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North Brunswick Nice mix for Vikings The Entertainer S.B. 's girls track team has talented Find out what's happening The JXi seniors leading young squad in the region this week MERCHANDISE CLASSIFIED (privateparty•«*»_ 4 Lines • 4 Weeks $20°° Page 21 (each additional line $5.00) some restrictions apply Page 19 l-800-660~4ADS Serving South Brunswick APRIL 29,1999 Sentine40 cents l VOLUME 6, NUMBER 27 Five police officers assigned to schools Tip line established as town reacts to Colorado shootings BY CHARLES W. KIM deal in the most appropriate way to ensure Staff Writer safety in the schools and really deal with the perception of fear that has permeated n response to the recent school mas- not only the adults, but some of the stu- sacre in Littleton, Colo., township dents regarding this incident," Paquette I police officers will be assigned to dis- said. trict schools until the end of the current school year. Student board representative Neil Shaw, a high school senior, said students Police Chief Michael Paquette an- are concerned a tragedy similar to the one nounced at Monday's Board of Education in Littleton could occur here. meeting that five officers will be assigned "Students should take a proactive to the schools for at least the next seven rather than reactive stand," Shaw said, weeks, until the end of the school year. adding, "I think putting officers in the On April 20, two students entered school is a step in the right direction." Columbine High School where they at- Shaw also said the community needs to tended school in the Denver suburb and provide more activities for older children allegedly went on a rampage with guns to help prevent such an incident. "The and pipe bombs, killing 12 students and activities for high school-aged, and middle one teacher, and injuring 23 others before school-aged children are significantly taking their own lives. decreased," he said. The similarities between that com- Paquette also said that the department munity and South Brunswick have struck a has investigated at least 10 separate inci- nerve with both adults and students here. dents of threats over the weekend. So far, "It is like looking in a mirror," none have proved to be real threats. Paquette said, noting that both commu- "We have investigated them and we nities are suburban with populations of have determined that they were just in- about 35,000 and a high school popula- appropriate comments or inappropriate tions of about 1,700. They also share simi- behavior," Paquette said. lar socioeconomic demographics, he said. "Operation Safe Schools" — the name "We have made internal changes to Continued on page 15 RON MISKOFF Barry Barclay (r) of the South Brunswick Shade Tree Commission helps Keith Schwartz, 6, plant a tree at Reichler Park Sunday during an Earth Day party for volunteers who helped clean up sections of the township during the week. Blackhorse buy tabled Council votes 4-1 to spend $4,000 for second appraisal BY CHARLES W. KIM questioned the cost. Staff Writer Following public hearings Tuesday on two ordinances related to the purchase, the he South Brunswick Township council voted to delay a decision until the Council will get a second appraisal second appraisal is completed. T before deciding whether to pur- Two weeks ago the Open Space chase a Blackhorse Lane property and pos- Committee voted 3-1 against the acquisi- sibly settle a lawsuit. tion because of the high price tag and also The 44-acre parcel has been appraised because of the quality of the land. for $1.85 million, but the assessment is Bill Flemmer (r) leads nature enthusiast onth e Delawars on a etouan rd aroun Raritad nthe considerably lower and some people have Continued on page 6 XSSSSS^SE 2 SENTINEL, APRIL 29, 1999 Sri "Si ' -Sr 7 Sates* f f r Show Us your Mother's Day IQ and be entered to win an assortment of < prizes from \)e£%)lc6feL& salon sanctuary, including the Grand Prize of an t y t It's simple, just fill out the quiz and entry form below and mail it y in to be entered. The correct answers will be published in the f 7 May 5th paper along with the winner's names. ' t~t (Winners will be notified by phone. Greater Media Employees not eligible. Winners will be picked by random from all correct entries. Only one entry per person per week.) 1. What is the mother of invention? 2. What group sang "California Dreaming"? 3. What cereal is "kid-tested, mother approved"? y 4. What is the name of the mother in "Leave it to Beaver" ? 5. In the recent movie, "Mother", who portrayed Albert Brooks' mom? y BONUS QUESTION: y Actress Blythe Danner is the mother of what current Oscar winner? f Mail to: Greater Media Newspapers Name: 25 Kilmer Drive, Suite 109 Address: Morganville, NJ 07751 Atte: Mother's Day Content Phone: Name of Mother — (If different than contestant) SENTINEL, APRIL 29, 1999 3 nv S i t / N.B. councilman runs for the ; money. ? Page 10 j it • Classifieds Page 26 j • Editorials Page 12 ' ] •i • Entertainment. .Page 19 RON MISKOFF • Letters Page 12 Brittany Hafner, 6, sings along with Indian Field music teacher Ed Cedar during the Earth Day party for volunteers who • Marketplace ... .Page 23 helped clean up South Brunswick. The party was held Sunday at Reichier Park. • Milestones Page 11 • Obituaries Page 17 • Police Beat Page 20 Residents join a nation searching fop answers • Sports Page 21 asked what the administration was going sponded. "I never received a phone call Colorado school killing to do to stop other students from making until after she was assaulted," he said. has some local threats to seek help from an adult in the Stewart explained that the parent "is students scared school. known to us," then attempted to move on Phone numbers: "We have many adults in the high to the next question, which brought an school who are all there when a child angry response. Editorial 254-7000 Ext. 8226 BY CHARLES W. KIM Staff Writer "~~ ' ~ needs help," Stewart said. "Aren't you going to answer my ques- FAX 254-0486 A 15-year-old junior at South tion?" the man persisted. SOUTH BRUNSWICK — Students Brunswick High School told the panel of But Stewart responded that he has Display Advertising 972-6740 and parents are scared that it very well community leaders, however, that she and received "more time from our adminis- FAX 972-6746 could happen here. many of her classmates fear retribution for trators and from me than any other single Some 200 residents attended a town telling an adult about problems. person." Classified 1-800-660-4ADS meeting last Thursday dealing with the Outside the meeting she said that she Stewart then responded that "we want April 20 killings at Columbine High "felt safe until this week." to work closely with the parents of any Classified FAX 432-0016 School in Littleton, Colo., to voice their Another resident questioned how much child who has difficulty in our schools." Delivery problems? concerns that a similar tragedy could hap- information the school would release Councilman Ted Van Hessen said that pen in their community. regarding incidents. the fact that the community, schools, and Call circulation at 254-1755 police communicate is an advantage, but before noon on Friday. The Community Response Team, a "There are a lot of things going on (in team of police, school and municipal of- the schools) that I know about because my they cannot handle problems alone. ficials, decided the day after the Colorado daughter comes home and tells me," she "It's not what they can do" Van Hessen incident to schedule a town meeting at said. said, pointing to the panel, "but it is what Crossroads Middle School to address con- Other parents were also angry at the we can do," referring to the audience. cerns. Police Chief Michael Paquette and district. Van Hessen encouraged those attending Schools Superintendent Sam Stewart A mother of one student questioned the the meeting to appeal to the council to answered a variety of questions. district about an incident last year in which approve the School Resource Officer pro- Many of those speaking out did not an eighth-grade student allegedly brought gram proposed last fall by Police Chief Managing Editor Marilyn Duff want their names to be used because they an unloaded gun to school. Michael Paquette, which would place Sports Coordinator Lindsey Siegle feared retribution to their children who are "He is back in the general school popu- police officers in district schools. Executive Editor Gregory Bean in school. lation. I want him out," she said. Van Hessen and Councilman Edmund Stewart said that the student was sus- Luciano were the only representatives of Publisher Kevin Wittman One resident asked what plan the dis- trict had to remove a disturbed student pended from school for 18 months and is the municipal government to attend the from the building. now doing well. meeting. "The SWAT team is fine, but by then it "He is a good citizen in the high Deputy Mayor Frank Gambatese said A Greater Media Newspaper is too late," he said. school, and his grades are better than they Tuesday that he could not attend because Stewart responded that the principals ever were," Stewart said. of a doctor's appointment in West have the authority to remove students if Stewart dismissed the concern of one Paterson. L If VERIFIED they feel they pose a threat to other stu- parent who has had a previous dis- Mayor Debra Johnson said that she was SK\ ft M AUDIT CIRCULATION dents.
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