IICSA Rochdale Hearing 9 October 2017
IICSA Rochdale Hearing 9 October 2017 1 Monday, 9 October 2017 1 Mr Edward Brown QC. 2 (10.00 am) 2 Counsel for Rochdale Borough Council, 3 Welcome by THE CHAIR 3 Mr Steven Ford QC. Good morning, Mr Ford. 4 THE CHAIR: Good morning, everyone. I am Alexis Jay and I'm 4 Counsel for the Secretary of State for Education, 5 the chair of this inquiry. With me are the other panel 5 Ms Cathryn McGahey QC. Good morning, Ms McGahey. 6 members of the inquiry: Ivor Frank, Professor Sir 6 Before we hear from the leading counsel to the 7 Malcolm Evans and Drusilla Sharpling. 7 inquiry, Brian Altman QC, some points about the inquiry 8 On behalf of the inquiry, I welcome you all to the 8 arrangements. We will normally sit from 10.30 am. 9 first day of the substantive hearing on the 9 Ordinarily, we will take a 15-minute break at around 10 Cambridge House, Knowl View and Rochdale investigation. 10 11.45 am, but on days when we are sitting early, such as 11 This hearing will run for three weeks, as you know, with 11 today, we may take an earlier break during the morning. 12 one non-sitting day, finishing Friday, 27 October of 12 We will break for lunch at 1.00 pm, returning at 13 this year. 13 2.00 pm. We intend to sit until 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm each 14 The investigation into Cambridge House, Knowl View 14 day. 15 and Rochdale is a part of the inquiry's wider 15 By way of an agenda, we rely on the hearing 16 investigation into institutional failures in connection 16 timetable which sets out the order in which witnesses 17 with the sexual abuse of children in England and Wales.
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