Environmental Monitoring Report

Project Number: 40665 December 2011

PRC: Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project, Component (ADB Loan No: 2487-PRC)

Prepared by Jilin PMO with the Assistance of Easen International Co., Ltd. for the Jilin Provincial Government and the Asian Development Bank.

This report has been submitted to ADB by the Project Management Office of Jilin Province and is made publicly available in accordance with ADB’s public communications policy (2005). It does not necessarily reflectThe views the viewsexpressed of ADB. herein Your are attention those ofis thedirecte consultd to antthe and“Terms do not of Use”necessarily section represent of this website. those of ADB’s members, Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature.


I. INTRODUCTION 2 A. Report Purpose and Rationale 2 B. Project Objective and Components 2 C. Project Implementation Progress 2 II. INSTITUTIONAL SETUP AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR EMP IMPLEMENTATION AND SUPERVISION 4 A. Institutional responsibilities for environmental management 4 B. Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contractual Arrangements 5 III. COMPLIANCE WITH ENVIRONMENT RELATED PROJECT COVENANTS 6 Status of Compliance 6 IV. ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION AND COMPENSATION MEASURES IMPLEMENTED IN THE REPORTING PERIOD 7 V. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING 10 A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities 10 B. Environmental Audit upon Project Completion 10 C. Environmental quality targets, sampling and analytical methods 13 D. Monitoring Results 19 1. Surface Water Monitoring 19 2. Ambient air monitoring 20 3. Noise Monitoring 23 E. Assessment 27 VI. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 27 VII. INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND TRAINING 29 VIII. KEY ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 30 IX. CONCLUSION 31 A. Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Management Measures 31 B. Problems Identified and Actions Recommended 31



A. Report Purpose and Rationale

1. As defined in the summary environmental impact assessment (SEIA) for Songhua River Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project (the Project) under ADB Loan, environmental monitoring reports (EMRs) have to be prepared in order to evaluate and assess overall project activities to ensure the effective implementation of the environmental management plan (EMP). 2. The purpose of the EMR is to document the environmental management activities and compliance with the approved EMP of this project for the period of July to December 2010. As the first EMR, it will not only cover the construction phase, but also demonstrate compliance with the EMP for the design, bidding, and construction preparation stages. In line with targets aimed at reducing the negative environmental impacts of the Project and in accordance with all the relevant specifications and standards of the PRC, as well as the policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), this report will emphasize: (i) progress made in implementing the EMPs, (ii) implementation of mitigation measures, (iii) environmental compliance, (iv) institutional strengthening and training, (v) public consultation, and (vi) problems that have occurred and corrective actions taken.

B. Project Objective and Components

3. The Project (Jilin Component) will enhance the urban environment and improve public health and the quality of life for urban residents in the project cities and counties in Jilin Province. This will be achieved by increasing wastewater treatment coverage, and enhancing solid waste management (SWM). The outcome of the Project will be reduced pollution and improved wastewater management, and SWM in the Songhua River Basin (SRB). 4. The Jilin component has three subcomponents: (i) wastewater treatment, (ii) solid waste management (SWM), and (iii) river improvement. The first subcomponent includes the construction of 9 WWTPs with a total capacity of 178,000 m3/day and 368 km of sewer pipelines. The second subcomponent includes the construction of 10 sanitary landfill facilities with a total capacity of 2,400 tons per day with service life ranging from 13 to 22 years. The third subcomponent includes river improvement at the source of the Songhua River including (i) 2 WWTPs with total capacity of 3,100 m 3/day, (ii) 3 solid waste transfer stations with a total capacity of 40 tons per day, and (iii) 3.8 km of sewer pipelines.

C. Project Implementation Progress

5. The Project implementation began on 25 September 2008 for Jilin and is proceeding as scheduled. The Project period has elapsed 39%, 25 months out of 67 months from December 2008, the date of ADB’s approval. The Project implementation has progressed on weighted average about 45% as of December 2010. The project implementation progress is briefly described in Table 1 (as of December 2010).


Table 1 Project Implementation Progress (as of December 2010)

No. Project Status Implementation Description

I. Wastewater Treatment Project

1 City WWTP Commissioning

The following work has been completed: main work of entrance guarding room, boiler house structure, City 2 Construction and the foundation of Integrated office building, Fanjiatun WWTP power distribution and transformation room and sludge dewatering room. Gongzhuling City Out of 48 km sewer pipelines, 20 km has been 3 Sewage Network Construction completed. The well-points dewatering work of the Upgrade only wastewater pump station has been completed. Out of 32km pipelines, 16.74km has been finished. Coarse screen, wastewater pumping room, fine 4 WWTP Construction screen, vortex grit tank, well pump station, disinfector chamber, sewage dewatering room and Biochemical Aeration Tank has been completed. 5 Fuyu County WWTP Commissioning

6 WWTP Bidding

7 WWTP Commissioning Most of the equipment has been installed. Flushing 8 County WWTP Construction test for water supply and heat pipeline has been completed. 9 Yushu City WWTP Commissioning

II. Solid Waste Management Waste dam and its division dam were completed. The seepage system, leachate and gas pipeline system of quarter of landfill were completed. The 10 Da’an City SWM Construction following basic work has been completed: office building, boiler house, entrance guard room, metering plant, water pump station and balancing tank. The following basic work has been completed: 30m 11 Fusong County SWM Construction dam, 50% earthwork, and office building. 12 Huadian City SWM Bidding Quarter of the waste dam divisions was completed, while 90% of the other part of the dam has been 13 SWM Construction completed. The following basic work has been completed: office building, boiler house, metering plant, and integrated pump station. The following basic work has been completed: office building, boiler house, metering plant, leachate 14 Jiaohe City SWM Construction treatment room, and garage of steel reinforced concrete structure.


No. Project Status Implementation Description The following basic work has been completed: earth 15 Jingyu County SWM Construction work of waste dam and underground drainage system. The following basic work has been completed: waste dam and its division dam, balancing tank, office 16 Liuhe County SWM Construction building, boiler house, garage and entrance guard room. 17 City SWM Bidding The landfill area, management area and road within 18 SWM Construction the plant have all been completed. 19 Yushu City SWM Bidding

III. River Improvement Changbaishan Mountain 20 Committee Songhua Bidding River Rehabilitation


A. Institutional responsibilities for environmental management

6. The Jilin provincial government is the EA and has established a project leading group (JPLG) headed by the vice governor of the province and a project management office (PMO or JPMO). The JPMO is located in the Jilin Provincial Development and Reform Commission (JDRC), and is headed by the deputy director general of the JDRC. The JPMO draws its members from the JDRC, the Jilin Provincial Finance Bureau, the JEPB, and the Jilin Provincial Construction Bureau. The JPMO has overall responsibility delegated by the EA for supervising the implementation of mitigation measures and reporting to ADB. The subproject cities and counties have also established their own PMOs to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the subprojects. 7. In line with the requirements of the agreed EMP, the JPMO and local PMOs have established its environmental management units (EMU) to coordinate and supervise EMP implementation, guide and coordinate the departmental and subprojects' practices in environmental dimensions, liaise with governmental authorities in charge of environmental and social affairs, disclose relevant information, interact and communicate with communities. 8. The JPMO, the PMOs, the IAs and the contractors have each nominated dedicated, trained, and qualified staff to undertake environmental management activities and ensure effective EMP implementation. 9. Construction contractors are responsible for implementing mitigation measures during construction. The IAs are responsible for arranging environmental monitoring reviews and responding to any adverse impact beyond that foreseen in the EIAs. The supervision company engaged for each project plays the role of supervising the environmental monitoring and inspection. 10. Due to the long distance between each component which spreads all over Jilin Province, the environmental monitoring center (EMC) was locally hired by PMOs/IAs in each project


city/county to supervise and inspect compliance with Chinese environmental laws and regulations, and conduct the internal environmental monitoring and inspection. The monitoring reports are submitted quarterly to the JPMO. The environmental experts of the consultant team (the loan implementation consultancy engaged through international competitive bidding) assist the JPMO, and the IAs in preparing semi-annual EMP progress reports and carrying out training programs.

B. Incorporation of Environmental Requirements into Project Contractual Arrangements

11. The Project EMP’s primary purpose is to ensure the environmental requirements, identified during and following the Planning/Design Phase, are implemented and effectively managed during a project’s life cycle. In addition to the incorporation of environmental requirements into the project specifications in the bidding document, the environmental requirements are part of the contractual requirements for the project. For example, the environmental requirements are specified in the special conditions of the contract with contractors as follows: • The Contractor shall: (a) establish the operation system of environmental management; (b) closely monitor the environmental impact during the construction and take mitigation measures as needed; and (c) arrange the budget to ensure the implementation of mitigation measures. The contractor will provide the semi-annual environmental monitoring and mitigation measures report to the employer. • The Contractor shall obey relevant laws and regulations during construction on environmental pollution control issued by the relevant government agencies (environmental protection bureaus) or local authorities and shall adopt necessary measures to prevent air pollution from dust and exhaust gases and to perform the construction activities in civilized manner. • The Contractor shall, when selecting a construction plant, equipment, and methods of working, pay attention regarding the noise levels resulting from the construction activities and their effect on his workforce and on the residents of neighboring areas. • The Contractor shall, where required by regulation or at the Project Manager's request, provide his workforce with hearing protection devices, and shall instruct the workforce about their correct use. • The Contractor shall carry out work in such a way that the sound pressure levels measured at the boundary of the Site do not exceed ambient levels by more than 15 dB(A). The following may be taken as a guide to ambient levels: Area of Application Equivalent Sound Level, dB(A) 06:00 -22:00 hours 22:00 -06:00 hours (a) Hospitals, sanatoria, hotels 45 35 (b) Offices, schools, residential 50 40 areas (c) Small-scale shops, craftsmen’s 55 45 workshops (d) Shopping centers, small-scale 60 50 factories (e) Industrial area 65 55 (f) Trunk Road 70 55 • The Contractor shall be subject to monitoring of environmental protection and provision of mitigation actions during execution of the Contracts by the Employer’s delegated monitoring


firm, local environmental protection bureau and independent monitoring firm.


12. Up to date, all covenants in Loan Agreement and Project Agreement are in execution as stipulated, while some are still to be enacted. A list of covenants and compliance status related to environmental aspect is shown in Table 2 .

Table 2 Compliance with Environment Related Project Covenants

Covenant Status of Compliance Environment JPG shall cause the concerned city or county governments to ensure and each IA Being complied with. shall ensure that the IA construct, operate, maintain, and monitor the Project facilities in strict conformity with: (a) all applicable laws and regulations of the Borrower, including national and local regulations and standards for environmental protection, health, labour, and occupational safety; and (b) ADB Environmental Policy and the environmental mitigation and monitoring measures detailed in the approved EIAs, SEIA, and the EMP for the Subprojects under the implementation of the IA. (PA, Schedule, para. 20)

JPG shall cause the concerned city and county governments to ensure, and each Being complied with. IA shall ensure, that (a) all civil works in the Project including water treatment plants and associated pipelines, water treatment and related pipelines, wastewater treatment plants, wastewater collection systems, and systems, be constructed and operated in accordance with all applicable environmental laws, policies, procedures and guidelines of the Borrower, and ADB’s Environment Policy (2003) and related operational procedures; (b) any adverse environmental impacts arising from the Project be minimized by implementing the mitigation measures prescribed in the EIAs and the EMP for the Heilongjiang Component; (c) civil work contracts entered into with contractors under the Project include provisions relating to the environment including obligating contractors to carry out the mitigation and monitoring measures specified in the EIAs and the EMP for the Heilongjiang Component; and (d) a budget be allocated for all such mitigation and monitoring measures. (PA, Schedule, para. 21)

JPG shall through the concerned city and county governments to ensure, and each Being complied with. IA shall ensure, that (a) the Project Facilities be constructed, operated, maintained and monitored in strict conformity with all relevant laws and regulations of the Borrower, including all applicable national and local environmental protection laws, regulations and standards for water and wastewater treatment, treatment, sediment and sludge disposal, and the environmental mitigation measures recommended in the EMP and the EIAs for the Jilin Component of the Project be implemented; (b) the mitigation measures be incorporated into the design and bidding documents, (c) justification be provided to ADB for any proposed changes to the mitigation measures required during design, construction, operations and maintenance and provided to ADB within 60 days if any changes to the EIA have to be implemented for safety or emergency reasons; and (d) environmental monitoring programs be monitored and recorded under the guidance and supervision of Jilin Environmental Protection Department, and the concerned city and county


Covenant Status of Compliance governments Environmental Protection Bureaus and the monitoring information be submitted to ADB in the Jilin PMO’s semi-annual Project progress reports. (PA, Schedule, para. 22)

JPG shall through the concerned city and county governments ensure that all Being complied with. sludge and dredged material generated in the course of implementation of the Project is disposed of in accordance with national and local laws and regulations, and that such disposal creates no significant risk of secondary pollution. (PA, Schedule, para. 23)

JPG shall through the Jilin PMO submit to ADB annual environmental reports Being complied with. commencing from the start of the Project implementation until one year after the The first annual EMR commencement of operation of the Project Facilities. The reports shall include (i) for 2010 was progress made on mitigation measures and monitoring; (ii) problems encountered; submitted to ADB in (iii) data collected; (iv) any research results; and (v) a corrective action plan if any May 2011, and it was violation of the Borrower’s environmental laws, regulations, standards, rules, resubmitted in policies, or guidelines shall have occurred; and (e) records of Environment December 2011, Management Plan implementation. incorporating ADB’s (PA, Schedule, para. 24) comments.


13. The objective of environmental management is to develop appropriate mitigation measures for the subprojects to prevent any environmental pollution during construction and operation periods, minimize the negative environmental impacts of the Project during the implementation period, and eventually achieve the objective of Water Pollution Control and Management in Songhua River Basin. 14. Potential environmental impacts of the eight subprojects and the mitigation measures during this reporting period are summarized in Tables 3 . The implementation status of the mitigation measures are summarized in the last columns of the tables for comparison with the designed mitigation measures stated in the EMP.

Table 3 Summary of Potential Environmental Impacts and the Mitigation Measures

Implementation Potential Impact Factor/ status and Impacts and/or Mitigation Measures defined in the EMP Stage compliance with Issues EMP Pre -construction Phase 1. Design Stage Establishing • A 2-person environmental management unit EMU established in EMU (EMU) will be established with each PMO. each PMO

 Complied with 2. Biding and Bidding • Environmental section will be included in the Environmental Construction documents TOR for bidders. section was Preparation and • Environmental clauses for contractors in included in TOR for


Implementation Potential Impact Factor/ status and Impacts and/or Mitigation Measures defined in the EMP Stage compliance with Issues EMP contractors’ reference to the EMP and monitoring plan bidders, qualifications will be included in the construction and environmental supply contracts. clauses were included in contract .

 Complied with Environmental • Contractors will be required to prepare an 6 out of 7 operation and environmental operation and supervision contractors have supervision manual, for approval by PIC. prepared manuals, manual submitted to the respective IA.

 Partly complied with Construction Phase 1. Surface Water Construction • Strip and stockpile topsoil, build retaining Soil erosion and domestic walls where necessary before dumping. protection wastewater • Provide temporary detention ponds or measures are containment to control silt runoff. implemented at • Construct intercepting ditches and chutes to each site, fully prevent outside runoff entering disposal complying with the sites, and divert runoff from sites to existing measures defined drainage or ponds. in this EMP.

 Complied with 2. Ambient air Construction The construction site shall be closed and be  Not fully and sprayed with water at regular time. Covering complied with. transportation measures or closed vehicles should be used for Corrective action dust transportation, and the transportation route plan developed. should be properly selected and the speed of vehicles is limited. Vehicles delivering granular or fine materials to the sites must be covered. Water will be sprayed on construction sites and access roads. Such cleaning must be completed regularly. Tail gas Excellent maintenance to make the exhaust  Complied with pollution by discharge of automobiles and machineries meet construction the national standard. and transportation vehicles 3. Noise Noise from the The construction equipments should be well  Complied with construction maintained and properly operated so that the equipments equipment noise is minimized. The construction and activities are rationally scheduled and should be transportation arranged in daytime. No construction activity is vehicles allowed during 22:00~6:00. The temporary sound-proof fence should be set up if necessary. The transportation route should be


Implementation Potential Impact Factor/ status and Impacts and/or Mitigation Measures defined in the EMP Stage compliance with Issues EMP carefully selected to avoid any residential area. 4. Solid waste Construction Multi-compartment collection bins will be  Complied with wastes provided on site. The construction waste may be sorted into two categories—recycled and un- recycled wastes. The recycled wastes will be recycled and the un-recycled wastes will be collected and transported to urban sanitary landfill. 5. Ecology Soil Erosion Intercepting ditches and chutes were built to  Complied with prevent outside runoff from entering disposal sites. Disposal and borrow sites were rehabilitated into grassland, woodland, or farmland after closing. Commissioning Phase 1. Surface Water Industrial Industrial wastewater and wastewater from the  Complied with wastewater management office were collected and treated and in the waste treatment facilities. wastewater from management office 2. Ambient air (odor) Nuisance odor Buffer belt of trees will be provided around the  Complied with from facilities and trees planted inside the facilities Biochemical area. A buffer zone and vegetation around the Aeration Tank, plant were provided. Transportation route for sludge sludge will be carefully selected to avoid large- dewatering scale residential area and special sensitive and roads. transportation

3. Noise Noise from Low-noise equipment and vehicles will be  Complied with pumps and selected. High-noise equipment will be installed equipment indoors. Trees will be planted around pump operation stations and plants.

4. Solid Waste Spoils from Once the water content of the sludge meets  Complied with pump screens relevant standards, it will be transported to and municipal landfill for disposal. dewatered sludge

Operation Phase … … …  Not yet due



A. Monitoring plan and responsibilities

15. An environmental monitoring program is presented in Table 4 . This program considers the scope of monitoring; environmental media; monitoring parameters; time and frequency; and implementing and supervising agencies. The monitoring follows the methodology provided in the national standard methods for monitoring pollutants. Other associated standards are national environmental quality standards and pollutant discharge and emission standards.

Table 4 Environmental Monitoring Program Time and Implementing Supervising Item Parameters Location Frequency Agency Agency A. Construction (Internal) For each subproject, minimum 2 3 samples pH, locations on each time, at conductivity, the river 1. Surface start of JPMO, IEM, SS, NH -N, upstream MEMC, OEE Water 3 construction MEPB, JEPB TN, TP, BOD, and and quarterly COD, oils downstream thereafter of the construction site 2 monitoring 3 samples at locations for each JPMO, IEM, 2. Air TSP each location each MEMC, OEE MEPB, JEPB construction time, site semiannually 1 location at Twice (daytime the border and nighttime) with each time, settlements monthly during JPMO, IEM, 3. Noise L (dB(A)) MEMC, OEE eq within 200 m peak MEPB, JEPB of construction, construction quarterly site otherwise Removal of Visual 4. Soil and vegetation and JPMO, All sites inspection OEE Vegetation exposed MWRB, IEM weekly surface B. Environmental Audit upon Project Com pletion

For each Once upon subproject, subproject pH, minimum 2 completion, 3 conductivity, Licensed 1. Surface locations on samples per SS, NH -N, environmental MEPB, JEPB Water Quality 3 the river day for 3 TN, TP, BOD, institutes upstream consecutive COD, oils and days at each downstream location


of the construction site Once upon subproject completion, 3 Licensed TSP, SO , 2 locations at samples per 2. Air 2 environmental MEPB, JEPB NH , H S, odor each WWTP day for 3 3 2 institutes consecutive days at each location Minimal 4 locations for each WSP and WWTP at boundary and sensitive 2 samples for 1 Licensed 3. Noise Leq (dB(A)) receptors day at each environmental MEPB, JEPB Pump location institutes stations: minimal 2 locations for each pump station COD, BOD, 3 samples for 3 Licensed SS, NH -N, 4. Effluent 3 All WWTPs days at each environmental MEPB, JEPB PO −, oils, 3 location institutes fecal coliform Water content, Licensed 2 samples for 1 5. Sludge Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, All WWTPs environmental MEPB, JEPB day, 1 time Cu, Hg institutes Licensed 6. Soil and Revegetation, All WSPs and Visual environmental MEPB, JEPB Vegetation landscaping WWTPs inspection institutes C. Operation Mandatory pH, SS, color, online, COD, BOD, Effluent real-time 1. Effluent TN, TP, NH 3-N, outlets monitoring for IA MEPB, JEPB oils, fecal of all WWTPs all WWTPs coliform (compliance) + daily (internal) pH, conductivity, Upstream and 3 samples per MEPB, 2. Surface SS, NH -N, downstream day for 3 3 IA, MEMC JEPB, Water TN, TP, BOD, of receiving consecutive JPMO, IEM COD, oils, rivers days, quarterly fecal coliform Semiannually, 3 TSP, SO , MEPB, 2 1 location for samples per 3. Air NO , NH , H S, MEMC JEPB, 2 3 2 each plant day odor JPMO, IEM (compliance) + daily (internal)


4 locations for each WSP and WWTP Daytime and around nighttime boundary and sampling twice MEPB, sensitive 4. Noise L (dB(A)) a MEMC JEPB, eq receptors month, 2 JPMO, IEM Pump samples stations: each time minimal 2 locations for each pump station Water content, Spot sample, MEPB, Sludge 5. Sludge Zn, Cr, Cd, Pb, twice a year MEMC JEPB, workshop Cu, Hg (internal) JPMO, IEM Leachate treatment stations 3 samples per 6. Leachate/ MEPB, day for 3 effluent from Heavy metals Effluent from IA, MEMC HEPB, consecutive landfills WWTPs HPMO, IEM days, quarterly where leachate is treated pH, SS, TN, For WSP, 4 TP, BOD, locations COD, metals around the (As, Cr, Cu, plant 1 sample, MEPB, Cd, Hg, Pb, quarterly 7. Groundwater MEMC JEPB, Ni, Zn), oils, For WWTP, 2 (compliance) + JPMO, IEM cyanide, fecal monitoring daily (internal) coliform, wells, 1 groundwater upstream, 2 level downstream Visual MEPB, 8. Soil and Vegetation, All plants inspections, MEPC JEPB, Vegetation landscaping once a year JPMO, IEM

16. The environmental monitoring, including the environmental benefits monitoring, was incorporated in the project performance management system (PPMS) indicators for the Project. The JPMO, with assistance from the IAs, is responsible for analyzing and consolidating the data through their management information system. The PPMS was designed to allow adequate flexibility to adopt remedial actions regarding project design, schedules, activities, and development impact. At the start of the Project, the JPMO, the IAs, and the consultants developed comprehensive PPMS procedures for systematically generating data on inputs and outputs of the project components, and agreed on environmental and related socioeconomic indicators to be used to measure project impact. The JPMO and the IAs refined the PPMS framework, confirmed achievable goals, firmed up monitoring and recording arrangements, and established systems and procedures after the Consultant was mobilized in April 2010.


C. Environmental quality targets, sampling and analytical methods

17. In accordance with the EMPs, the External Environmental Monitoring is conducted regarding to the following related environmental impact factors: a) During construction period : airborne dust, odor, noise, traffic, solid waste pollution and wastewater discharge from construction camps and sites, soil erosion, infectious diseases , public health, land impact and ecological impact. b) During operation period : overflow at WWTPs, chlorine hazard, odor, control of industrial discharge to sewers, sludge disposal treatment, sediment in the pipeline, methane gas, waste leakage from waste collection and transportation and Public Health. 18. The subproject environmental management objectives are as Table 5 below.

Table 5. Subproject Environmental Management Targets.

No. Environment Monitoring Sites Standard

Gongzhuling City Fanjiatun Town WWTP

Xinkaihe (5 km downstream of WWTP) Grade IV 1 Water Xinkaihe (44 km downstream of Xinkai River ) Grade V

Gongzhuling City Sewage Network Upgrade

Sihe tun Bridge Grade II Forestry Nursery Grade II

Xinglonghe Grade II 1 Ambient air Xincun Village Grade II

Bali Bridge Grade II

Nongke Institute Grade II

Sihetun Bridge Grade I Forestry Nursery Grade I

Xinglonghe Grade I

Xincun Village Grade I

Bali Bridge Grade I 2 Noise Nongke Institute Grade I

Sihe tun gas station Grade I

Hualing chicken farm Grade I

Yingxin village Grade I

Western part of hongguang street Grade I


No. Environment Monitoring Sites Standard

Eastern part of hongguang street Grade I

Fusong County WWTP and SWM

1 wastewater Songjianghe Village Grade III

Changlongcun Village Grade II Luannicun Village Grade II 2 Ambient air Xinfengcun Village Grade II

Houtangzi Village Grade II

Landfill plant surrounding Grade I

Songjianghezhen elementary school Grade I

Second hospital Grade I

Fusongbaxiao Grade I

3 Noise Fusong hospital Grade I

Shenyuanxiaoqu Grade I

Yangguangxiaoqu Grade I

Huataixiaoqu Grade I

WWTP surrounding Grade I

Da’an City SWM

1 wastewater Halaibaopao Grade V

Halaibaotun Grade II Qingshantun Grade II

2 Ambient air Tiexitun Grade II

Fengjiaweizi Grade II

Hongqi farm Grade II

Halaibaotun Grade II Qingshantun Grade II

3 Noise Tiexitun Grade II

Fengjiaweizi Grade II

Hongqi farm Grade II

Huinan County SWM

1 water Huifa river Grade III


No. Environment Monitoring Sites Standard

Qinganbao Grade II

2 Ambient air Landfill surrounding Grade II

Luanjiatun Grade II

Plant surrounding Grade II

3 Noise Qinganbao Grade I

Luanjiatun Grade I

Jiaohe City SWM

1 wastewater Xiaobahu river Grade III

Lingdian Grade II 2 Ambient air Northern ditch Grade II

3 Noise Plant surrounding Grade II

Jingyu County SWM

1 water Zhuzi river Grade II

2 Ambient air Boundary along the construction site Grade II

3 Noise Boundary along the construction site Grade II

Liuhe County SWM

1 water Yitong river Grade III

Liuhexixun Grade II

2 Ambient air Liuhedongcun Grade II

Liuheshuibeicun Grade II

Liuhexixun Grade I

3 Noise Liuhedongcun Grade I

Liuheshuibeicun Grade I

Tongyu County SWM

Qianqingtun Grade II 1 Ambient air Houqingtun Grade II

2 Noise Boundary along the construction site Grade II

Dehui City WWTP

1 water Yinma River Grade III

2 Ambient air Boundary along the WWTP Grade II


No. Environment Monitoring Sites Standard

3 Noise Boundary along the WWTP Grade II

Fuyu County WWTP

1 water Lalin River Grade III

Boundary along the WWTP Grade II 2 Ambient air Shitouchengzicun Village Grade II

Boundary along the WWTP Grade II 3 Noise Shitouchengzicun Grade I

Liuhe County WWTP

1 water Yitong river Grade III

Boundary along the WWTP Grade II

2 Ambient air Zhonghan ecology village Grade II

Zhamucun Grade II

Boundary along the WWTP Grade II

3 Noise Zhonghan ecology village Grade I

Caishengcun Grade I

Yushu City WWTP

1 water Kacha river Grade III

Boundary along the WWTP Grade II

2 Ambient air Daliutun Grade II

Qianjiatun Grade II

Boundary along the WWTP Grade I

3 Noise Daliutun Grade I

Qianjiatun Grade I

19. Environmental Monitoring Arrangements. According to the environmental targets for sensitive receivers and possible major environmental impacts by construction specified in the EIA reports for different subprojects under the Project, along with the actual project progress, field survey and environmental monitoring for each component has been conducted by each environmental monitoring station. The work scope for the first External Environment Monitoring of the Project includes: a) For the subprojects in construction period, the location and time of monitoring is determined according to the actual construction progress, activities and routes. b) For the subprojects in operation period, the monitoring locations are selected near


sensitive sections, such as residential areas, schools, and etc. c) During monitoring, brief notes are taken, including monitoring date and time, locations and major indicators.

20. Surface Water monitoring: a) Wastewater discharge from construction camps and sites

Parameter :pH, CODcr, BOD5, SS, NH 3-N, Oil Location :discharging point of WWTP Schedule :September-October 2010 Frequency :1 time / day b) Water of WWTP

Parameter :pH ,CODcr ,BOD5 ,SS, NH 3-N, TP Location :Wastewater Inlet and outlet of WWTP Schedule :December 2010 Frequency :1 time / day

21. Ambient air monitoring: a) Dust From Construction Parameter :TSP Location :Points at construction site in up and down wind direction and environmental sensitive points Schedule :August -October 2010 Frequency: Over 12 Hrs / day. No less than 45 minutes / hr b) Air monitoring Parameter :dust, SO2, odor, CH4 Location: Within the WWTP Schedule :December 2010 Frequency :1 time / day

22. Noise monitoring: a) Noise from construction Parameter :Leq(A) Location: Within the construction site and sensitive points nearby Schedule :September-October 2010 Frequency : 2 time / day (daytime and nighttime each/daytime twice) b) Noise from WWTP during commissioning period Parameter :Leq(A) Location: Boundary along the plant Schedule :December 2010


Frequency : 2 time / day (daytime and nighttime each)

23. Monitoring Method and Evaluation Criteria. According to the relevant national regulations, environmental function division and relevant contents in the EIA reports for the Project, the monitoring method and evaluation standards are determined as Table 6 .

Table 6 Sampling, analysis methods and Evaluation Criteria Item Sampling, analysis and national standard Evaluation Criteria Technical Codes for Surface Water and Integrated wastewater Wastewater Monitoring (HT/T91-2002), Design discharge standard (GB8978- Specifications for Water Quality Sampling Method 1996) Grade II (GB12997-91), Technical Guidance for Water (GB18918–2002) Discharge Surface water Quality Sampling (GB12998-91), Technical Standard of Pollutants for Specifications for Water Quality Sampling, Sample Municipal Wastewater Storage and Management (GB12999-91). Treatment Plant (GB18918- Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal 2002) Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) Standard of Ambient Air Quality (GB3095-1996) Grade II Standard of Ambient Air Quality (GB3095-1996) Discharge Standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Pollutants for Municipal Ambient air Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) Wastewater Treatment Plant Discharge Standard of Air Pollutants of Boilers (GB18918-2002) (GB13271-2001) Discharge Standard of Air Pollutants of Boilers (GB13271- 2001) second zone Phase II Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) Environmental Quality Standard for Noise Grade I, Grade II (GB3096-2008) Grade II Noise Standards of Noise monitoring method of Construction Site Construction Site (GB12523- Noise (GB12524) 90) Noise monitoring method for industrial enterprises Emission standard for industrial noise within the boundary (GB12349) enterprises noise within the boundary (GB12348-2008): Category- II &II Standard


D. Monitoring Results

1. Surface Water Monitoring

(1) Results of Construction Wastewater Monitoring 24. The summary of construction wastewater monitoring data is shown in Table 7-1. Construction wastewater sampled from subprojects of Huinan County, Liuhe County and Jingyu County should meet the Grade-I requirements of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996), while the construction wastewater from subprojects of , Gongzhuling fanjiatun and Gongzhuling County should satisfies the Grade II - requirements of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996). 25. Based on the data, the construction wastewater discharged from the above subprojects has met the requirements of the national standard with appropriate environment management measures.

(2) Results of WWTP Wastewater Monitoring 26. The summary of water monitoring data during commissioning period is shown in Table 7-2. Effluent quality of Dehui WWTP should meet the Grade 1-A Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) while effluent quality of Liuhe County, Fuyu County and Yushu WWTPs should meet the requirement of the Grade 1-B standard of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002). It can be seen from the data that the concentration of BOD5, SS and TP in water sampled from Dehui WWTP Project failed to meet the Grade 1-A standard. The other 3 WWTPs pollutants monitored have met the requirements of national standard. Table7-1 Summary of construction wastewater monitoring data

Sampling Monitoring Result mg/l (pH exclusive) Subproject Date pH COD cr BOD 5 SS NH 3-N, Oil Tonghua County WWTP 2010.9.30 7.20 75 23 102 12 6.4 Gongzhuling City Sewage 2010.10.20 7.61 97.2 21 58 17 7.8 Network Upgrade Gongzhuling City Fanjiatun 2010.10.20 7.60 98.3 21 60 16 7.9 Town WWTP Huinan County SWM 2010.10.21 7.38 90.1 16 42 14 6.8

Liuhe County SWM 2010.10.27 7.37 89.8 16 41 14 6.2

Jingyu County SWM (1#) 2010.9.30 7.13 13.4 2.5 23 0.42 0

Jingyu County SWM (2#) 2010.9.30 7.15 13.7 2.8 21 0.44 0 《Integrated wastewater discharge standard 6-9 100 30 70 15 10 (GB8978-1996) Grade I Integrated wastewater discharge standard 6-9 150 30 150 25 10 (GB8978-1996) Grade II


Table 7-2 Summary of water monitoring data during operation

Sampling Monitoring Result mg/l (pH exclusive) Subproject and Location Date pH COD cr BOD 5 SS NH 3-N TP Dehui City WWTP(inlet) - 392 246 - - - 2010.12.21 Dehui City WWTP (outlet) 7.40 45 17 17 7 0.8

Liuhe County WWTP (inlet) - 254 72.6 - - - 2010.12.10 Liuhe County WWTP(outlet) 7.02 50 7.8 16 12 0.6

Fuyu County WWTP(inlet) - 392 246 - - - 2010.12.14 Fuyu County WWTP(outlet) 6 55 18 15.5 8 0.8

Yushu City WWTP(inlet) - 254 170 - - - 2010.12.20 Yushu City WWTP(outlet) 7.7 47.8 18 18 8.4 0.7 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) 6-9 50 10 10 8 0.5 Grade 1-A Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) 6-9 60 20 20 15 1.0 Grade 1-B

2. Ambient air monitoring

(1) Results of Construction Dust Monitoring 27. The data of the construction dust monitoring are shown in Table 7-3. According to the results, it is found that the daily average concentration of TSP meets Environment Ambient Air Quality Standard (GB3095—1996) Grade II Standard due to the appropriate mitigation measures.

Table7-3 The data of the construction dust monitoring Subproject Location Date TSP(mg/m 3) 30m upwind of construction site 0.07 Downwind of the construction Gongzhuling City Fanjiatun Town 0.08 site1# 2010.10.25 WWTP Downwind of the construction site 0.08 2# Sihetun Bridge 0.20 Forestry Nursery 0.19 Gongzhuling City Sewage Xinglonghe 2010.10.20- 0.19 Network Upgrade Xincun Village 2010.10.22 1 0.19 Bali Bridge 0.20 Nongke Institute 0.18 Changlongcun 2010.10.18- 0.20 Fusong County WWTP/SWM Luannicun 2010.10.20 0.20

1 3 days Continuous monitoring, take the average value, the same analogy apply.


Subproject Location Date TSP(mg/m 3) Xinfengcun 0.18 Houtangzicun 0.21 Upwind of construction site 0.17 Tonghua County WWTP Downwind of the construction site 2010.9.30 0.21 Downwind of the construction site 0.20 Tiexixun 0.15 2010.10.5- Fengjiaweizi 0.16 2010.10.7 Halaibaotun 0.14 Qingshantun 0.14 2010.10.8- Da’an City SWM Hongqi chicken farm 0.16 2010.10.10 Upwind of construction site 0.15 Downwind of the construction site 0.17 1# 2010.10.11- Downwind of the construction site 2010.10.13 0.17 2# Boundary along the construction Tongyu County SWM 2010.8.10 0.23 site Qinganbao 0.14 Eastern part of construction site 0.22 Huinan County SWM South side of construction site 2010.10.11- 0.22 Western part of construction site 2010.10.13 0.21 North side of tconstruction site 0.25 Luanjiatun 0.13 30m upwind of the construction 0.20 site 30m downwind of the construction Jingyu County SWM 2010.9.30 0.23 site 200m downwind of the 0.22 construction site 30m upwind of the construction 0.12 site 2010.10.18- Jiaohe City SWM Boundary along the construction 2010.10.19 0.26 site Xiaobei pitch 0.14 100m upwind of the construction 0.27 site Eastern part of construction site 0.24 Liuhe County SWM 2010.10.15- South side of construction site 0.28 2010.10.17 Western part of construction site 0.25 North side of construction site 0.23 Zhamucun 0.23 Standard of Ambient Air Quality (GB3095-1996 ) Grade II (Daily average) 0.30

(2) Result of the air monitoring during commissioning period 28. The data of the air monitoring during commissioning period are shown in Table 7-4. The daily concentration of dust and SO 2 sampled from WWTPs in commissioning period meets the Grade II requirements of the second zone of Discharge Standard of Air Pollutants of Boilers (GB13271-2001), while the concentration of odor and CH 4 meets the Grade II requirements of Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002).


Table 7-4 Air monitoring data during commissioning period

Item Location Date Result

Dehui City WWTP

Dust(mg/m 3) Boiler-house 144

3 SO 2(mg/m ) Boiler-house 650 Odor concentration (non- Biochemical Aeration 2010.12.21 15 dimensional parameter) Tank CH4 (maximum value %) Within site Negative

Liuhe County WWTP

Dust (mg/m 3) East Side of plant 110

3 SO 2 (mg/m ) South side of plant 820 Odor concentration(non- 2010.12.10 North side of plant 12 dimensional parameter) CH4 (maximum value %) North side of plant 0.4

Fuyu County WWTP

Dust (mg/m 3) Boiler-house 144

3 SO 2 (mg/m ) Boiler-house 650 Odor concentration (non- Biochemical Aeration 2010.12.14 14 dimensional parameter) Tank CH4 (maximum value%) Within site Negative

Yushu City WWTP

Dust (mg/m 3) Boiler-house 142

3 SO 2 (mg/m ) Boiler-house 653 Odor concentration (non- Biochemical Aeration 2010.12.20 16 dimensional parameter) Tank CH4 (maximum value%) Within site Negative

Discharge Standard of Air Pollutants of Boilers (GB13271-2001) Grade II of the second zone

Dust (mg/m 3) - - 200

3 SO 2 (mg/m ) - - 900 Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB18918-2002) Grade II Odor concentration (non- - - 20 dimensional parameter) CH4 (maximum value within - - 1.0 the plant %)


3. Noise Monitoring

(1) Construction Noise Monitoring 29. The daytime and nighttime noise monitoring for Gongzhuling City Fanjiatun Town WWTP, Tonghua County WWTP, Jingyu County SWM, Tongyu County SWM, Jiaohe City SWM has been conducted at the noise sensitive points, and the monitoring data are shown in Table 7-5. For the other subprojects, the daytime noise monitoring was carried out 2 times per day since construction activities were only allowed during day time. Results are presented in Table 7-6.

Table 7-5 Monitoring Data of Construction Noise Noise Monitoring Value Subproject Location Date dB(A) Daytime Nighttime Eastern part of 48.1 36.7 construction site South side of Gongzhuling City 45.5 38.8 construction site Fanjiatun Town 2010.10.25 Western part of WWTP 46.6 35.5 construction site North side of 45.3 36.5 construction site Eastern part of 51.2 47.9 construction site South side of Tonghua County 52.2 45.4 construction site WWTP 2010.9.30 Western part of 52.3 42.6 construction site North side of 54.1 45.7 construction site Eastern part of 54.8 45.6 construction site South side of 58.5 46.8 construction site Jingyu County SWM, 2010.9.30 Western part of 58.7 44.5 construction site North side of 57.6 47.4 construction site Eastern part of 58.7 48.1 construction site South side of 56.3 46.9 construction site Tongyu County SWM 2010.8.15 Western part of 57.1 45.3 construction site North side of 54.2 48.2 construction site Eastern part of 57.2 46.1 construction site South side of Jiaohe City SWM 2010.10.18 54.3 42.6 construction site Western part of 56.9 43.2 construction site


Noise Monitoring Value Subproject Location Date dB(A) Daytime Nighttime North side of 62.3 56.1 construction site Earthwork - 75 55 Noise Standards of Construction Piling - 85 Construction Site Forbidden (GB12523-90); Structure - 70 55 Fit up - 65 55

30. According to the monitoring results above, the noises at 5 sensitive points all met the requirement of Noise Standards of Construction Site (GB12523-90).

Table 7-6 Monitoring Data of Construction Noise Daytime Noise Monitoring Subproject Location Date Value dB(A) First Second Sihetun Bridge 53.9 55.2 Forestry Nursery 65.0 63.7 Xinglonghe 58.6 60.9 Xincun Village 65.7 66.2 Bali Bridge 60.7 66.5 Gongzhuling City Nongke Institute 64.8 65.0 2010.10.23 ~ Sewage Network Sihe tun gas station 68.9 67.4 2010.10.25 Upgrade Hualing chiken farm 70.6 66.4 Yingxin village 57.9 57.9 Western part of 66.2 65.8 hongguang street Eastern part of 59.9 59.6 hongguang street Eastern part of 57.0 57.0 construction site South side of 54.8 54.6 construction site 2010.10.18 ~ Western Part of 2010.10.20 57.3 56.5 construction site North side of 55.2 54.9 Fusong County construction site WWTP Songjianghe school 55.7 55.4

Second people 56.3 55.5 hospital Fusongbaxiao 2010.10.21 ~ 57.9 58.8 Songlin hospital 2010.10.23 56.9 57.0 Shenyuanxiaoqu 57.6 57.5 Yangguangxiaoqu 57.5 57.1 Huataixiaoqu 56.3 55.0 Da’an City SWM Tiexitun 46.9 49.1 2010.10.5 ~ Fengjiaweizi 46.9 45.2


Daytime Noise Monitoring Subproject Location Date Value dB(A) First Second Halaibaotun 2010.10.7 44.3 42.8 Qingshantun 44.1 42.8 Hongqi chicken farm 44.0 43.9 Eastern part of 62.8 62.8 construction site South side of 2010.10.8 ~ 65.5 63.1 construction site 2010.10.10 Western part of 64.8 65.1 construction site North side of 59.1 59.1 construction site Eastern part of 55.6 57.3 construction site South side of Fusong County 60.9 60.9 construction site 2010.10.18 ~ SWM Western part of 2010.10.20 55.3 55.9 construction site North side of 62.4 60.8 construction site Eastern part of 58.9 59.3 construction site South side of 61.0 61.4 construction site Huinan County Western part of 2010.10.11 ~ SWM 59.5 59.8 construction site 2010.10.13

North side of 60.9 60.6 construction site Qinganbao 53.4 53.9 Luanjiatun 52.7 52.8 Caishengcun 42.3 42.3 Zhonghan 55.3 55.3 Eastern part of 58.0 57.1 construction site Liuhe County SWM South side of 2010.10.16 ~ 56.1 57.4 construction site 2010.10.18 Western part of 59.5 58.9 construction site North side of 53.1 53.1 construction site (GB12523-90) Earthwork - 75 - Noise Standards of Piling - 85 - Construction Site Structure - 70 - (GB12523-90) Fit up - 65 - Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) 55 Grade I Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) 60 - Grade II


31. According to the monitoring results above, the construction noise has met the requirement of Noise Standards of Construction Site (GB12523-90). The noise at construction site boundary sensitive points of Da’an City SWM Project has met the Grade II requirement of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008). Noise levels at major construction site boundary sensitive points of the Gongzhuling City Sewage Network Upgrade and Fusong County WWTP somewhat failed to meet the Grade I requirement of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008).

(2) WWTP Noise Monitoring During Commissioning Period 32. Table 7-7 shows the noise monitoring results for 4 WWTPs which are under commissioning. The noise monitored at Liuhe County WWTP has met Grade II requirement of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008). Monitoring locations of Fuyu County WWTP and Dehui City WWTP were close to the noise origin, therefore, the results failed to meet the requirement of Grade II standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008). The noises at Yushu City WWTP project failed to meet the requirement of Grade I standard of Environmental Quality Standard for Noise (GB3096-2008) for the same reason. Due to the fact of noise attenuation and no sensitive points within 300m area of the surroundings, the adverse impacts were limited.

Table 7-7 WWTP Noise Monitoring Data During Commission Period

Noise Value dB(A) Location Date Daytime Nighttime

Dehui City WWTP

Ventilator room 80 80 2010.12.21 Pump station 74 74

Liuhe County WWTP

East Side of plant 47 45

South side of plant 45 42 2010.12.10 West side of plant 43 41

North side of plant 44 42

Fuyu County WWTP

Ventilator room 78 80 2010.12.14 Pump station 72 74

Yushu City WWTP

Ventilator room 80 80 2010.12.20 Pump station 74 74

Environmental Quality Grade I 55 45


Noise Value dB(A) Location Date Daytime Nighttime Standard for Noise Grade II 60 50 (GB3096-2008 )

E. Assessment

33. According to the field survey and environment monitoring, the water, air and noise environment monitoring results are summarized as below: a) Water Monitoring Survey - Construction wastewater quality monitored has met the requirements of national standard for each component. Effluent quality of Liuhe County, Fuyu County and Yushu WWTP met the requirement of the standard while that of Dehui WWTP failed to meet the requirement of Grade A standard. b) Ambient air Monitoring Survey - The construction air quality monitored has met Environment Ambient Air Quality Standard, and the air quality of each WWTP in commissioning phase also met the requirement of the national standard. c) Noise Monitoring Survey - Noises at each construction site has met the requirement of relevant standards. The noises at sensitive points related to the Projects of Da’an City SWM and Huinan County SWM has met the requirement of Noise Standards of Construction Site while the noises at sensitive points related to the Projects of Gongzhuling City Sewage Network Upgrade and Fusong County WWTP somewhat failed to meet the requirement of Grade I. For the WWTPs which were commissioning operation, noise at Liuhe County WWTP has met the requirement of the standard, while Fuyu County WWTP, Yushu City WWTP and Dehui City WWTP failed to meet the requirement of Grade II standard because of monitoring locations. But the negative impact is limited.


34. Public Consultation during Project Preparation. Various public consultations were conducted in the course of the preparation of the feasibility study reports and EIAs. During the feasibility study reports, the respective municipal governments were consulted to assist in site and process selections. During the EIAs and project preparatory technical assistance (PPTA), public consultations with various groups of stakeholders were conducted. The public consultations were held to assess the environmental impact of the proposed subprojects on nearby residents, to determine appropriate mitigation measures, as to thrash out resettlement issues. These activities were carried out in accordance with SEPA’s Interim Provisions of Public Consultations for Environmental Impact Assessment (2006), and ADB’s Environmental Assessment Guidelines (2003). 35. Public Consultation Plan during Project Implementation. Future plans for public involvement during the design, construction, and operation phases were developed during the project preparation. These plans include public participation in (i) monitoring impact and mitigation measures during construction and operation, (ii) evaluating the environmental and economic benefits and social impacts and (iii) interviewing the public after the Project is completed. They include several types of consultations, e.g., site visits, workshops, investigation of specific issues,


interviews, and public hearings ( Table 8 ). 36. Public participation plans are part of the project implementation and management plan. The IAs are responsible for public participation during project implementation. The IAs established an environmental management unit (EMU) to supervise implementation, engage in continuing public consultation, monitor progress, and respond to grievances. The staff at the offices was well trained to handle crisis situations or conflicts with residents due to distress from environmental impact. The costs of the public participation activities during project construction are included in the project funding. The costs of public participation activities during operation are covered by the IAs. In addition, the established feedback mechanisms ensures timely feedback and measures to address concerns raised by communities affected by the Project.

Table 8: Public Consultation Program Organizer Approach/Frequency Subjects Participants 1. Project Preparation EIA public opinion surveys: once for each subproject

JPMO, IAs, design Expert panel review: Priority, design, institutes, EIA once for each subproject environmental JPMO, IAs, design institutes, JEPB, benefits and impact, institutes, EIA MEPBs, other Socioeconomic surveys social benefits and institutes, provincial and and surveys of affected impact, mitigation resettlement plan municipal government persons measures, attitudes institutes, JEPB stakeholders, toward subproject, community Public consultation and suggestions representatives meeting + questionnaire: once for overall Project Site visits: several times 2. Construction Adjustments needed Public consultation and in mitigation measures, Residents within site visits: at least once a construction impact, JPMO, IAs, IEM construction year comments and area suggestions

Comments and Expert workshop or suggestions on Experts from various press conference: at mitigation measures, sectors, media least once public opinions

Adjustments needed in mitigation Public information Representatives of measures, session: at least once a residents and social construction impact, year sectors comments and suggestions Survey on resettlement: People affected by Comments and as land acquisition and suggestions required in the resettlement


resettlement plan 3. Test Operation Questionnaire survey: at least once during test Comments and operation suggestions on Local residents and JPMO, IAs, IEM Site visits: several, impact of operations, social sectors, EPBs depending on results of public suggestions project completion on corrective actions environmental audit 4. Operation Effects of mitigation Public opinion survey: measures, impact of Residents adjacent to once a year in the first 5 operation, comments plant years of operation and suggestions for corrective actions Plant operating Plant managers and Site visits: once every 6 performance, workers, local months, by IEM and informal interviews residents adjacent to JPMO with local residents plant Public workshop: as PMO, IAs, IEM needed, depending on Public comments and Representatives of results of public opinion suggestions on residents and social survey and corrective measures sectors public complaints received Expert workshop or press conference: as Expert comments Experts from residents, needed, depending on and suggestions on social sectors, media public consultation and corrective measures workshop EIA = environmental impact assessment, EPB = Environmental Protection Bureau, JEPB = Jilin Environmental Protection Bureau, JMPO = Jilin project management office, IA = implementing agency, IEM = independent environmental monitor, MEPB = municipal environmental protection bureau.


37. An assessment undertaken during the PPTA indicates that the JPMO has adequate technical and institutional capacity for project implementation. However, the IAs have weak capacity in environmental management and monitoring. For proper implementation of the EMPs, it is necessary to strengthen the capacity of the IAs. 38. It is considered that the three-tier implementation arrangement—JPLG, JPMO, and IAs— provides a reasonable framework for project management and control. The definition of roles, responsibilities and relationships between the JPLG, the JPMO, the IAs, and other relevant agencies (e.g., the JEPB and the MEPBs) is adequate to ensure the effective implementation of the Project. 39. Environmental specialists in the JPMO, EPBs, the IAs, and the contractors have received training in environmental management, environmental monitoring and supervision, mitigation planning, emergency response, environmental policy-making, and other environmental management techniques. For example, the environmental monitoring training was provided by the Consultants on 25 June 2010, including the introduction of SEIA and EMP, mitigation measures specified in the EMP, internal/external environmental monitoring arrangements, and reporting


procedure, etc. Meanwhile, based on the relevant requirements specified in the EMP, the Consultant has developed the formats of internal environmental management report (during construction) and environmental monitoring report (during both construction and operation) with detailed notes, which were distributed to the PMO and IAs with necessary and clear explanation during the training.


40. Key environmental issues identified, actions taken, and additional follow-up actions required, are summarized in Table 9 below.

Table 9: Environmental issues and corrective actions

Key issues identified Corrective actions taken Follow-up actions required

The noise at major construction Efforts have been spent to identify For Gongzhuling Sewage Network site boundary sensitive points of the reasons. project, relevant environmental Gongzhuling City Sewage monitoring should be taken to Noise released from the Network Upgrade and Fusong monitor the noise at the sensitive construction machine is the County WWTP somewhat failed to points nearby when construction primary source in Gongzhuling. meet the requirement of Grade I resumes. New construction machines with standard. less noise were used to replace For Fusong WWTP project, noise the noisy ones. levels have been monitored and met the standard. No further The noise released from the action required. vibration of the fan is the primary source in Fusong WWTP. The fan was covered by a sound-isolated cap.

The effluent quality of Dehui City The problem is that some of the The effluent quality of Dehui City WWTP failed to meet Grade 1-A equipment has not been operated WWTP meets the effluent quality quality standard. properly and some of the requirements. Monitoring will be equipment was in the process of continued. No further actions

testing during monitoring. All the required. equipment was adjusted

according to the operation instructions.



A. Overall Progress of Implementation of Environmental Management Measures

41. Based on the external environmental monitoring of Songhua River Basin Water Pollution Control and Management Project, it is found that the contractors of the contract under construction or commissioning have undertaken relevant environmental mitigation measures specified in the project EIA reports, and shown enough concern on the possible negative environmental impact due to the project implementation. The conclusions of the environmental monitoring are summarized as follows. 42. The water quality, noise and air quality of the following 11 subprojects has met relevant standards after taking mitigation measures: Gongzhuling City Fanjiatun Town WWTP, Gongzhuling City Sewage Network Upgrade, Fusong County WWTP, Tonghua County WWTP, Da’an City SWM, Fusong County SWM, Huinan County SWM, Jiaohe City SWM, Jingyu County SWM, Liuhe County SWM and Tongyu County SWM Projects. However, the noise at major construction site boundary sensitive points of Gongzhuling City Sewage Network Upgrade and Fusong County WWTP somewhat failed to meet the requirement of Grade I standard. Relevant environmental mitigation measures should be taken to avoid negative impact on the noise sensitive points nearby if construction works were the main cause. 43. Liuhe County WWTP, Fuyu County WWTP, Dehui City WWTP and Yushu City WWTP were under commissioning. The effluent quality of Dehui City WWTP failed to meet the requirement of the standard which required further corresponding adjustment. The effluent quality of other 3 WWTPs has met the requirement. For all these 4 WWTPs, with relevant air environmental technological control measures, the air quality has met the requirement of national standard. The noise monitored at Liuhe County WWTP has met the relevant standards, while the noise of other 3 WWTPs failed to meet standards due to monitoring location selection. But the negative impacts are not significant. It is recommended to choose appropriate monitoring noise locations.

B. Problems Identified and Actions Recommended

44. Based on the site survey and monitoring, the relevant recommendations are listed as below: a) For the contract packages which are in bidding phase, mitigation measures during the construction phase should be included in the contract. b) The contractors should strengthen the construction supervision and management, and minimize the negative impact on the environment. Meanwhile, it is necessary to strengthen the environmental management training for the construction workers, and enhance their consciousness of environment protection so as to ensure the smooth implementation of the Project. c) For these 4 WWTPs which were under commissioning period, environmental management system should be developed immediately, along with good practices of environment, healthy, and safety (EHS) for training. It is necessary to strengthen the internal supervision of treated water quality, and purchase necessary analytical instruments and appoint qualified personnel.