William S. Burroughs Photo: :LOOLDP%XUURXJKVDQG6SHQFHU.DQVDDWWKH%XUURXJKVKRPHLQ/DZUHQFH.DQVDV THE ROCK GOD by Spencer Kansa ‘’Tell him I’ve been reading him and I believe every thinking this was the coolest thing I had ever done. word he says.’’ $VZHVDWVKDULQJDMRLQWVPDOO³ERPEHU´YDULHW\ %RE'\ODQWR$OOHQ*LQVEHUJRQ:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV Burroughs clocked the emblem on my baseball cap and in 1965. asked in his drawling cowboy voice what the symbol meant. “Ah, it means I’m a Public Enemy” I replied. ,UHPHPEHUVLWWLQJDFURVVIURP:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV Burroughs smiled knowingly; as ever, he understood. at the dining table in his modest, porchfronted As perhaps one of WKHPRVWLPSRUWDQWOLWHUDU\LQÀXHQFHs clapboard house in Kansas, trying to take it all in, RQPRGHUQPXVLFDQGSRSFXOWXUH:LOOLDP%XUURXJKV’ 20 Beatdom QLJKWPDULVK G\VWRSLDQ YLVLRQV DQG DQWLDXWKRULWDULDQ a major artistic breakthrough and the perfect vehicle world view has infused and informed the work and WKDW KH KDG EHHQ ORRNLQJ IRU 6LJQL¿FDQWO\ WKH FXW ideas of a pantheon of rockers: Bowie, Dylan, Jagger, ups mirrored Burroughs’ own fragmented, mainline /RX,JJ\3DWWL=DSSD.XUW6RQLF<RXWKHWF existence and as he pointed out, they were also a far 7KH FXWXS WHFKQLTXH KH PDGH IDPRXV KDV KDG D more honest representation of how the mind really precursory impact on the fragmented sonic canvas of works. Burroughs explained: “someone walks around KLSKRS DQG ZDV WKH FDWDO\VW EHKLQG WKH VFUDPEOHG DEORFNDQGSDLQWVDFDQYDVRIZKDWKHKDVVHHQ:HOO images of U2’s ZOO TV. His cosmic yobs, hipster KH¶VVHHQVRPHRQHFXWLQWZRE\DFDUUHÀHFWLRQVLQ jargon, drug induced visions and novel titles have been shop windows, passing faces, a jumble of fragments. LQVSLUDWLRQWRDVOHZRIEDQGVDQG¿OPV: Soft Machine, 6RWKHFXWXSVDUHFORVHUWRWKHDFWXDOIDFWVRIKXPDQ 6WHHO\ 'DQ %ODGHUXQQHU 'HDG )LQJHUV 7DON :LOG SHUFHSWLRQ/,)(,6$&8783´ Boys, Interzone, The Mugwumps, Johnny Yen, Nova 0RE7KLQ:KLWH5RSHHWDO%XUURXJKV’ grey, spectral Although Mick Jagger had shown interest in starring presence graces the iconic cover of Sgt Pepper’s, and LQ D PRRWHG ¿OP YHUVLRQ RI !aked Lunch back in even Duran Duran paid their own rather dubious WKHODWHVDQG/RX5HHG¶VVPDFNVRDNHGVDGRVH[ homage to El Hombre Invisible when they based VRQJV WUDZOHG VLPLODU VXEWHUUDQHDQ WHUULWRU\ WKH WKHLUSURPRYLGHRWild Boys on Burroughs’ futuristic 9HOYHWVHYHQSHQQHGDQRGHWR%XUURXJKV“/RQHVRPH story of a savage band of adolescent guerrillas. Cowboy Bill” on their Loaded album WKHPRVWYRFDO <HWWKH³KHDY\PHWDO´JXUX6WHSSHQZROISXUORLQHG and visible disciple of Burroughs in rock was David the phrase for their rock anthem Born To Be Wild from Bowie. Although Bowie admitted to only to having a Burroughs’ VFL¿ QRYHO The Soft Machine, in turn passing knowledge of Burroughs’ZRUNKHKDGMXVW JLYLQJQDPHWRDZKROHVXEJHQUHRIURFNYLHZHG read !ova ExpressZKHQWKHWZRPHQZHUHEURXJKW such reverence with knowing bemusement. A teenager together for a joint interview by Rolling Stone magazine LQWKHV%XUURXJKVDOZD\VSUHIHUUHG/HDGEHOO\WR in 1973, by the time Bowie went to work on his next /HG=HSSHOLQ+RZHYHULQDQLQWHUYLHZZLWK-LPP\ YHQWXUHWKHIXWXUHVKRFNHUDiamond Dogs, his own Page, Burroughs did concede that “Rock can be seen FXWXSHIIRUWVKDGEHHQSXWLQWRDFWLRQDQGKHOSHGVHW as one attempt to break out of this dead and soulless the fractured tone of that forbidding, Orwellian opus. universe and reassert the universe of magick.’’ During the following Diamond Dogs tour across $PHULFD %RZLH ZDV ¿OPHG E\ WKH %%& IRU WKH 7KHFXWXSWHFKQLTXHLQSDUWLFXODUKDVFDUYHGDWKURXJK Cracked ActorGRFXPHQWDU\:LWKSDSHUDQGVFLVVRUV line in modern music and has resulted in Burroughs LQKDQG%RZLHZDV¿OPHGDVKHFXWXSDQGUHDUUDQJHG holding a subversive sway over pop culture for four a page of ideas: “I don’t know if this is the way that GHFDGHV7KHFXWXSVZHUHGLVFRYHUHGVHUHQGLSLWRXVO\ *\VLQRU%XUURXJKVGRWKHLUFXWXSVEXWWKLVLVKRZ, by Burroughs’ main gazane, the maverick Canadian do mine,” he explained, adding that the technique was painter Brion Gysin, while the two men were residing “a western form of Tarot.” DW WKH ERKHPLDQ %HDW +RWHO LQ WKH /DWLQ 4XDUWHU RI Throughout the rest of the 70s Bowie continued with Paris in September 1959. WKHFXWXSO\ULFVSDUWLFXODUO\RQWKHWULRRIDOEXPVKH :KLOH VOLFLQJ WKURXJK VRPH ERDUGV ZLWK D 6WDQOH\ recorded with Brian Eno: Low, Heroes and Lodger. knife to mount some of his drawings, Gysin noticed %RZLHDOVRLQFRUSRUDWHG(QR¶VRZQYHUVLRQRIWKHFXW that he had cut through the layers of newspapers ups, a deck of playing cards called Oblique Strategies, underneath and that when he peeled away the top on which were written a selection of musical instructions layers he could read across the different pages which that they could randomly pick whenever they were stuck combined stories from across the various columns for a new idea, or looking for a new musical direction providing a new juxtaposition of words and images. to take. The card commands helped create a series of *\VLQ KDG DQQRXQFHG WKDW ³ZULWLQJ ZDV ¿IW\ \HDUV “planned accidents” on tracks of those seminal albums. EHKLQGSDLQWLQJ´DQGWKHFXWXSWHFKQLTXHDOORZHGWKH $IWHU D GHFDGH¶V KLDWXV %RZLH UHWXUQHG WR WKH FXW writer to borrow the painter’s tool of montage. XSVRQKLVDYDQWURFNHU1. Outside. This time, Burroughs immediately saw the implications and however, technology had caught up, and thanks to a potential of this discovery and began experimenting, computer programming pal, Bowie could now feed taking a page of his own writing and cutting it into four a whole stack of information into his Apple Mac separate parts, then rearranging the sections to form a DQGKLWDUDQGRPLVHUEXWWRQZKLFKFRXOGFXWXSDQG new composition out of the text. For Burroughs, who scramble the contents and spew the results back out to felt restricted by the antiquated beginning, middle and him. Talking on Canadian television that year Bowie HQGQDUUDWLYHVWUXFWXUHRIWKH9LFWRULDQQRYHOLWZDV SDLG WULEXWH WR %XUURXJKV DQG WKH FXWXSV VD\LQJ Beatdom 21 “Burroughs particularly to the sterling work of touched me. The way industrial music pioneers, KH FXWXS WKH ZRUOG DQG Throbbing Gristle, whose reassembled it. I felt magus Genesis P Orridige more comfortable in that released a collection of environment, that kind of Burroughs’ DXGLR FXWXS chaos. That fragmentation experiments on the album for me felt a truer picture !othing Here but the of reality.” Recordings. Recorded in /RQGRQ3DULVDQG7DQJLHU “He’s up there with the throughout the 1960s, 3RSH´ 3DWWL 6PLWK RQ the album showcased Burroughs. Burroughs’VSRRN\'DOHN like tone and introduced His legend preceding him, a generation to how the Burroughs returned to New FXWXSV sounded. Dubbing York in the mid70s, landing street noise from Tangier to smack (ahem) in the middle /RQGRQFXWLQZLWKJDUEOHG of the emerging CBGB’s short wave radio, Joujouka punk scene. More arty music, newspaper reports, and literate then their UK and excerpts read from his counterparts, Burroughs’ own novels, these sonic mystique and mythic collages were Burroughs’ reputation was idolised by own subversive brand of many of the scenes’ leading musique concrete. Even lights, particularly punk’s more than the novels, own poet laureate Patti Genesis P Orridge was Smith, whose performances Burroughs admired and interested in Burroughs’ concepts, in particular his idea whose classic album, Horses, owed much to Burroughs RIXVLQJWKHVHDXGLRFXWXSVDVDSROLWLFDOWRRODJDLQVW RZQKRPRHURWLFSURVH+ROGLQJFRXUWDWKLVIDPRXV hierarchies of control. Burroughs postulated that by “bunker on the Bowery,” Burroughs received a steady selecting the appropriate random sounds, bastardized stream of rock n roll admirers, including Joe Strummer speeches, siren drones, animal noises and gun shots, and Richard Hell. Though Burroughs understandably a team of operators strategically placed with tape dismissed the “Godfather of Punk” tag that had been recorders could playback such recordings, inciting a foisted upon him, he did send a telegram to The riot at a demonstration, or a political rally. 6H[ 3LVWROV VXSSRUWLQJ WKHLU DQWLPRQDUFKLVW DQWKHP God Save the Queen, declaring: “I’ve always said ,Q WDQGHP WKH HYROXWLRQ RI KLSKRS IURP %URQ[ that England doesn’t stand a chance until you have block parties to rebel rousing on wax was bearing SHRSOHVD\LQJµ%XJJHUWKH4XHHQ¶7KLVLVD DOO WKH KDOOPDUNV RI D PXVLFDO H[WHQVLRQ RI WKH FXW necessary criticism of a country which is bankrupt.” ups. The way in which Burroughs would construct a A celebration of all things Burroughsian, entitled new piece of writing by synthesizing two pieces of The !ova Convention, took place in New York in text and information presaged the way in which a DJ the winter of 1978 with a glittering galaxy of rock would mix between two records, fusing a third new VWDUV DQG FRXQWHUFXOWXUH ¿JXUHV WDNLQJ SDUW )UDQN soundtrack amalgamated from both decks, hence Zappa read Burroughs’ Talking Asshole routine, Patti the DJ term “cutting.” Burroughs idea of weaving Smith covered for Keith Richards who cancelled other authors’ work into his own writing anticipated due to his drug bust in Canada while Brion Gysin, the whole sampling process. So in the same way as $OOHQ*LQVEHUJDQG7LPRWK\/HDU\DOOSDUWLFLSDWHGLQ %XUURXJKV WKURXJK XWLOLVLQJ WKH FXWXS WHFKQLTXH seminars. Music came courtesy of minimalists Phillip broke down the old structures of the novel, creating a *ODVV DQG -RKQ &DJH ZKLOH /DXULH $QGHUVRQ FR QHZOLWHUDU\ODQGVFDSHUDSWKURXJKPXVLFDOFXWXSV mastered the ceremonies. and manipulations of sound dismantled the old song structures, creating a revolutionary new sonic canvas 7KRXJK %XUURXJKV KDG GLVEDQGHG FXWXSV E\ WKH
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