Over to You 2003/2004 The Story of 26 Programnr:: 21305tv26

THE STORY OF TRACY BEAKER EPISODE 26 Based on the book by Broadcast: 20 November, 2003

JENNY: So, no-one's got anything to say about this?

TRACY: A bit of yellow might have brightened it up.

JENNY: There's nothing funny about graffiti, Tracy. And if I find that you...

TRACY: I've gotta go.

JENNY: Tracy! I haven't finished.

TRACY: But I have! I'm going out with Cam for the day...

TRACY OOV: ...and you can't stop me getting out of this dump...I'll easily escape you...

TRACY: Quick, Cam...drive!

CAM: But I haven't said hello to Jenny yet.

TRACY: Cam's phone. No, she's not here.

Martha Leach from Ellis and Leach, yeah, I'll tell her.

Are you the estate agent? Of course she wants to see the flats. All of them.

TRACY OOV: I can just imagine the kind of place we're going to pick...

TRACY: It's a surprise, isn't it?!

CAM: What?

TRACY: You're moving, so you'll have more space for me!

CAM: No, I'm moving, 'cos the people who own my flat are coming back.

LOUISE: I wonder who did it?

MAXY: It wasn't me!

RYAN: It might not have been any of us. You're lucky you're leaving, at least you won't get accused every time something bad happens. 1 Over to You 2003/2004 The Story of Tracy Beaker 26 Programnr:: 21305tv26

ADELE: Yeah.

ZAC: Are you getting nervous about living on your own?

ADELE: I can't wait.

CAM: You shouldn't have gone through my bag.

TRACY: Your phone was ringing! Look, come on, we're meeting the estate agent in ten minutes.

CAM: Oh, Tracy! I told her I couldn't look at anything today.

TRACY: You've got to let me come.

CAM: No, it wouldn't be fair. Look, this really isn't about you moving in with me.

TRACY: Okay, don't go on. But I still want to come and look at them with you. Please, Cam! Pretty please?

CAM: You can be as cute as you like, girl, it is not going to happen.

CAM: And I do the talking, okay? I don't want you getting lippy with the estate agent.

TRACY: Me? Lippy?

TRACY OOV: ...I shall be on my very best behaviour. You'll be able to introduce me...

TRACY OOV: ...as your perfect foster daughter...

...a lovely quiet girl, who never shows you up in public.

TRACY: Let's hope you're better at choosing flats, than you are at turning up on time.

CAM: Tracy.

TRACY: Shall we go in?

MARTHA: Right...

JUSTINE: I wish I could draw like that.

DUKE: But the front door's not the right place for it.

LOUISE: Why do people do graffiti?

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ADELE: Maybe they want to make their mark.

MAXY: Like when dogs wee on a lamp post?

ADELE: Something like that - but with pictures.

MARTHA: So...that's everything. I'll, er, leave you to look round on your own.

TRACY: She's only being smiley 'cos she wants you to take the flat. I've seen Elaine the Pain pull that one hundreds of times.

CAM: Tracy! I quite like this place.

TRACY: We don't want to live somewhere like this!

CAM: "We?"

MAXY: Jenny...before I leave, can I wee on a lamp post?

JENNY: What d'you want to wee on a lamp post for, Maxy?

MAXY: To make a mark. So you don't forget me.

MARTHA: So...... what do we think?

CAM: "We" think I like it.

TRACY: Would you still like it, if it had damp?

CAM: Well, no...

MARTHA: I can assure you, Cam, there's no...


CAM: How did you know that was there?

TRACY: The wallpaper's bubbly.

CAM: Sorry, Martha. It's a no.

MARTHA: It's nothing a roll of wallpaper won't... Right. Shall we move on to the next property?

CAM: Hey, how d'you know all that stuff?

TRACY: Mum and I moved around a lot. You get to know what to look for.

JENNY: Adele's leaving soon. And something that Maxy said, made me realise that when she's gone, we won't have anything to remember 3 Over to You 2003/2004 The Story of Tracy Beaker 26 Programnr:: 21305tv26

her by. So we want you to come up with some ideas for how we can remember you, once you've left.

JUSTINE: Like movie stars putting their hands in concrete?

DUKE: That's the idea. Adele, me and Jenny thought you should be project leader.

ADELE: Cool.

JENNY: Give us a shout when you've got something.

ADELE: I have got a wicked idea.

MARTHA:...and I guarantee there's no damp. Let's start in the kitchen, shall we?

TRACY: "And I guarantee there is no damp". Don't be taken in by Mrs Smiley.

ADELE: ...and then we draw round each other to get the shape, everyone adds in their own detail and we end up with a mural that's a really good record of who's been here.

JENNY: And we can add to it, as more kids come and go.

DUKE: A commemorative mural. How posh are we?

TRACY: I'm sorry, it's no good. Next?

CAM: Tracy - I like this flat.

TRACY: My bedroom's miles too small. We need something bigger.

CAM: That's not your bedroom. It's going to be my study.

TRACY: Cam's going to foster me any day now, so we need a place with big second bedrooms. With a sweet shop next door. Do you have anything like that?


CAM: We are not looking for places with big second bedrooms, because a) I still haven't decided whether I'm fostering you and b) I can't afford it.

TRACY: Yes, course you can. You'll get money for looking after me, that'll make up the difference.

MARTHA: Um...I'll be in here, if you want me.

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CAM: Look, I can't take on the extra expense of a larger flat, because of something that might happen in the future.

TRACY: Well, decide about it now, then. You've had ages to think it through.

CAM: I still need more time.

TRACY: How much more? Months? Years? How d'you think I feel, you're stringing me along all the time?

CAM: It's not like that, Tracy.

TRACY: I'll just get Martha to foster me then. It's obvious she hates kids, but at least I'd have a home. 'Cos I'm not going to get one with you. Am I? I want to go back to the Dumping Ground.

CAM: Oh, Tracy! Wait!

JENNY: Oh, have you got any small change?

ADELE: Jenny, I....

JENNY: Y'know, it's funny, if someone hadn't done graffiti on our door, you'd never have come up with the idea for our commemorative mural.

DUKE: Keep still, Maxy.

MAXY: It tickles!

TRACY: You're mean! You're cruel! And you're nasty!

DUKE: Ryan, finish Maxy, would you?

CAM: Tracy, wait!

TRACY: I've waited long enough. And if I never set my eyes on you EVER again, that'll be ten years too soon!

DUKE: What's happened?

CAM: Oh, we had a huge bust up about me fostering her.

DUKE: Let's go inside...

CAM: I can't. I need some time to think.

TRACY: Bog off.

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DUKE: Come here, Sweetheart!

TRACY: That's it, isn't it? I'm going to be stuck here forever...

TRACY OOV: ...People will stop noticing me and then one day I'll disappear all together....

DUKE: I know there's a family out there for you, Tracy.

TRACY: You're starting to sound like Elaine the Pain.

DUKE: Sorry. You'll have to eat a lot more spinach, before you can shove me.

D'you want to borrow me sticky tape?

CAM: Um, sorry...are you busy?

ELAINE: Yes! Um...no, er...is it...is everything alright?

CAM: No, not really. I've come to a decision - about Tracy.

ELAINE: Er....come in.

TRACY: I really thought you were going to be the one to rescue me.

TRACY OOV: I don't know what will happen to me - I really thought this time you would come and save me.....

LOUISE: Come and join in with the painting. It's not right without you. We've left you a space...... next to me.

Hay fever?

TRACY: It's the smell of the paint.


CAM: Hi.

JENNY: Heard you and Tracy had a row.

CAM: Yeah, I've come to make it up to her...... if she'll let me.

JENNY: Well, I'll leave you to it.

CAM: Tracy, can I have a word?

TRACY: Have two: bog off!

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CAM: I need your help.

CAM: I'm really sorry about this morning. I didn't mean to upset you. Would you come and have a look at another flat with me?

TRACY: Forget it.

CAM: But you're so much better at it than me. If I go on my own, I'll end up living in some damp, smelly, hovel. Please, Tracy. Pretty please?

TRACY: You're just not going to give up, are you?

CAM: And this is the last room...SO, what d'you think?

Don't you like it?

TRACY: It's got nothing to do with me.

CAM: It's got everything to do with you, Tracy. It's your new bedroom.

TRACY: For weekends?

CAM: For always. If you want it to be.

TRACY: Cam!!!

I love it! I absolutely love it! It's the best bedroom anyone could have in their whole life ever!

MARTHA: You two seem happy.

TRACY: We are. My foster mother and I have decided - we'll take the flat.

ADELE: Oi! Trace! Come and finish your bit.

TRACY: Sorry, Adele, I've just got soooooo much packing to do!

Cam's finally going to foster me!!!

CAM: It's true!

JENNY: That's fantastic!

DUKE: Come here!

TRACY: I can't believe it! I'm finally getting out of the Dumping Ground!

TRACY OOV: It's going to be better than even I can dream it...

LOUISE: Bye Tracy, don't forget to write! 7 Over to You 2003/2004 The Story of Tracy Beaker 26 Programnr:: 21305tv26

RYAN: See you, Trace.

MIKE: Bye, bye, gorgeous. Have a great time. Go on.

ELAINE: Good luck.

TRACY: This is the bit in the fairy tale where they say: "and they lived happily ever after."

TRACY: But do they?