your Likelihood of Finding a Job ©Swedestatz Productions Inc. SECTION 2: 3 QUESTIONS, 10 MINUTES, CELTICS 112-LAKERS 103. ?5Kjo°p7. ' Be'°W thefollowinZPassaSeare,three motions. Answer them or you will fail miserably, not get into grad school andwind up in some deadend, entry-level job making

soon^fteTtne sounrinf tSS" ™l ^ K • be" is/ePeatedly Presented and ™"S shortly before the food is administered, the animal will begin to salivate ff °^tTTg' lnd SallVatl°n t0,the S0Und °f the beU is termed the conditioned response. One theory holds That after each condSnetrial!conditioning trial $ I is left which facihtes the occurence of the conditioned response.

10. If the conditioned response, salivation, is achieved (A) bring extra toweling. Return this Test with 100 to (B) it will remind you of City. rS 8ood,,ior yo">. n0* find something better to do with your time than bothering a bunch' of defenseless animals Box 1310. (D) you 11 pass Bio, which is more than I can say for myself. We'll use sophisticated techniques 11. According to the passage, which theory is NOT possible? (A) I drool every time I look at...well...never mind. to score and evaluate your exam. (B) Tripod editors salivate over knowing the "undisclosed names" in Security Alerts Results well be published in (C) Core Curriculum requirements are ONLY FOR STUDENTS BORN IN THE 1970's! (D) Wesleyan is ranked hgher than us in U.S. News and World Report. Come on. We dress better. the December S issue of the 12. As used in the passage, the term "conditioning" means Tripod. (A) what the air ISN'T in the New Dorm. (B) what Bon Jovi purchases by the case. (C) what my body is lacking in. We're Features. (D) why you retch when you hear New Kids on the Block released another album. We're hereto help. The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 11

:i r. (-4,. fSP

"Thought" The best of the worst |HNothing copied, ird at work • H Inside one's mindi Grand Prize leas .thin his head, % Winner ich. has his own of seeking '^tt^rr ' ' Jon Stevenson '91 anings that have grown. "Thought" Nothing copied, Hard at work. Inside one's mind, Ideas lurk. Within his head, Each has his own Way of seeking Meanings that have grown. "Pain"

Unliked by all DormiDiem! We have a winner. Congrats to JON Bumps and bruises STEVENSON, '91 for submitting the worst piece of poetry it has ever been our sorry delight to read. Thanks \flien we fall, to everyone who entered. Runners-up, who recieve Striving for the roses absolutely nothing, were: Hope Weiner, '90 ("Piece of Glass"), Jennifer Osbourne, '90 ("Meditations Upon the Supermarket of Life"), and a special Bad Poets YAWP to A six inch needle Jesse Simsarian, '93 for his magnum opus "Castration Anxiety." Yikes! Pills one with fear. But back to Mr. Stevenson. His poetry came to us in Or a spanking paddle, collage form, complete with the professors comments. Says pain is near- We have faithfully reproduced the entry, as you see below. The poems are horrible, but here's (he kicker: (In Mr. Stevenson's own words.) "These two gems were dittoed for Prof. Banks- Spooner in her English 100 clinic. They recieved a B+ in 9th grade!" That's right, folks, he got a B+ on this crap in 9TH GRADE! HE ONLY LOST 6 POINTS ON THE SAME POEMS IN COLLEGE! Ladies and gentlemen, and Bad Poets everywhere, I present the winner and Bad Poet Laureate, Jon Stevenson. Jon; Nap the Day!

.....And the rest off the worst. Poems that weren't quite bad enough.

Piece of Glass Meditations Upon the Supermarket of Life Castration A tear drips from my mind's eye, Unique they say I hold a crushed, black rose in my fist. Anxiety The emptiness of my life gnaws at my kneecaps Only one of its kind as I meander disconsolate in the Supennaket aisles. look at that spiraled horn I gently fondle the lonely sweet potato Life...flitting away like a drowning fantasy, Gawking they keep their distance from me. and envision a score of lachrymose eyes plunging into the depths of the eternal abyss. peering at me from the bins of fruit - tearing my soul I am a glass unicorn. Accusing me! They are pretty horses exposing my innermost secrets to One lone pear fall softly to the muddied floor Alike and (word illegible) those who cannot grasp the serene depths. and is squashed like a child I clung to the last Indistinguishable as grains of sand by a careless, unforgiving bag-boy, like my heart under a heavy boot. remnants of existence. The circle of my love cannot be complete. The milk which is my blood, yet that which was solid reeked Halves must be alike in order to meet. is spoilt and curdled. of sun baked gopher carcass. I am alone My heart, like the day-old muffins, Those who I once trusted stained has gone stale. My horn's odd shape My soul, like the aged head of lettuce, my trust with wretched lies. doesn't allow me to fit in the puzzle. is dirty and withered. sending me sprawling down into the My impulse is to break the horn. Ah! Even the silent tins of tuna fish darkness. I thrust my head against the wall. shudder spasmodically spiralling through the abyss. with the inevitable misery of life, falling...grasping for a foothold of hope But only through sweet acceptance their eventual doom betwixt two slices of wonder bread. until there was nothing. Can the horn loosen and fall. In pain, I wander in turmoil BREAK MY HORN. in tht wilderness of P.S. What is life? O: DEAR LORD BREAK MY HORN. Edward's Supermarket Warehouse, devoid of "TLC." Page 12 • The Trinity Tripod - November 21,1989 The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989« Page 13



i',' Page 14 • The Trinity Tripod 'November 21,1989 Announcements Tuesday, Nov. 28 - Juan Wil- EXHIBITIONS Seabury 9-17, 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Floor, Trinity College Library. LECTURES liams, reporter for The Washing- The lecture is free and the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 ton Post Magazine, will give a is invited. Through Wednesday, Jan. 31 - a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Saturdays Tuesday, Nov. 21 - "Nuclear lecture on oppression. The lec- "Pheasants: Splendid Birds of the from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when Mutations Affecting'Chloroplast ture is part of a series sponsored Monday, Dec. 4 - "Writing The Orient." Audubon Room, Wat- the College is in session. Free Biogenis in Chlamydomonas", by by the Dean of Students Office. kinson Library, "A" Floor, Trin- admission. Ellen Beasley '80 from the De- Past is Before Us: Feminism in ity College Library. Monday 7:30 p.m. in Rittenburg Lounge, Action Under Thatcher," by Sheila partment of Molecular Genetics Mather Campus Center. The through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to Wednesday, Nov. 15 through and Cell Biology at the Univer- Rowbotham, British feminist 4:30p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 sity of Chicago. Presented by the Public is welcome. Admission is leader and historian. Boyer Audi- Wednesday, Dec. 20 - Sculpture free. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. when the Col- by Trinity College Visiting As- Biology Seminar Program 1989- torium, Life Sciences, 8:00 p.m. lege is in session. Free admission. sistant Professor of Fine Arts 1990, Celebrating 20 Years of Brigid Kennedy. Widener Gal- Coeducation. 3:00p.m. 134 Life Thursday, Nov. 30 - "Intellectual MUSIC Through Wednesday, Jan. 31 - lery, Austin Arts Center. 1 p.m. to Sciences Center. Refreshments Crisis in Modern China," by Pro- "Maps and Images of New Zeal- 5 p.m. daily. Free admission. following the seminar. fessor Perry Link, Professor of Wednesday, Dec. 6 - "Black His- •and." Watkinson Library, "A" Chinese, Princeton University and tory and Politics", by Conrad former Director of CSCPRC. Muhammad, executive directorof the National Black History Unity Congress. The Congress urges students to act and participate as leaders of the future - stressing spirituality, family and commu- nity cohesiveness, cultural aware- ness, economic empowerment, educaional advancement and political unity. 8:00 p.m. in Rit- tenburg Lounge of Mather Hall. Saturday, Dec. 9 - The Trinity College Guild of Carillonneurs will perform a free conceit of Christmas music from 2:00 p,m. to 3:00 p.m.. The Carillonneurs ire interested! In. the position, please attestc will perform on the 49-bell caril- lon located in the tower of the Trinity College Chapel. Guests staff elections om Tuaesday, Nov. 28 will be able to hear the concert from the grounds of the College; the Chapel will not be open for the

I3-_ IS J. concert. Admission is free. Sunday, Dec. 3 - The Trinity Col- lege Gospel Choir will give a free concert in the Washington Room on the Second Floor of Mather Hall. The performance will be

v«i ••* J i-fl™'^.1" i,1!rjiWvir* ,Wr*. f •vT'i'i.lf r"vv" 'Mf-WPi directed by Raphael Mitchell, music director of Hopewell Bap- tist Church. Admission is free. If you were an East German, what is the first thing Sunday, Dec. 10 - The annual Festival Service of the Lessons and Carols of Christmas with the you would do in West Berlin? Trinity College Concert Choir and the Trinity College Chapel Sing- ers will be held on the Trinity Questions by John Claud Photos by Sue Muik College Chapel. The Services will be at 5 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m. Admission is free. GENERAL CELBRATION! 25th Anniver-. sary of VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America), Monday, November 27 at 7:30 p.m. in Hamlin Hall. Connecticut was the site for one of the original VISTA projects twenty-five years ago. Please join us for refresh- ments and conversation with dig- nitaries from Washington, as well as former Trinity students who have been VISTA workers. For Ted Einhorn '91 information call: Betty Anne Cox, Chris Kelly '90 Lisa Leonard '91 297-2092. Everyone is welcome! "Go to McDonald's." "Find a job and a drink." "Go back." As a tribute to the work of Judith Branzburg and to advance the causes of marginalized persons, The Women's Center is compil- ing a. list of books by and about lesbians and/or women of colorto be donated to the Trinity College Library. The Library administra- tion is very excited about the opportunity to broaden text availa- bility in this area. If you are inter- ested in contributing to the book fund, please send donations to Particia Reville c/o the Women's CenterBox 1385. Checks should be made out to Trinity College. For more information, or to sug- gest a book title, please call 297- 2408. Ian Thompson '91 Dan Connally '91 Dede Nickerson '90 "Find my boyfriend." Tuesday, Dec. 5 - Mather Hall "Form a band." "Head for the local Holiday Bazaar. 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Over 30 vendors will sell a Ponderosa." variety of gift items in Mather Hall. The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 15

THE BAHAMAS MARCH 24 -31 Moderate Category Phila. New York Wash/Bost This is the place for spring break. Thousands of Lightouse or students flock to Nassau for the annual rites of spring break. Experience incredible beaches, pilot house $499 $519 $529 beautiful surf, fantastic nightlife, and non-stop action. This is the most popular island Wyndham Ambassador destination for spring break, come find out why! or British Colonial $599 $619 $629 CANCUN

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MAR. 3-APR. 7 Moderate Category New York Phila. Boston Phila. THE "NO PROBLEM " island, Jamaica features crystal clear Buccaneer/ water and endless beaches. The $499 $519 $529 $499 Island is alive with a pulsating Upper Deck rhythm and a warm hospitable spirit. Montego bay is Jamaica's Villas biggest and most varried resort $529 $549 L$559 $529 area. BARBADOS Emerald Caribbean waters, snow- Prices white beaches, hot sunny days, cool partying nights, warm JFK $569 MARCH 23 - 30 & friendly people, watersports MARCH 30 - APRIL 6 galore, and non-stop excitement. BWI $569 Come get the warmest welcome in the Caribbean. Boston $649 SKI BRECKENRIDGE This trip will enable you to sample the great MARCH 26 - APRIL 2 variety of skiing. Enjoy three wonderful days at Breckenridge, one day at Copper Mountain PRICES FROM and one day at either Arapahoe or Keyestone $629 Page 16 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 Announcements

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R,N.s and L.P.N. GUARANTEED! GOLD CARD VtSA/MASTERCARD WHERE Adjacent to Wheaton Hall, first floor, or by phone #297-2018 or 297-2019, GUARANTEED ISSUE OR MONEY BACK SOC SECUHITY * WHEN Monday 8 a.m. to Saturday 8 a.m. 24 hrs a day when school is in session. Security Approval absolutely I gunranteed so. Hurry. Ill1 escort necessary after 12 midnight. Closed for dinner hour 6-7 p.m. Week-ends - A nurse out Ihlacard loriay is on call. Contact Mather front desk at 297-2053. Your credit cards are waiting1 Call that number for emergency transportation to Hartford Hospital via Campus Security.

WHAT Services provided for acute illness and injury; Gynecological - on appointment basis with Nurse Practitioner which includes breast and pelvic exam, birth control and The Writing Center abortion counseling, screening for venereal diseases. Partners are encouraged to come in Individual Tutoring Available Immunizations and TB tests as needed or in clinics held during the year by the medical office. for Trinity Students Blood pressure checks. The writing center will be housed in temporary Medications - some available in our office; others will be called to pharmacy of your choice quarters this semester while we await the as deemed necessary and appropriate. completion of our new facilities Urinalysis and cultures, pregnancy tests, hemoglobin blood tests, throat cultures. Lab tests not performed in the office will be done at Hartford Hospital laboratory. Fail 1989 Physical exams required for Motor Vehicle license applications. Referrals made to appropriate specialists such as: Ear. Nose and Throat; Surgery; Dental. Afternoon Hours in Goodwin Lounge (Next to Cinestudion) WHY Convenient, no charge, infirmary confidentiality - all student records are held in strict confidence with access only to the nursing staff or physician. Monday - Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. INSURANCE COVERAGE: Any student who pays the general fee is covered by student health and accident insurance. To process a claim, bring in the original itemized bill to the Evening Hours in Life Sciences 139 Medical Office. You will be given a signed claim form to fill out and submit to carrier. Do not submit forms obtained elsewhere. Call Hartford Insurance Group 1-800-368-3653 on Monday - Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. any problem with your claim. Refer to your insurance pamphlets for coverage and exclusion. Extras available in our office. Drop in or phone for an appointment: 297-2468

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Tripod Staff elections are being held November 28th in the Tripod office located in Jackson basement. They will begin at 7:00 p.m. sharp.

Positions are ax in: •r-':::::^-/:- News

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The Tripod invites all members of the Trinity community to attend the elections and run for a position. New writers are always welcome. Page 18 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 Arts Art for the Holidays Art for the Holidays work still remains somewhat of Frans Hals an enigma. National Gallery Also included in the exhibit Washington, D.C. are some fantastic examples of Hal's genre—the scenes from -By Victoria Gardner- daily life pictures. One of the Special to the Tripod highlights is the famous Malle Babbe from 1633. The picture, The Frans Hal exhibition at also known as The Witch of the National Gallery in Washing- Haarlem depicts an old, drunken ton, D.C. provides a terrific op- crone turning and cackling. Hals portunity for people to view the captures her abrupt movement works of a great master in the with ease. To convey this feeling context of his works as a whole. of activity the artist used an ex- Because Hal's works is scattered tremely distinctive broad brush in museums all over the world, stroke. Compared to the finished theexhibitionisaparticularlyrare surfaces of his contemporary artistic experience. The largest Vermeer, the revolutionary na-. collection of Hals' work can be ture of Hals' work becomes evi- found in the Halsmuseum in dent. Hals make no effort to dis- Haarlem. But, as Haarlem is not guise his technique; his brush tops on everyone's Christmas va- strokes are so distinct that it is cation priority list, it is very con- possible for the viewer to actually venient to have the paintings in count each stroke that forms the Three artists: A casual show Washington. This is the first Hals figure. Mary McCormack, Sophie Wadsworth and Kristin Bergman In all of his work the artist's Mather Artspace exhibition to be mounted since Mather Campus Center 1962,' and certainly the most main interest is not to show the Through December comprehensive ever to take place textures of the objects that he is FREE in the United States. representing, but rather the play Kristin Bergman '90 The exhibition covers the full of light across them. This is par- Mary McCormack '91 Sophie Wadsworth '90 span of Hals' active career thus ticularly apparent in the manner Paintings, sketches, linoleum Photography Painting ...Five of the paintings in the giving the viewer the opportunity Hals shows the gleam of the prints ... A lot of people look at my to see how the artist's style devel- pewter tankard in Malle Babbe. ...For me art is a hobby. I'd photographs and focus only on show are studies of the neck. 1 especially enjoyed doing these oped. It includes an intense and Also displayed in the show like to do some more abtract the model— they want to know perceptive portrait of the Catholic are some excellent examples of kinds of things in the future her name, phone number etc. works because the neck is a very sensual part of the of the human Abbot Jacabus Zaffius from 1611, group portraits, a genre popular at but right now I'm concentrat- Because they concentrate so this time in Holland. The pendant ing on getting a better grasp on heavily on the figure they forget body which most people rarely painted when the artist was only seem to notice. Through my 28 years-old. Despite the fact that portraits of Regents and Regen- a more traditional style before to look at the entire photo and see tesses of the Old Man's Alms- I move on. such things as contrast, forms, paintings I had the opportunity this is the earliest known work of to display that sensuality. Hals, the painting is remarkably house are two of his most distin- and composition. These things guished examples of this type. In are important to me, the model is accomplished. But since ex- not. tremely little is known about the these paintings each of the indi- artist's early life and training, the vidual Regents are depicted with an insight that is very sensitive. Painted around 1664 at the end of Hals' career, the portraits display the loosening of Hals' brushstroke technique to create an image that Announcing... Columbia University is more Impressionistic than his early works. THE FIRST ANNUAL Graduate School of The exhibition was created by Seymour Slive, a professor of JESTERS PLAYWRITING Architecture, Planning, art history at Harvard University and Preservation and one of the most distinguished CONTEST contemporary Hals scholars. Accompanying the exhibition is a detailed catalogue which includes both individual entries on each of —All student writers are " The Shape of the works that are displayed and a N series of essay s by prominent Hals cordially invited to submit their scholars. Topics of the essays Two Cities: range from Dutch society in the original plays, monologues and artist's era to the conservation of the paintings. New York/Paris There are 86 works in the scenes for consideration. catalogue, 60 of which are dis- Special Undergraduate Program A junior year played in the exhibition. The other —Winning pieces will be introduction to architecture, urban planning, and 26 paintings are too fragile to historic.preservation for students who have travel overseas to the US and can produced on campus in Spring completed their sophomore year at an accredited only be shown at exhibition stops college or university. Students spend the first in Europe—London and Haarlem. 1990. • semester in New York at the Graduate School of Architecture/Planning, and Preservation and the The absence of these paintings second semester in Paris at Columbia's studio and does not detract from the National DUE DATE—December 4,1989 classroom facility in the historic Marais district. Gallery show. The exhibition is comprehen- Submit to BOX 891 sive but not huge and is easily The program offers a choice of academic terms: covered in an hour or two. The audio tape which accompanies the 1. Summer, 1990 in New York and Fall, 1990 in Paris. show, narrated by Dr. Slive, is 2. Fall, 1990 in New York and Spring, 1991 in Paris. informative and entertaining and Applications due March 15, 1990. well worth the three dollars, espe- What is Art? cially since admission to the museum is free. Application forms and additional information may be obtained from: Frans Hal will be at Mapplethorpe lecture Washington's National Gallery until December 31. I heartily discussion Dean of Admissions recommend it to all of those who Graduate School of Architecture, find themselves in Washington Planning, and Preservation over the holidays. Tue Nov 21 400 Avery Hall Columbia University 7:15 Austin Arts Center New York, New York 10027 Is It True Jeeps for (212) 854-3510 $44 through the sponsored by the Government? Call for facts! Art Club Columbia University is an affirmative actionfequal opportunity institution. (312) 742-1142. Ext. 5403 A The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 19 Arts Skankin' to the Beat full of Ska fans who sang "Shanty Town" -By Roger Park- together. Arts Writer It was a great concert becuase it was more quality that quantity that mattered at On Friday November 17, WRTC-FM the show. For the most part, the people sponsored Trinity College's second an- who were there enjoyed the show with nual Ska-Fest. The concert was held in the great passion. Rude boy (a ska fan) Chris Cave and the three featured Ska bands Dros 93' commented that the concert was were Let's Go Bowling from Fresno, Cali- "ska-tacular!!" but was sad that there aren' t fornia, Potato 5 from England and Boston's that many more concerts like these sup- very own Bim Skala Bim. For the most porting the music he loves. WRTC lost part, Ska music has recently been a new several thousand dollars in putting this experience to many people but its musical show together but Timothy Frumkes said history dates far back. "that this was for the students." Timothy and WRTC want to do more for the stu- Ska music found its roots in African dents and getting the students more recep- and Jamaican influences. Its unique style tive to music. Hat's off to all the people at was created from various music forms WRTC who helped in making this concert such as Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Rastafar- possible for all the students that enjoyed it ian Buru drumming and Jamaican folk and special thanks to Tim and Scott who music. In 1960 's Ska was popular to some gave their time and valuable information. British youths but basically remained as Great job! underground music. In the late 1970's WRTC hosted an international Ska Fest featuring Potato 5, Bim Skala Bim came the Punk movement but with it came and Let's Go Bowling. Photo by Timothy Frumkes the Ska Boom with new young artists car- rying on the Ska tradition. American kids became fans of Ska bands like the English Lawrence of Arabia at Cinestudio Beat and the Specials, Selecters and Mad- At the Cinestudio with Derek Also, the editing was not done by the of Arab children. ness to name a few popular Ska Bands. In original editors. Robert A. Harris, the man The film itself is a testament to the art recent times, there has been a reassurgence Rating-,,.,1/2 (outof4) responsible for the restored release, said, offilmaking. We see what a film can truly of Ska in America and WRTC has been Quotes - "It looks damn good." -David "It was desecration...every hack who got be. In the film Lawrence says, "The desert playing an important part in promoting Lean (director of film) his hands on it seemed to think he was a is an ocean in which no oar is dipped." The Ska on Trinity's campus. - "To me it is one of the most born editor." camera translates this into screeri poetry. beautiful films ever made." - So after years of work editing and After an hour my eyes and ears were over- WRTC's Scott Burger 91' and Timothy whelmed by the grandeur of the film. Frumkes 92' are the two individuals who compiling, the original film was ready. But were responsible for the show. Timothy Martin Scorsese (director of Last voice and music was missing for many of When Peter O'Toole was cast as the commented that Ska is becoming "Hot- Temptation of Christ ). the sections. The director of the film, lead he was an unknown Irish actor. He ter! ! and Hotter!! throughout America and David Lean, was called in to help. All of creates i Lawrence that is mystical. In his in particular North East Coast." When This is a film that will make you the original actors (only one had died since brilliant performance we never truly know asked why a Ska fest at Trinity, Timothy homesick for Arabia, even if you have 1963) volunteered their time, and with elec- whether Lawrence is sane or insane, what answered that he wants to give these stu- never been there. Winner of the tronics to take the age out of their voices, his motivations truly are. It is a fascinating dents "a sense of musical history to a Academy Award for Best Picture in they sounded like they did 26 years ago. look at one of the most intriguing men of the closed environment." WRTC gave a hand 1963, Lawrence of Arabia hits been Three quarters of a million dollars later, the twentieth century. out on a brief history of Ska at the door so called one of the best epic films of all film was ready for release. I cannot recommend this film enough. the people would be aware of the great mu- time. The new version clears up much of the For those that haven't seen it, it is a must sical history involved with Ska. But what most audiences don't confusion of the original. There is one see. For those that have experienced "lesser realize is that 20 minutes were shaved place where Lawrence ruthlessly slaugh- versions" of the film, it is a must see. For The first band was Let's Go Bowling to off in the film's original release, and ters a regiment of Turkish soldiers. It is those that have seen this restored version open for the festival. It took a while but by 1970 the film had lost 40 of its 222 explained by a restored scene showing before, it is certainly w"orth seeing again. finally the crowd was 'skankin' (ska danc- minutes. Lawrence's shock at the Turkish massacre Save the aisle seat for me. ing) to offbeats two and four. Steve Hurt of the Toasters, a very popular Ska band that played several weeks ago at Trinity, commented that Let's Go Bowling is the Ska band to see. I spoke to several band members of Let's Go Bowl- ing and told them what Hurt of the Toast- ers had said. The fellow native Califor- nians were flattered but remained modest. Oh, but how Steve was right. The Fresno band was extremely tight and their horn section was amazing. Potato 5, who hail from England played an extremely tight set also. Throwing in a couple of Rock Steady (early Ska) songs, Potato 5 's lead singer shouted "Skank if you want to!!" and how the crowd rocked on two and for. Bim Skala Bim were the last band to play in the Ska fest. The Boston based band has been in the Ska music scene for several years and has a following on the East Coast like the Toast- ers. Bim played with great intensity and the got the crowd dancing. A unity was felt as they played their last song with stage Support the Arts. If not, Support Bad

Habits. I 1 Page 20 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 World & Nation Canvass Actors as Politicians Patty Pierson Crackerjack From Hollywood to the Hill The October 2 issue of the New Republic appeared normal enough tome. I flipped through thepages, disregarding first purser on this popular T.V. Chapel Hill in 1963. He moved the small blurb in the table of contents describing Jefferson -by Kilaen Van Rensselaer- series. right into local acting where he Morley's investigative article. Morley, former associate editor World & Nation Writer In 1986, when the show went played small parts in plays and of the cautiously liberal New Republic and current Washington off the air, Gopher decided to run musicals near his home in Geor- for Congress representing his gia. In 1978, he somehow landed editor of the more free-wheeling weekly, Nation , wrote about Ronald Reagan is not the only home, Iowa's sixth district. With his experience with crack. That's right, this White, middle- the role of Cooter on the Dukes of famous actor to move on to a his recognizable face and famous Hazard. class, y ou-and-me kind of guy illegally purchased and smoked successful political carreer. Fred name, this Republican rodent was the drug touted as the bane of America's indigent masses. It Grandy, who played "Gopher" on Jones played the handy me- easily catapulted to Washington. chanic who was often know to was only until the next issue of New Republic arrived dotted the Love Boat ,• and Ben Jones, His successful bid for congress whoplayed"Cooter" on the Dukes say, "Crazy Cooter comin' atcha," with criticism of Morley's journalistic integrity that his may have gone to his head, though. until 1985 when the show's rat- unconventional experiment was called to my attention. of Hazard, are now both members Shortly after arriving on Capitol of the U.S. Congress! ings dropped and it went off the Perhaps a description of what Morley wrote would be Hill, Gopher allegedly fired an air. Jones then acted on his long- helpful. The article "What Crack is Like" details the author's Fred Grandy graduated from elevator operator who asked, time interest in politics and ran for adventures with crack cocaine. He(seriously) smoked several Harvard in 1970. After five years "Lido deck, Congressman?" of working for various Republi- Congress in 1988 as a Democrat rocks of the substance in the privacy of his own home and went Nevertheless, Grandy is said to be from his fourth district in Geor- on to describe its effects in relation to regular cocaine and can Congressmen as a legislative an honest and hardworking pub- assistant, Fred was suddenly in- gia. He won rather handily, carry- marijuana. Morley writes, "...crack combines the best aspects lic servant. He was re-elected in ing 60% of the voters, probably of marijuana and cocaine." He further observes that "Crack is spired to move to Hollywood 1988, and now, at41 years of age, where he immediately landed the because of his name and face. a pleasure both powerful and elusive. Smoke a rock serves on the Ethics, Agriculure, Unlike Gopher, Cooter is said to role of Gopher on the Love Boat. and Education Committees. will likely appreciatesensuous phenomena ranging from MTV From 1975-1985, Grandy played be an extremely friendly and to neon lights to oral sex with renewed urgency." the goofy and sometimes idiotic Ben Jones graduatedfrom the humorous congressman. He even I personally was not offended by Morley's candor; in University of North Carolina at jokes about his role as the me- fact, I appreciate his point-blank honesty in a profession where chanic for Hazard County. Jones, facts are too often manipulated for the sake of sensationalism now 48, serves on the Public or in support of a specific cause. For people inexperienced with Works and Transportation, and crack yet still curious as to its widespreadappeal, investigations Might Isn't Right Veterans Affairs Committees. like Morley's are essential to understanding the drug problem It seems the move from act- victimizing society today. Because Morley is familiar with ing to politics is very popular these several modern drugs of choice, his argument acknowledging One View of the Arms Race days. Apart from Ronald Reagan the pleasures of crack is all the more credible. With this quick melting of the becoming President, and Gopher Cold War in mind, might it not be and Cooter becoming congress- Although Morley's comments scarcely ruffled my -by Matt Drinkwater- feathers, some readers were deeply offended by his frank prudent to finally, seriously con- men, Clint Eastwood was mayor Temarks. As Morley himself writes in the November 20 issue World & NationStaffWriter sider mutual and total nuclear of Carmel, California, and Martin of Nation in "Aftermath of a Crack Article," conservatives disarmament? Sheen was recently made honor- from Drug Czar William Bennett down to his own father were The need for nuclear weap- ary mayor of Malibu. In a final The Cold War has dominated ons has been to deter the other California political coup, Cher's deeply disturbed ar his disregard for the Jaw as well as his East-West relations ever since side from using their own nuclear ex-husband and former restauran- undermining of the government's war on drugs. Many accused World War II ended in Europe 45 weapons. Though it did not seem teur Sonny Bono was elected Morley of trivializing a serious social issue and of flying in the years ago. An Iron Curtain de- logical that the Soviets would ever mayor of Palm Springs last year. face of every T.V. commercial, poster, and politician that has scended that now seems to be want to destroy all life on this told America to "say no" to drugs. • blown away by the winds of planet for any reason before, in A scathing editorial in the December, 1989 American modemchange. Political reforms the light of current events the SPRING BREAK 1990 Spectator observed that the article "recommended crack and in the Soviet Union and Warsaw thought now seems absurd. There- rationalizes its use." The Spectator further attests that Morley's Pact nations hav e finally led to the fore, nuclear weapons serve little Individual or student piece "failed to balance these affronts with admonitions helpful symbolic, penultimate act — the purpose other than to consume a organization needed to to the present campaign against drugs." Are these and other destruction of the Berlin Wall — sizeable portion of the defense promote our Spring critics of Morley's observations implying that it is the duty of and the advent of unhindered budget in development and main- the press to arrange truths in such a manner that they lend travel between between the east tenance costs. This money could Break trips. Earn money, support to government policy? Is it not the government's job and west sections of the city. go to better defensive use, such as free trips and valuable to promote its own efforts and the duty of journalists to be fair Few doubt that the events no w the improvement of the U.S.'s work experience. taking place in Germany are not seemingly second-rate conven- and objective in assessing these policies? APPLY NOW!! Call Inter- What Morley's critics did not point out is that the potential equal in magnitude to the greatest tional forces. drug user is not going to turn away from crack at wholesome occurences of the twentieth cen- President Bush now faces a Campus Programs: 1- Nancy Reagan's behest. Surely we are not so naive as a society tury. For the relaxing of tensions decision, one he cannot shirk: 800-327-6013 * between the East and West will whether to continue the escala- thatwehope to eradicate the drug problem by simplypromoting have so many long-term effects a new morality; if anything, the failure of Prohibition has tion of nuclear weapons, or to sit that, eventually, Europe may be- down with Premier Gorbachev taught us that it does not pay to force idealism on the pragmatic come unrecognizable to those who Apartment masses. And to the argument that Morley is capitalizing on the and call for a complete end to lived under the shadow of the nuclear .weapons worldwide. The drug crisis or that he has no real grasp of the situation he wall. In the words of John Stein- for Rent describes, Morley's Nation essay, "Contradictions of Cocaine INF treaty was the first step, but brenner, director of foreign stud- this next step is more critical, for 6 room - 3rcl floor Capitalism", provides strong evidence of his understanding of ies at the , considerations must be taken that the problem and of the inept measures the Bush administration "That, there will be irreversible each superpower, along with the $600/month is taking to solve it. Here Morley rightly insists that prosecuting consequences is not a notion that other nations involved, keeps its could be shaied the casual cocaine user or street addict is tantamount to making can be denied anymore." word. The Cold War is rapidly deposits in the bank accounts of cocaine profiteers. The more So the Soviets do not really becoming a thing of the past; must 229 White Street the authorities focus on destroying the small user or dealer, the seem to be bad guys anymore. In these devices of total destruction See manager at Nutshell stronger the sophisticated dealers become as they begin to fact, their last concern now is outlive the ideology that forged Tavern for viewing dominate the market. preparing for a war with the U.S. them? 549-2836 Although shocking, "What Crack is Like" tells the truth about drugs and drug use. Yes, crack is an enjoyable escape for many of its users, and that is why it is addictive. And yes, how Morley discovered this fact is illegal and morally questionable. ELM WOOD LAUNDROMAT But it is not his job to report what we want to hear, but what he thinks we should hear. By admitting the allure of drugs like crack, we will stop enforcing the law through repression, and & DRY CLEANING recognize the needs of those who turn to drugs as their only •Coin Operated Laundry hope for financial or emotional fulfillment. •Professional Dry Cleaning & Shirt Service • Wash, Dry & Fold - Same Day Service THINK SPRING Waitress Needed •Attendant on Duty at All Times Outgoing? Well organized? Tuesdays and Fridays Promote and Escort our MON. - SAT. 8AM TO 9PM • SUN 8AM TO 6PM FLORIDA SPRING BREAK 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. trip. Nutshell Tavern GOOD PAY AND FUN' 229 White Street 953-9197 Call Campus Marketing at Apply in Person 1-800-423-5264. 549-2836 154 SHEILD WEST HARTFORD (CHANNEL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER NEW BRITAIN AVE, NEXT TO CALDOR) The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 • Page 21 World & Nation Bonelli Seeks Change in Hartford

roles. Although the faculty would ment." also seen and shared in the more andenergy he invested in promot- ing change and awareness on the -by Eleanor Traubman- disagree, there is only a small Bonelli's strong opinions on tangible fruits of organizing. He Trinity's ideal role in promoting helped elect two PFC candidates college campus. His experience World & Nation Writer core of them who encourage stu- dents to develop and see through activism stem from his experi- into the '87 City Council and seven underlines the importance of our ideas. ence of the rewards of his own people to the Democratic Town college administration's attitude Every professor and adminis- For example, the faculty who activism, which, he asserts, "is Committee, played a part in the toward student activism: it can trator who was here in 1981 re- created the SPASM minor (Stud- both exciting and a lot of work. It successful State House campaign feign commitment to student members John Bonelli, who then ies in Progressive American So- gives a person purpose, meaning of Juan Figueroa (also with PFC), empowerment and community was a freshman at Trinity. Hav- cial Movements) have shown that and hope that things will change. and most recently achieved a seat involvement while maintaining ing been raised in Hartford's South it is possible to build organizing People break down the barriers on the People for Change ticket institutionalized roadblocks to End, he felt self-conscious about skills and political activism into which exist among themselves for City Council. both; or it can welcome the ideaof the working-class background the curriculum. Community Out- when they work together in coali- John Bonelli represents one of student empowerment and create which separated himself from his reach represents another great way tions to address issues. People the many politicians and organiz- mechanisms by which students mostly- wealthy peers. His father to tap into creativity because involved in this work meet their ers who honed his skills and ide- can voice opinions and partici- was a maintenance worker at City people can not only join but cre- closest friends and also develop a ologies through the hours of time pate in decision-making, develop Hall. Bonelli himself was the first ate projects. It is important to strong value system." Bonelli has and act upon ideals and dreams. member of his family to go to institutionalize more programs college. To overcome feelings of like these through which students inadequacy, he engaged in stu- and faculty can inspire students to dent activism. pursue dreams and ideals." Be Wary of Disarmament He contributed his leadership Bonelli also has several spe- pend solely on their relationship. maintenance of world peace. skills to the Progressive Student cific suggestions for how the col- -By David Herr- Another point to consider is Regarding our attitude, I am Alliance, the Anti-Apartheid lege might provide practical sup- Special to the Tripod that the world is not imprisoned wary of drawing conclusions Committee, the Trinity Gay and port to students who wish to learn by nuclear weapons themselves, about the transition in the Com- Lesbian Alliance and the Com- and practice skills to effect change We have all been watching but rather the atomic technology munist world at this point in time. mittee to End Homophobia. One within and outside the confines of and reading about the dramatic that created them. Since that tech- We cannot say with an acceptable of John' s most significant achieve- the campus. Bonelli first offers change taking place in the Soviet nology can never feasibly be level of certainty that Gorbachev ments as a student was his revi- insight into Gerety's proposal to Union and Eastern Europe. While erased from human knowledge, will succeed or fail in his reform talization of student community make service a requirement of Communism may be attractive in the world must simply learn how of the Soviet Union. While events service by initiating and creating graduation: "I think that manda- a manifesto, it is manifest that in to live with the specter of atomic are very promising, the dynamic Community Outreach. Both he tory service would be good, but practice it tramples human rights weapons, and focus on how to history of the U.S.S.R. has made and Ruth Watkins, another stu- only if it were structured in some and precludes economic solvency minimize their danger and the risk clear that nation's ability to make dent, saw the need for Trinity to way where people could talk about and security. Mikhail Gorbachev of their use. The mere existence about-face changes. In the 1950's foster better relations with the their experiences and connect has been addressing that reality of atomic technology renders the and early 1960's, Kruschchev Hartford community and estab- them to the broader social and since he assumed power in 1985, "balance of terror" the safestexis- embarked on a limited campaign lished creative ways that students economic issues and questions. I and one could very reasonably tence possible. The very fact that of de-Stalinization; in 1964, he could volunteer their time. hope that the college gives some argue that over the past four-and- was ousted and Breshnev re-Stal- thought to the quality of the expe- no one wants to destroy the world Where many student activists a-half years glasnost and per- makes nuclear weapons the only inized, or de-Kruschchevized. In have toned down their commit- rience for Hartford residents as estroika haveenjoyedreasonable 1985, Gorbachev began his pro- well as for the students." Bonelli weapons on Earth which prevent ment to social change after gradu- success, the former more sothan their own use by virtue of their gram of de-Breshnevization and ation, Bonnelli, now 26, has also feels that we should "tap into alumni activists and ask them to the latter. With the changes in the destructive capability. Since they de-Stalinization, or if you prefer, stepped up his efforts to address Soviet approach and the transi- re-Kruschchevization with afash- and seek solutions to the chal- connect with and support their are also the only arms which student counterparts." Finally, tions we are presently witnessing threaten the lives of those who ionable twist of . We lenges facing our community. in East Germany, we Americans After leaving Trinity with a de- Bonelli recommends that Trinity really initiate and maintain wars cannot predict what the future gree in Religious Studies, Bonelli institutionalize activism by creat- are necessarily reevaluating our (i.e. politicians, bureaucrats, and holds, so it is safer to be prepared dedicated a year to VISTA (Vol- ing more office and meeting space own ideological and military — in the case of Vietnam — cor- by keeping all of our options read- unteers in Service to America) at for student groups. "The major posture toward the East. Some porations as well) those people ily available than to adopt the Foodshare food pantry in Hart- flaw in the structure of Mather are very quick to urge President are forced to weigh the impact of most optimistic scenario for the ford. He then went on to work for Campus and Koeppel Social Bush to sit down with Premier their decisions. I would argue future and leave ourselves intol- the Hartford Neighborhood Hous- Center," says Bonelli, "is the lack Gorbachev and engineer a mutual that uclear weapons, by threaten- erable vulnerable. Also, keep in ing Coalition and the Immaculate of adequate office space for ac- and total nuclear disarmament. I ing world destruction, have pre- mind that the future might bring Conception shelter for the home- tive student groups. Most aca- think that while we must defi- vented devastating conflicts. the military strengthening of na- less. Today, Bonelli invests his demic institutions have separate nitely redefine ournuclear stance, tions that are hostile to us, such as space for student organizations so However, we can safely re- time in the Connecticut Coalition such an endeavor must be under- duce the number of nuclear weap- Libya or , In such a situation, for the Homeless and the People that those groups have an identifi- taken with the utmost caution, we do not want to be without our able physical place, in which they ons we have if we can approach for Change grass roots third party foresight, and rationality. the task with the proper attitude nuclear deterrent, because the ticket. can conduct dialogue about im- knowledge that we can and will portant issues. It would be valu- First, I feel that for a variety and from a position of appropriate Working from both his memo- of reasons, "mutual total disarma- strength. This means that we must strike back is the largest factor able for Trinity to have some struc- preventing an attack, and perhaps ries and recent observations of ture that is clearly identified as a ment" is neitherpossible norideal. accomplish several objectives life at Trinity, Bonelli emphasizes place for people to go to who want Remember that the Soviets and before we undertake a large the only thing that would dimin- the need for the college to move to get involved in community Americans are not the only na- mutual reduction in nuclearforces ish a madman's aspirations. beyond lip-service towards prac- issues. Let's have Trinity put its tions in the world with nuclear of NATO and the Warsaw Pact. Given that we cannot predict tical openings for dialogue and money where its mouth is. Let's weapons. Britain, China, France, what the future will bring, and change. "Students and faculty First, parity in conventional forces stop paying lip service to the issue India, Israel, Pakistan, and West must be achieved, either by nego- that nuclear technology is irrever- often do not feel their power," of involvement in the community ible, we should not attempt total asserts Bonelli. "The system here Germany all have atomic weap- tiation, a NATO buidup, or an and instead give a home to student ons and Brazil, Argentina, and acceptable combination of those nuclear disarmament. Such a at Trinity is set up to keep stu- groups which foster involve- project involves too many nations dents in semi-servile, dependent South Africa are not far from fol- two approaches. Achieving and lowing suit. This fact makes maintaining conventional parity to be considered feasible given "mutual" disarmament extremely removes any incentive for one the present state of world affairs. difficult, because this would nec- side (the stronger) to initiate con- With regard to the Soviets, when essarily involve several nations, flict. Second, the two alliances we undertake reasonable nuclear not just two. Also, even though must come to terms on anti-missle reductions we must first the U.S.S.R. and America are by technology by defining exactly strengthen our own bargaining far the two largest nuclear pow- how how far either side may go positions in the ways I have de- The Spring ers, since they are not the only concerning research, develop- scribed. Caution in dealing with in New York ones disarmament does not de- ment, and deployment of a "star the nuclear situation is the only US4 wars" system. Third, the United acceptable approach; given that a Act in TV States must repair or rebuild its lack of foresight got the world Qualified upperclassmen are invited to apply for admission to nuclear weapons production into the nuclear mess, we should Columbia College as visiting students beginning in January Commercials plants, all of which are either shut be wary of quick-fix solutions to 1990. Full access to housing, library resources, and upper divi- High Pay down and fenced off or in a dire entrenched problems, since by sion courses. For further information and an application, write No experience, all state of disrepair. If we attempt to catering to passions instead of or call: enterintodisarmarnenttalks while reason those solutions lack fore- ages, kids, teens, sight and often wind up exacer- Columbia College Admissions Office young adults, we are unilaterally disarming ourselves, our position of weak- bating the situation. Before we 212 Hamilton Hall families, mature rush of all nuclear weapons, we New York, New York 10027 ness will manifest itself in the people, animals, negotiations and any agreement should realize that nuclear power (212) 854-2522 etc. which they may or may not pro- plants are presently causing more Application deadline: December 15, 1989 Call Now! duce. In my view, any agreement problems than nuclear warheads, tilting tha balance of power be- which have in turn done a good Charm Studios tween America and the U.S.S.R. job of maintainig world peace over (800) 447-1530 Ext would not be conducive to the the years, 7896 Page 22 • The Trinity Tripod • November 21,1989 Sports

BOX SEATS By Patrick Keane Pick-up football on Saturday afternoon; for many it is a religion. Last Saturday I congregated with a host of cronies for a little tnid- afternoon football. It was the perfect day for a game of tackle, backyard football; the kind of stuff that childhood dreams were made of. This scenario was a ritual for my friends and I as a child. We would establish a phone chain to relay the pertinent information about the big game to the mighty mites of the neighborhood. Once the game time had been set you usually had about twenty minutes to prepare yourself for what would certainly be a "Saturday Afternoon Crunch Course!" The unfortunate event of inclement fall weather never stopped us from participating in a backyard gridiron battle. First I put on two pairs of sweatpaints, (ripped from previous outings) which were topped by a pair of blue and white gym shorts, (always worn on the outside of sweats) The next battle garments were two sweatshirts: a crew neck and a hooded fluorescent orange baby with the thermal lining. The most important pieces in this ensemble were my my #31 Wilbert Montgomery Eagles jersey and my black and yellow Bruins stocking hat with the little "B" patch on the forehead. (One should always make sure to rip off the fuzzy ball on top) These items were a must for a successful game of football. Schedule for Major Bowl Games I was often able to suit up in less than four minutes, giving me sixteen minutes to put on my white and black Adidas® junior cleats Bowl Date Site Time TV Teams and rummage the house for my Wilson K-2 football. Orange Jan.l Miami 8 p.m. NBC Notre Dame v. Colorado Choosing sides always became an issue, especially when their was an odd man and we would have to play with a steady quarterback. Sugar Jan.l NewOrleans 8 p.m. ABC Alabama v. Miami A game of tackle football was very healthy for small children like Rose Jan.l Pasadena, Ca. 5 p.m. ABC USC v. Michigan ourselves. The hitting was always hard, but we were too small to really Cotton Jan.l Dallas 1:30 CBS SWC Champ v. TBA damage each other. One afternoon, in a heated contest, I layed a decent Citrus Jan.l Orlando, Fla. 1:30 ABC Virginia vs. TBA hit on my brother, he seemed alright but he claimed his finger was broken and he had to go home. We repeatedly lambasted him for Fiesta Jan.l Tempe, Az. 4:30 NBC TBA wimping out of such a fueled neighborhood rivalry and told him that Gator Dec. 31 Jacksonville 8 p.m. ESPN TBA he was just a baby. For some reason these things are always worse than Liberty- Dec. 28 Memphis 8 p.m. Rayc. Air Force v. TBA expected, and we later discovered that my brother had broken his arm Aloha Dec. 25 Honolulu 3:30 ABC TBA as well. Peach Dec. 30 Atlanta 2:30 ABC TBA This past Saturday' s contest meant the tragedy as well, except this Sun Dec. 30 time the parties were quite larger. After missing a tackle Jeff "the El Paso, Tx. 12:30 CBS TBA human demolition man" Ward collided with a teamates hip resulting Independence Dec. 16 Shreveport, La.8 p.m. MMOVJi TBA in a generous gash to his forehead. This unfortunate mishap necessi- All-American Dec. 28 Birmingham 8 p.m. ESPN Duke v. Texas Tech tated immediate medical aid and eight stitches. Sitting in the emer- California Dec. 9 Fresno, Ca. 4 p.m. SC Fresno St. v. Ball State gency room waiting for Jeff to be mended I asked myself, "Is pick-up Toilet Jan. 1 Astrodome 10 a.m. NBC SMU v. Stephen F. Austin football really worth it? Yeah!!!" Spirits Wxquorz Kegs Wines and Liquors • 237 White Street Busch 1/2 533.99+ We Deliver! • 525-2221 • Visa & MasterCard Accepted < Busch 1/4 V 519.99+ Mil's Best 1/2 <525.75+ Specials Bud 1/2 <540.49+ Popov Vodka $10.99 + Bud 1/4 VC523.99+ $6.99+ Case c Black Label Bar Bottles Miller1/2 V540.49+ $6.99+ Case ( Keystone Suitcases Miller 1/4 \ 523.99+ Also on Sale D.G. Yuengling & Son PORTER St. PauliGirl Guiness Gold Football Picks Guiness Stout

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Thanksgiving Day Michigan State 28 Wisconsin* 14 High Spirits! Alabama State* 28 Tuskegee 7 Michigan* 17 Ohio State 7 'enn* 17 Cornell 14 Mississippi State 17 Mississippi 14 West Virginia 24 Syracuse* 21 Penn State 14 Pittsburgh* 13 NFL Friday. November 24 San Jose State* 38 UNLV 14 Thanksgiving Texas A & M* 20 Arkansas 17 So. Mississippi* 21 East Carolina 14 Cleveland 23 Detroit* 20 Tennessee 17 Saturday. Novemher ^5 Kentucky* 14 Philadelphia 23 Dallas* 17 Texas* 17 Miami* 21 Notre Dame 20 Baylor 14 Sunday. Novemher 26 Air Force 28 Utah* 21 Utah State 28 Long Beach State*21 LA Raiders* 20 New England 17 Arizona State* 14 Arizona 13 Buffalo* 23 Cincinnati 20 Brigham Young 24 San Diego State* 21 Chicago 20 Washington* 17 20 Florida A & M 24 Bethune-Cookmanl4 Read the Tripod for Denver* 23 Seattle Georgia Tech* Indianapolis* 21 San Diego 20 24 Boston College 21 20 Hawaii* 31 Oregon State 21 Kansas City* 21 Houston the Joe Harris LA Rams 20 Houston* 35 Texas Tech 24 New Orleans* 21 Miami* 24 21 Illinois 35 Pittsburgh Northwestern* 14 predictions on Minnesota 19 Green Bay* 17 Indiana* 28 Purdue 14 NY Jets* 24 Atlanta 21 Iowa* 17 16 Minnesota 14 every Bowl Game Tampa Bay 20 Phoenix* Louisiana State 24 Tulane* 14 Monday Night Football San Francisco* 24 NY Giants 17 In a rousing performance, SMU managed to score 24 points against FootbaiTSesuits^ #20 ranked Texas Tech. Alas.TCU scored twice as many points and won Harvard 37 Yale 20 the game 48-24. Brown 41 Columbia 28 Ivy League Dartmouth 24 Penn 0 Standings Princeton 21 Cornell 7 UMass 34 UNH 28 Yale 6-1-0 Villanova 28 BU 10 Princeton 6-1-0 Harvard 4-2-0 UConn 35 URI 28 Dartmouth 4-3-0 Holy Cross 35 Bucknell 6 Penn 2-4-0 Brown 2-5-0 Lafayette 36 Lehigh 21 Cornell 1-5-0 Lousiville 36 BC 22 Columbia 1-6-0 The Tripod Top 14 Men's Hockey Trinity 69 Hamilton 4 1. Notre Dame 8. Nebraska IVlnlty(i-O) 1 2 3-6 Hamllton(O-i) 4 0 Q«4 Goals: Mike Murphy(3), John Brien, 3- Michigan 10. Auburn Larry Trinceri, Todd duBoef Saves: Steve Gorman, 30 4. Alabama 11. Arkansas Pat needs Winter 5. SMU • 12. USC Sports writers 6. Florida St. 13. Illinois contact Box 1310 or 7. Miami 14. Houston call 297-2583

Athlete of the Week The View Specials Come to The View for Dinner! The College Pitchers of Busch are only $3 when you order a meal between View Athlete of the 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. week is senior Mike Monday Night Football Murphy. Murphy Free pizza and $3 pitchers of , notched a hat-trick ir Mil's Best from kickoff to ending the team's 6-4 victor} Sunday Night - Pitchers of Milwaukee's Best are onlt $3 over Hamilton. between 9 p.m. and closing lmm^^^^m

SfiHS • • ifc «il!

Hockey Scores Big in Comeback Against Hamilton

-by Mark Gruba- Globe in the ECAC North-South division. Before the season be- . Sports Writer gan the captains emphasized that the team would need production from an experienced Sophomore The 1989-90 Hockey team class. They received it in the form opened their season Saturday af- of Brien's first goal. They also ternoon with a come from behind felt the freshman would need to 6-4 victory over highly touted contribute. Against the Conti- Hamilton College in Clinton, nentals as four freshman saw ice- N.Y.. Senior captains Mike time: Robert Krebs, Eric Murphy (3 goals), Todd duBoef McGranahan, Jay Monohan, and (1 goal, 3 assists), and Steve Snecinski. Above all, the team Gorman (30 saves) led the Ban- showed the ability to come back, tams to victory. after shaking an early three goal The Bants went to Hamilton deficit. unsure of what to expect, only knowing that the outcome would The Bants look to continue be a good indication of what to their winning ways with theirnext expect for the early part of the five games at home, For the first season. The dramatic 6-4 victory time in four years the McCabe sends a strong warning to their Tournament will be hosted by ECAC opponents that the Bants Trinity on December 1 and2. The plan to continue their winning tournament includes Wesleyan, ways this season. , and Tues- After falling behind 4-1 in day, November 28, against Fair- the first period and having the ice field. If you like fast action and pelted with oranges by rowdy lots of scoring (by Trinity) come support the Bantams. Continental fans, the Bants re- Co-captain Joe Reilly '91 will run the Bantam offense this year. File Photo grouped and started to come back. Murphy collected his first two goals in the second period nar- rowing the score to 4-3. The Men's Basketball Iced By Swedes Continentals held this advantage play, Trinity was able to grab more scorers were Mike Allen, Dennis Michael Stubbs and Joe Reilly for through most of the third period -by Cara Cahalan- caroms and began to score. McCoy, Damon Scott and Chris this goal to be attainable. Stubbs andjooked to have the game in Sports Writer Trinity's high scorer was Hinchey, will be menacing force in the hand when Junior Larry Trinceri The Swedes employed a full- middle for the Bantams, with his picked up a loose puck from a Senior Mike Stubbs with 17 points. Stubbs had a good day court press which largely troub- shot-blocking and rebounding fallen Hamilton defender and led the Bantams. Early turnovers capabilities, while Reilly will skated in for the game-tying goal The Men's Basketball team from the field hitting five of six shots. Co-captain Joe Reilly was and poor rebounding proved un- quarterback the team at point. In with 6:45 left in the game. Murphy took on a Swedish international sunnountable as the team from addition to Stubbs and'Reilly, the then scored the game winner with team last Wednesday in a pre- able to toss in 16 points of his own. Uppsala continued to riddle Bantams can rely on the three- 3:13 left in the game off an assist season game. The Arapt team , point threat of sophomore guard from Uppsala, Sweden, is touring AfterStubbsandReilly.Trin- Trinity's attack. from linemate duBoef. duBoef This game was only an early Matt Vaughn. Coach Ogrodnik is sealed the victory with an empty the east for several weeks sched- ity was fairly equal in scoring uling games with several college totals. Junior Antonio Roca, test for the Bantams, and with a looking for the freshmen to make net goal with: 13 seconds remain- few weeks of seasoning they will major contributions to the future ing. Sophomore John Brien had teams. Sophomore Matt Vaughn, and Freshman Pieter Vander Heide be able to aim for the same 22-3 success of the squad and to help the other Trinity goal in the first The Bants were unable to shoulder the scoring burden of keep up with their visitors and lost all tallied 6 points a piece, while mark they established last season. period. Lost in the comeback was The team will have to depend on Stubbs, Reilly, and Vaughn. the great performance of the 127-70. Trinity coach, Stan Freshman Mark O'Day contrib- Bantam defense after the first Ogrodnik, utilized the contest to utedfivenotches of his own. Other the leadership of Co-captains period. In the second and third help the squad become more periods Gorman was unbeatable acquainted with its new players in the net, finishing with 30 saves. and to gel together. Women's Hoops Aims ForECACs The defense, probably the deep- Trinity had a difficult time in est unit in New England, was led the paint, with little tenacity on by the tandems of John Gregory the offensive or defensive boards. Ennis and Kolstad lead the Attack and Tom Perez, Scott Leddy and Sweden rarely missed, but when Steve Burgess, and Erik Laakso they did there wasn' t a Bantam in anne O'Donnell, are both gone, Jodi Falcigno '93, and Lisa and John Snecinski. sight. By the end of the first half, -by Rick Zednick- but Pine believes "the team has O'Connell '93.DebbbieGlew'90 The victory answered sev- Trinity was down by forty points Sports Writer the potential to be very good." and Kattya Lopez '91 are versa- eral questions for the Bants, cur- (66-26). After making some ad- The Lady Bants like to run a 1 - tile players who will be able to justments to the Arapt style of rently ranked #2 by the Boston 2-2 offense which depends on substitute at either in the back The 1989-90 edition of Trinity control passing and sharp shoot- court or up front. Forwards off the women's basketball has a tough ing. The duties of playing the point bench will be Laura Petrovic '92, act to follow in last season's 13-7 will likely fall into the hands of AllisonBolk '93, and, eventually. team—the first ever from Trinity talented freshman Kathy Moyn- Jackie Kupa '93, who is out until to qualify for the ECAC tourna- agh. Starting at the two swing- January with an injured knee. .• ment—but Coach Maureen Pine guard spots .will be Ennis, whom The Lady Bants face a tough ' is molding an inexperienced squad Pine calls "very steady and a tough schedule and Coach Pine does not into a confident one. defender," and Farquhar, whom foTeseemany easy wins. She says, Coach Pine, in her third year the Coach praised for her excel- "we'll have to be ready to play here, will be counting on the lead- lent outside shot. Patrolling the each time out." Last year they ership of her co-captains Kathy baseline will be forwards Kirsten made the ECACs and were elimi- Ennis '90 and Karyn Farquhar Kolstad'9l(14ppgand8.7rpgin nated in the first round, this year '90 to provide inspiration for a ' 88-' 89) and Amy Chiodo '92 (8.8 they are aiming to go farther. The team that lost two exceptional players to graduation and has six and 6.1). season opens on Saturday, No- freshmen who may take a little Coach Pine feels that the start- vember 25 at the Babson Invita- time to adjust to the college game. ing five will be very strong and tional. The first game at home, Trinity's all-time leader in points capable of competing with any where the team is a remarkable and rebounds, Leanne LeBrun, opposition, but the bench is very 17-2 over the last two years, is at and the school's single-season inexperienced. Relief at guard will 7:30 on Tuesday, Nov. 28 against record holder for assists, Mary- be available from Maureen Strick- Mt. Holyoke. 'The Bantams posted a 6-4 come'from behind win against Hamilton. land '92, Angela DeNicola '93,

Hockey Beats Hamilton 6-4 Slow Start for Men's Hoops Complete Major College Bowl Schedules and Box Seats! A_