Biologia 63/6: 781—790, 2008 Section Botany DOI: 10.2478/s11756-008-0099-7 Morphology and taxonomy of some rare chlorococcalean algae (Chlorophyta)* František Hindák & Alica Hindáková Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14,SK-84523 Bratislava, Slovakia; e-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected] Abstract: The morphologies of 15 rare chlorococcalean algae, i.e. three species of the Characiaceae [Hydrianum crassiapex Korshikov,H.viride(Scherffel) H. Ettl, Characiellopsis skujae (Fott) Komárek], four taxa of the genus Pediastrum Meyen [Pediastrum privum (Printz) E. Hegewald, P. duplex Meyen var. rugulosum Raciborski, P. angulosum (Ehrenberg) ex Meneghini, Pediastrum biradiatum Meyen], a radiococcalean alga Phacomyxa sphagnicola Skuja, Pseudodictyosphaerium fluviatile (Hindák) Hindák from the Dictyosphaeriaceae, three representatives of the family Oocystaceae (Amphikrikos minutissimus Korshikov, Gloeotaenium loitlesbergianum Hansgirg, Chlorolobion obtusum Korshikov) and three species of the genus Scenedesmus Meyen (S. ginzbergeri Kammerer, S. incrassatulus Bohlin, S. parisiensis Deflandre), are documented by drawings and micrographs and their taxonomy is discussed. Of these, Hydrianum viride, Pediastrum duplex var. rugulosum, Scenedesmus ginzbergeri and S. parisiensis are recorded for the first time in Slovakia. Key words: coccoid green algae; morphology; taxonomy; Slovakia; Poland; Canada Introduction Material and methods Algal samples were collected from the plankton or periphy- Within the algal flora of Slovakia project, special at- ton of different types of water bodies, mostly from eutrophic tention has been paid to the phytoplankton and phy- running waters (e.g., the Morava and Danube rivers and tobenthos diversity of the Danube and Morava rivers their oxbows and inundation lakes in Bratislava and South- (cf.