
2020 CBI , Atzeret, Simchat Schedule

Revised and Updated: 10/2/2020 1:47 PM

Please note updates and changes to the schedule are in red.

Fri. Oct. 2 Set Pickup at CBI 9:30am to 2:00pm

Fri. Oct. 2: 6:00pm 6-7pm Virtual Erev and Sukkot Services

Sat. Oct 3 10:00- 12:45am Shabbat/Sukkot Morning Services. Revised Virtual Segments

* Segment 1 - @10:00 -10:40am - Shacharit/Morning Service with Sukkot Day * Segment 2 - @10:45 - 11:15am - without Waving Lulav * Segment 3 - @11:20 - 12:00pm - Torah Service and Reading * Segment 4 - @12:05 - 12:30pm - Hosha’na - Jewish Rain Dancing * Segment 5 - @12:35 - 12:45pm - Daytime and Blessings for the • Zoom link: https://bnaiisrael-nm.org/hhd-services-wuOGenHEqz This service will also be live-streamed at https://bnaiisrael-nm.org/live-stream and https://facebook.com/bnaiisraelnm/live.

Sat. Eve Oct. 3 7:30-8:30 Under the Sukkah: Sharing Our Ethical Wills. Virtual Zoom Event.

Register in advance for this Zoom Video Event: • https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwpc--hrTkvHdGIGnxXY0IWhFyVUXHTEzAR.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event

Sun. Oct 4, 10am-12pm Outdoor Lulav Fiesta 2nd Day Sukkot Services at Netherwood Park (weather permitting.) All Health Precautions Observed. Bring your Lulav Set. OUTDOOR, IN-PERSON SERVICE. This service will be livestreamed only.

Info and Safety Details: October 4th @10:00am - 5781 Lulav Fiesta @Netherwood Park Livestream link: https://bnaiisrael-nm.org/live-stream and https://facebook.com/bnaiisraelnm/live.

Sun. Oct 4, 4-6pm Dwell in the CBI Sukkah Men’s Club Open House. OUTDOOR, IN-PERSON EVENT. Reference Tuesday Eblast for livestreaming info.

Mon. Oct 5, 7:30-8:30 am CBI Weekday Minyan 1st Day Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot Morning Service. Virtual Reference Tuesday Eblast for livestreaming info.

Thur. Oct 8, 7:30-8:30 am CBI Weekday Minyan 4th Day Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot Morning Service. Virtual Reference Tuesday Eblast for livestreaming info.

Thur. Oct. 8, NEW 12:00 to 12:30pm Sounds of Sukkot CBI Audio Program led by Rabbi Dov Gartenberg. Instructions from a phone. 1. From your phone, call 1 669 900-9128 2. You will be prompted for your Meeting ID: Punch in 835 4723 2884 followed by the # sign. 3. You will be asked for your participant ID. Just punch in the # sign on your phone. 4. You will then be asked for a passcode. Punch in the numbers 9649906 onto your phone keypad followed by the # sign. 5. You will be asked to record your name. Please say your full name clearly, then press the # sign. 6. You will then enter the audio service and your name will be announced. Rabbi Gartenberg will greet you. 7. During the call, push *6 to either mute or unmute yourself. Punch *9 to let the Rabbi know to call on you.

Fri. Oct 9, 7:00-8:00am Hoshanah Rabbah Outdoor Service at Netherwood Park.

All Health Precautions Observed. Bring your Lulav Set if you have one. Siddurim, Humashim, and Willows-Aravot will be provided for the Beating of the Willows. OUTDOOR, IN-PERSON SERVICE. Led by Rabbi Gartenberg.

Please do not drop in! Please RSVP to the office by phone 505 266-0155 by Thursday, October 8th so we know if we have a minyan. This will not be livestreamed.

Fri. Oct. 9, 6:00pm 6-7pm Virtual Erev Shabbat/ Service. Virtual Segments Below.

Sat. Oct. 10. Segment 1: 9:00-9:55am Abridged Shahrit and Hallel for Shemini Atzeret.

Segment 2: 10:00-10:55am Abridged Torah Service, Scriptural Readings for Shabbat/Shemini Atzeret, Yizkor Observed.

Segment 3: 11:00-11:30am Abridged Musaf and the Prayer for Rain with Yehudah Patt

Sat. Oct. 10. 7:30-9:00pm CBI Erev with Chava Mirel Preregistration Required. • https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYlfuytqzwsH90GUJfX-HrM5PJQx4pWGTSf.

Link to flier with Details of this special celebration

Sun. Oct. 11 9:30-11am CBI BimBam Parshatathon: An Alternative Simchat Torah Celebration in the Year of Covid 19. Part 2. Virtual Program. Cancelled

Simchat Torah Virtual Morning Services 9:00 to 11:30 in 3 segments

Segment 1: 9:00-9:55 Abridged Shahrit and Hallel for Simchat Torah

Segment 2: 10:00-10:55am 7 Virtual , Scriptural Readings for Simchat Torah.

Segment 3: 11:00-11:30am Musaf of Simchat Torah