Masonic Token
MASONIC TOKEN. WHEREBY ONE BROTHER MAY KNOW ANOTHER. VOLUME 3. PORTLAND, JULY 16, 1888. No. 5. ter Sleeper in the presence of a large number Published quarterly by Stephen Berry, both Commanderies went down the harbor No. 37 Plum Street, Portland. of masons. In the evening there was a ban to Greenwood Garden, where a banquet was Twelve cts. per year in advance. HSr” Postage quet at Hotel Willows, at which one hun- served. Speeches were made by Grand prepaid. dred masons and ladies were present. Major Commander Locke, Past Grand Commander S. C. Belcher presided and interesting Gordon and Commander Sawyer, on behalf Advertisements $4.00 per inch, or $3.00 for half an inch for one year. speeches were made. of Portland, and by Grand Master Ackley, No advertisement received unless the advertiser, Among those present, says the Chronicle, Deputy Grand Commander Freeman, P. G. or some member of the firm, is a Freemason in were John T. Taylor, Esq., of Farmington, C. Rugg, Commander Perry and others for good standing. 84 years of age, and Maj. Loren Adams, of Providence. After returning to town a Wilton, in his 86th year. The former is one gavel was presented to Portland Command THE BELLS OF SAINTE MARIE. of the oldest masons in Maine, having re ery by St. Johns. It was made from the ceived the degrees in Massachusetts sixty- wood of the piling under their masonic hall. RESPONSIVE SERVICE. three years ago. He marched in the pro On Thursday morning the knights drove BY B. H. B. cession as an Entered Apprentice at the lay about the city with their hosts, and departed O’er Rougemont glows with beams of fire ing of the corner stone of Bunker Hill monu at noon.
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