Over to You vt 2005 The Story of Ep. 24 Programnr:31315tv24

The Story of Tracy Beaker - Series 2 - Ep. 24

TRACY: Cam... Where are you?

CAM: I’m going to be a bit late ...

TRACY: I’ve been waiting here ages already!

CAM: I’m sorry -

TRACY: Every time Cam. Every single time you promise we can go swimming, you come up with some excuse. So what is it this time? No don’t tell me - you’re defrosting the cat!

BEN: Alright Beaker? What you up to?

TRACY: A big fat nothing... thanks to Cam.

MIKE: Come on Kiddo, back off a bit.

TRACY: It’s not fair Mike - I got up really early to do all my chores and she can’t even be bothered to turn up on time.

MIKE: Cam’s not just there for you, you know. She has got her own life...

TRACY: - and I’m supposed to be a part of it.

She knows I love swimming.

BEN: Why don’t you come over to my place ‘til she turns up.

MIKE: I’ll tell her where you are.

TRACY: One of these days she’ll turn up late and I’ll be gone for good. Then she’ll be sorry.

RYAN: Justine...

JUSTINE: Ryan, Half this stuff is yours - how much more you gonna eat?

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ZAC: Yeah, you’re a big fat pig... with hollow legs...

RYAN: Oink oink...clunk clunk.

ADELE: Jenny lumbers me with this chore every Saturday. All my mates are chilling out in town and I get to hang out a load of manky underwear.

RYAN: They’re yours in’t they?

JUSTINE: I’d rather hang up clothes than do dishes -

ADELE: Well let’s swap -

JUSTINE: Swap jobs?

ADELE: Feel free -

ADELE: Gimme the gloves.

ZAC: Ext-er-min-ate!

ADELE: Hello! I can’t do this without gloves. I’ve just been doing my nails.

RYAN: I’ll swap you my chore.

ADELE: Alright, you’re on.

What’s yours?

RYAN: Changing my sheet and duvet cover.

ADELE: Oh gross....

RYAN: Well, you win some...and you lose some...

TRACY: Wow! Not bad. My Mum’s got one like that. Bit smaller may be.

BEN: What about this? Bought it on the way back from Australia. That was one cool holiday. Well, I mean...it was a bit too hot...... and those big hairy insects. Eurgh!

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TRACY: Just cos I’m stuck in the Dumping Ground doesn’t mean I don’t get to go on holiday...

TRACY: Once Mum and I stayed with one of her billionaire film star friends.

TRACY: We spent the mornings in her lagoon -

TRACY: ...the afternoon with her pets...

TRACY: and the evenings chilling out at her place.

JENNY: Cheer up Tracy. It’s going to be a nice sunny weekend - and we got it cheap because there’s so many of us.

ADELE: Maxy. Want to swap chores and change Ryan’s quilt for me?

MAXY: No way. I’ve only got to feed the goldfish.

ADELE: I’ll give you 20p on top.

MAXY: They don’t like strangers -

ADELE: What? 50 - Ok, a pound and that’s my last offer -

MAXY: It’s a deal.

TRACY: Do you want to play?

BEN: Sure. I’ve planned this massive tournament. Me against dad. One day when he’s not busy.

TRACY: What about your mum?

BEN: She’s always working.

TRACY: Yeah, mine too. What’s in there?

BEN: My den.

TRACY: Oh, wow! It’s perfect. Spare room, spare bed. For me... right?

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BEN: To stay over?

TRACY: Yeah. Permanently. We could get your mum and dad to foster me.

BEN: Wicked - I’ve got loads of scary movies... We can stay up all night.

TRACY: Yeah!

TRACY: Weekends will be fab. You and me would have a great laugh and we’ll be just like one big happy family.

BEN: But Trace - how’re we going to persuade them?

TRACY: We need a plan. A cunning and devious Beaker special.

MAXY: What are you looking at?

LOUISE: Errh Maxy! Dirty boy!

MAXY: It wasn’t me!

LOUISE: Yeah right. What you doing?

MAXY: I swapped jobs.

LOUISE: Come on, I’ll do it. But you’ve got to do my chore and water all the plants.


BEN: Right on time.

TRACY: Onions...quick!

BEN: Oh, hi mum... down for your coffee?

MRS B: Yes.

BEN: That’s nice....Work going okay?

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MRS B: Don’t ask. Oh, hello...Tracy...isn’t it? Are you all right?

BEN: It’s alright, Tracy. You’re here now.

MRS B: Whatever’s the matter?

TRACY: Nothing. It’s...... the care home...

TRACY: But don’t worry Mrs B... how ever badly they treat me... I’ll never, ever let them grind my spirit down.

JUSTINE: Maxy! That’s Louise’s job.

MAXY: We swapped.

JUSTINE: Watch out! Give me that!

MAXY: No. I like doing this job.

JUSTINE: Maxy! Come back!

TRACY: It must be really hard for Ben being the only child. At the Dumping Ground there’s loads of kids to play with. At least I’ll never become an inadequate social misfit.

MRS B: Ben’s ok - aren’t you?

BEN: Yeah I’m fine - apart from being... what was it?

TRACY: I just know he’d love a brother... or sister.

MRS B: I’m sorry but you can forget it Ben. I’m not going through all those sleepless nights again -

TRACY: Oh yeah. Wouldn’t it be lovely to skip all the hassle and just get an older child. Say...urm, ten-ish... Do you want any sugar with that?

JUSTINE: Maxy! Let me have it, Maxy -


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TRACY: Organic cookie?

MRS B: Oh, thank you, Tracy.

TRACY: I’m fully house trained.

MRS B: Oh I wish I could say the same for Ben.

TRACY: I’m never any trouble. Jenny often says... ‘oh, it’s very quiet - where’s Tracy?’ And I’ll be upstairs cleaning my room.

MRS B: Yeah, boys are always so messy and...energetic, aren’t they? I mean sometimes I think it would be lovely to have a nice girl around the house -

TRACY: Consider it sorted.

MRS B: Pardon?

TRACY: I’ll mention your name to my social worker, I’m sure she can pop round in the middle of the week.

MRS B: Oh...Oh, no, no - I meant -

TRACY: In the evening if you’re busy working -

MRS B: You’re a very nice girl Tracy but -

TRACY: Of course you do understand you can only have me temporarily - you do understand that - my mum will be coming to pick me up very soon after she’s finished making her film in LA -

MRS B: I think I’d better go and answer that -

ZAC: Zorg?! What has she done to you?!

LOUISE: I haven’t done anything!

ZAC: You’ve killed him. Murderer!

TRACY: I don’t need this - don’t like blue - And I don’t want this.

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BEN: Hang on!

TRACY: There won’t be room for it, Ben - not after I’ve moved all my stuff in...

CAM: Hi, Tracy. You ready? We’re off swimming -

MRS B: Oh lovely!

TRACY: Ben has his own pool. So he doesn’t have to splash his way through all the unwashed oiks.

MRS B: Well you’ll have to come and have a swim here one day, Tracy.

TRACY: I’d love to, Mrs B. Bye... for now, Ben.

BEN: See you.

JUSTINE: You can run Maxy, but you can’t hide!

LOUISE: It wasn’t me! It wasn’t me!

ZAC: I’ll kill you ...Murderer!

JENNY: Nobody move! Justine! One more move and you’ll be grounded! And where’s Ryan?

RYAN: Sorry!

JENNY: Adele, as it seems that you and I are the only sane people left in this house, could you please explain to me what this is all about?

ADELE: Well, it’s quite straightforward Jenny ....I was fed up with hanging out washing so I swapped chores with Justine and then Zac shredded the rubber gloves, and I’d just done my nails and I didn’t want to risk washing up without them so I swapped chores with Ryan and then ‘surprisingly’ enough, I didn’t fancy stripping his bed sheets, so I swapped chores with Maxy and fed the goldfish.

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They do eat peanut butter, don’t they? Anyway it seems that Maxy had a little trouble with Ryan’s quilt ... and ‘Zorg’... and so he swapped chores with Louise and watered the plants.... And the washing. And that’s about it really. Except Ryan’s just smashed all the plates. Shall I pick you some more up in town?

TRACY: I left my stuff at the Dumping Ground.

CAM: Well we can pop back and get it. But I thought you wanted to go swimming?

TRACY: Look Cam, I’m really going to have to think seriously about my future, now I’ve got offers.

CAM: Well, how d’you mean?

TRACY: Well you don’t expect me to hang around all the time waiting for you to decide whether you’re going to foster me or not.

CAM: Look, these things take time, Tracy - you can’t just dive in.

TRACY: Well Ben’s family are very, very interested in fostering me.

TRACY: And they’ve got stacks of money -

CAM: I’ll wait in the car. We can forget it if you like.

TRACY: You dragged me all the way back from Ben’s house for nothing.

CAM: Well, it’s up to you....

TRACY: Ben’s mum’s got a brand new jeep.

TRACY: I’m going swimming with Cam. JENNY: Great! Isn’t it?

Give this to Cam will you? She couldn’t get any in town - thanks.

TRACY: Oh, I don’t need them! I’m a fantastic swimmer -

TRACY: I love the water and I always win every swimming competition going. People are always asking me how I got so good.

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CAM: Urm..they’re not actually for you.

TRACY: You’re not going to wear armbands are you? Not only do we have to come to this grotty pool, but you’re doing your best to be a total embarrassment. I knew I should have stayed at Ben’s house.

CAM: Yeah, well may be you should have then, if that’s how you feel. Because I don’t live in a big fancy house and I definitely can’t give you all the stuff that Ben’s parents can. And what’s more I’m petrified of water, and I’m only standing here with Maxy’s armbands on, looking like a right nana, because I know you love swimming and I didn’t want to let you down.

TRACY: Cam? Cam? You won’t need the armbands - I’ve got a gold life- saving certificate...


TRACY: If you got in any trouble I’d jump in and save you straight away. You can count on me.

TRACY: We can stay in the shallow end....

CAM: So... I suppose you’ll be going out with Ben’s family next week....

TRACY: I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Sometimes there are other things more important than money.So, you ready for the plunge then?

CAM: I’m scared stiff.

TRACY: I’ll look after you. Trust me. Come on, One - two - THREE!