
William S. Burroughs

Photo: :LOOLDP%XUURXJKVDQG6SHQFHU.DQVDDWWKH%XUURXJKVKRPHLQ/DZUHQFH.DQVDV THE ROCK GOD by Spencer Kansa ‘’Tell him I’ve been reading him and I believe every thinking this was the coolest thing I had ever done. word he says.’’ $VZHVDWVKDULQJDMRLQWVPDOO³ERPEHU´YDULHW\ %RE'\ODQWR$OOHQ*LQVEHUJRQ:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV Burroughs clocked the emblem on my baseball cap and in 1965. asked in his drawling cowboy voice what the symbol meant. “Ah, it means I’m a Public Enemy” I replied. ,UHPHPEHUVLWWLQJDFURVVIURP:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV Burroughs smiled knowingly; as ever, he understood. at the dining table in his modest, porchfronted As perhaps one of WKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWOLWHUDU\LQÀXHQFHs clapboard house in Kansas, trying to take it all in, RQPRGHUQPXVLFDQGSRSFXOWXUH:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV’

20 Beatdom QLJKWPDULVK G\VWRSLDQ YLVLRQV DQG DQWLDXWKRULWDULDQ a major artistic breakthrough and the perfect vehicle world view has infused and informed the work and WKDW KH KDG EHHQ ORRNLQJ IRU 6LJQL¿FDQWO\ WKH FXW ideas of a pantheon of rockers: Bowie, Dylan, Jagger, ups mirrored Burroughs’ own fragmented, mainline /RX,JJ\3DWWL=DSSD.XUW6RQLF

Beatdom 21 “Burroughs particularly to the sterling work of touched me. The way industrial music pioneers, KH FXWXS WKH ZRUOG DQG Throbbing Gristle, whose reassembled it. I felt magus Genesis P Orridige more comfortable in that released a collection of environment, that kind of Burroughs’ DXGLR FXWXS chaos. That fragmentation experiments on the album for me felt a truer picture !othing Here but the of reality.” Recordings. Recorded in /RQGRQ3DULVDQG7DQJLHU “He’s up there with the throughout the 1960s, 3RSH´ 3DWWL 6PLWK RQ the album showcased Burroughs. Burroughs’VSRRN\'DOHN like tone and introduced His legend preceding him, a generation to how the Burroughs returned to New FXWXSV sounded. Dubbing York in the mid70s, landing street noise from Tangier to smack (ahem) in the middle /RQGRQFXWLQZLWKJDUEOHG of the emerging CBGB’s short wave radio, Joujouka punk scene. More arty music, newspaper reports, and literate then their UK and excerpts read from his counterparts, Burroughs’ own novels, these sonic mystique and mythic collages were Burroughs’ reputation was idolised by own subversive brand of many of the scenes’ leading musique concrete. Even lights, particularly punk’s more than the novels, own poet laureate Patti Genesis P Orridge was Smith, whose performances Burroughs admired and interested in Burroughs’ concepts, in particular his idea whose classic album, Horses, owed much to Burroughs RIXVLQJWKHVHDXGLRFXWXSVDVDSROLWLFDOWRRODJDLQVW RZQKRPRHURWLFSURVH+ROGLQJFRXUWDWKLVIDPRXV hierarchies of control. Burroughs postulated that by “bunker on the Bowery,” Burroughs received a steady selecting the appropriate random sounds, bastardized stream of rock n roll admirers, including Joe Strummer speeches, siren drones, animal noises and gun shots, and Richard Hell. Though Burroughs understandably a team of operators strategically placed with tape dismissed the “Godfather of Punk” tag that had been recorders could playback such recordings, inciting a foisted upon him, he did send a telegram to The riot at a demonstration, or a political rally. 6H[ 3LVWROV VXSSRUWLQJ WKHLU DQWLPRQDUFKLVW DQWKHP God Save the Queen, declaring: “I’ve always said ,Q WDQGHP WKH HYROXWLRQ RI KLSKRS IURP %URQ[ that England doesn’t stand a chance until you have block parties to rebel rousing on wax was bearing SHRSOHVD\LQJµ%XJJHUWKH4XHHQ¶7KLVLVD DOO WKH KDOOPDUNV RI D PXVLFDO H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH FXW necessary criticism of a country which is bankrupt.” ups. The way in which Burroughs would construct a A celebration of all things Burroughsian, entitled new piece of writing by synthesizing two pieces of The !ova Convention, took place in New York in text and information presaged the way in which a DJ the winter of 1978 with a glittering galaxy of rock would mix between two records, fusing a third new VWDUV DQG FRXQWHUFXOWXUH ¿JXUHV WDNLQJ SDUW )UDQN soundtrack amalgamated from both decks, hence Zappa read Burroughs’ Talking Asshole routine, Patti the DJ term “cutting.” Burroughs idea of weaving Smith covered for Keith Richards who cancelled other authors’ work into his own writing anticipated due to his drug bust in Canada while Brion Gysin, the whole sampling process. So in the same way as $OOHQ*LQVEHUJDQG7LPRWK\/HDU\DOOSDUWLFLSDWHGLQ %XUURXJKV WKURXJK XWLOLVLQJ WKH FXWXS WHFKQLTXH seminars. Music came courtesy of minimalists Phillip broke down the old structures of the novel, creating a *ODVV DQG -RKQ &DJH ZKLOH /DXULH $QGHUVRQ FR QHZOLWHUDU\ODQGVFDSHUDSWKURXJKPXVLFDOFXWXSV mastered the ceremonies. and manipulations of sound dismantled the old song structures, creating a revolutionary new sonic canvas 7KRXJK %XUURXJKV KDG GLVEDQGHG FXWXSV E\ WKH in the process. Burroughs appreciated this new aural eighties they were kept in pop consciousness due architecture and when pressed on the subject admitted

22 Beatdom to me that “rap music has great potential.” Picking up on the troubled vibe of his houseguest, %XUURXJKV ODWHU FRQ¿GHG WR KLV DVVLVWDQW ³WKHUH¶V Throughout the last two decades of his life, Burroughs something wrong with that boy, he frowns for no good himself made many interesting forays onto vinyl. In reason.” the late eighties he topped the bill on the Smack My Far more substantial was the collaboration released that Crack and Like a Girl I Want to Keep You Coming same year between Burroughs and Michael Franti’s Poetry Systems albums, put out by his Bunker buddy Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy rap group: Spare and fellow spoken word troubadour, John Giorno. Ass Annie and Other Tales. Delivering his infamous Reading his Words Of Advice For Young People and Dr Benway and Talking Asshole routines against a Just Say !o To Drug Hysteria routines respectively, funky backbeat, the album contained many precious Burroughs appeared alongside a who’s who of moments, including MC Zulu’s amusing boxing style HLJKWLHVFXOW¿JXUHVOLNH1LFN&DYH'LDPDQGD*DODV announcement introducing Burroughs in his thickest DQG/\GLD/XQFKDVZHOODVPRUHHVWDEOLVKHGQDPHV -DPDLFDQ SDWRLV ³&KHFN GLV RXW )URP /DZUHQFH OLNH'HEELH+DUU\'DYLG%\UQHDQG7RP:DLWV Kansas, reading from !aked Lunch and weighing ,Q  %XUURXJKV HQWHUHG LQWR D IXOO ÀHGJHG slightly over 100 pounds, Uncle Bill.” FROODERUDWLRQ ZLWK 7RP :DLWV ZKHQ WKH JUL]]OHG A few months later self proclaimed “Beatnik rapper” singer scored the musical , based on -XVWLQ:DU¿HOGSDLGKLVRZQ+LS+RSWULEXWHWRWKH Burroughs’ book of the same name. This Faustian fable original drugstore cowboy, bigging up Burroughs was given its theatrical premiere in Hamburg to critical for his “spiritual, musical and earthly inspiration” on acclaim, and on the subsequent album Burroughs sung KLV %%R\VRQDFLGVRDNHG GHEXW/3My Field Trip the old jaunty number T’aint no Sin. To Planet 9. 7KLV ¿OPLF DOEXP DQG KLV VXEVHTXHQW That same year, Island Records released a new collaboration, Bug Powder Dust with Bomb the Bass Burroughs collection, . :LWK supremo Tim Simenon, were littered with Burroughsian atmospheric accompaniment from the likes of John DQG%HDWUHIHUHQFHVDQGVSHDNLQJWRPH:DU¿HOGGUHZ Cale, Donald Fagen and , old time movie PDQ\SDUDOOHOVEHWZHHQWKH%H%RSLQVSLUHG%HDWHUD VWULQJV FRXUWHV\ RI SURGXFHU +DO :LOQHU  ZKR KDG WRWRGD\¶VJHQHUDWLRQRIPLFVOLQJHUV previously provided background music for Burroughs -XVWLQ:DU¿HOG told me, when he made a memorable appearance on Saturday !ight Live, reading his Titanic farce, Twilight’s Last GleamingsWKHDOEXP¶VKLJKOLJKWVLQFOXGHG6DWDQLF Bill’s downright perverse rendering of The Lord’s Prayer KLV DQWL$PHULFDQ WLUDGH A Thanksgiving Prayer, and best of all, his croaky, vodka sodden rendition of Marlene Dietrich’s swan song, Falling In Love Again. In 1992, the concept album was released by renowned producer and Burroughs fan, %LOO /DVZHOO %DVHG DURXQG %XUURXJKV¶ QRYHOLVWLF investigations into the seven souls concept of the $QFLHQW(J\SWLDQV/DVZHOOFUDIWHGDQHTXDOO\H[RWLF and ambient soundgarden. That same year Burroughs collaborated with industrial noise meisters Ministry for the 12’’ Just One Fix. Over slabs of industrial EHDWV %XUURXJKV LQWRQHG DQ DSSURSULDWH VPDFNLWXS sermon, and also provided the abstract cover artwork Curse on Drug Hysterics. 7KH IROORZLQJ \HDU DQRWKHU PRUH KLJK SUR¿OH collaboration rose to prominence fuelled by the untimely death of Kurt Cobain. The Priest They Called Him was an alternate version of Burroughs’ The Junkies Christmas, and pitted his yuletide yarn DJDLQVW VZDWKHV RI &REDLQ IHHGEDFN LQ D FXWH FDVK in. Although recorded separately, a meeting was held between the two men at Burroughs’ home a year later.

Beatdom 23 The Beat writers got a lot of the rhythms of their speech from saxophone players, and a lot of white writers at the time, like Kerouac, adopted black culture, jazz and drug culture, into their work, but beyond that, Ginsberg said it was more to do with people who were just enamoured with each other. Ginsberg has a great rhythm to him because his poetry has a pulse to it, DELJJHUEDFNEHDW+HUHDOO\ÀLHVRIIWKH handle, and it’s pretty wild, but Burroughs has a special rhythm all his own, his OLWHUDU\VW\OHLVDELJLQÀXHQFHRQPHDVD hip hop lyricist. I don’t think most people in the rap world are hip to the cut-ups, but if they checked out Burroughs and Gysin they’d certainly see the connections between the two.


24 Beatdom