Attitudes Toward "The Japanese in Our Midst"

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Attitudes Toward HIll . I ... .. ,. ... .;;....... ..-.". ,;\) .'. .. .. ... ..,.." .. .......". ...... )'..;..."... ..." .,. ' .. .'.." (....... ." . ...,. ... ... .. .' ' ...,. ......... .; . ... .-;..: ... .. ........;....... ... ......' ....;. .g, .. ..... .......... ".--.'" .." .." .. ... .."'",. #." . ..... .. .. NT.ENTS Page Suml t . .-.. .. 0 . .. .. Ii " . .. V' .. 1; ,, .. .. Ii . .. " 'I 0 Part I ra the J )Janese in. l'his Country Lo;'a1 pJ!ericans? ........ vlar-'l' ime Opinion .. to 0; 1) 0' q- Q , . (J " 6 .& , (I 12 e; .. 0 0 00 .. ., !J to Loyal or Disloyal .& CI .. II Q .. Co -= 0 Q co ." It c. '" " 0 . .. Go.; . 0 Group Opinions on Issei and Nisei Loyalty . Q', .. Citizenship for Issei? .. It Q f' Q' 05.0 G. () I). oJ.' -0"." Canadian Opinion It . .I f' () '" 3 .. :J '" 0 t '" . iJ . 0 " 0' to :. o . e Part II anes 'Ihis Count Guilty of S"'ying.. Sabotag Were the Japanese Saboteurs . " It.0 0. .- 0 It .. (\ '; 0. -e .. -I '" Q" . 9' & . Were the Japanese Spies? 0 a & . 0 Q . Q What the Experts Say . tW .. .. do Cc . a -I () 0: I, . I/ Gl' OUp Comparisons . s)01 ci 0 0 . c 0)tt 0: . fi . What tile People Say, 00" .. f . 0 . ti . " . 0 . ,; . Related Attitudes (1 . OJio 0 2. 0: t , Ii $' 0 0 . 00 . .. .. - tI If 0. .. " . of I) " Do People Think Consistently? Part III obs and Futures for Japanese Minority ;,;,...-o.;ilf. All Japanese I' ".; "' ... 0. 0. 0-.. .8' ti "".... a. 0- ;. 8' to .:.. ,, ... e Jobs for Nisei and Issei? .. 0 G -0 " .. ti II ft .; , 0- 0 .; ,. 4 . :. .: . .. ii , What the People Say b'; .... .. Nisei .(I".:t....c.o.o'. ..O.' 0.. ir;.",...... o. 4'." . b'o""."..tI.. Iase i 8'1 ..e."'9"O.O"01) 0-.. .9' 'I.. fl.,,, Job Oppottunities for Negroes .1/ , 0 . " -' ., " 0 Nisei and Issei APpraise Their Job Chances Specific Employment Issues 0: . 0 . Ii * . , . f . ., ;) . i " If . .. 0- " Return to the Pac1ficCoast Go.. Q" .. ;, . .. 0 Editorial Comment How 1s a Public Opinion Survey Made? List. of Publicat.ione --' UMMA THE PROBlEM... How do people in the United States appraise the loyalty of the men and women of Japanese birth or Japanese ancestry living in this country? What are the attitudes of the public toward granting citizenship to non- citizens of Japanese birth? What does the future hold for the Japanese in the Uni tad States? TH ANS1\iE IN ONE SENTENCE... Even though the war is over and NORC surveys on the people living in Japan have demonstrated less American antagonism toward the former enemy people. substantial minorities question the loyalty of the people of that race who live in America , a jority believe they spied during the war ) and attitudes of the PUblic suggest a difficult future for Japanese in this country) since a con- siderable feeling ex:!sts that Caucasians should have first chance at all jobs. ORE SPECIFICALLY... The NORC survey results show that: 50% of the people of the United States think the AVERAGE person of Japanese nativity or ancestry living in this country is loyal to the AmerlctJ. government ... wlth half that ma ny 25% -- answering "Disloyal" - Al"ID - 43% believe that the AVEiAGE Japanese alien living in this country should be allowed to become a citizen YET.. 31% of the American public mistaken believe that Japan- ese living in the United states during the war des troyed var materials - AND - 66% believe that Japanese living in this country spied f the Japanese government during the war. MOREOVER. 40% of the publiq would deny an equal chance for jobs in the United States to people of Japanese ancestry who are American citizen - AND - 89% would den;y employment equaJi ty to people of Japanese birth who are not American citizens. - 2 - -- ._- ..,.._._-_..__._ .__. .-. ,_ , _. **************************,--'_.'.-- -"' -'-- ""--'--' -- -- FOR YOUR INFORHATION... Both the Office of War Informtion and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have gone on record that not one single person of Japan,ese ancestry whether alien or citizen living in the United states or Rawaii was con- victed of either spying or sabotage during the wars Of the l27, 000 persons of Japanese birth or ancestry now living in the United States, roughly two-thirds are American c1 tizens almost all of whom are under 40 years of age; the remainder are aliens most of whom have been in the United States since 1924 , when the Exclusion Act went in- to effect. The population includes about 19, 000 citizen men between the ages of 18 and 37. These men who were not already in uniform were eligible for military service by the War Department on January 28, 1943. Evacuat ion of persons of Japanese birth or ancestry began following the President' executive order . issued February 19, 1942 authorizing the Secretary of War or military commnders to designate military areas and to exclude any or all persons from such areas. Ten relocation centers were set up 1.Tlder the supervision of the War Relocation Authority. From April until August, 1942 approximately 107, 000 Nisei and Issei were moved from their former residences in the Pacific Coast areas to the relocation cen- ters. The evacuated area inc luded the entire state of California , the wes- tern half of Washington and Oregon, and the southern third of Arizona. Early in 1942, however the need for manpower resulted in demands to re- lease evacuees for work. In July, 1942 , the War Relocation Authority per- mitted qualified American citizens Nisei to leave the centers to accept jobs. On October 1 , 1942, this policy was applied to aliens Issei as well. Later, indefinite leaves were granted. In December, 1942 permission to take up residence elsewhere was then granted both Nisei and lsse i, if they could meet certa in requirements set up QY the WRA. Arch, 1943, thousands had had their applications to leave approved, and the return o these persons to other residences was well begun. Several years ago the Colorado Council of Churches pUblish- ed an excellent factual pamphlet entitled The Ja;panese in Our Hidst NORC likes the title sowell that it seemed fitting to use it as part of the title of the present re- port which show information and attitudes as related to facts. - 3 - , " ':' ' ~~~~, -~~~ ~~~~~ :: ). Part I ARE 'PIlE JAPANESE: IN THIS COUNTRY LOYAL AMERICANS;" During the w,ar , ruors and misinf6r.ation sharpened attitudes of distrust and suspicion toward people of Japanese birth or ancestl living within the borders of the United States. The status of pUblic sentiment both be- fore and after V-J Day is indicated by results of NORC questions regard- ing the loyalty of Nisei and Issei residents. Nlse!, born in the United States are American citizens of Japanese ancestry. Issei" born in Japan, cannot, according to present la.Ts become American citizens. Before the end of the war about half the public were reasona bly sure of the loyalty of .A.merican citizens of J'apanese ancestry. The following year r". about the same proporti on of people judged the Issei or Nisei to be loyal to the United States. WAR -TIME OPINION In April 1945 -- before either V-E or V-J ray became a reality, an NORC question found that onJ.y 53% of the J!.merican publie believed that mos Japanese -Americans would NOT try to do against the United States if they had an op:portUl1i ty . The quest ion was asked in terms of Ni se j only: II or all the Javanese WHO ARE AMERICAN CTTIZENS about how many do you think would try to do some- th ing aga ins the Un ted States if "bhe y had a chance?11 Practically none of them 19% few of them 53% About half of them Most of them Practically all of them Don f t know 100% I0YAL OR DISIOY:AL? In 1946, with the war over only half the public considered the average Japanese living in this country loyal but the more recent question in eluded both Issei and Nisei: Do yo u, th in the AVERAGE Japanese person who 1 iues in th country is loya.l or disloyal? Loya 1 Disloyal fk!IK32t. r-- Don t know 25% o07b L, When only those persons with definite opinions were considered, NORC found 67% judging the rp,B. Japanese living in this country loyal and 33% judging him disloyal. - 4 - ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ~~~.~~~ ~~~~~~~~';~~~~". "'. ;':::'-"- ''\ \._~~~-_.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,,'\.." '''" .. - ~~~~"""~~~~~~. ""\,,::"\. ~~~ ~~~..",\:':''~~~..\:' ,,,:'::: :.j':': , :::::;:?;::::/:,:,,:;;,;~~~;!::()":'.;';::..':.:. ,.:!' :'::":.,.;..,.,.',",;\:;,:;;", !;:""j:;;'(';(::~~~;;---::?::"""??::=:,%--:.::;! :::: GROUP OPINIONS ON ISSEI AND NISEI IDYALTY On the recent survey, NORC found education the factor responsible for tL0 great.est differences of opinion. Alr..ost twice as J1n,y of the college-edu cated as of pers9ns having no more than an eighth grade education answered Loyal. n Also a smaller percentage of those in the upper education group If Even when the " replied "a: don ' t knmr. fun ' t know tr responses are removed, a significantly higher proportion of the college-'educated are founcl reply- ing that the average Japanese living in this c;ountr;r is Ivyal. Paralleling differences in opinion amor the educational groups are differences among the standard-of-livbg groups and among people of various occupations. :Persons in the younger age group were m.ore like l r to say' " Loyal" than were those in the 40-and-over group. 'mere were only slight variations of opin- ion between Democrats and Republ1cans, but Greater difforences appe1:red between those who voted and those wbo did not vote. Some of the moat interesting compe,risons are shovl'n in the chart below: rIC' lOYAL DISlO J i ALL THOSE 1 NTERV I EWED 7D \S: /25("-i:.FJ:;:;i: C' 25% ATTENDEDCOLLEGE 3%: t;, R:' L/;; ATTENDED Hf H SCHOOL :577b ;:1 :i; iiii ' gi: ::;J: t! EIGHTH . GRADE OR LESS :Jl%, t:,:.:: w::(+ml 32 MlOWEST ij NEW ENGLAND AND MIDDLE r;: ;if mAN'" STATS o; WEST f,,\ 501 ;"ii' 'i;;;; ;;!.r PAC'" C COAST STATS ONL Y c 4IW ";:;;?i!;) ii:M;;; i:r: 18% SOUTH ' , 41% Jl' tHi! ''-L .i.
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