RED BANK SECTION and Surroundlnf Town* T»M Mrlmflv and Without Bias RED BANK REGISTER ONE
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AIX the NEWS of RED BANK SECTION and Surroundlnf Town* T»M mrlMflv and Without Bias RED BANK REGISTER ONE VOLUME LX1II, NO. 8. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1940. PAGES 1 TO 14« Shrewsbury Hoie No Reduction In Did Sapp Sock Social Service To Spoure With Saucer?, Company Opposes Interest Rate On Mrs. Vinnle T. Sapp of M5 River Dollar Days In Red Bank street was taken to Riverview hos- Hold Annual Session Fire Ordinance Taxes At Rumson pital Monday morning with bruises on her forehead and cheek and a cut on the forehead which was Chief Says New „ Finance Committee closed with one stitch, received dur- Today, Tomorrow and Sat.; Six Student Nuriet to Receive ing an argument with her husband, Law Too Elaborate- Decides to Retain Thomas Sapp. Mrs. Sapp explained that she threw Certificates September 4 To Seek Changes Eight Per Cent Rate a saucer at her husband and In some mysterious way the saucer returned Store-Wide Bargains Galore The Monmouth. County Organiza- Members of Shrewsbury Hose com- The Interest rat* on delinquent to bruise her. Mrs. Sapp refused tion (or Social Service will hold 1U pany Tueaday night went on record taxes in Rumson will remain at to aay whether Sapp caught the annual meeting Wednesday, Septem- "Abe," Boat Porter aa unanimously opposed to the new eight per cent. Councilman Sheldon aaucer and returned it on the wing Legion Meets Warning Period For Many Merchants Co- ber 4, at Brookdale Farm, Llncroft, fire ordinance which waa introduced T. Coleman, chairman of the finance or whether the recalcitrant plate home of the president of the organ- and pawed on first reading Tueaday committee, reported to the mayor boom e ran Red to damage her face. Motorists Is Over Operating in This isation, Mre. Qeraldlne L. Thompson. For Fifty Yean. night of last week by the borough and council last Thursday night that Her husband made no statement In New Home; Dr. Frank J. Klngdon, former pres- council. the finance committee voted 3 to 1 to at the hospital and no complaint was The warning period to speeding Three-Day Sales Event Ident of the Univeraity of Newark Honored Thursday Fire Chief Lester C. Scott, who keept the interest penalty aa It ia. lodged with the police. Mrs. Sapp motorists along River road, Rum- and now educational director of the brought the matter before the fire The finance committee had consid- told Officer John M. Stoye, who took Has Election son, has come to an end, stated Citizenship Educational Service, will company, read several sections of ered the proposal of Councilman her to Riverview hospital after the Councilman Louie If. Hague, chair- •peak. Commuters Recognize the lengthy new law and termed the Jamea P. Bruce, a member of the incident at 1:35, that the threw the Kenneth Smith Is man of the police committee, at the ordinance as too elaborate for the committee, for a reduction of the aaucer at her husband and missed meeting of the mayor and council of 8U atudent nurse* will receive rate to alx per cent. In discussing that borough last Thursday night. In Sponsored by Chamber's their certificates for the completion Services at Dinner borough and unfair to borough resl- him. The aaucer bounced against dents. the committee's decision, after the Chosen Commander— submitting his regular report of po- of their ten montha semi-student council meeting, Mr. Cohraan stated the wall, according to her statement lice activities Mr. Hague stated that public health nursing course. The With Gift Watch He stated that at the council meet- on the police records, broke and Ing H. Carl Kalt, of the law firm of that it was the opinion of the ma- Plans for Dedication a number of warnings have been Retail Trade Committee semi-student training course, started jority on the committee that a lower pieces rebounded and cut her. given by the police, but hereafter In 1927, la the only one of I la kind Commuters to and from New Applegate, Stevens, Foster and Reus- sllle, told members of the council that rate would make collections more summonses will be Issued to speed- ' In New Jersey. York on the Steamer Sandy Hook difficult and furthermore the reduc- Shrewsbury post, American Leg- ers. the ordinance at Shrewsbury would ion, and Its auxiliary unit held a Today, tomorrow and Saturday The H. C, O. a. S. established Dili gave a dinner last Thursday night tion would not be fair to those who should be three great days at Bad on board the boat In honor of Ed- closely follow that of the borough of have already paid the eight per cent Navesink Fair joint meeting in the Legion's new course to meet the need of graduate Red Dank with a few exceptions. If home on Riverside avenue Monday Bank for the thrifty ehopper. These nuraea fur additional training to nt ward Abrams, a colored porter who levy. has served the line for ISO years this Is ao, Chief Scott said, "the ordi- Nets $2,400 night. About 80 persons attended. Council Votes three day* have been selected by a them for public health nursing. nance which is now in force In Red John L. Mlnugh in a communica- gioup of local merchant* co-operat- Nuraea from both Fltkin and Mon- since he began work on Decoration tion asked the council for some ease- day, May 30, 1890. Bank Is not being enforced and like ing to uphold Red Bank's famous mouth Memorial hospitals arc given ment In zoning regulations with re- i slogan as the "Shopping Center of Commuters who have come to the one in question could hardly b* Chevrolet Won by $500 More For an opportunity to take this comae enforced." gard to the property he owns on | Monmouth County" by offering to under the direction of Miss Harriet know "Abe" as he Is affectionately Rumson road, near Ward avenue. called, made a gift to him of a He continued, "Shrewsbury has no James Kipp, Sea Bright ' the public unusual "Dollar Days" B. Cook, M. C. O. S. 8, educational The property is now In A zone and Poor Relief vahtea. watch Inscribed, "To Edward Incinerator where people can burn Mr. Mlnugh seeks permission to con- director, and Mies Evelyn Walker, their refuse and has no garbage col- These "Dollar Days" offering* ire director of public health and wel- Abrama—'Abe'—Faithful for SO yeara vert each building into not more than With a record crowd attending, —1890-1840—From the Sandy Hook lection whereby refuse can be picked he Navesink firemen closed their $1,000 Appropriation net a lot of shelf-worn merchandise fare of the M. C. O. 8. S- six apartments. The request was re- nor a bunch of junk purchased for commuters." up, and therefore the people muat ferred to the zoning board for ad- 55th annual fair Saturday night. The aim of thla acml-atudent pro- be permitted to build fires in order a so-called sale, but honest-to-good- gram la to contribute to the training When Abe started to work for the justment Mr. Minugh, who was President Neil Johnson stated today Spent at Fair Haven— railroad this vicinity was much dif- that they dispose of their refuse." hat the net proceeds will be about ness seasonable merchandise from of graduate nurses In rural public present at the meeting, asked If it regular stocks reduced to the ape- ferent according to him. Long Other members of the company was possible for the council to act $2,400. Two Cases Cost $750 health nuralng by making available also voiced their opinions, stating clil offering pries of one dollar. In the practice field which Monmouth Branch had its famed hotels and its on the request without referring it to Captain James Kipp of Atlantic sporting personages. His memory that the chief of the department the zoning board aa time was im- Way, Sea Bright, won the Chevrolet the majority of the offerings th* county has developed, combining An emergency appropriation of merchandise could not be purchased reaches back to days when the would be kept busy distributing per- portant. Mayor James C. Auchin- sedan and the ten consolation prize (500 for poor relief was passed by theoretical and practical teaching mits to those who wished to burn today in th* wholesale market for under experienced supervision. An- Sandy Hook boats, three of them closs replied the council would not winners Saturday night were Ben- the mayor and council of Fair Ha- then, used to race oilier harbor craft refuse and leaves. act until "we got the recommenda- jamin Blom, First avenue, Atlantic a dollar, let alone it being offered at other purpoae of the course is to ven Monday night. The original ap- that prlc* at retail In these store*, in speedy contests up New York Chief Scott continued, "In section tion of the zoning board." Highlands; Mrs. Nellie LufTburrow, propriation of (1,000 Is exhausted am stimulate an Interest in further edu- This event ia being sponsored by cation. bay and through the Narrows. He 8 of the ordinance there is a para- County taxes amounting to 117,621,- Locust; Richard Duane, Locust; the reason for this was explained by also remembers parties on the boat* graph which reads, 'Upon finding the Baker, Navesink; Lester Mayor Arthur B. Sickles. He sal the Retail Trade committee of tha The directors have planned the 31, due August IS, were ordered paid. given by famous men In the sport- lot or premises of the owner or oc- Sickles, Navesink; William Taylor, there are two cases on the relief list Red Bank Community Chamber of courae with the Idea thahtt ththe semj- Mayor Auchincloss called attention Ing, business and theatrical worlds cupant constitutes a fire hazard, the to the hearing September 18 at Rum- Atlantic Highlands; Dorothy Boyce, costing the borough $10 every week Commerce and this endorsement student will realise during this per- for their friends.