City of New Rochelle, New York, As Seen from the Air in 1938
CITY OF NEW ROCHELLE, NEW YORK, AS SEEN FROM THE AIR IN 1938. HISTORIC NEW ROCHELLE By HERBERT B. NICHOLS Published Bv, THE BOARD OF EDUCATION NEW ROCHELLE/ NEW YORK 1938 COPYRIGHT 1938 BY HERBERT B. NICHOLS FIRST EDITION PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE LITTLE PRINT, NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. HISTORIC NEW ROCHELLE FOREWORD To the publication ~f a little booklet designed for classroom use throughout the public schools of New Rochelle treating of sig nificant events in the historic development of the city, impetus was given early this year by the observance of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the fou~ding of the "Queen City of the Sound". Preparation at th~t tiine for a pageant revealed that only isolated bits of historic materials were available and that nowhere I was there in print, suitable for school use, a concise and orderly treatment of the circumstances and conditions that led, first, to the selection of a site for refuge for. the fleeing French Huguenots and, later, to its settlement and dev,elopnient. To meet the deficiency, a committee was entrusted with the responsibility of assembling, preparing and editing all known information. How well that job was done "Historic New Rochelle" reveals. Not a booklet, but a full-sized text, scholarly, well organized, care fully and authentically documented, and yet, withal, attractively written, interestingly and entertainingly presented, is here given the girls and boys, their parents, the teaching staff, and others who may be interested. In the pages and chapters which follow, environ ment becomes a living reality and the reader is privileged to follow, from t}:le beginning to the present, the colorful and intricate threads that make up the historic and fascinating tapestry of New Rochelle.
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