Centre of Statistics and its Applications CEAUL

REPORT 1/01/2019-31/12/2019

Summary of the tasks carried out during the period covered by the report

Project objectives:

CEAUL general main objectives are to: (a) develop fundamental research on diverse domains of Statistics, aiming to extend the frontiers of statistical knowledge providing statistical tools for experimental sciences, while collaborating with researchers from other domains and scientific areas; (b) participate in national and international projects of interdisciplinary nature; (c) contribute actively to the wider Society by providing support to Industry, Commerce, Services and Business in the form of consultancy or specialized courses; (d) develop advanced training activities through the involvement in Ph.D. programs of Higher Education Institutions and the organization of advanced courses in emerging areas of Statistics.

Additionally, for 2019 CEAUL planned to:

• host seminars and courses given by international researchers

• support financially one international meeting and one national meeting

• foster link with industry via institutional partnerships

• support activities intended to attract young researchers

• support participation in conferences and courses

• keep an updated library and computational facilities.

Brief description of the developed activities as well as any deviations during the implementation of the project: The research developed by the integrated CEAUL members resulted in several international and national publications and communications. Although it is recognized that some members still showed limited activity during this period, the number of published international and national papers as well as international and national communications exceeded the expected number for 2019. Regarding the number of books, although CEAUL expected to publish 2 books during 2019, only 1 international book was published. Extreme Value Theory fundamental research and


Environmental Statistics were strengthened during 2019, new advances were achieved in the area of machine learning, and the collaboration with researchers of other domains and scientific areas has been reinforced, namely in forensic dentistry, fuel related enterprises, and environment.

In fact, new approaches were devised for the estimation of relevant parameters of rare events, like the extremal index, the tail dependence coefficient and the value-at-risk, via calibration procedures, jackknife methodology and robust corrected-bias methodologies. The study of limits to human life span through extreme value theory (EVT), of trends in EV indices, of statistical choice of extremal models and of rates of convergence and penultimate approximations for extremes was also revisited. The use of generalized means, like Lehmer’s mean, for the estimation of rare events’ parameters, was intensified. A relevant associated study under non-regular frameworks was also initiated. New relevant models, like the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders and the extended generalized Pareto models, were introduced and studied. On the basis of interdisciplinary work, EVT was also regarded as a tool to study biodiversity patterns, precipitation, rainfall data, species accumulation curves, systolic blood pressure, water consumption and wind speed. L-moments for automatic threshold selection in extreme value analysis were developed and applied to wave heights from the Gulf of Mexico. Also, a LASSO- type model that takes into account both the bulk and the tail of heavy-tailed data was introduced and discussed. Essentially, under a link between extremes and chaotic modeling, the use of generalized Verhulst models was intensified. In the field of statistical quality control (SQC) a CUSUM median chart and a mixed CUMSUM-EWMA chart, new alternatives in the monitoring of manufacturing processes, were considered. In a link between EVT and SQC, new and more reliable bounds for the reliability of large and complex systems were obtained.

Regarding the contribution in the field of Environmental Statistics, a statistical model to estimate the probability that the total burned area during summer will exceed a given threshold was devised. The statistical model uses meteorological information that rates the accumulation of thermal and vegetation stress. The availability of outlooks of wildfire potential with an anticipation of up to 1 month before the starting of the fire season, such as the one proposed, may serve to provide clear directions for the fire community when planning prevention and combating fire events. Extreme winds and storms are the main cause of severe damage in electricity distribution grid. A group of researchers worked on several spatio-temporal models to tackle the problem of calibrating computer simulators of wind speeds, with the objective of constructing risk maps that indicate likely places of costly disruptions due to extreme wind speeds. These risk maps can be used as a decision support tool in deciding if costly corrective actions should be taken to improve the structures. Statistical models of vegetation fires have been described in a chapter of a book published by Chapman and Hall.

A recent field explored by CEAUL members regards Machine Learning techniques, namely Artificially Neural Networks, with already published research during 2019. These international publications contributed to the improvement of the flexibility and interpretability of Generalized Additive Neural Networks, having now the potential of being used more often and in a wider range of research areas, namely in Biomedical research.

Continued development of collaborations with the University of St Andrews have included work within the broad field of ecological statistics, with applications in passive acoustic density estimation, estimating animal abundance via distance sampling and population dynamics.


Applications in a great variety of fields, such as medicine, public health, biometry, agricultural, environment, ecology, have led to explore diverse modelling approaches. Some of the examples are, Bayesian Comparison of Diagnostic Tests with Largely Non-Informative Missing Data, Discriminating between some lifetime distributions in geometric counting processes, A review of Cox’s model extensions for multiple events, Modelling the Spread of Germination of Four Mediterranean Crops at Different Temperatures, The Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Respiratory Health of Older People, Modeling Large Values of Systolic Blood Pressure In The Portuguese Population.

During 2019, CEAUL members participated in several projects exceeding the expected number for 2019.

In what concerns consultancy, because only a small number of CEAUL members were available to accept doing consultancy work due to an overload of teaching time, in 2019 the consultancy activity decreased substantially. Still, during 2019, several integrated/collaborator members of CEAUL were strongly linked with several entities such as IPMA (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera), Worten, HMR, fuel industry, and Health Institutions.

Regarding CEAUL’s contribution to the Society, from the specialized courses lectured by CEAUL members, several aimed at specific areas such as health, environment, teaching at the high school level, and forensics. Also, of note, was the establishment of a partnership between CEAUL and the National Reading Plan, with seven very interesting lectures from the Society point of view having been organized during 2019: "Sete Encontros de Literatura e Ciência — Traço de União: Estatística". These lectures aimed to explore the link between Society and several Scientific areas such as Statistics, Mathematics, Informatics, and Physics among others.

In 2019, several advanced and specialized courses were lectured by CEAUL members, some of them directly organized by this research unit. Regarding Ph.D. related advanced training, the lack of interest within students from to follow a Ph.D. program in Statistics remains, since prospects of finding a job after a Ph.D., particularly in academic career, are feeble. Accordingly, 2 Ph.D. theses have been defended during 2019.

CEAUL members were also involved in the organization of several scientific events (e. g. seminars and organizing committees) and were principal investigators of some of the projects where CEAUL participated. They were also involved in the evaluation of international projects.

Support activities intended to attract young researchers during 2019 was a CEAUL concern. Accordingly, CEAUL obtained 4 registrations for the National Congress of Statistics to offer to undergraduate students in Applied Statistics. Moreover, CEAUL, through the protocol with the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (ACL), has been developing several studies within the scope of Forensic Analysis, namely with the bone and teeth collection related to the Lisbon Earthquake of 1755. Thus, since March 2019, CEAUL integrated in its research group several undergraduate and master's degree students, in order to follow from the beginning the research activities that combined the students' pedagogical component with that of research, namely in the area of statistics and in the forensic area. This activity took place in the ACL laboratory, accompanied by CEAUL researchers. Since then, presentations on scientific events and publication of articles have resulted from this initiative. Other activities were also planned during 2019 to be implemented in 2020.


In what concerns keeping an updated library, there is clearly a violation to the 2019 report as the FCUL Direction has closed our Library to the public, and consequently the acquisition of books substantially decreased.

Dissemination of the research The research developed by the integrated CEAUL members, resulted in: • Publications (international/national): 1/0 books, 2/0 edition of books; 2 (3 in press)/0 (1 in press) chapter of books0; 56/6 articles; 13/0 (6 in press) Proceedings; • Communications: 14 seminars by invitation, 10 plenary talks, 41 invited talks, 35/28 international contributed talks/posters, 33/14 national contributed talks/posters.

Editoral work

Members of CEAUL were involved in the editorial board of several international periodicals.

Advanced training There were 20 master dissertations and 2 Ph.D. theses supervised by members of CEAUL, concluded in 2019. Besides, members of CEAUL lectured 19 advanced or specialized courses and organized some of them, one of which lectured in CEAUL. One of the courses about Spatial Statistics was prepared at the request of IPMA (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera), and 4 other courses were organized in partnership with Gades Solutions. Also, the "R Workshop at DEIO - FCUL " was a series of workshops dedicated to R, taking place at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, organized by a CEAUL integrated member under the Master Course in Biostatistics with the support of DEIO and CEAUL. These courses are dedicated to CEAUL and FCUL members, but some places are also offered to the general public.

CEAUL has supported the participation in conferences and courses of several of its integrated members, collaborators, Ph.D. students and under-graduate students.

Organization of events There were 22 seminars organized by CEAUL. Members of CEAUL participated in 39 scientific and organizing committees and organized 14 invited sessions. CEAUL was the host of 8 of the 10 seminars given by international researchers and has financially supported one international meeting (ECAS2019: The European Courses in Advanced Statistics on Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data) and the national meeting of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE 2019) as planned.

Projects and consultancy During 2019, members of CEAUL were involved in 14 projects, 9 of them were developed under national funds: 6 from FCT, 3 from Polytechnic funding, and 1 from enterprise funding (GALP).


Two projects under European funds: 1 COST, and 1 FEDER. Three projects were developed with no financial support. From the 14 projects, 1 started in 2019 and 4 finished during 2019. The Principal Investigators of 2 of the 6 projects financed by FCT, are integrated members of CEAUL. Two other FCT projects have as Principal Investigator a collaborator of CEAUL and several integrated researchers of CEAUL. Most of the projects are in the medical area but also in industry. In fact, one of CEAUL’s integrated members is the principal investigator of the GALP/ENACOL project, which aims to develop a decision support tool in order to: 1) identify the optimal solution in terms of the configuration and capacity of ships for transporting fuels, considering various scenarios; 2) develop a support model for fuel distribution logistics by sea in Cape Verde in order to minimize costs, reducing / cancelling the possibility of breakage; 3) create a computer tool to support the model to support fuel distribution logistics by sea.

Projects evaluation and refereeing services Some CEAUL members were in panels for evaluating international projects and some acted as referees of international periodicals. CEAUL members were also present as Associate Editors or as Editorial Board Members in journals on different areas of interest such as Applied Statistics, Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences, among others. Besides, there is a strong involvement of members of CEAUL regarding the international periodical REVSTAT edited by Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE), on the role of Editor in Chief, Co-Editor and associated Editors.


Annex to the 2019 report

List of the members considered for this report

Group1 - Order Statistics, Extremes, Modelling and Simulation

Principal Researcher: Maria Ivette Leal de Carvalho Gomes

Integrated: (with Ph.D.) Amílcar Manuel do Rosário Oliveira Clara Maria Henrique Cordeiro Cristiana Maria Palmela Pereira Délia Canha Gouveia Reis Dinis Duarte Ferreira Pestana Fernanda Diamantino Fernanda Otília de Sousa Figueiredo Helena Alexandra Couceiro Feio de Almeida Penalva João Paulo Oliveira Martins José Leonel Linhares da Rocha Luisa da Conceição S. Canto e Castro Loura Maria de Fátima Almeida Brilhante Maria Isabel Fraga Alves Maria Manuela Costa Neves Figueiredo Miguel Martins Felgueiras Paula Cristina Martins dos Reis Paulo José Figueira Semblano Rui Filipe Vargas de Sousa Santos Sandra Maria da Silva Figueiredo Aleixo Sandra Maria Freitas Mendonça Teresa Paula Costa Azinheira Oliveira Tiago André Lamas Oliveira Marques


Colaborators of CEAUL not integrated in other Research Units: (with Ph.D.) Cláudia Margarida Pedrosa Neves Fernando Sequeira José António Seijas Macias Lígia Carla Pinto Henriques Jorge Rodrigues Miguel de Carvalho Sílvio Velosa

Integrated: (Ph.D. Students) Jessica Lomba Maria Conceição Leal Marcos Roberto Machado

Group2 - Statistical Models and Methods for Complex Systems

Principal Researcher: Maria Antónia Amaral Turkman

Integrated: (with Ph.D.) Ana Luísa Trigoso Papoila da Silva Ana Sofia Soares Carina Soares da Silva Carlos Daniel Paulino Carlos José Brás Geraldes Giovani Loiola da Silva Ivone Maria Ribeiro Figueiredo da Silva Rosa Jorge Filipe Campinos Landerset Cadima Kamil Feridun Turkman Laurens de Haan Lisete Maria Ribeiro de Sousa Luzia Augusta Pires Gonçalves Maria Helena Neves Queirós Gonçalves Maria Salomé Esteves Cabral Marília Cristina de Sousa Antunes


Patrícia Cortés de Zea Bermudez Paula Cristina Sequeira Pereira Ricardo Miguel Vieira de São João Sandra Cristina Faria Ramos Saghir Ahmed Bashir Soraia Alexandra Gonçalves Pereira Valeska Andreozzi

Colaborators of CEAUL not integrated in other Research Units: (with Ph.D.) Cristina Maria Tristão Simões Rocha Maria da Conceição Rodrigues Ribeiro Maria João Fernandes Pereira Polidoro Maria Lucília Salema e Carvalho Nuno Henriques dos Santos Sepulveda Paulo Soares Sílvia Maria Dias Pedro Rebouças Vanda Calhau Fernandes Inácio

Integrated: (Ph.D. Students) Ivo Ferreira João Albuquerque Sandra Rodrigues Tiago Domingues


INDEX BOOKS INTERNATIONAL ...... 11 BOOKS/JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, editor ...... 11 BOOKS CHAPTER INTERNATIONAL ...... 11 BOOKS CHAPTER INTERNATIONAL, in press ...... 12 PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL ...... 12 OTHER PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL ...... 20 PUBLICATIONS INTERNATIONAL, in press ...... 21 PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONA L ...... 22 JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL, editor ...... 25 JOURNAL NATIONAL, editor ...... 27 BOOKS CHAPTER NATIONAL, in press ...... 27 PROCEEDINGS NATIONAL, in press ...... 27 NATIONAL PUBLICATIONS AND SCIENTIFIC DISSEMINATION ...... 28 SEMINARS BY INVITATION ...... 29 PARTICIPATION IN CONFERENCES ...... 31 Plenary Talks ...... 31 Invited Talks ...... 32 Contributed Talks / International ...... 38 Contributed Talks / National ...... 43 Contributed Posters / International ...... 48 Contributed Posters / National ...... 52 SUPERVISION ...... 54 Ph.D. Theses ...... 54 Master Dissertations ...... 55 Other Advisor work ...... 57 FINANCED PROJECTS RUNNING IN 2019 ...... 58 OTHER PROJECTS RUNNING IN 2019 ...... 59 ORGANIZATION OF CONFERENCES, SEMINARS AND INVITED SESSIONS ...... 60 Seminars...... 60 Other Events ...... 62 Invited Sessions Organized Directly by CEAUL Members...... 62 Scientific and Organizing Committees ...... 64 ADVANCED TRAINING AND SPECIALIZED COURSES ...... 68




Publications 2019

(Members of CEAUL in bold and underlined)



Amaral Turkman MA, Paulino CD and Muller P (2019). Computational Bayesian Statistics: An

Introduction, Cambridge University Press and ISBA textbooks, ISBN: 978-1-108-48103-8,

URL: https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/computational-bayesian- statistics/2F252C8921F15EC766F1D5688E4AC1E9.



Oliveira A, Ferreira D, Ferreira S and Oliveira TA (2019). 13th Workshop on Statistics,

Mathematics and Computation - Book of Abstracts, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, ISBN: 978-

972- 674-850-2, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019/book-of-abstracts.

Silva, GL, Sousa, L Sousa, I and Roca Pardiñas, J (2019). Guests editor of the REVSTAT:

Statistical Journal: Special Issue on Biometrics, Volume 17, Number 2. URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/Editorial.pdf



Francisco C, Oliveira TA, Oliveira A and Carvalho F (2019). Hadamard Matrices on Error

Detection and Correction: Useful Links to BIBD. In Ahmed S, Carvalho F and Puntanen S, Matrices, Statistics and Big Data, Springer, pp 99-110. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030- 17519-1_8.


Pereira JMC and Turkman KF (2019). Statistical models of vegetation fires; Spatial and temporal patterns. In Alan E. Gelfand, Montserrat Fuentes, Jennifer A. Hoeting and Richard Smith, Handbook of Environmental and Ecological Statistics, Chapman and Hall, Boca Raton,

Chapter17, https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781315152509/chapters/10.1201/9781315152509-19.



Borda-de-Água L, Neves MM, Hubbell SP, Borges P, Cardoso P, Dionísio F and Pereira HM.

Species Accumulation Curves and Extreme Value Theory. In T. J. Matthews, K. Triantis and R.

J. Whittaker, The Species-Area Relationship, Cambridge University Press.

Gomes MI, Miranda C and Souto Miranda M. A Note on Robust Estimation of the Extremal Index.

In M. La Rocca, B. Liseo and Salmaso, L., Nonparametric Statistics—ISNPS 4, Springer.

Prata Gomes D and Neves MM. Resampling procedures for a more reliable extremal index estimation. In Makrides, A., Karagrigoriou, A., Skiadas, C., Data Analysis and Applications 4:

Financial Data Analysis and Methods, 6(2), 89-100, Wiley, ISBN: 9781786306241,

URL: http://www.iste.co.uk/book.php?id=1635.



Almendra R, Loureiro A, Silva GL, Vasconcelos J and Santana P (2019). Short-Term Impacts of

Air Temperature on Hospitalizations for Mental Disorders in Lisbon, Science of the Total

Environment, 647, 127-133, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.07.337,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969718328274.

Alves CC, Konrath AC, Henning E, Valter O, Paladini E, Oliveira TA and Oliveira A (2019). The Mixed CUMSUM-EWMA(MCE) control charts a new alternative in the monitoring of a manufacturing process, Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management, 16(1), 1-13,


DOI: https://doi.org/10.14488/BJOPM.2019.v16.n1.a1, URL: https://bjopm.emnuvens.com.br/ bjopm/article/view/473.

Andrade JA, Cadima J and Abreu F (2019). Modelling the Spread of Germination of Four

Mediterranean Crops at Different Temperatures, Journal of Crop Improvement, 33(6), 730-754, DOI: doi.org/10.1080/15427528.2019.1659206,

URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15427528.2019.1659206.

André S, Pereira T, Silva F, Machado P, Vaz F, Aparício M, Silva GL and Pinto AE (2019). Male

Breast Cancer: Specific Biological Characteristics and Survival in a Portuguese Cohort, Molecular and Clinical Oncology, 10, 644-654, DOI: 10.3892/mco.2019.1841, URL: https://www.spandidos- publications.com/10.3892/mco.2019.1841.

Barradas C, Nascimento J, Martins L, Oliveira S, Leal S, Vivas C and São João R (2019). Developing an Information System for Social Value Creation, Procedia Computer

Science, 164, 546-551, DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2019.12.218,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877050919322653.

Belo J, Carreiro-Martins P, Papoila AL, Palmeiro T, Caires I, Alves M, Nogueira S, Aguiar F,

Mendes A, Cano M, Botelho MA and Neuparth N (2019). The Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Respiratory Health of Older People: Spirometric and Exhaled Breath Condensate Assessments,

Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54(12), 1153-1158,

DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2019.1637206.

Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL and Xufre P (2019). Odds Ratio Function Estimation using a

Generalized Additive Neural Network., Neural Computing and Applications, [Epub ahead of print],

DOI: 10.1007/s00521-019-04189-7.

Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL and Xufre P (2019). Generalized Additive Neural Network with

Flexible Parametric Link Function: Model Estimation using Simulated and Real Clinical Data.,

Neural Computing and Applications, 31(3), 719-736, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-017-3105-6.

Brilhante MF, Gomes MI and Pestana D (2019). Modeling Risk of Extreme Events in

Generalized Verhulst Models, RevStat - Statistical Journal, 17(2), 145-162,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/Paper1_BrilhanteETAL.pdf.


Cabral D, Coscas F, Glacet-bernard A, Pereira T, Bras-Geraldes C, Cachado F, Papoila AL,

Coscas G and Souied E (2019). Biomarkers of Peripheral Nonperfusion in Retinal Venous Occlusions Using Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography, Translational Vision Science &

Technology, 8(3), article 7, DOI: 10.1167/tvst.8.3.7.

Caçador M, Papoila AL, Bras-Geraldes C, Garcia CS, Constantino T, Almeida M and Paço J

(2019). Evaluation of Postural Changes Using Dynamic Posturography after Speech

Rehabilitation in Patients with Voice Disorders: a Longitudinal Study., Folia Phoniatrica et

Logopaedica, [Epub ahead of print], DOI: 10.1159/000500808.

Caetano CP and de Zea Bermudez P (2019). Modeling Large Values of Systolic Blood Pressure In The Portuguese Population, REVSTAT – Statistical Journal 17, 163-186,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/Paper2_CaetanoETAL.pdf.

Carvalho C, Varela SAM, Bastos LF, Orfão I, Beja V, Sapage M, Marques TA, Knight A and

Vicente L (2019). In silico, In vitro and nonhuman primate research models within Major

Depressive Disorder research, Alternatives to Laboratory Animals, 47,128-139,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.1177/0261192919885578.

Castagliola P, Figueiredo FO and Maravelakis P (2019). The CUSUM Median Chart for Known and Estimated Parameters, Revstat - Statistical Journal, 17(3), 345-370,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/THECUSUMMEDIANCHART.pdf.

Ceballos D, Craveiro I and Gonçalves L (2019). Judicialization of the right to health:

(Un)compliance of the judicial decisions in Medellin, Colombia., International Journal of Health

Planning and Management, 34(4), 1–13, DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2793,

URL: https://doi.org/10.1002/hpm.2793.

De Carvalho M, Amaral Turkman MA and Swash M (2019). Sensory modulation of fasciculation discharge frequency, Muscle & Nerve, 59(6), 688-693, DOI: 10.1002/mus.26456,

URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30809821.

Dias FS, Wenceslau JFC, Marques TA and Miller DL (2019). Density and distribution of western chimpanzees around a bauxite deposit in the Boé Sector, Guinea-Bissau, American Journal of

Primatology, 81, e23047, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23047.


Dias-Santos A, Tavares Ferreira J, Pinheiro S, Paulo Cunha J, Alves M, Papoila AL, Moraes-

Fontes MF and Proença R (2019). Choroidal Thickness Changes in Systemic Lupus

Erythematosus Patients, Clinical Ophthalmology, 13, 1567-1578, DOI: 10.2147/OPTH.S219347.

Einmahl JJ, Einmahl JHJ and de Haan L (2019). Limits to human life span through extreme value theory, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 111-527,

DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1537912, URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2018.1537912.

Fragata I, Alves M, Papoila AL, Diogo M, Canhão P and Canto-Moreira N (2019). Temporal

Evolution of Cerebral Computed Tomography Perfusion After Acute Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: a Prospective Cohort Study, Acta Radiologica, [Epub ahead of print],

DOI: 10.1177/0284185119858701.

Fragata I, Alves M, Papoila AL, Ferreira P, Nunes AP, Canto-Moreira N and Canhão P (2019). Prediction of Clinical Outcome in Subacute Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using Diffusion

Tensor Imaging, Journal of Neurosurgery, 130(2), 550-558, DOI: 10.3171/2017.10.JNS171793.

Fragata I, Alves M, Papoila AL, Nunes AP, Ferreira P, Diogo M, Canto-Moreira N and

Canhão P (2019). Computed Tomography Perfusion as a Predictor of Delayed Cerebral Ischemia and Functional Outcome in Spontaneous Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Single Center

Experience., Neuroradiology Journal, 32(3), 179-188, DOI: 10.1177/1971400919829048.

Frias Gomes C, Ellul P, Almeida A, Morão B, Gouveia C, Callé C, Buhagiar T, Attard A, Branco J, Rodrigues J, Teixeira C, Castro F, Brito M, Nunes G,

Antunes M, Cravo M, Borralho P and Torres J (2019). The Impact Of The Severity Of

Microscopic Inflammation At The Time Of Diagnosis On UC-Related Outcomes During Follow- Up, Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 13 , S196-S197, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ecco- jcc/jjy222.329, URL: https://academic.oup.com/ecco- jcc/article/13/Supplement_1/S196/5300574.

Galinha S and São João R (2019). Study Of Motivation In Portuguese Students. Study Of

Motivation In Portuguese Students, The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences, Vol. LIII, 300-306, Future Academy, DOI: 10.15405/epsbs.2019.01.28,

URL: https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2019.01.28, ISSN:2357-1330.

Garzón M, Papoila AL, Alves M and Pereira-da-Silva L (2019). Comparison of gGrowth Curves

Estimates of Infants in São Tomé, Africa with the WHO Growth Standards: a Birth Cohort Study.,


International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16, 1693,

DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16101693.

Gaspar H, Morgado L, Mamede H, Oliveira T, Manjón B and Gütl C (2019). Research Priorities

In Immersive Learning Technology: The Perspectives Of The iLRN Community, Virtual Reality. Ed. Springer-Verlag London Ltd., part of Springer Nature 2019, 1-23,

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-019-00393-x, URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-019-


Leiva V, Camillo L, Gomes MI and Ferreira M (2019). Discussion of “Birnbaum‐Saunders distribution: A review of models, analysis, and applications” and a novel financial extreme value data analytics from natural disasters, Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 35,

90-95, URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/asmb.2400.

Marques TA, Jorge PA, Mouriño H, Thomas L, Moretti DJ, Dolan K, Claridge C and Dunn C

(2019). Dunn Estimating group size from acoustic footprint to improve Blainville’s beaked whale abundance estimation, Applied Acoustics, 156, 434-439,

DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.apacoust.2019.07.042.

Marques V, Cunha B, Couto A, Sampaio P, Fonseca L, Aleixo S and Calado C (2019). Characterization of Gastric Cells Infection by Diverse Helicobacter Pylori Strains Through

Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and

Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 210, 193-202, DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2018.11.001,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386142518309922?via%3Dihub.

Martins H, Caldeira S, Domingues TD, Vieira M and Koenig HG (2019). Validation of the Belief Into Action Scale (BIAC) in Portuguese Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy, Journal of

Holistic Nursing, Volume: 38 issue: 2, page(s): 193-204 DOI: 10.1177/0898010119879531,

URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0898010119879531.

Martins H, Caldeira S, Domingues TD, Vieira M and Ku YL (2019). Validation of the Spiritual

Distress Scale in Portuguese Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Methodological Study, Religions, 10(11), 599, DOI: 10.3390/rel10110599, URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2077-


Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). Spiritual Well-Being in Cancer Patients

Undergoing Chemotherapy in an Outpatient Setting: A Cross-Sectional Study, Journal of Holistic


Nursing, Volume: 38 issue: 1, page(s): 68-77 DOI: 10.1177/0898010119858269,

URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0898010119858269.

Matos JMA, Ramos S and Costa V (2019). Stochastic simulated rents in Portuguese public- private partnerships, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 130, 107-117, DOI: 10.1016/j.tra.2019.09.005,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965856418301484.

Mendes N, Alves M, Andrade R, Ribeiro R, Papoila AL and Serrano F (2019). Association

Between Glycated Haemoglobin, Glycated Albumin and Fructosamine with Neonatal Birthweight and Large-for-Date Status Infants in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: a Prospective Cohort Study.,

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 9(6), 768-773, DOI: 10.1080/01443615.2019.1584886.

Mendes N, Alves M, Andrade R, Ribeiro R, Papoila AL and Serrano F (2019). Association Between Glycated Albumin, Fructosamine, and HbA1c with Neonatal Outcomes in a Prospective

Cohort of Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus., International Journal of Gynecology &

Obstetrics, 146(3), 326-332, DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.12897.

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Penalva H, Gomes MI, Caeiro F and Neves MM (2019). Lehmer's Mean-of-order-p Extreme Value Index Estimation: a Simulation Study and Applications, Journal of Applied Statistics,

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Abstracts of Conferences published in international periodicals


Albuquerque J, Alves AC, Bourbon M and Antunes M (2019) Classification Methods Applied To

The Diagnosis Of Pediatric Patients With Familial Hypercholesterolemia: Comparison Of Simon

Broome Criteria With Logistic Regression And Modified Decision Tree Models, Atherosclerosis,

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URL: https://www.atherosclerosis-journal.com/article/S0021-9150(19)31114-1/fulltext.

Alexandrino G, Domingues TD, Bernal W and Shawcross DL (2019). Ammonia Is an

Independent Biomarker of Poor Outcomes in Patients With Advanced Cirrhosis on the Transplant

Waiting List, 18TH INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY AND NITROGEN METABOLISM, Williamsburg, Virginia, 12-15 September, 2019. Abstract published in The American Journal of Gastroenterology, DOI: 10.14309/ajg.0000000000000372,

URL: https://journals.lww.com/ajg/Citation/2019/09001/18th_International_Society_for_Hepatic.


Alexandrino G, Domingues TD, Figueiredo LM, Lourenço L, Carvalho R and Reis J (2019). Application of two scores to predict and stratify the risk of residual or recurring adenoma after piecemeal EMR of non-pedunculated colorectal polyps, ESGE Days 2019, Prague. 6-8 April

2019. Abstract published in Endoscopy, 51(04), DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1681693,

URL: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-0039-1681693.

Frias Gomes C, Ellul P, Almeida A, Morão B, Gouveia C, Callé C, Buhagiar T, Attard A, Branco J, Rodrigues J, Teixeira C, Dias de Castro F, Nunes G, Brito M, Antunes M, Cravo M, Borralho

P and Torres M (2019). The Prognostic Value of Microscopic Features Beyond Endoscopic

Margin At the Time of Diagnosis in Ulcerative Colitis, Gastroenterology, 156(6), S-1471, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0016-5085(19)40748-8,


URL: https://www.gastrojournal.org/article/S0016-5085(19)40748-



Galinha S and São João R (2019). P6 MHI Mental Health Inventory as a reference to the EBEPS Criteria, European Journal of Public Health, 29 (2), DOI: 10.1093/eurpub/ckz096.010,

URL: https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckz096.010.



Albuquerque J, Alves AC, Medeiros AM, Bourbon M and Antunes M. Modified Classification

Trees applied to Pediatric Familial Hypercholesterolemia, Journal of Statistics on Health Decision, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34624/jshd.v1i1.2590,

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Andrade JA, Cadima J and Abreu F. Optimizing Germination of Seven Mediterranean Crops,

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URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2019.1705307.

Gomes MI, Caeiro F, Figueiredo FO, Henriques-Rodrigues L and Pestana D. Corrected-Hill versus Partially Reduced-Bias Value-at-Risk Estimation, Communications in Statistics -

Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2018.1489053.

Gomes MI. Revisiting rates of convergence and penultimate approximations for extremes,

Annales Univ. Sci. Budapest, Sect. Comp. 50.

Luís R and Mendonça S. A Note on Global Stability in the Periodic Logistic Map, Discrete and

Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series B, Joint work with Rafael Luís; accepted in December



Penalva H, Gomes MI, Caeiro F and Neves MM. A Couple of non Reduced Bias Generalized

Means in Extreme Value Theory: an Asymptotic Comparison, Revstat—Statistical Journal, URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/pdf/Acoupleofnonreducedbiasgeneralizedmeansinextremevaluet heory.pdf.

Pereira S, Turkman KF, Correia L and Rue H. Spatio-temporal models for georeferenced unemployment data, Spatial Statistics, DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2019.100363,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S221167531830246X, published online 24-05-2019.

Pereira S, Turkman KF, Correia L and Rue H. Unemployment estimation: Spatial point referenced methods and models, Spatial Statistics, DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2019.01.004,

URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2211675318301623?via%3Dihub, published online 18-01-2019, URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/spatial- statistics/articles-in-press?page=2.

Prata Gomes D and Neves MM. Extremal index blocks estimator: the threshold and the block size choice, Journal of Applied Statistics, Cambridge University Press,

DOI: 10.1080/02664763.2020.1720626, URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/02664763.2020.1720626.

Rocha JL and Taha AK. Bifurcation Analysis of the gamma-Ricker Population Model Using the

Lambert W Function, International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, To appear in June 2020.

Silva, GL, Sequeira, I., Prata Gomes, D., Rueff, J and Brás, A (2020). An application of logistic regression model to the study of constitutional imbalances in human chromosomal fragile sites.

In Oliveira, T., Filus, L., Kitsos, C., Oliveira, A. and Turion, E. (Editors), Statistics and Risk Analysis in Medicine and Health Sciences, Springer Series Contributions to Statistics, Springer-Verlag (to appear).



Aleixo SM and Teles J (2019). Weighted Coefficients to Measure Agreement Among Several

Sets of Ranks Emphasizing Top and Bottom Ranks at the Same Time. In Sanjay Misra, Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Elena Stankova, Vladimir Korkhov, Carmelo Torre, Ana Maria A.


C. Rocha, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, Eufemia Tarantino, Computational Science and

Its Applications – ICCSA 2019, 11620, 23-33, Springer.

Amaral M, Oliveira S, Leal S, Rodrigues A, Vivas C, Barradas C, Nascimento C,

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Management - Value Creation and Local Heritage, 151-157, Universidade de Évora, ISBN: 978-

989-8550-86-6; https://www.ifm2019.pt/?page=progSocial.

Amaral Turkman MA, Turkman KF, Pereira P, Pereira S, de Carvalho M and de Zea Bermu dez P (2019). Calibration methods for spatial risk analysis. In Luís Meira Machado, Gustavo Soutinho, Proceedings of The 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, I, 20-28,

Instituto Nacional de Estatística, ISBN: 978-989-20-958-8.

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Fonseca L, Fernandes J and Ramos S (2019). Enabling factors for the competitiveness of the

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Galrinho B, São João R and Salvado F (2019). Retrospective Comparative Study Of Bone Loss In Implants With And Without Immediate Loading In The Egas Moniz University Clinic. In Dr.

Donatas BAKŠYS, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), Taikomieji tyrimai studijose ir praktikoje - Applied research in studies and practice - VII International Scientific

Conference “Science and Education in Globalization” Scientific Articles, 15(1), 40-46, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences, ISSN 2029-1280, eISSN 2669-0071.

Oliveira S, Leal S, Vivas C, Nascimento J, Barradas C, Amaral M, Rodrigues A, São João R,

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Volto Já Project. In R. Pocinho, P. Carrana, E. Navarro-Pardo, A. F. Pereira, C. Margarido, R. Santos, P. Belo, C. Cruz, & B. Trindade, Envelhecimento como Perspetiva Futura, Navarra:

Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, (pp. 437-449); ISBN 978-84-1309-783-1.

Pereira A and São João R (2019). A qualidade do órgão de fiscalização das sociedades não financeiras portuguesas. In Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados, Anais do XVII Congresso


Internacional de Contabilidade e Auditoria - A Contabilidade na Era Digital, oportunidades e desafios, Comunicação 45, 1-30, Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados, ISBN:978-989-98660-8-

9; https://www.occ.pt/dtrab/trabalhos/xvii_cica//finais_site/45_resumo.pdf.

Pereira M, Ramalhete L, Aleixo SM, Silva C, Cabral J, Calado C and Fernandes-Platzgummer A (2019). Impact of the human mesenchymal stem cells donor on conditional medium composition.

In IEEE, Proceedings of the 6th ENBENG 2019 - IEEE Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering

(ENBENG 2019), CFP1915P-POD, 295-298, IEEE.

Pereira S, Pereira P, de Carvalho M and de Zea Bermudez P (2019). Calibration of extreme values of simulated and real data. In Luís Meira-Machado e Gustavo Coutinho, Proceedings of the 34th IWSM, 1, 147-150, Statistical Modelling Society.

Samartinho J and São João R (2019). Virtual Leadership In Intercontinental Projects: A Case Study Of The University Of Santiago LMS Platform As An Educational Strategy. In Dr. Donatas

BAKŠYS, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences (Lithuania), Taikomieji tyrimai studijose ir praktikoje - Applied research in studies and practice - VII International Scientific

Conference “Science and Education in Globalization” Scientific Articles, Taikomieji Tyrimai

Studijose Ir Praktikoje - Applied Research in Studies and Practice, 15(1), 55-60, Panevėžio kolegija / University of Applied Sciences,

URL: https://ojs.panko.lt/index.php/ARSP/article/view/99, ISSN 2029-1280, eISSN 2669-0071.

Simões P, Carvalho ML, Aleixo SM, Gomes S and Natário I (2019). A Spatio-Temporal Auto- regressive Model for Generating Savings Calls to a Health Line. In Sanjay Misra, Osvaldo

Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Elena Stankova, Vladimir Korkhov, Carmelo Torre, Ana Maria A.

C. Rocha, David Taniar, Bernady O. Apduhan, Eufemia Tarantino, Health Line. In: Misra S. et al.

(eds) Computational, 11621, 81-96, Springer.

Sousa-Ferreira I, Abreu AM and Rocha C (2019). Parametric regression models for recurrent events analysis based on Chen distribution. In Luís Meira-Machado and Gustavo

Soutinho, Proceeding of the 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Volume II, 200-

205, International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, ISBN 978-989-20-9630-8.




Antunes M (Associate Editor) (2019). REVSTAT — Statistical Journal,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/inicio.html de Haan L (Associate Editor) (2019). Extremes, URL: https://www.springer.com/journal/10687/, in 2019.

Fraga Alves MI (Editor-in-Chief) (2019). REVSTAT — Statistical Journal,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/inicio.html

Gomes MI (Associate Editor) (2019). Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM),

URL: http://www.cmsim.eu/editorial_board.htm.

Gomes MI (Associate Editor) (2019). Extremes, URL: https://www.springer.com/journal/10687/, in 2019.

Oliveira TA (Associate Editor) (2019). JAS - Journal of Applied Statistics. Publisher:


Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). American Journal of Agricultural and Biological

Sciences. Publisher: Science Publications

Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Big Data and Cognitive Computing. Publisher:


Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal "Entre Ciência e Ingeniería". Publisher:

Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Universidad Católica de Pereira.

Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Biometrical Letters. Publisher: Polish Biometrical


Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Chilean Journal of Statistics. Publisher: Published by the Chilean Statistical Society.

Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). International Journal of Applied Mathematics and

Machine Learning. Publisher: Scientific Advances Publishers.


Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal Global and Stochastic Analysis (GSA).

Publisher: MuK Publications & Distributions.

Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Mathematical Modelling and Applications.

Publisher: Mathematical Modelling and Applications, Science Publishing Group.

Oliveira TA (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Sustainability. Publisher: MDPI Open Access


Oliveira TA (Honorary Editor) (2019). Biometrics & Biostatistics International Journal. Publisher:

MedCrave Group.

Palmela Pereira C (Associate-Editor) (2019). World Research Journal of Dentistry, in the area of

Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal Forensic and Legal Medicine Case Reports, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal of Advanced Forensic Sciences, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal of Civil and Legal Sciences, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal of Forensic Science and Criminology, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal of Forensic Science, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Palmela Pereira C (Editorial Board Member) (2019). Journal of Forensic, Legal and Investigative Sciences, in the area of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences – Forensic Dentistry area.

Pestana D. (Associate Editor) (2019). Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM),

URL: http://www.cmsim.eu/editorial_board.htm.


Rocha JL (Associate editor) (2019). International Journal of Bifurcation & Chaos, 29 (01) a (14),

URL: https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijbc, since january 2018


Silva GL. (Co-Editor) (2019). REVSTAT — Statistical Journal,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/inicio.html

Sousa L (Associated editor) (2019) REVSTAT — Statistical Journal,

URL: https://www.ine.pt/revstat/inicio.html



Palmela Pereira C. Membro do Conselho Editorial da Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia,

Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial.



Gomes MI and Pestana D (2019). Estatística de Extremos — Um instrumento para predição de tremores de terra? Memórias da Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Classe de Ciências, Tomo

XLVI, 283-289, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa.



Cabral I, Caeiro F and Gomes MI (2019). Generalização do estimador de Hill, baseada na média de Lehmer: Resultados adicionais. Atas do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, in press.

Inácio MJ, Infante P and Figueiredo FO (2019). A Importância da Adequabilidade do Modelo no Desempenho de Cartas de Controlo com Risco Ajustado. pp 89-100 In Helena Bacelar-Nicolau,


Fernanda Sousa, Carlos Marcelo, Ana Sousa Ferreira, Paulo Infante, Adelaide Figueiredo, Classificação e Análise de Dados - Métodos e Aplicações III - CLADMAp III, CLAD.* http://dspace.uevora.pt/rdpc/bitstream/10174/25617/1/Inacio_Infante_Figueiredo_CLADMAPIII. pdf

Mendonça S and Gouveia-Reis D (2019). Sobre o Máximo e Outras Estatísticas Ordinais de uma Amostra Aleatória Quando a Dimensão da Amostra tem Distribuição Binomial Negativa,

Atas do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Joint work with Gouveia-Reis,

D.; accepted in June 2019. In press

Neves MM and Cordeiro C (2019). Modelling (and Forecasting) Extremes in Time Series: a naive Approach. Atas do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, in press.

Paulino CD and Silva GL (2019). Comparação Bayesiana de Testes de Diagnóstico com Dados Densamente Omissos ao Acaso. In Salgueiro MF et al., Atas do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade

Portuguesa de Estatística, Edições SPE, in press.

Pereira JC, Silva GL and Isaac V (2019). Modelagem de Capturas em Peso Inflacionadas de

Zeros no Baixo Rio Amazonas. In Salgueiro MF et al., Atas do XXIII Congresso da Sociedade

Portuguesa de Estatística, Edições SPE, in press.



Figueiredo R, Luís ME, Hipólito-Fernandes D, Cunha JP, Alves M, Papoila AL, Abegão-Pinto L and Tavares-Ferreira J (2019). Analysis of Choroidal Structure Changes in Diabetic Patients without Diabetic Retinopathy: a Longitudinal Study, Oftalmologia, 43(2),

URL: https://revistas.rcaap.pt/index.php/oftalmologia/article/view/15227.

Galinha S, São João R and Fonseca C (2019). Estudo do SDQ1 de MARSH : auto conceito verbal, matemático e de aparência física em adolescentes, Revista da Unidade de Investigação do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, 7(1), 68-71, DOI: https://doi.org/10.25746/ruiips.v7.i1.18312,

URL: https://revistas.rcaap.pt/uiips/article/view/18312, ISSN:2182-9608.


Gonçalves L (2019). A velha questão do cálculo do tamanho da amostra numa era em que os dados longitudinais ganham terreno, Boletim SPE, 44-45,

URL: http://www.spestatistica.pt/images/boletim/Boletim_Outono_2019.pdf.

Hipólito-Fernandes D, Luís ME, Cardigos J, Vieira M, Alves M, Papoila AL, Cunha JP and Tavares-Ferreira J (2019). Corneal Subbasal Nerve Plexos Evaluation by In Vivo Confocal

Microscopy in Multiple Sclerosis, Oftalmologia, [Epub ahead of print],

URL: https://revistas.rcaap.pt/index.php/oftalmologia/article/view/15222/14571.

Marques TA (2019). "P-value e significância". Almoços com Ciências, FCUL, 5 de junho, 2019.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). Entrevista Medicina Dentária Forense em Visão Saúde 8ª edição, 8 de outubro de 2019.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). Semana Ciência Viva 2019 - Laboratório aberto. http://www.cienciaviva.pt/actividades2010/uploadfiles/flyer_semanacienciaviva(1).pdf.

Papoila AL (2019). Ambiente, Saúde e Estatística. Em Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de

Estatística de Outono 2019, 38-43. (ISSN: 1646-5903).

Pereira S, Turkman KF and Correia L (2019). Modelos Espaço-Temporais para Dados

Georreferenciados do Desemprego, Boletim da SPE (Primavera 2019), 68,

URL: http://www.spestatistica.pt/images/boletim/Boletim_primavera_2019.pdf.

Sousa L (2019). “Literacia Estatística”. Almoços com Ciências, FCUL, 10 de julho, 2019.



Bras-Geraldes C (2019). “Prediction in Medicine”, Mestrado em Ciência de Dados, FCUL -

Lisboa, 15/11/2019.

Costa EG, Paulino CD, Singer JM (2019). “Sample size for estimating organism concentration in ballast water: a Bayesian approach”, One Day Meeting on Statistics and Applied Probability,

University of Minho, Guimarães, 4th October.


Domingues TD, Mouriño H, Sepúlveda N (2019). “Finite Mixture Models applied to serological data from the UK Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome biobank”, Seminários “Matemática na AbERTA”, Auditório III, Palácio Ceia Rua da Escola Politécnica 141-147, Lisboa,

14 outubro de 2019, URL: https://portal.uab.pt/noticias/matematica-na-aberta/ de Haan L and Zhou C (2019). “Trends in extreme value indices”, University of Reading UK,

January 30th.

Gomes MI (2019). “Desafios em Estatística de Extremos”, “Sessão da Classe de Ciências”,

Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, May 16.

Leonel Rocha J and Taha AK (2019). “Allee's Effect Bifurcation in Generalized Logistic Maps”,

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, INSA - Toulouse, Institut National des

Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, 17 de Junho de


Marques TA (2019). “Deepwater Horizon: avaliando o impacto do maior derrame de óleo da história da humanidade.”, Jornadas de Investigação Biológica, Lisboa, PT, 26 Fevereiro 2019.

Oliveira A (2019). “Big Data e Data Science: Uma visão Estatística”, Seminário de Matemática na Aberta, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 18 de Outubro (2019).

Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Ethics in forensic dental age estimation of living persons with special reference to unaccompanied minors asylum seekers: How to perform it? What can be expect from the research field?”, CEAUL Seminars, CEAUL, 26 June.

Papoila AL (2019). “Let’s End HepC”, Let’s End HepC - Discussão do modelo e resultados, perspetivas de modelação., Assembleia da República - Auditório António de Almeida Santos, 12 de março de 2019.

Papoila AL (2019). “Modelling the Effect of Continuous Prognostic Factors in Survival Analysis.”,

Workshop em Estatística para a Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade

NOVA de Lisboa - Sala de Seminários do Ed. VII, 16 de dezembro de 2019.

Pestana D (2019). “Querida Be(r)ta, Como Devo Apostar?”, Núcleo de Estudantes de

Matemática e Matemática Aplicada, FCUL, FCUL, April 15.


Ramos MR and Cordeiro C (2019). “A contribution to forecast time series with structural break”,

Matemática na Aberta, Ciclo de Seminários de Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 21 março,

URL: https://portal.uab.pt/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/NOT_Math_Aberta.pdf.

Sousa-Ferreira I (2019). “Extensions of the Cox model to analyse multiple time-to-event data”, Seminário de investigação, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 11 de dezembro,

URL: http://ceaul.org/extensions-of-the-cox-model-to-analyse-multiple-time-to-event-data/.


Plenary Talks


Amaral Turkman MA, Turkman KF, Pereira P, Pereira S, Carvalho M and de Zea Bermudez

P (2019). “Calibratian Methods For Spatial Risk Analysis”, 34th International Workshop on

Statistical Modelling (IWSM 2019), Guimarães, Portugal, 7-12 July,

URL: http://www.iwsm2019.org/.

Amaral Turkman MA, Turkman KF, Pereira P, Pereira S, Carvalho M and de Zea Bermudez P (2019). “Data fusion/calibration methods to update simulated data based on the observed data: an application to wind speed data”, MathMet2019, Lisboa, Portugal, 20-22 November,

URL: http://mathmet2019.lnec.pt/, Extended abstract in http://mathmet2019.lnec.pt/MathMet_book%20of%20abstracts.pdf pp 104-105.

Cabral MS and Gonçalves H (2019). “Modelling Longitudinal Binary Data”, XXVI Jornadas de

Classificação e Análise de Dados, JOCLAD 2019, Politécnico de Viseu, 11 - 13 Abril,

URL: http://www.joclad.ipt.pt/joclad2019/en/programa-cientifico/sessoes-plenarias.

Gomes MI (2019). “Approximations for Extremes and Bounds for the Reliability of Large

Systems”, VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, Covilhã,

Portugal, June 26-29, URL: http://www.wcdanm-ubi19.uevora.pt/.

Gomes MI (2019). “Tail Dependence Coefficient Semi-parametric Estimation through a

Generalized Mean”, 13th International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation,


Lisboa, Portugal, June 3-5, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019. Abstract: https://0dc2533b-5368-4f2d-9746-96487bbaf774.filesusr.com/ugd/447163_790b39fa833c4196aad94ed3f7d02cce.pdf#page=33

Marques TA (2019). “Estimating animal abundance from passive acoustic data: where we are and what can statistics do for us?” 64th RBRAS and 18th SEAGRO, Cuiabá, Brazil, 29 Julho 2019 a 02 Agosto 2019. URL: http://www.rbras64.com.br/

Marques TA (2019). “Linking current trends in ecological statistics with what ecologists should know about statistics”, Fronteers in E3C, Lisboa, Portugal, 1-2 July, 2019,

URL: https://ce3c.ciencias.ulisboa.pt//outreach/frontiers/.

Neves MM (2019). “Procedimentos Computacionais em Estatística”, Congresso Anual da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=37

Pestana D (2019). “Dinâmica de Populações: Extensões do Modelo de Verhulst”, Jornadas de

Matemática, IST, IST, Lisboa, April 3-4, URL: https://nmath.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/jmatematica19/.

Silva GL and Almendra R (2019). “Generalized additive models for assessing the impact of weather on hospital admissions”, LXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Region of the International

Society of Biometrics (RBras) and XVIII Symposium on Statistics Applied to Agronomic

Experimentation (SEAGRO), Cuiaba - Brazil, 29/07-2/08/2019, URL: http://www.rbras64.com.br/.

Invited Talks


Alves D, Craveiro I, Basabe N and Gonçalves L (2019). “Aculturação, estilos de vida e saúde de imigrantes da Comunidade de Países da CPLP em dois contextos ibéricos: uma abordagem inicial”, Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisboa, Portugal, 8-10 de julho de

2019. http://www.encontrociencia.pt/2019/home/#

Alves D, Delgado A, Amado M, Craveiro I, Santos Z, Goggins A, Correia A and Gonçalves

L (2019). “Some recreational activities in three urban areas in the city of Praia, Cape Verde – differences by gender and age group.”, International Conference Local and Urban Governance:


Trends, Challenges and Innovations in a Globalizing World., Praia, Cabo Verde, 4-7 September

2019, URL: https://sites.google.com/site/igugeogov2019ppt/.

Barroso S, Cruz M, Ramos S and Pina M (2019). “Modelação de Preços em Contratos de

Assistência Automóvel”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante,

Portugal, 6 a 9 de novembro de 2019. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=102

Basílio J, Oliveira A and Mahmoudvand R (2019). “A critical discussion on systemic risk measures”, 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments, Vienna,

Austria, 23-26 April 2019, URL: https://icr8.boku.ac.at/index.html.

Borda-de-Água L, Alirezazadeh S, Neves MM, Hubbell SP, Borges PAV, Cardoso P, Dionisio F and Pereira HM (2019). “Application of Extreme Value Theory to Species Accumulation Curves”, INForum, Simpósio de Informática, Universidade do Minho, Guimarães, Portugal, 5-6 September,

URL: https://www.lea-utad.pt/noticias/2019/9/5/inforum-simpsio-de-informtica.

Bras-Geraldes C and Papoila AL (2019). “Looking for Interpretable Artificial Intelligence

Methods in Health Research.”, Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisboa, 9 de julho de 2019, URL: http://www.encontrociencia.pt/2019/programa/detalhesprograma/?global=1.

Cadima J (2019). “Ensino da Estatística e software: experiências, interrogações e preocupações”, XXIV Congresso Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, 6-9 Novembro

2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=128

Caeiro F and Gomes MI (2019). “A Generalized Jackknife Estimator of a Negative Extreme Value

Index”, 13th International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Univ. Aberta,

Lisboa, June 3-6, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019, Abstract available at https://0dc2533b-5368-4f2d-9746-


Chissaque A, de Deus, N and Gonçalves L (2019). “Refexão sobre o papel da estatística na investigação e geração de evidências em saúde em África: o caso de Moçambique”, XXIV

Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 06- 09 de novembro de

2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=135


Cruz M, Pina M and Ramos S (2019). “Order and Stock Costs Optimization in an Automotive

Spare Parts Wholesaler”, 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), Valência - Espanha, 15 a 19 de julho de 2019. https://iciam2019.org/index.php/scientific-program/practical-information de Haan L (2019). “On The Interaction Between Regular Variation and Extreme Value Theory”,

EVA, Zagreb, July 1-5, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/. Abstract available at: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#p age=23 de Zea Bermudez P, Pereira P, de Carvalho M and Pereira S (2019). “How to use observed data to calibrate simulated data in the tails? An application to rainfall data.”, XXIV Congresso da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November 2019,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=55

Dias FS, Wenceslau J, Marques TA and Miller D (2019). “Density and distribution of western chimpanzees around a bauxite deposit in the Boé Sector, Guinea-Bissau”, XVIV Congresso da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, Novembro 2019,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/, Comunicação convidada na sessão de Estatística em Ecologia e Ambiente. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=119.

Duarte T, Matos A and Silva C (2019). “Provas de função respiratória - aprofundando o conhecimento - A importância dos valores de referência na interpretação da espirometria em indivíduos Afrodescendentes”, 24º Congresso Português de Cardiopneumologia, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugual, 5-7 april. https://viva-porto.pt/24o-congresso-portugues-de-cardiopneumologia- decorre-em-gaia/.

Fraga Alves MI (2019). “Limite de Idade – Esperança de Vida e Tempo de Vida Máximo”, 4.º

Encontro Literatura e Ciência, Limite de Idade - A Longevidade na Literatura e na Ciência, Teatro

Thalia, Lisboa, 11 de março de 2019,

URL: http://pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/4encontroliteraturaeciencia.html.

Fraga Alves MI (2019). “Study design - Population and Samples. Sample analysis: Descriptive statistics”, Workshop on statistics - from basic to advanced level, Mind-Brain College – ULisboa,


Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa, 13-15 February 2019,

URL: https://colegiomente-cerebro.ulisboa.pt/workshop-on-statistics-from-basic-to-advanced- level/.

Fraga Alves MI (2019). “Study design - Practical session with software R”, Workshop on statistics - from basic to advanced level, Mind-Brain College – ULisboa, Faculdade de Medicina da

Universidade de Lisboa, 13-15 February 2019, URL: https://colegiomente- cerebro.ulisboa.pt/workshop-on-statistics-from-basic-to-advanced-level/.

Gasparinho C, Fortes F and Gonçalves L (2019). “Implementação de um estudo longitudinal na província do Bengo, Angola - resultados, principais desafios e lições aprendidas.”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 06- 09 de novembro de

2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=137

Gomes MI, Canto e Castro L, Dias S and Reis P (2019). “Approximations for Extremes and

Reliability of High-Dimension Coherent Systems”, Final CRoNoS Meeting & Workshop on Multivariate Data Analysis (CRoNoS & MDA 2019), Limassol, Cyprus, April 14-16,

URL: http://cmstatistics.org/CRONOSMDA2019/.

Gomes MI, Miranda C and Souto Miranda M (2019). “Improvements on Robust and Corrected- bias Estimation of the Extremal Index”, 11th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis,

Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-5, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/. Abstract available: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#p age=34

Gonçalves L (2019). “Caminhos na estatística em saúde: desenvolvimentos a montante com lacunas a jusante”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,

Amarante, Portugal, 06- 09 de novembro de 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=106

Gonçalves L (2019). “Estudos Longitudinais: Desafios do Princípio ao Fim.”, Workshop em Estatística para a Saúde, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,

Monte da Caparica, Lisboa, 16 de dezembro de 2019,

URL: https://www.cma.fct.unl.pt/news/2019/12/mhealth-workshop-em-estatistica-para-saude.


Leal C, Oliveira TA and Oliveira A (2019). “Structural Equation Modelling - some applications with R tools”, 13th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation In Honour of Professor João Tiago Mexia, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal, 3-5 July 2019,

URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019. Abstract available at: https://0dc2533b-5368-


Lomba J and Fraga Alves MI (2019). “L-moments for automatic threshold selection in extreme value analysis of wave heights from the Gulf of Mexico”, XXIV SPE Congress, Amarante, Portugal, 06/11/2019 - 09/11/2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/, Invitation associated with the granting of the SPE 2019 award. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=256

Oliveira A (2019). “Modelação Estatística e Mineração de Dados em Educação”, II Escola de

Estudos Avançados sobre Pesquisa em Cultura, História e Educação Matemática, UFPA, Belém do Pará, Brasil, 4-8 de Fevereiro 2019, URL: https://2019eea.wixsite.com/iieea.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Age Estimation: A new approach to Interpol DVI Post Mortem Forms”, 30 th INTERPOL Disaster Victim Identification Conference Forensic Odontology Sub-Working

Group Meeting, INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation Singapore, 13 May 2019.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Identificação Médico-Legal pela Medicina Dentária Forense no

âmbito da Patologia Forense”, II Simpósio Anual de Estudantes de Medicina Dentária, by ANEMD

- Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Medicina Dentária, Lisboa, FMDUL, 23 january 2019.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Madeira Bus Accident”, Conferência em 18th Int‘l Symposium

Forensic Dentistry., Bundeswehr Medical Academy, Munich., December 3 - 6 of 2019.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Portuguese DVI update”, 30th INTERPOL Disaster Victim

Identification Conference, INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation Singapore, 14 - 16 May

2019. https://clkp.policja.pl/cfl/news/175694,THE-30th-INTERNATIONAL-INTERPOL-DVI-


Palmela Pereira C (2019). “Terramoto de Lisboa 1755 e a Investigação Antropológica desenvolvida na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa”, Ciclo de Conferências Medicina Dentária

Forense, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, 1 October 2019.


Pereira P, Pereira S, Turkman MA, Turkman KF, Nunes SA and DaCarmara C (2019). “Risk

Map: Prediction of Expected Burned Area”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=144

Pereira S, Menezes R, Angélico MM and Marques TA (2019). “Geostatistical Analysis of Sardine

Eggs Data”, XIV Congreso Gallego de Estadística e Investigación Operativa, Vigo, 24 de Outubro de 2019, URL: http://sgapeio2019.webs.uvigo.es/indexES.html.

Pereira S, Menezes R, Angélico MM and Marques TA (2019). “Geostatistical Analysis of Sardine

Eggs Data - a Bayesian Approach”, Seminário, Instituto Superior Técnico, 22 de Abril de 2019,

URL: https://math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/seminars/pe/index.php?action=show&id=5054&lang=pt.

Prata Gomes D and Neves MM (2019). “Revisiting the Calibration Procedure in the Extremal Index Estimation”, 13th Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, 3-5 June, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019. Abstract at https://0dc2533b-5368-4f2d-9746-


Ramos S, Barroso S, Cruz M and Pina, M. (2019). “Cost Modelling for Aftermarket Assistance Contract in Automative Industry”, 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied

Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), Valência, Espanha, 15 a 19 de julho de 2019.

Rodrigues S, Zea Bermudez P, Turkman KF, Coelho H and Mascarenhas M (2019). “Spatial

Analysis of Bat Abundancy With Adjustment for Detection Probability Using Distance Sampling

Methods for Acoustic Data”, European Courses in Advanced Statistics on Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data (ECAS2019), Lisbon, Portugal, 15th to 17th July,2019,

URL: https://ecas2019.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/.

Rodrigues S, Zea Bermudez P, Turkman KF, Coelho H and Mascarenhas M (2019). “Spatial

Analysis of Bat Abundancy With Adjustment for Detection Probability Using Distance Sampling

Methods for Acoustic Data”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6th to 9th November, 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=264


Seijas-Macias JA, Oliveira A and Oliveira TA (2019). “Product of Two Normally Distributed

Variables Extended Skew-Normal Approach”, 8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and

Design of Experiments, Vienna, Austria, 23-26 April 2019, URL: https://icr8.boku.ac.at/index.html.

Seijas-Macias JA, Oliveira A and Oliveira TA (2019). “The Extended Skew-Normal Distribution and the Product of two Normal Variables”, 13th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and

Computation In Honour of Professor João Tiago Mexia, Universidade Aberta, Lisbon, Portugal,

3-5 July 2019, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019. Abstract available at: https://0dc2533b-5368-4f2d-9746-


Silva C (2019). “Structural Equations model of a questionnaire on the patient safety culture in portuguese primary care”, Ciência com Arte, Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa,

8/10/2019, URL: https://www.estesl.ipl.pt/agenda/sciencewithart-5-scienceart.

Sousa L (2019). “Modelação Ecológica? Eu, é mais Genética: Preciso de Modelos, e sem

Estatística não vou lá!”, Dia da Modelação Ecológica, FCUL, 18th February,

URL: https://modelacaoecologica.wixsite.com/dia-modelacao.

Contributed Talks / International


Aleixo SM and Teles J (2019). “Weighted Coefficients to Measure Agreement Among Several

Sets of Ranks Emphasizing Top and Bottom Ranks at the Same Time”, CAS2019 - ICCSA 2019,

19th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1 a 4 de julho, URL: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/the-19th-international-conference-on- computational-science-and-its-applications/.

Azevedo S, Sousa, L, Esteves S (2019). “Dynamic Prediction in Breast Cancer: a Useful

Approach to Provide Information on How Prognosis Evolves Over Time”, Statistics on health decision making: state of the art, University of Aveiro, 10 may 2019,

URL: https://www.ua.pt/estatisticamedica/page/24395.


Bento I, Araújo J, Pereira J, Marques M, Almodovar M, Ribeiro M, Afonso P, Pereira R and Marques TA (2019). “Modelling a predator-prey interaction: an in-class exercise”, JOCLAD

2019, Viseu, Portugal, 11 e 13 de abril 2019, URL: http://www.joclad.ipt.pt/joclad2019/.

Borda-de-Água L, Alirezazadeh S, Neves MM, Hubbell SP, Borges PAV, Cardoso P and Dionisio F (2019). “Application of Extreme Value Theory to the Study of Species Accumulation Curves”,

British Ecological Society, Annual Meeting, Belfast, UK, 10-13 December,

URL: https://www.britishecologicalsociety.org/events/annual-meeting-2019/.

Borda-de-Água L, Alirezazadeh S, Neves MM, Hubbell SP, Borges PAV, Cardoso P, Dionisio F and Pereira HM (2019). “Extreme Value Theory as a Tool to Study Biodiversity Patterns”, EEF, Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals, Lisbon, Portugal, 29 July-6 August,

URL: https://ciencias.ulisboa.pt/pt/evento/29-07-2019/15th-european-ecological-federation-eef- congress.

Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL e Xufre P (2019). “Odds Ratio Function Estimation using

Generalized Additive Neural Networks”, Biostatnet 4th General Meeting, Santiago de Compostela

– Espanha, 24 a 26 de janeiro de 2019.

Cabral D, Coscas F, Pereira T, Français C, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Rodrigues C, Coscas G and Souied E (2019). “Quantitative OCT-Angiography for Neovascular Age Related Macular

Degeneration: Six Months Follow-Up Study.”, 3rd International Swept Source OCT Angiography

Conference, Fort Myers, Flórida – EUA, 10 e 11 de fevereiro de 2019.

Caeiro F, Cabral I and Gomes MI (2019). “Comparison of Classes of Generalized Hill Estimators”,

CMStatistics 2019, London, December 14-16, URL: http://cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2019/, Abstract available at http://www.cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2019/docs/BoACFECMStatistics2019.pdf?2019112122


Cordeiro C, He Y and Hyndman R (2019). “When is Water Consumption Extreme”,

39th International Symposium on Forecasting- ISF2019, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-19 June.

Coscas F, Cabral D, Pereira T, Français C, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Rodrigues C, Coscas

G and Souied E (2019). “Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Biomarkers for Neovascular Age Related Macular Degeneration Treated Using a Treat-and-Extend

Regimen.”, Maculart Meeting, Paris – França, 23 a 25 de junho de 2019.


Domingues TD, Mouriño H and Sepúlveda N (2019). “A statistical analysis of serological data from the UK Myalgic Encephalomielitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome biobank”, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Rhodes, Greece,

23-28 September 2019, URL: http://history.icnaam.org/icnaam_2019/icnaam.org/index-2.html.

Felgueiras M, Santos R and Martins J (2019). “Gaussian mixtures and deconvolution problems”, 19th CMMSE, Spain, July, URL: http://cmmse.usal.es/cmmse2019/welcome.

Fernandes DH, Maleita D, Luís ME, Vieira P, Alves M, Papoila AL, Cunha JP e Tavares-Ferreira

J (2019). “Corneal Confocal Microscopy to Assess Axonal Degeneration in Multiple Sclerosis”,

14th Meeting of the European Neuro-ophthalmology Society (EUNOS), Porto – Portugal, 16 a 19 de junho de 2019.

Fernandes N, Mendes A, Ferreira C, São João R, Coelho T and Massano T (2019). “Incluir – Art As A Weapon In Psychiatry”, WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisboa Congress Centre,

Lisbon, Portugal, 21-24 August, URL: https://2019.wcp-congress.com/.

Ferreira C, Castelo AM, São João R, Coelho T, Massano T and Agostinho N (2019). “A Arte e

Inclusão na Doença Mental - Projecto Incluir”, X Congresso Internacional de História da Loucura,

Psiquiatria e Saúde Mental/ II Simposium Internacional Mulheres e Loucura, Universidade de , Coimbra, Portugal, 6-8 May,

URL: https://www.uc.pt/ffuc/ficheiros/livro_resumos_X_CIHLPSM_19.pdf.

Gomes MI, Cabral I and Caeiro F (2019). “Asymptotic Comparison of Second-Order Parameters

Estimators”, 12th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and

Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2019), London, December 14-16, URL: http://cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2019/. Abstract available at: http://www.cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2019/docs/BoACFECMStatistics2019.pdf?2019112122


Gomes MI, Neves MM and Penalva H (2019). “An adaptive EVI-estimation through computational procedures”, 11th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis (EVA 2019), Zagreb, Croácia, 1-5 July, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/. Abstract available: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#p age=130


Gonçalves-Pereira M, Zarit S, Cardoso AM, Alves da Silva J, Papoila AL and Mateos R (2019).

“Towards Family Sensitive Practices for Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) at Home?”, 29th Alzheimer Europe Conference “making valuable connections”, Haia –

Holanda,, 23 a 25 de outubro de 2019.

Gonçalves-Pereira M, Zarit S, Cardoso AM, Alves da Silva J, Papoila AL and Mateos R (2019).

“Secondary Caregiving Deserves Attention in Research and Clinical Practice.”, 9th IPA

International Congress, Santiago de Compostela – Espanha, 31 de agosto a 3 de setembro de


Leonel Rocha J and Carvalho S (2019). “Complete networks: discontinuous dynamics, information invariants and synchronization”, 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications, Complex Networks 2019, Lisboa, Portugal, 10-12 Dezembro 2019,

URL: https://10times.com/complex-networks-lisbon.

Leonel Rocha J and Carvalho S (2019). “Information Measures and Synchronization in Complete

Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Applications, ICMA 2019, University of

Azores, Portugal, 8-11 Julho 2019, URL: https://iknowd.org/icma19/home.

Lomba J and Fraga Alves MI (2019). “L-moments for automatic threshold selection in extreme value analysis”, EVA2019 - 11th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis, Zagreb,

Croatia, July 1-5, 2019, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/programme. Abstract available: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#p age=90

Marques TA, Harris D and Thomas L (2019). “Animal monitoring using acoustic data”, Addressing statistical challenges of modern technological advances, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2019,

URL: https://www.icms.org.uk/statisticalchallenges.php.

Marques TA, Sebastián-González E, Camp RJ, Tanimoto AM, de Oliveira PM, Lima BB and Hart

PJ (2019). “Estimating bird density from single automatic passive acoustic recorders”, Bird

Numbers 2019, Evora, PT, 8-13 April 2019, URL: http://www.ebcc2019.uevora.pt/.

Marques TA, Thomas L, Dolan K, Moretti D, Claridge D, Dunn C, Benoit-Bird K and Jensen FH (2019). “Acoustic tracking reveals at-depth coordination in groups of Blainville’s beaked whales”,


World Marine Mammal Conference, Barcelona, Spain, Novembro 2019,

URL: https://www.wmmconference.org/.

Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). “Angústia espiritual e bem-estar espiritual em doentes com cancro submetidos a quimioterapia”, V Congresso Ibero-Americano e Luso- Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 9-11 maio 2019, URL: https://5826bef9-cc99-4336-ac9d- de68e1271853.filesusr.com/ugd/30a75f_1bb59d7e77e546819855737a61ed3f74.pdf .

Martins J, Santos R and Felgueiras M (2019). “Low Prevalence Rate Estimation”,

19th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Rota, Cadiz - Spain, June 30 - July 6,

URL: http://cmmse.usal.es/cmmse2019/welcome.

Oliveira A and Oliveira TA (2019). “Introduction to Statistics with R: an open class at

Universidade Aberta”, 11th International Workshop on Mathematical E-Learning, E-MATH 2019,

UNED, Madrid, Spain, 24-25 October 2019,

URL: https://sites.google.com/site/11themath2019madrid/.

Oliveira S, Leal S, Vivas C, Nascimento J, Barradas C, Amaral M, Rodrigues A, São João R, Santos C, Passarinho A and Ferreira R (2019). “A Social Business Model for Active Ageing: The

Case of the Volto Já Project”, II Congresso Internacional Sobre Envelhecimento Ativo, Instituto

Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra, 27-28 May,

URL: https://www.isec.pt/pt/Destaque.aspx?ID=3411.

Oliveira S, Leal S, Vivas C, Nascimento J, Barradas C, Amaral M, Rodrigues A, São João R, Santos C, Passarinho A and Ferreira R (2019). “Volto Já: Programa de Intercâmbio Sénior”, I

Congresso Internacional de Turismo Sénior, Universidade dos Açores- Ilha de São Miguel -

Região Autónoma dos Açores, Portugal, September 30th - October 1st,

URL: http://tusenior55.com/congresso/.

Pereira S, de Carvalho M, Pereira P and de Zea Bermudez P (2019). “A LASSO-type Model for the Bulk and Tail of a Heavy-tailed Response”, 11th international conference on Extreme Value

Analysis, Zagreb, Croácia, 1-5 Julho 2019, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/.

Abstract available:

42 https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#p age=76

Santos R, Felgueiras M and Martins JP (2019). “ROC curve analysis for classification methodologies based on group testing”, 19th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Cádiz, 30/06 a 06/07,

URL: http://cmmse.usal.es/cmmse2019/welcome.

Simões P, Carvalho ML, Aleixo SM, Gomes S and Natário I (2019). “A Spatio-Temporal Auto- regressive Model for Generating Savings Calls to a Health Line”, CAS2019 - ICCSA 2019,

19th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1 a 4 de julho, URL: http://algoritmi.uminho.pt/the-19th-international-conference-on- computational-science-and-its-applications/.

Valongo-Santos A and Felgueiras M (2019). “Building the continuity and the limit concepts”,

19th CMMSE, Spain, July, URL: http://cmmse.usal.es/cmmse2019/welcome.

Vicente B, Santos T, São João R, Rodrigues R, Pereira H, Varela J, Tenreiro A and Amorim A

(2019). “Coccolithophores As Potential Marine Resource For Sustainable Aquaculture”, Ecology across borders : Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals, Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal), 29th of July to the 2nd of August 2019,

URL: http://www.speco.pt/pt/iniciativas/268-eeflisbon2019-embedding-ecology-in-sustainable- development-goals-en, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.15/2727.

Contributed Talks / National


Aleixo SM and Teles J (2019). “Coeficientes Ponderados para Avaliar a Concordância entre

Vários Conjuntos de Ranks, Enfatizando Simultaneamente os Ranks Superiores e Inferiores”,

XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6 a 9 de novembro, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=234

Alves M, Garzón M, Pereira-da-Silva L and Papoila AL (2019). “Estimação de Curvas de Referência do Peso-para-Idade e da Velocidade Ponderal para Crianças de São Tomé”, XXIV


Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante – Portugal, 6 a 9 de novembro de

2019. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=187

André LM and de Zea Bermudez, P (2019). “Modelos de Dependência de Cópulas Bivariadas: Aplicação a Dados de Velocidades de Vento”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de

Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=183

Barcelos F, Martins C, Monteiro R, Madeira N, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Cardigos J, Alves

N, Vaz-Patto J, Branco J and Borrego LM (2019). “Helper and Cytotoxic Follicular T-Cells in Sjogren’s Syndrome”, XXI Congresso Português de Reumatologia, Vilamoura – Portugal, 1 a 4 de maio de 2019.

Barcelos F, Martins C, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Cardigos J, Alves N, Vaz-Patto J, Branco

J and Borrego LM (2019). “Clinical Associations and Diagnostic Potential of Regulatory-Like B-

Cells in Sjogren’s Syndrome”, XXI Congresso Português de Reumatologia, Vilamoura – Portugal,

1 a 4 de maio de 2019.

Barcelos F, Martins C, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Cardigos J, Alves N, Vaz-Patto J, Branco J and Borrego LM (2019). “Clinical Associations and Diagnostic Potential of Regulatory-Like B-

Cells in Sjogren’s Syndrome”, XXI Congresso Português de Reumatologia, Vilamoura – Portugal,

1 a 4 de maio de 2019.

Barcelos F, Bras-Geraldes C, Martins C, Papoila AL, Monteiro R, Cardigos J, Madeira N, Alves

N, Vaz-Patto J, Borrego LM and Branco, J (2019). “Clinical associations and diagnostic potential of regulatory-like B-cells in Sjogrens syndrome”, XXI Congresso Português de Reumatologia,

Vilamoura – Portugal, 1 a 4 de maio de 2019, URL: http://congresso.spreumatologia.pt/.

Bras-Geraldes C and Papoila AL (2019). “Looking for Interpretable Artificial Intelligence

Methods in Health Research”, Encontro com a Ciência e a Tecnologia em Portugal, Lisboa –

Portugal, 9 de julho de 2019.

Dinis A, Teresa AR, Pinto B, Matias G, Pereira G, Rebelo G, Marques P, Valdez V and Marques

TA (2019). “Learning how to use ecological models: an effective approach”, Ecology across borders - Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals, Lisboa, Portugal, June 2019,

URL: https://eeflisbon2019.org/, URL do evento inactivo.


Enes V, Afreixo V, Sousa L, Pinheiro M, Neto S, Moura G, Santos M (2019). “Penalized regression models in Genome-Wide Association Studies with application to Alzheimer's

Disease.”, XXIV Annual Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Amarante, 6-9 november. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=230

Ferreira C, Mendes A, Fernandes N, São João R and Coelho T (2019). “Projeto INcluir - Um

Desafio Em Saúde Mental”, X Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental:Desafios em Saúde Mental, Escola Superior de Saúde-Instituto

Politécnico de Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal, 29-31 de Outubro,

URL: https://justnews.pt/documentos/2015/image/file/19d/programa-congresso-ASPESM-


Ferreira S and Santos R (2019). “O papel das estruturas geométricas na Estatística”, XXIV Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, 06/11 a 09/11,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=263

Figueiredo FO e Gomes MI (2019). “Comparação de Combinações Lineares de Estimadores do

Índice de Cauda”, XXIV Congresso da SPE, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 Novembro de 2019. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=213

Góis J and Silva GL (2019). “Modelos Aditivos Generalizados Bayesianos para Dados de

Seguradoras Automóveis”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante

- Portugal, 9-11/11/2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=266

Gomes MI, Cabral I and Caeiro F (2019). “Comparação Assintótica de Estimadores do Parâmetro de Forma de Segunda-ordem”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,

Amarante, November 6-9, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=254

Lomba J and Fraga Alves MI (2019). “Teoria assintótica dos L-momentos na análise POT de alturas significativas de ondas”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística (SPE), Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 Novembro de 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/, Oral


Communication. XXIV SPE Congress 2019, Amarante, Portugal. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=256

Luís ME, Hipólito-Fernandes D, Maleita D, Vieira M, Alves M, Papoila AL and Tavares Ferreira

J (2019). “Combined Phacoemulsification and Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant (OZURDEX R ) for Diabetic Macular Edema: a Prospective Study”, 62º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Vilamoura – Portugal, 5 a 7 de dezembro de 2019.

Malato J, Antunes M and Sepúlveda N (2019). “Statistical modelling in malaria sero- epidemiology: A study on the Tanzania populations”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, November 6-9, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=385

Maleita D, Serras Pereira R, Passos I, Alves M, Papoila AL, Brito C, Cunha JP and Tavares

Ferreira J (2019). “Structural Changes in Preterm Children Without Retinopathy Of Prematurity”,

62º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Vilamoura – Portugal, 5 a 7 de dezembro de 2019.

Marques TA (2019). “Current trends in ecological statistics are detached from ecologists statistical teaching”, XVIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante,

Portugal, Novembro 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/.

Pereira S, de Carvalho M, Pereira P, de Zea Bermudez P, Turkman KF and Turkman

MA (2019). “Spatial Calibration of Simulated Data using Observed Data”, XXIV Congresso da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, 6-9 de Novembro de 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=57

Ramos MR and Cordeiro C (2019). “Trend Analysis of Climate Variables: the Example of the Sea

Ice Index”, 13th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, Universidade Aberta,

Lisbon, 3-5 June, URL: https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019. Abstract: https://0dc2533b-


Rodrigues C, Cabral D, Marques M, Coscas F, Pereira T, Fonseca AF, Bras-Geraldes C, Nogueira V, Papoila AL and Barrão S (2019). “Biomarkers of Non-Perfusion Areas in Retinal


Vein Occlusion”, 62º Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Vilamoura –

Portugal, 5 a 7 de dezembro de 2019.

Rodrigues S, de Zea Bermudez P, Turkman KF, Coelho H and Mascarenhas M (2019). “Spatial

Analysis Of Bat Abundance With Adjustment for Detection Probability Using Distance Sampling

Methods For Acoustic Data.”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,

Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=264

Rosa R, Aguiar M, São João R, Domingues T, Feliciano A, Martins V, Sacramento V, Rodrigues

S and Furtado S (2019). “Validação do Modelo NO-OSAS Como Método De Rastreio de Síndrome de Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono Em Doentes Propostos Para Cirurgia Bariátrica”, 35º

Congresso de Pneumologia. 1º Congresso Luso-Palop de Pneumologia, Vila Moura-Algarve,

Portugal, 7-9 November, URL: https://www.sppneumologia.pt/agenda/35-congresso-de- pneumologia-2019.

Rosa R, Aguiar M, São João R, Domingues T, Feliciano A, Martins V, Sacramento V, Rodrigues S and Furtado S (2019). “Fatores Preditivos de Síndrome de Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono em

Doentes Propostos para Cirurgia Bariátrica”, 35º Congresso de Pneumologia. 1º Congresso

Luso-Palop de Pneumologia, Vila Moura-Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 November,

URL: https://www.sppneumologia.pt/agenda/35-congresso-de-pneumologia-2019

Santos AD, Tavares Ferreira J, Pinheiro S, Cunha JP, Alves M, Papoila AL, Moraes-Fontes MF and Proença R (2019). “Retinal Neurodegeneration in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Layer by

Layer Retinal Study using Optical Coherence Tomography.”, 62º Congresso da Sociedade

Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Vilamoura – Portugal, 5 a 7 de dezembro de 2019.

São João R, Correia F, Vieira E and Amendoeira J (2019). “Análise Importância- Desempenho como suporte à tomada de decisão em contexto hospitalar”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 5-9 November, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/.

Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=223

Saraiva F, Alves M, Papoila AL, Fernandes M and Botelho-de-Sousa A (2019). “A Substituição do Glivec por Genéricos do Imatinib é Segura?”, Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de

Hematologia, – Portugal, 14 a 16 de novembro de 2019.


Silva C, Turkman MA and Sousa L (2019). “Impacto da Variação do OVL no viés da AUC estimada por métodos não-paramétricos”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de

Estatística, Amarante, 6-9 november. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=236

Sousa-Ferreira I, Rocha C and Abreu AM (2019). “Modelos Paramétricos Flexíveis para

Acontecimentos Recorrentes”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística,

Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=170

Souto Miranda M, Gomes MI and Miranda C (2019). “Vias Alternativas na Estimação do Índice Extremal”, Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, November 6-9,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/, Abstract available at https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=253.

Contributed Posters / International


Albuquerque J, Antunes M, Alves AC, Medeiros AM and Bourbon M (2019). “Classification

Methods applied to the Diagnosis of Pediatric Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia:

Comparison of Simon Broome Criteria with Logistic Regression and Modified Decision Tree

Models”, 87th EAS Congress, Maastricht, The Netherlands, May 26-29,

URL: https://eas2019.com/.

Azevedo S, Sousa, L, Esteves S Dynamic (2019). “Prediction in Breast Cancer: a Useful Approach to Provide Information on How Prognosis Evolves Over Time”, Statistics on health decision making: state of the art, University of Aveiro, 10 may 2019,

URL: https://www.ua.pt/estatisticamedica/page/24395

Barcelos F, Martins C, Monteiro R, Bras-Geraldes C, Papoila AL, Cardigos J, Madeira N, Alves

N, Vaz-Patto J, Branco J and Borrego LM (2019). “Helper and Cytotoxic Follicular T-Cells in Sjogren’s Syndrome”, Annual European Congress of Rheumatology (EULAR), Madrid –

Espanha, 12 a 15 de junho de 2019.


Carvalho S, Rosa P, Clérigo A, Silva C (2019). “ECSC vs GLI: Which of these spirometric reference values equations will be more appropriate for a local posrtuguese adult population?”,

ERS International Congress 2019, Madrid, Spain, 28th september 2 october.

Costa EG, Paulino CD and Singer JM (2019). “Sample size to evaluate ballast water standards: a Bayesian nonparametric approach”, 34th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,

Guimarães, 7-12 July.

Cunha B, Fonseca LP, Calado CRC and Aleixo SM (2019). “Towards an automated statistical workflow for biomarker screening in Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy”, 6th ENBENG 2019

- IEEE Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, Lisboa, Portugal, 22 a 23 de fevereiro,

URL: https://embs.ieee-pt.org/6th-enbeng-2019/. de Zea Bermudez P, Pereira P, Pereira S and de Carvalho M (2019). “Short Tails And The Extended Generalized Pareto Distribution”, 11th international Conference on Extreme Value

Analysis, Zagreb, Croacia, July 1-5, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/. Abstract available: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#page=121

Domingues TD, Mouriño H and Sepúlveda N (2019). “Analysis of serological data towards a better understanding of the aetiology of ME/CFS”, 40th Annual Conference of the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics, Leuven, Belgium, 14-18 July 2019,

URL: https://kuleuvencongres.be/iscb40.

Duarte T, Matos A and Silva C (2019). “Comparison of spirometry interpretation using GLI2012 and ECSC reference values in afrodesendants”, European Respiratory Society International

Congress 2019, Madrid, Spain, 28th september 2 october. https://doi.org/10.1183/13993003.congress-2019.PA1147

Ferreira S and Santos R (2019). “Revisiting Statistical Manifolds”, 19th International Conference

Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Cádiz, 30/06 a 06/07,

URL: http://cmmse.usal.es/cmmse2019/welcome.

Galinha S and São João R (2019). “Mental Health Inventory (MHI ) as a reference to the EBEPS criteria”, 1st International Congress on Health Literacy Paradigms and Knowledge in “diverse” contexts, Health Higher School of Santarém – IPSantarém, Portugal, 16-17 May,

URL: http://cils.ipsantarem.pt/en/.


Gomes CF, Ellul P, Almeida A, Morão B, Gouveia C, Callé C, Buhagiar T, Attard A, Branco J,

Rodrigues J, Teixeira C, Castro F, Nunes G, Brito M, Antunes M, Cravo M, Borralho P and Torres J (2019). “The impact of the severity of microscopic inflammation at the time of diagnosis in UC- related outcomes during follow-up”, Reunião Anual GEDII 2019, Porto, Portugal, January 16-18,

URL: https://www.gedii.pt/_reuniao_anual_2019.

Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). “Spiritual well-being and religious commitment of cancer patients under chemotherapy”, 16th World Congress of the European Association for

Palliative Care, Berlin, Germany, 23-25 May 2019, URL: https://www.eapc-2019.org/home.html.

Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). “Validation of the Duke University Religion Index (DUREL) in Portuguese cancer patients under chemotherapy: methodological study”,

16th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Berlin, Germany, 23-25 May

2019, URL: https://www.eapc-2019.org/home.html.

Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). “Validation of the Spiritual Distress Scale in

Portuguese cancer patients under chemotherapy: methodological study”, 5th International Spirituality in Healthcare Conference, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, 19-20 june

2019, URL: https://nursing-midwifery.tcd.ie/SRIG/archive/conference/2019-srig-registration-


Melo J,Correia P, Gonçalves M, Pastaneira M, Matos AR, Pedro L, Barroso J, Figueiredo

AC, Antunes M, Cruz C, da Silva JM, da Silva AB and Leão M (2019). “Influence of Density and Pruning of Orchards of Malus Domestica, in Photosynthesis”, XVI Spanish Portuguese Congress of Plant Physiology, Pamplona, Spain, June 26-28,

URL: https://www.fv2019.org/modules.php?name=webstructure&idwebstructure=29.

Oliveira A and Oliveira TA (2019). “Statistical Challenges in Big Data and Data Science”, VI

Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, Covilhã, Portugal, 27-29

June 2019, URL: http://www.wcdanm-ubi19.uevora.pt/.

Paulino CD and Silva GL (2019). “Bayesian Comparison of Diagnostic Tests with Incomplete Data”, XXXIV International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Guimaraes - Portugal, 7-

12/07/2019, URL: http://www.iwsm2019.org/.

Pereira M, Ramalhete L, Aleixo SM, da Silva CB, Cabral J, Calado C and Fernandes-

Platzgummer A (2019). “Impact of the human mesenchymal stem cells donor on conditional

50 medium composition”, 6th ENBENG 2019 - IEEE Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering, Lisboa,

Portugal,, 22 a 23 de fevereiro, URL: https://embs.ieee-pt.org/6th-enbeng-2019/.

Prata Gomes D, Gouveia-Reis D and Neves MM (2019). “Spatial Extremes Modeling with an

Application to Extreme Precipitation”, 11th international conference on Extreme Value Analysis (EVA 2019), Zagreb, Croácia, 1-5 July, URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/. Abstract available: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/eva2019/application/files/1015/6231/3593/BookOfAbstracts.pdf#page=123

Prata Gomes D and Neves MM (2019). Extremal index blocks estimator: Another approach. CMStatistics 2019, London, December 14-16. Abstract available at http://www.cmstatistics.org/CMStatistics2019/docs/BoACFECMStatistics2019.pdf?2019112122


Rodrigues CF, Melo J, Correia P, Gonçalves M, Pastaneira M, Matos AR, Cruz C, da Silva JM, Antunes M, da Silva AB, Pedro L, Barroso J, Figueiredo AC, de Sousa ML (2019). “Effect of

Planting Densities, Pruning Techniques and shelf Life on Malus Domestica (Maçã de Alcobaça)


Austria, September 9-11, URL: http://www.iseo2019.com/.

Rodrigues S, de Zea Bermudez P, Turkman KF, Coelho H and Mascarenhas M (2019). “Spatial Analysis Of Bat Abundance With Adjustment For Detection Probability Using Distance Sampling

Methods For Acoustic Data.”, ECAS - Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data, Lisbon, Portugal.,

15-17 July, URL: https://ecas2019.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/#about.

Santos A, Tavares Ferreira J, Pinheiro S, Cunha JP, Alves M, Papoila AL, Moraes-Fontes MF and Proença R (2019). “Subclinical Choroidopathy in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus”, Congress of the European Association for Vision and Eye Research (EVER), Nice – França, 17 a 19 de outubro de 2019.

Santos A, Tavares Ferreira J, Pinheiro S, Cunha JP, Alves M, Papoila AL, Moraes-Fontes MF e

Proença R (2019). “Retinal Neurodegeneration in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Layer by Layer

Retinal Study using Optical Coherence Tomography”, Congress of the European Association for

Vision and Eye Research (EVER), Nice – França, 17 a 19 de outubro de 2019..

Santos A, Tavares Ferreira J, Pinheiro S, Cunha JP, Alves M, Papoila AL, Moraes-Fontes MF and Proença R (2019). “Peri-Papillary Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Systemic Lupus


Erythematosus”, 14th Meeting of the European Neuro-ophthalmology Society (EUNOS), Porto –

Portugal, 16 a 19 de junho de 2019.

Silva CV, Amorim A, Costa HA, Porto MJ, Real FC and Antunes M (2019). “The Role of DNA

Concentrations in Forensic Caseworks Results: Regression Models Application”, The 28th Congress of the International Society for Forensic Genetics, Prague, Chzech Republic,

September 9-13, URL: https://www.isfg2019.org/.

Sousa-Ferreira I, Abreu AM and Rocha C (2019). “Parametric regression models for recurrent events analysis based on Chen distribution”, 34th InternationalWorkshop on Statistical Modelling,

Guimarães, Portugal, 7-12 July, URL: http://www.iwsm2019.org/.

Contributed Posters / National


Albuquerque J, Alves AC, Medeiros AM, Bourbon M and Antunes M (2019). “Comparative study between a Logistic Regression Model and Simon Broome Criteria for the Diagnosis of

Paediatric Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade

Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, November 6-9, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/.

Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=301

Albuquerque J, Alves AC, Medeiros AM, Bourbon M and Antunes M (2019). “Modified

Classification Trees applied to Pediatric Familial Hypercholesterolemia: a comparative study including Simon Broome Criteria”, Statistics on Health Decision making: State of the Art, Aveiro,

Portugal, May 10, URL: https://www.ua.pt/estatisticamedica/page/24395.

Almendra A, Clérigo V, Silveira M, Carvalho J, Pereira J, Matos R, Pinto P, Estevão H and Moita J (2019). “Serão Os Animais Os Nossos Melhores Amigos No Quarto?”, 35º Congresso de

Pneumologia, Algarve, 7-9 Novembro 2019. https://www.sppneumologia.pt/uploads/subcanais_conteudos_ficheiros/programa-final- spp.pdf

Azevedo S, Sousa, L, Esteves S (2019). “It takes time to get it right: dynamic prediction in breast cancer”, XXIV Annual Conference of the Portuguese Statistical Society, Amarante, 6-9 november.


Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=315

Cotovio PG, Matos LV and Domingues TD (2019). “Fatores de risco para fratura óssea em mulheres pós-menopáusicas com cancro da mama”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 Novembro 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=313

Domingues TD, Pissarra A and São João R (2019). “Doentes Oncológicos Críticos Admitidos em Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos - Preditores de Mortalidade”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 6-9 November, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=307

Gomes S, Gouveia-Reis D and Mendonça S (2019). “Sobre a Escolha Estatística de Modelos

Extremais na Metodologia POT”, XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, 6 a 9 de Novembro de 2019, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=359

Lomba J and Fraga Alves MI (2019). “Asymptotic L-moment Theory for POT analysis of

Significant Wave Heights”, FCUL Research Day 2019, Lisbon, Portugal., Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 30 October 2019, URL: https://ciencias.ulisboa.pt/sites/default/files/fcul/eventos/Ciencias_Research_Day_2019_P osters_Final_v2.pdf.

Martins H, Domingues TD and Caldeira S (2019). “Angústia espiritual e envolvimento religioso em pessoas com cancro submetidas a quimioterapia: estudo correlacional”, 3as Jornadas de

Investigação da Associação Portuguesa de Cuidados Paliativos, Beja, Portugal, 26-28 setembro 2019, URL: https://www.admedic.pt/uploads/programa_iii-jornadas-de-investigac-a-o-da- apcp.pdf .

Pereira C, Marques TS, Dias AR, Martinho C, Pereira J, Carvalho J, Teixeira F, Pinto P, Moita J and Bárbara C (2019). “Avaliação De Doentes Com Apneia Obstrutiva Do Sono Usando Uma

Aplicação Móvel– Estudo ESAMOBAPP”, 35º Congresso de Pneumologia, Algarve, 7-9

Novembro 2019.


Pestana D and Gomes MI (2019). “Médias Generalizadas em Ambiente de Não-regularidade:

Estimação do Índice de Valores Extremos”, Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, November 6-9, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/, Abstract available at https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=357.

Rosa R, Aguiar M, São João R, Domingues TD, Feliciano A, Martins V, Sacramento V,

Rodrigues S and Furtado S (2019). “Importância Do Tabagismo No Síndrome De Apneia Obstrutiva Do Sono”, 35º Congresso de Pneumologia. 1º Congresso Luso-Palop de

Pneumologia, Vila Moura-Algarve, Portugal, 7-9 November,

URL: https://www.sppneumologia.pt/agenda/35-congresso-de-pneumologia-2019.

Santos R, Martins JP and Felgueiras M (2019). “A curva ROC na avaliação de metodologias de classificação binária baseadas em testes compostos”, XXIV Congresso Anual da Sociedade

Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, 06/11 a 09/11, URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=292

Velosa S and Mendonça S (2019). “Jackknifed Power Means For The Behrens-Fisher Problem”,

XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 06-09/11/2019,

URL: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt. Abstract available at: https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/wp- content/uploads/2020/01/LivroResumos_SPE2019.pdf#page=353


Ph.D. Theses


Antunes M and Sousa L (Supervisors) (2019): Ana Sofia Monteiro Araujo Soares. “Métodos

Paramétricos de Screening em Classificação Supervisionada na Presença de Populações

Assimétricas”. PhD in Statistics and Operations Research, specialty in Probability and Statistics

FCUL-UL, concluded in July 2019.


Neves MM (Supervisor) (2019): Ana Raquel Martinho da Silva Felizardo Rodrigues.

"Management Systems and Soil Quality Patterns in Evergreen Oak Woodlands", SUSFOR

Doctoral Programme, ISA, finished in July, 2019.

Master Dissertations


Antunes M (Supervisor) (2019): João David Ferreira de Castro Albuquerque. “Classification

Methods Applied to Familial Hypercolesterolemia Diagnosis in Pediatric Age”. MSc in

Biostatistics. FCUL. November 2019.

Antunes M (Supervisor) (2019): Maria Carolina Serrão Nogueira Nascimento Bulhosa. “The

Impact of Heatwaves on Mortality in the Lisbon District - The ICARO System Revisited”. MSc in

Biostatistics. DEIO, FCUL. November 2019.

Antunes M (Supervisor) (2019): David Gil Valente Lopes. “Effects of Pharmaceuticals on the Reproduction of Aquatic Organisms: a Meta-Analysis”. MSc in Biostatistics. DEIO, FCUL.

November 2019.

Antunes M (Supervisor) (2019): Diogo Afonso Carocho de Sousa Costa. “Deteção e

Caracterização de Comunidades em Redes de Telecomunicaçõoes“. MSc in Statistics and

Operations Research. DEIO, FCUL. April 2019.

Antunes M (Supervisor) (2019): Elsa Rute Santos Silva. “Perceção Parental do Peso e Estilos de Vida dos Adolescentes”. MSc in Biostatistics. DEIO, FCUL. January 2019. de Zea Bermudez P (Supervisor) (2019): Lídia Maria Correia Matias André. “Models for

Dependence: Comparing Classical and Bayesian Approaches”. Mestrado em Estatística e

Investigação Operacional. October 2019. Final classification: 20/20.

Domingues TD and Alpuim T (Supervisors) (2019): Filipa Lourenço Baptista. "A Realidade Portuguesa dos Seguros de Saúde". Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e Gestão.

11 Outubro 2019.

Figueiredo FO and Figueiredo A (Supervisors) (2019): Catarina Matias Albuquerque. “Evolution of Education over the Years in European Countries: an Application of Double Principal


Component Analysis”. Mestrado MADSAD da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto,


Fraga Alves MI (Supervisor) (2019): Ana Catarina Piedade Miranda. “Modelo de Propensão à

Conversão”. Mestrado em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e Gestão, DEIO (FCUL). https://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/41395.

Mendonça M (Supervior) (2019): Joana Isabel Nunes Correia. "Uma Introdução às Redes Bayesianas". M.Sc. in Mathematics, Statistics and its Applications, University of Madeira,


Oliveira TA and Juan A (Supervisors) (2019): Marisela Gonçalves da Silva. “Transporte de

Doentes Não Urgentes: Modelação Estatística e Algoritmos Baseados na Otimização de

Roteamento de Ambulâncias”. Mestrado em Bioestatística e Biometria [Universidade Aberta].


Palmela Pereira C and Filipe P (Supervisors) (2019): Mariana Rebelo. “Líquen Plano e Esquemas Terapêuticos: Estudo Epidemiológico no Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte (HSM) referente ao período 2008-2017". Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária da Faculdade de

Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa.

Palmela Pereira C and Santos R. (supervisors) (2019): Adriana Costa Pires. “Estimativa da

Idade pela Proporção da Área Polpa/Dente em Tomografia Computorizada de Feixe Cónico

(CBCT): Aplicação Médico-Legal”. Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Dentária da Faculdade de

Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa.

Ramos S (Supervisor) (2019): Paulo de Sousa. “Melhoria da Fiabilidade e Manutenção de

Válvulas Pneumáticas de Controlo em Aplicações Industriais”. Master's degree in Mechanical

Engineering (Management) by ISEP – School of Engineering.

Silva C and Antunes M (Supervisors) (2019): Paulo Manuel Roque da Silva Lopes Nunes.

“Avaliação das Atitudes e Comportamentos de Cibersegurança dos Profissionais de Saúde em

Ambiente Hospitalar”. Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, 13 Novembro 2019.

Silva C and Rato A (Supervisors) (2019): Carla Sofia Augusto Henriques. “Avaliação da

Capacidade de Exames Complementares de Diagnóstico para a Deteção de Doença Isquémica

56 do Miocárdio”. Mestrado em Gestão e Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde na Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa do Politécnico de Lisboa e Escola Superior de Saúde da

Universidade do Algarve, 17 Outubro 2019.

Silva GL (Supervisor) (2019): João Pedro Rodrigues Góis. “Bayesian Generalized Additive Models for Car Insurance Data”. MSc Thesis in Mathematics and Applications, Instituto Superior

Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 28/10/2019.

Sousa L and Heitor MJ (Supervisors) (2019): Heloísa Galante. “Resilience: Statistical Study of

Psychosocial and Biological Predictors at the Workplace”. Mestrado em Bioestatística. Dezembro


Sousa L and Esteves S (Supervisors) (2019): Ana Sofia Azevedo. “Dynamic Prediction of Long- term Survival in Patients with Early-stage Breast Cancer”. Mestrado em Bioestatística. Maio 2019.

Vasco J. and Santos R (Supervisors) (2019): Diana Margarida Lourenço Olival. “Melhoria dos

Índices de Satisfação no Serviço Após-Venda”. Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica - Produção Industrial da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, concluído em novembro de 2019 com 18 valores. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/4453.

Other Advisor work


Aleixo SM: Supervision of the curricular internship in Mathematics Applied to Technology and to the Enterprise, concluded on July 9, 2019, by Rafaela Couchinho Lino, together with the guidance of Professor Iola Maria Silvério Pinto (ADM / ISEL / IPL) and the Engineer Paulo Miguel Ferreira

(ATQP / GALP). Internship developed at GALP, Department of Technical Advisory and Product

Quality, entitled “Empirical statistical modeling of main components in monitoring lubricants in a proactive maintenance service”.

Domingues TD and Cruz J (Supervisors): Pedro Gieisteira Cotovio "Bone health and quality of life in women with breast cancer - results from the real world" para obtenção do grau de licenciado em Bioinformática pelo ISPA.


Silva G: Advisor of Bruno Miguel Repolho Pires, Mathematics Project of BSc in Applied

Mathematics and Computation: 'Analysis of Semi-Parametric Survival Models with Cure Fraction',

Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1/07/2019..

Silva G: Advisor of Mariana Sacramento Espada Venâncio Carrasco, Mathematics Project of BSc in Applied Mathematics and Computation: 'Study of Interaction between Categorical Variables via

Log-linear Models', Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1/07/2019.



Aleixo SM (CEAUL team member). Project DrugsPlatform still in progress. Researcher

Responsible for the Project: Cecília Calado (ISEL). Project approved in the Annual competition

IDI&CA 2017 of Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, with financing of 5000€.

Aleixo SM (CEAUL team member). Projet RenalPrognosis still in progress. Researcher Responsible for the Project: Cecília Calado (ISEL). Project approved in the Annual competition

IDI&CA 2018 of Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, with financing of 5000€.

Antunes M (PI). PROJECT PTDC/SAL-SER/29180/2017; DYSLIPIDidTOOL - Dyslipidaemia stratification: new screening tools for a cost effective approach;

Duration: 36 months; 1.10.2018 - 30.09.2021; Financing: 238 808.05€.

Gomes MI (Member of the Managing Committee). COST (European Cooperation in Science and

Technology) Action IC1408 GP 4 (2018-05-01 to 2019-04-30): "Computationally-intensive Methods for the Robust Analysis of Non-standard Data". Chair: Ana Colubi; Co-chair: Erricos


São João R (CEAUL team member). VOLTO JÁ! I'LL Be Right Back: Senior Exchange Program,

Polytechnic Institute of Santarém/Polytechnic Institute of Beja/Santa Casa da Misericórdia de

Santarém. Project ref: ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-024111. Coordinator: Sandra Oliveira.

Silva C (CEAUL team member). GenetObese - Estudo da Obesidade Monogénica em jovens com recurso à utilização de tecnologias de ponta – “Next Generation Sequence”. IDI&CA. 2018-

2019, 5000€.


Sousa L (CEAUL team member). GEnvIA - Gene-Environment Interaction in Autism Spectrum

Disorder. Project funded by FCT, ref: PTDC/MED-OUT/28937/2017, PI: Astrid Vicente (INSA). https://www.fct.pt/apoios/projectos/consulta/vglobal_projecto.phtml.en?idProjecto=150144&idEl emConcurso=12066.

Sousa L (CEAUL team member). SmiLax - Semantic Mining with Linked Data. Project funded by

FCT, ref: PTDC/EEI-ESS/4633/2014 (01/07/2016 - 30/06/2019), PI: Cátia Pesquita (DI-FCUL).

Turkman KF, Amaral Turkman MA and Pereira P (CEAUL team members). Fire in the Rural-

Urban Interface: characterization, risk mapping, and fuel break design, PTDC/AGR-

FOR/2586/2014. (Coordinated by Pereira JMC, CEF and CEAUL collaborator). Finished

December 2019.

Turkman KF, Amaral Turkman MA and Pereira P. FireCast- Forecasting fire probability and characteristics for a habitable pyroenvironment. PCIF/GRF/0204/2017. Member (Coordination:

Carlos da Câmara - IDL and collaborator CEAUL).

Turkman KF, Amaral Turkman MA, Pereira P, Pereira S and Scotto M (CEAUL team members). FillGapsInMaps: Data Fusion and Calibration Methods for Spatial Risk Analysis.

PDTC/MAT-STA/28649/2017. (coordinated by: Miguel de Carvalho and P. de Zea Bermudez,




Aleixo SM (CEAUL team member). Project AMPFIT - Quantifying AMPlitude FIT in wide-angle seismic modelling. Proposing Institution: ISEL. Participating institutions: FCiências.ID e IDL.

Researcher Responsible for the Project: Alexandra Afilhado (ISEL and IDL). There was no funding from FCT.

Aleixo SM (CEAUL team member). Project AntiBact_Platform: Development of an integrative antibiotic discovery platform for high-throughput screening of synthetic chemical compounds focusing resistant Gram-negative bacteria. Proposing Institution: IBB-IST-ID. ISEL participates as

59 an institution participating in the project. Researcher Responsible for the Project: Luís Pina

Fonseca (IBB-IST). There was no funding from FCT.

Rocha JL (PI). MISRedes project - Information and Synchronization Measures in Networks, IDI

& CA 2019 - IPL.





Título Orador/Instituição Local Data POPULATION-BASED CANCER Luís Antunes - FCUL - Bloco C/6 18/dez/19 SURVIVAL ANALYSIS – NET Instituto Português Piso 4 Sala: SURVIVAL ESTIMATION AND de Oncologia de 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) EXCESS HAZARD MODELLING Porto - 14:30 EXTENSIONS OF THE COX MODEL Ivo Sousa-Ferreira FCUL - Bloco C/6 11/dez/19 TO ANALYSE MULTIPLE TIME-TO- - FCUL Piso 4 Sala: EVENT DATA 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) - 15:30 BIPLOTS NA ANÁLISE Adelaide Freitas - FCUL - Bloco C/6 10/dez/19 EXPLORATÓRIA DE DADOS Departamento de Piso 4 Sala: COMPOSICIONAIS Matemática & 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) CIDMA – - 15:30 Universidade de Aveiro PREDIÇÃO DINÂMICA DA Ana Sofia Azevedo FCUL - Bloco C/6 27/nov/19 SOBREVIVÊNCIA A LONGO PRAZO - FCUL Piso 4 Sala: DE DOENTES COM CANCRO DA 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) MAMA - 15:30 SONDAGENS, PROTAGONISTAS Rita Silva - FCUL - Bloco C/6 20/nov/19 PRINCIPAIS DAS LEGISLATIVAS DE Pitagórica Piso 4 Sala: 2019? CASE STUDY 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) - 14:30 Hidden Markov models of animal Theo Michelot - FCUL - Bloco C/2 05/nov/19 movement and behavior University of St Piso 2 Sala: Andrews 2.2.14 - (3ª feira) - 14:00 PROJECTING CANCER INCIDENCE Saghir Bashir - FCUL - Bloco C/6 23/out/19 AND MORTALITY USING BAYESIAN Centro de Piso 4 Sala: AGE-PERIOD-COHORT MODELS Estatística e 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) Aplicações da - 14:30


Universidade de Lisboa An Unethical Optimisation Principle Anthony Davison - FCUL - Bloco C/6 17/out/19 Ecole Piso 4 Sala: Polytechnique 6.4.30 - (5ª feira) Fédérale da - 17:00 Lausanne (EPFL) ETHICS IN FORENSIC DENTAL AGE Cristiana Palmela FCUL - Bloco C/6 26/jun/19 ESTIMATION OF LIVING PERSONS Pereira - Faculdade Piso 4 Sala: WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO de Medicina 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) UNACCOMPANIED MINORS AYLUM Dentária da - 14:30 SEEKERS: HOW TO PERFORM IT? Universidade de WHAT CAN BE EXPECT FROM THE Lisboa RESEARCH FIELD? DOING STATISTICS IN DARKNESS: Nuno Sepúlveda - FCUL - Bloco C/6 27/mai/19 WHAT CAN A BIOESTATICIAN London School of Piso 4 Sala: ADVISE TO ACELERATE THE Hygiene & Tropical 6.4.30 - (2ª feira) UNDERSTANDING OF MYALGIC Medicine & CEAUL - 14:30 ENCEPHALOMYELITIS/CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME A BIDIRECTIONAL MULTI-STATE Klaus Langohr - FCUL - Bloco C/6 09/mai/19 MODEL FOR PANEL DATA ON BONE Universitat Piso 4 Sala: MINERAL DENSITY AMONG HIV- Politècnica de 6.4.30 - (5ª feira) INFECTED PATIENTS Catalunya - 14:30 MODELOS ASSIMÉTRICOS PARA A Fernando Antônio FCUL - Bloco C/6 08/mai/19 ESTIMAÇÃO EM PEQUENOS da Silva Moura - Piso 4 Sala: DOMÍNIOS Universidade 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) Federal do Rio de - 14:15 Janeiro GREEN INVESTMENT UNDER TIME- Carlos Oliveira - FCUL - Bloco C/6 03/abr/19 DEPENDENT SUBSIDY Cemapre, ISEG – Piso 4 Sala: RETRACTION RISK School of 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) Economics and - 14:15 Management STATISTICS IN INDUSTRY: FROM Ana Borges - FCUL - Bloco C/6 07/mar/19 THEORY TO PRACTICE Instituto Politécnico Piso 4 Sala: do Porto 6.4.30 - (5ª feira) - 14:30 STATISTICAL AND Inês Antunes Reis - FCUL - Bloco C/6 01/mar/19 METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN Medicines and Piso 4 Sala: CLINICAL TRIALS – EXPERIENCE Healthcare 6.4.31 - (6ª feira) FROM THE REGULATORY SETTING Products - 16:00 FOR MEDICINES AND MEDICAL Regulatory Agency DEVICES MODELLING SPATIALLY Luc Duchateau - FCUL - Bloco C/6 18/fev/19 CORRELATED TIME TO INFECTION Ghent University, Piso 4 Sala: DATA. CASE STUDIES IN MALARIA Belgium 6.4.30 - (2ª feira) AND MASTITIS. - 14:30 ESTIMATING BIRD DENSITIES Richard Camp - FCUL - Bloco C/6 15/fev/19 FROM SINGLE ACOUSTIC Centre for Piso 4 Sala: RECORDERS AND ACCOUNTING Research into 6.4.30 - (6ª feira) FOR MEASUREMENT ERROR Ecological and - 14:30 Environmental Modelling, University of St Andrews, Scotland & Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center,


U.S. Geological Survey, USA ON A MINIMUM DISTANCE Holger Drees - FCUL - Bloco C/6 07/fev/19 PROCEDURE TO SELECT THE University of Piso 2 Sala: SAMPLE FRACTION IN THE POT Hamburg 6.2.48 - (5ª feira) APPROACH - 16:00 TESTING INDEPENDENCE OF Thomas Mikosch - FCUL - Bloco C/6 07/fev/19 RANDOM ELEMENTS WITH THE University of Piso 2 Sala: DISTANCE COVARIANCE Copenhagen 6.2.48 - (5ª feira) - 14:50 CLUSTER-BASED EXTREMAL Anja Janssen - FCUL - Bloco C/6 07/fev/19 INFERENCE FOR MULTIVARIATE KTH Royal Institute Piso 2 Sala: TIME SERIES of Technology, 6.2.48 - (5ª feira) Stockholm - 14:00 MULTIVARIATE DISCRETE LIFETIME Jorge Achcar - FCUL - Bloco C/6 23/jan/19 DATA ANALYSIS IN PRESENCE OF Medical School, Piso 4 Sala: CENSORING AND COVARIATES Universidade de 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) São Paulo - 14:30 UTILIZAÇÃO DE INFORMAÇÃO DA Carlos da Câmara - FCUL - Bloco C/6 16/jan/19 ENERGIA LIBERTADA EM FOGOS Dep. Engenharia Piso 4 Sala: RURAIS PARA A CALIBRAÇÃO DE Geográfica 6.4.30 - (4ª feira) ÍNDICES METEOROLÓGICOS DE Geofísica e - 14:30 PERIGO DE INCÊNDIO EM Energia, FCUL, PORTUGAL E EM MOÇAMBIQUE Universidade de Lisboa

Other Events


Título Orador/Instituição Local Data Dia Europeu da Estatística – 2019 Hygor Piaget, FCUL - Campo 21-Out- CFTC Grande - Edifício 2019 Carlos da Câmara, C1, Anfiteatro IDL FCiências.ID - Vitor Sousa, cE3c 14h 30

Invited Sessions Organized Directly by CEAUL Members

(8) de Zea Bermudez P (Organized Thematic Sessions II - SPE-SEIO) (2019). XXIV Congresso da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, 6-9 November 2019, Amarante, Portugal.

Gonçalves L (Organized Thematic Sessions) (2019). "Investigação em Saúde em África", XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante, Portugal, 06- 09 de novembro de

2019. (https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/?page_id=290).


Oliveira A (Session organizer R4: Statistical Modeling in Risk Analysis) (2019). ICRA8-

8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments, in Honour of the Distinguished Professor Samad Hedayat from UIC-USA, 23-26 de Abril, 2019, Viena, Austria. https://icr8.boku.ac.at/

Palmela Pereira C (Arbitragem Científica em Conferência) (2019). XXXIX Congresso Anual da

SPEMD 18 a 19 de outubro de 2019, Porto.

Pestana D: Organization of "Sete Encontros de Literatura e Ciência — Traço de União:

Estatística". Plano Nacional de Leitura e do CEA — Centro de Estatística e Aplicações

Teatro Thalia, Lisboa, e Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Coimbra. 1. Labirintos, Dinis Pestana, José Félix Costa (IST/ Matemática, Informática) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/labirintos.html

2. O Desconhecido Assusta e Fascina — Ciências, Humanidades e Risco: um Convívio Fecundo, Dinis Pestana, Alexandre Quintanilha (ICBAS/ Física) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/2encontroliteraturaeciencia.html

3. Mente — Inteligência Artificial: Aplicações e Implicações, Dinis Pestana, Arlindo Oliveira (IST/ Informática) e Jorge Buescu (FCUL/ Matemática) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/3encontroliteraturaeciencia.html

4. Limite de Idade — A Longevidade na Literatura e na Ciência, Dinis Pestana, Francisco Dionísio (FCUL/ Genética), Isabel Fraga Alves (CEAUL), Alexandre Quintanilha (ICBAS/ Física) e Richard

Zimler http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/4encontroliteraturaeciencia.html 5. A Tabela Periódica — A Inspiração Química: As Moléculas da Cor; A Construção das

Moléculas a Partir dos Átomos; Três Exemplos Emblemáticos da Química, Dinis Pestana, Sérgio

Seixas de Melo (Ucoimbra/ Química) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/5encontroliteraturaeciencia.html

6. A Poesia É para Comer, e Também para Beber, Dinis Pestana, Manuela Neves (CEAUL e

ISA) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/6encontroliteraturaeciencia.html

7. Sonhos de Robot, Dinis Pestana, Rui Agostinho (FCUL/ Astronomia) http://www.pnl2027.gov.pt/np4/7encontroliteraturaeciencia.html.


Silva GL (Co-organizer of the Invited Session in Biometry, jointly with María José Ginzo

Villamayor) (2019). XIV Congreso Galego de Estatística e Investigación de Operacións, Vigo -

Spain, 24-26/10/2019. (http://sgapeio2019.webs.uvigo.es/biometriaGAL.html).

Silva GL (Co-organizer of the Invited Session in Biometry, jointly with María José Ginzo Villamayor) (2019). XXIV Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística, Amarante -

Portugal, 9-11/11/2019. (https://spe2019.estg.ipp.pt/).

Silva GL (2019). Organizer of the Seminars and Short Courses at CEAUL (Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa), 2019.

Scientific and Organizing Committees


Felgueiras M (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). Formation lectured to basic and secondary school math teachers - Statistical Inference in Applied Math to Social Sciences

(MACS) (22h). CCPFC/ACC- 103092/19.

Felgueiras M (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). Formations lectured by the Matemathics Department - ESTG Leiria. https://www.ipleiria.pt/estg-dmat/formacoes- acreditadas/.

Figueiredo FO (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 13th Workshop on Statistics,

Mathematics and Computation (WSMC13), 2019. https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019/conference-chairs-committees 60.

Figueiredo FO (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). JOCLAD 2019, Escola Superior de

Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu, 11 a 13 de Abril 2019. http://www.joclad.ipt.pt/joclad2019/pt/joclad2019/organizacao.

Figueiredo FO (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods (VI WCDANM) 2019. http://www.wcdanm-ubi19.uevora.pt/committee/.

Fraga Alves MI (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). XXIV Congresso da SPE,

Amarante, 6-9 November 2019.


Gomes MI (Member of the Executive and Scientific Committee) (2019). WSMC13:

13th International Conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation (In Honour of Professor Tiago Mexia), June 3-5, Lisboa, Portugal. https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019.

Gomes MI (Member of the International Scientific Committee) (2019). ASMDA 2019, The

18th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society,

Florence, June 11-14. http://www.asmda.es/asmda2019committees.html

Gomes MI (Member of the International Scientific Committee) (2019). CHAOS 2019, Creta,

Greece, June 18-21. http://www.cmsim.org/committeesplenary2019.html

Gomes MI (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). VI Workshop on Computation Data

Analysis and Numerical Methods, June 27-29, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã, Portugal. http://www.wcdanm-ubi19.uevora.pt/committee/

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 11th International Workshop on Mathematical E-Learning, E-MATH 2019, 24-25 October 2019, UNED, Madrid, Spain. https://sites.google.com/site/11themath2019madrid/

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 13th International Conference on

Statistics, Mathematics and Computation In Honour of Professor João Tiago Mexia, 3-5 de Junho,

2019, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal. (Co-Organizers: Dário Ferreira, Fernando Carapau, Filomena Teodoro, Maria do Rosário Ramos, Sandra Ferreira, Teresa A. Oliveira,

Virgínia Zaidam) https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019.

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 8th International Conference on Risk

Analysis and Design of Experiments, in Honour of the Distinguished Professor Samad Hedayat from UIC-USA, Viena, Austria, 23-26 April 2019. https://icr8.boku.ac.at/.

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). ASMDA2018-The 18th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society, 11-14 June 2019,

Florença, Itália. http://www.asmda.es/asmda2019.html

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). D-BAP CONGRESS, 24-25 May 2019, Istanbul Sehir University, Dragos Campus, Turquia. http://dogabapsymposium.com/en/doga-bap- symposium/


Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). Iberian Conference of Entrepreneurship

CIEM 2019, 14-15 November 2019, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal. http://pt.ciem.pt/

Oliveira A (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). TEEM2019, Seventh International

Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, León, Spain 16-18 October 2019. https://2019.teemconference.eu/

Oliveira TA (Chair of the Executive Committee and Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019).

8th International Conference on Risk Analysis and Design of Experiments, in Honour of the

Distinguished Professor Samad Hedayat from UIC-USA. Viena, Austria, 23-26 de Abril, 2019. Entidades Promotoras: Boku University, ISI

Committee on Risk Analysis (ISI-CRA). https://icr8.boku.ac.at/.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). 13th International Conference on

Statistics, Mathematics and Computation In Honour of Professor João Tiago Mexia, 3-5 de Junho,

2019, Universidade Aberta, Lisboa, Portugal. (Co-Organizers: Dário Ferreira, Fernando Carapau, Filomena Teodoro,

Maria do Rosário Ramos, Sandra Ferreira, Amilcar Oliveira,

Virgínia Zaidam) https://conferencesstat.wixsite.com/wsmc2019.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). ICNAAM 2019 17th International

Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. 23 -28 September 2019, Sheraton Hotel, Rhodes, Greece. Entidades Promotoras: ICNAAM in coorporation with European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMCE). http://history.icnaam.org/icnaam_2019/icnaam.org/members.html.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 11th International Workshop on

Mathematical E-Learning, E-MATH 2019. UNED, Madrid, Espanha, 24-25 de Outubro de 2019. https://sites.google.com/site/11themath2019madrid.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 9th Iberian Conference of Entrepreneurship CIEM 2019. Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal, 14-15 de Novembro,

2019. http://pt.ciem.pt/.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). ASMDA2019-The 18th Conference of the Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis International Society. 11-14 de Junho, 2019,


Florença, Itália. http://www.asmda.es/asmda2019.html. https://eventos.uab.pt/jornadas- mea2019/.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). D-BAP CONGRESS. 24-25 de Maio,

2019, Istanbul Sehir University, Dragos Campus, Turquia. http://dogabapsymposium.com/en/doga-bap-symposium/.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). Jornadas da Matemática, Estatística e

Aplicações. Delegação Regional do Porto, Universidade Aberta, Portugal, 26 de outubro de 2019.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and Numerical Methods, 27-29 de Junho de 2019, Covilhã, Portugal. http://www.wcdanm-ubi19.uevora.pt/.

Oliveira TA (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). XLIX International Biometrical

Colloquium. Siedlce, Poland, 8-12 September 2019. http://www1.up.poznan.pl/cb49/komitet- naukowy/.

Palmela Pereira C (Member of Scientific Board) (2019). XXXIX Congresso Anual da SPEMD, 18 a 19 de outubro 2019..

Palmela Pereira C. Organização de internacionalização de Professor no âmbito Erasmus de 29 de setembro a 4 de outubro de 2019. Programa consistiu em aulas teóricas, workshop e conferência. 29 september to 4 october 2019.

Papoila AL (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). 34th edition of the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Organized by Statistical Modelling Society – Guimarães

(Portugal), 7 a 12 julho de 2019.

Pereira P (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). Dia Europeu da Estatística. Iniciativa do Centro de Estatística e Aplicações, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, 21 de

Outubro de 2019. Organização partilhada com Raquel Correia. http://ceaul.org/dia-europeu-da- estatistica-2019/.

Pereira S. (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). ECAS 2019 - European Courses in Advanced Statistics on Statistical Analysis for Space-Time Data. Faculdade de Ciências da

Universidade de Lisboa. 15 a 17 de Julho de 2019.


Ramos S (Chair, Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee) (2019). XXIV Congresso da

Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística. 06-10 November 2019. Amarante, Portugal.

Silva C (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). 2s Jornadas de Intervenção

Multidisciplinar na Obesidade, promovidas pelo Centro de Investigação em Saúde e Tecnologia (H&TRC), da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa (ESTeSL-IPL), nos dias 10 e 11 de outubro de 2018, na ESTeSL,.

Silva C (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). International Conference on Health

Technology Assessment and Quality Management 2019 - ICHTAQM19,que decorreu nos dias 24 e 25 de maio de 2019, no Anfiteatro da Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa


Silva GL (Chair of the Scientific Committee) (2019). European Courses in Advanced Statistics

(ECAS), Lisbon - Portugal, 15-17/07/2019. (https://ecas2019.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/).

Silva GL (Member of the Organizing Committee) (2019). European Courses in Advanced

Statistics (ECAS), Lisbon - Portugal, 15-17/07/2019. (https://ecas2019.math.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/).

Silva GL (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). LXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian

Region of the International Society of Biometrics (RBras) and XVIII Symposium on Statistics

Applied to Agronomic Experimentation (SEAGRO), Cuiaba - Brazil, 29/07-02/08/2019.


Silva GL (Member of the Scientific Committee) (2019). XIV Congreso Galego de Estatística e

Investigación de Operacións, Vigo, 24-26/10/2019. (http://sgapeio2019.webs.uvigo.es/).



Antunes M (2019). Organization of two editions of the "R Workshop at DEIO - FCUL Apr-Jun

2019 and Oct-Dec 2019". These series of workshops dedicated to R, took place at the Department of Statistics and Operations Research, organized under the Master Course in Biostatistics with

68 the support of DEIO and CEAUL. The course was dedicated to CEAUL and FCUL members but some places were offered to the general public. Total: 21 hours. Course organization: Marilia

Antunes. Course lecturer: Saghir Bashir.

Cabral MS (2019). Longitudinal Data Analysis. XXVI Jornadas de Classificação e Análise de Dados, JOCLAD2019. Book of Abstracts, 5-6. Viseu, Portugal 11-13 April 2019. (ISBN 978-989-

98955-6-0). URL: www.joclad.ipt.pt/joclad2019/.

Cordeiro C (2019). Teaching Mobility- Introduction to R & Rcmdr, Graduate School of Fisheries and Environmental Sciences, University, Japan, 1-5 July 2019.

Diamantino F (2019). Probabilidade no Ensino Secundário. Short course to the high school teachers, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences. January 2019.

Diamantino F (2019). Estatística no Ensino Secundário. Short course to the high school teachers, University of Lisbon, Faculty of Sciences. February 2019.

Domingues TD (2019). Curso de Estatística e Análise de Dados em Saúde (Three series- 6 e 7 junho 2019, - 4,6,11 e 13 novembro de 2019, - 9, 13 dezembro 2019. Parceria GADES Solutions e CEAUL.

Gomes MI (2019). “Estatística e Sociedade: Controlo da Qualidade e Extremos”. Entender o

Mundo no Século XXI, Programa de Formação Universitária para Seniores da ULisboa, February

21 and 28, 2019. Associated preprint available at https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.33301.17125.

Gomes MI (2019). “Statistics of Extremes and Risk Assessment using R”. Short course at CRoNoS MDA, April 14-16, Limassol, Cyprus. Associated preprint available at https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21764.68480. Abstract available at http://cmstatistics.org/CRONOSMDA2019/docs/BoA_CRONOSMDA2019.pdf?20190324031000


Oliveira TA (2019). Curso: “Paradigmas da análise de dados no século XXI: DOE e BIG DATA”. Evento: II Escola de Estudos Avançados sobre Pesquisa em Cultura, História e Educação

Matemática, UFPA, Belém do Pará, Brasil, 4-8 de Fevereiro. Entidade(s) Promotora(s): UFPA-

Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém do Pará, Brasil.


Oliveira TA (2019). Curso: “Quadrados Latinos e Greco-Latinos: Arte e padrões”.

Evento: II Escola de Estudos Avançados sobre Pesquisa em Cultura, História e Educação Matemática, UFPA, Belém do Pará, Brasil, 4-8 de Fevereiro. Entidade(s) Promotora(s): UFPA-

Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém do Pará, Brasil.

Palmela Pereira C. 5º Course of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) by the Portuguese National

Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, 18 to 20 July 2019, Coimbra.

Palmela Pereira C (2019). Forensic Dentistry Course for the Polícia Segurança Pública PSP, 16 de outubro de 2019.

Paulino CD and Silva GL (2019). Short Course: 'Introduction to Bayesian Statistics” by Carlos

Daniel Paulino - One Day Meeting on Statistics and Applied Probability, University of Minho,

Guimaraes - Portugal, 3/10/2019.

Pereira J (2019). Workshops dados no âmbito do Programa de Formação em Investigação para

Médicos Internos de Formação Específica do Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte.

Pereira S (2019). Curso de Estatística Espacial (4 dias). Disponível para um grupo de trabalhadores do IPMA. Formadores: Soraia Pereira, Raquel Menezes. Local: IPMA. Instituições organizadoras: CEAUL e IPMA. 03/2019.

Pereira S (2019). Curso de Introdução ao R - 4 módulos. Disponível para toda a comunidade. Formadores: Soraia Pereira, Tiago Marques. Local: Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de

Lisboa. Instituições organizadoras: CEAUL e Gades Solutions. 04/2019-05/2019.

Ribeiro H, Felgueiras M and Santos R (2019). Statistical Inference in Mathematics Applied to

Social Sciences (MACS) - organization and teaching of training actions accredited by the

Scientific and Pedagogical Council for Continuous Training (Registration n.º CCPFC/ACC-


Samartinho J and São João R (2019). "Best practices in e-Learning and MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): the case of Santarém Polytechnic Institute". Dennis Gabor College, Budapest-

Hungary; 8th of April.

São João R (2019). "Análise Exploratória de Dados com o software estatístico R, de código aberto e de livre distribuição (4 horas)". Curso ministrado no âmbito dos Roteiros Mundi -


Universidade de Santiago (Cabo Verde), Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia - Instituto

Politécnico de Santarém, 13 de Setembro de 2019.

São João R (2019). "Análise Bivariada com o software estatístico R, de código aberto e de livre distribuição (4 horas)". Curso ministrado no âmbito dos "Roteiros Mundi Universidade de Santiago (Cabo Verde), Escola Superior de Gestão e Tecnologia - Instituto Politécnico de

Santarém, 16 de Setembro de 2019.



Aleixo SM (2019). Best Paper Award: Co-author of an article that received a Springer award for best conference article "The 19th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2019)", which took place in St. Petersburg, Russia, from 1 to 4 of July 2019.

The paper is entitled “A Spatio-Temporal Auto-regressive Model for Generating Savings Calls to a Health Line”, being the authors: Paula Simões-CMA-FCT, UNL and ADM-ISEL, IPL; M. Lucília Carvalho-CEAUL and FCUL; Sandra Aleixo - CEAUL and ADM-ISEL, IPL; Sérgio Gomes, DGS and Isabel Natário, CMA and DM - FCT, UNL.

Bras Geraldes C (2019). Prémio Finalista “SEIDROB/SPR Award for best Iberian PhD Thesis in

Robotics” relativo aos trabalhos concluídos em 2017, 2018 e 2019.

Gomes MI (2019). Mulheres na Ciência (“Women in Science”), selected as one of the science women to be part of the book edited by Ciência Viva, March, 2019. Available at: http://www.cienciaviva.pt/mulheresnaciencia/index.asp?id=929

Lomba J (2019). SPE Award 2019 - research incentive award for young researchers under 35 for original and quality work.

Oliveira A (2019). Prize of best oral talk (PhD student) in 13thWorkshop on Statistics

Mathematics and Computation (WSMC13) 2019, Lisboa, Portugal, 3-5 June 2019. Seijas-Macias JA (presenter), Oliveira A. Title: The Extended Skew-Normal Distribution and the Product of two

Normal Variables.


Oliveira A (2019). Prize of best oral talk (PhD student) in International Conference on Risk

Analysis and Designs of Experiments (ICRA8) 2019, Viena, Austria, 23-26 April 2019. Seijas- Macias JA (presenter), Oliveira A and Oliveira TA (2019). Title: Product of Two Normally

Distributed Variables Extended Skew-Normal Approach.

Oliveira A (2019). Prize of second best oral talk (PhD student) in International Conference on

Risk Analysis and Designs of Experiments (ICRA8) 2019, Viena, Austria, 23-26 April 2019.

Basílio, J. (presenter), Oliveira A. Title: A critical discussion on systemic risk measures.

Papoila AL (2019). 17º Prémio de Nutrição Clínica da APNEP Fresenius Kabi Artigo: Pereira-da-Silva L, Barradas S, Moreira AC, Virella D, Papoila AL, Alves

M, Cordeiro-Ferreira G. Resting energy expenditure, macronutrient utilization, and adiposity in infants after corrective surgery of major congenital anomalies of gastrointestinal tract: a longitudinal study. Prémio Fresenius Kabi de Nutrição

Clínica (1º classificado), atribuído pela Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição

Entérica e Parentérica (APNEP) no XXI Congresso Anual da APNEP, com o patrocínio dos Laboratórios Fresenius Kabi, distinguindo os melhores trabalhos de investigação nacionais sobre nutrição entérica e parentérica. (Montante: 4000 euros).

Papoila AL (2019). Menção Honrosa - Anuário do HDE. Artigo: Virella D, Papoila AL, Pereira- da-Silva L. Association between sérum 25(OH)D and hematological markers of erythropoiesis. The curse of large numbers, the treachery of p-value. Menção Honrosa no concurso ao Prémio de Mérito Científico para o melhor trabalho de Pediatria Médica divulgado no ano de 2018, atribuída na XXVI Reunião do Anuário do Anuário do HDE pelo júri constituído pelo Diretor e

Coordenadores das Unidades da referida Especialidade.

Papoila AL (2019). Prémio Novartis 2019: melhor apresentação na área da Retina atribuído no 62º Congresso Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (05 a 07 de dezembro de 2019).

Artigo: Rodrigues C, Cabral D, Coscas F, Pereira T, Français C, Bras-Geraldes C, Laiginhas R, Kashi AK, Nogueira V, Falcão M, Papoila AL, Lupidi M, Coscas G, Cohen S and Souied EH.

“Quantitative Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Biomarkers in a Treat-and-Extend


Dosing Regimen: Clinical Validation in Treatment Naïve Neovascular Age-Related

Macular Degeneration”.

Rocha JL (2019). Best Paper Award: J. Leonel Rocha and S. Carvalho, Information measures and synchronization in complete networks, International Conference on Mathematical

Applications, ICMA 2019, University of Azores, Portugal, 8-11 Julho 2019.



Gomes MI (2019). Desafios em Estatistica de Extremos. Preprint (in Portuguese) associated with an invited plenary communication at “Sessão da Classe de Ciências”, Academia das Ciências de

Lisboa, May 16, 2019. URL: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28450.68805

Gomes MI (2019). Estatística e Sociedade: Controlo da Qualidade e Extremos. Entender o

Mundo no Século XXI, Programa de Formação Universitária para Seniores da ULisboa, February

21 and 28. URL https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.33301.17125

Gomes MI (2019). Penultimate Extreme Value Laws and Reliability of High-Dimension Systems. Preprint associated with invited plenary talk at VI Workshop on Computational Data Analysis and

Numerical Methods. URL https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.18966.70720.

Gomes MI (2019). Statistics of Extremes and Risk Evaluation Using R. URL https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.21764.68480

Gomes MI, Miranda C and Souto de Miranda M (2019). Improvements on robust estimation of the extremal index and bias correction. Preprint associated with invited talk at EVA 2019, upon invitation of Natalia Markovich. URL https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.15611.26400.



Aleixo SM (Project Leader). Projects to provide services to an enterprise GALP / ENACOL project, which aims to develop a decision support tool in order to: 1) Identify the optimal solution

73 in terms of the configuration and capacity of ships for transporting fuels, considering various scenarios; 2) Develop a support model for fuel distribution logistics by sea in Cape Verde in order to minimize costs, reducing / canceling the possibility of breakage; 3) Create a computer tool to support the model to support fuel distribution logistics by sea. This project was awarded to ISEL on October 1, 2017 and is expected to end in 2020. The contract was established under the existing protocol between ISEL and GALP within the scope of the Degree in Mathematics Applied to Technology and to the Enterprise. Professor José Aguilar Madeira participates, professor in the Departmental Area of Mathematics.

Pereira J (2019). Consultoria estatística no departamento de Pneumologia do Centro Hospitalar

Universitário Lisboa Norte em projecto em colaboração com a Philips Health Care.

Sousa L, Marques T, Silva C, Pereira S, Turkman KF, Figueiredo I and Severino E (2019).

IPMA Project of "Pequena Pesca na Costa Ocidental Portuguesa PP-CENTRO".

Adjudicated to CEAUL, running from May 2019, until the end of 2020.



Figueiredo FO: Auditor for IAVE - avaliação das provas nacionais de Matemática.

Gomes MI: Evaluator of research projects, National Research Foundation—Research and

Innovation/Support and Advancement, South Africa, 2019.

Gomes MI: Member of the Jury for the “Best Student Paper Award at EVA 2019”. Members of the Jury: M. Ivette Gomes, Juerg Huesler, Anja Janssen, Thomas Mikosch, Philippe Naveau,

Holger Rootzen & Stilian Stoev, July 2019.

Gomes MI: Scientific Council Member, CIM, 2017-2019.

Gomes MI: Co-chair (jointly with Michael Falk, Armelle Guillou and Johan Segers) of the specialized Working Group (WG) on Statistics of Extremes and Applications (SEA), within the

ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics), since March 2012 until January 2020.


Gomes MI: ISI Publication Committee, 2015-2019 (ex-officio member)

Oliveira TA. Ellaboration of the “Bi-anual Report of ISI-Committee on Risk Analysis”

Oliveira TA (CEAUL Team Member). Rede Universitária / Projeto: ERASMUS+ na Boku University, Viena, Áustria [Rede Internacional]. Coordenador da Rede / Projeto: Professor Karl

Moder. Objetivos da Rede / Projeto: Missão de Ensino. Participação em reuniões e discussão de colaborações em termos de ensino-aprendizagem online e em áreas comuns de investigação.

De 2019/04/22 a 2019/04/30.

Palmela Pereira C. Membro afiliada nomeada com voto para o National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC), Odontology Sub-

Committee’s Dental Age Estimation Task Force whose purpose is to develop and propose written standards and guidelines for the forensic science community in the area of forensic dental age estimation.

Palmela Pereira C. Membro de comissão criada no âmbito da ADA (American Dental Association) Standards, no âmbito do Working Group 14.3 Human Age Assessment by Dental

Analysis, como membro do subworking group age estimation from NIST-OSAC.

Palmela Pereira C. Member of OSAC Sub-Committee Age Estimation in Forensic Odontology.

Palmela Pereira C. Membro em representação de Portugal na Assembleia do International

Organization of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology (IOFOS).

Palmela Pereira C. "Avaliação de lesões e sequelas nos traumatismos oro-faciais em Clínica médico-legal" Posgraduation "Evaluation of post traumatic damage" in Instituto Nacional de

Medicina Legal e Ciências Forenses, na Delegação do Sul, 5 de julho 2019.

Palmela Pereira C. Legal Field: "Identificação de cadáveres no âmbito do acidente da Madeira:

Interpol Portugal/Alemanha", Funchal 17 to 25 april 2019

Palmela Pereira C. Legal Processe: Case: Human Identification. Cooperação Internacional para

Identificação Humana: Interpol Portugal – Áustria.

Palmela Pereira C. Member Working Group 14.3 Human Age Assessment by Dental Analysis from ADA, since 03/01/2019.


Palmela Pereira C. Ministério da Defesa para a Polícia Judiciária Militar, "Medicina Dentária

Forense", 22 May 2019 in Ministério de Defesa.

Palmela Pereira C. Participation as a member not USA citizen in the OSAC Standards Meeting


Pereira J (2019). Consultor Estatístico da Acta Médica Portuguesa.

Samartinho J and São João R (2019). "Research in the area of Analysis and Development of

Information Systems and Networks, particulary with the implementation of a Learning Managment System (LMS) platform". Panevežys University of Applied Science, Panevežys-Lithuania; 10th of


Sousa L (2019). Member of the FCUL's Comissão de Ética para Recolha e Proteção de Dados, since March 2019.

Turkman, KF. Evaluator of a research project for the Spanish Scientific Foundation



Goncalves MH, Cabral MS (2019). A Package for Count Longitudinal

Data, Version 2.0-0. Performs the fit of parametric models via likelihood method. Serial dependence and two random effects are allowed according to the stochastic model chosen. Missing values are automatically accounted for computing the likelihood function. URL: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=cold