Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 2008 (5): 181–186 Original Paper

Analysis of mRNA expression of CNN3, DCN, FBN2, POSTN, SPARC and YWHAQ in porcine foetal and adult skeletal muscles

K. Bílek1, A. Knoll1,2, A. Stratil2, K. Svobodová1, P. Horák2, R. Bechyňová2, M. Van Poucke3, L.J. Peelman3

1Department of Animal Morphology, Physiology and Genetics, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, Czech Republic 2Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Liběchov, Czech Republic 3Department of Animal Nutrition, Genetics, Breeding and Ethology, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium

ABSTRACT: Skeletal muscle growth is determined by the number of prenatally formed fibres and by the degree of their postnatal hypertrophy; i.e. prenatal development may influence the postnatal growth. Sup- pression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was used to identify genes more expressed in fetal hind limb mus- cles of Piétrain pigs (44 days of gestation) compared to the adult biceps femoris. Six potential functional candidate genes (CNN3, DCN, FBN2, POSTN, SPARC and YWHAQ) were selected to verify the SSH results using real-time RT-PCR. Expression levels of the studied genes were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the fetal muscle compared to the adult muscle. FBN2 and POSTN exhibited the highest mRNA levels (mean relative ratios were 182.7 and 121.6, respectively). The studied genes may play an important role in muscle biology and may be candidates for muscling traits.

Keywords: mRNA; fetus; expression; real time RT-PCR; skeletal muscle

The potential for muscle growth in mammals te Pas et al., 2005; Cagnazzo et al., 2006). Many of largely depends on the number of the prenatally the genes were mapped (Davoli et al., 2002) and formed fibres and on the degree of their postnatal some of them were used as functional or positional hypertrophy (Rehfeldt et al., 2000). Muscle fibre candidates for association studies with meat qual- development is suggested to be regulated mainly ity and carcass traits (Wimmers et al., 2007) or for genetically, and variation in genes controlling the QTL mapping (Geldermann et al., 2003). muscle development and their expression can be To understand the biology of myogenesis, the the basis for genetic improvement of meat produc- studies of expression levels of genes in various tion. periods of muscle development are needed. The In numerous studies, hundreds of genes expressed commonly used methods for the quantification of in porcine muscle tissues were identified and their transcription are northern blotting, microarray, expression levels during embryonic and fetal deve- and reverse transcription polymerase chain reac- lopment were investigated (e.g. Davoli et al., 2002; tion (RT-PCR). Although northern blotting and

Supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grants Nos. 523/03/H076 and 523/06/1302) and IRP IAPG (No. AV0Z50450515).

181 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 2008 (5): 181–186 microarray are routinely used for quantification element of extracellular microfibrils FBN2 (fibril- of transcription, the most sensitive methods are lin 2), adhesion extracellular matrix POSTN RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR. A critical step in (periostin; osteoblast specific factor 2), regulation analysis is the validation of RT-PCR protein SPARC (secreted protein, acidic, cysteine data normalization. The normalization is usually rich; osteonectin) and regulation protein YWHAQ achieved via comparing expression profiles of the (tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-mo- genes of interest with constitutively expressed nooxygenase activation protein, theta isoform). genes known as reference or housekeeping genes. Expression stability of a greater number of por- cine reference genes using RT-PCR was studied by MATERIAL AND METHODS Erkens et al. (2006). It was shown that more than one reference gene should be used for the accurate The analysis of mRNA expression was performed normalization of expression data (Vandesompele in the muscle samples of three Piétrain sows and et al, 2002; Erkens et al., 2006). their five fetuses. Samples from the hind limb We used suppression subtractive hybridization muscles of the foetuses (44 days of gestation) and (Diatchenko et al., 1996) for identifying genes that from the m. biceps femoris of adult sows were col- are more expressed in porcine fetal than in adult lected and stored in RNAlater (QIAGEN, Hilden, muscles (Stratil et al., 2008). To verify the results Germany) at –20°C. Homogenization of the samples of subtractive hybridisation, we studied mRNA was carried out in FastPrep FP 120 (ThermoSavant, expression levels for six selected genes in fetal Holbrook, NY, USA) and total RNA was isolated and adult muscles: cytoskeletal structural pro- using FastRNA Pro Green Kit (Q-BIOgene, Solon, tein CNN3 (calponin 3, acidic), structural protein OH, USA). cDNA was synthesized from the total DCN (decorin; bone proteoglycan II), constitutive RNA with Omniscript RT Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden,

Table 1. Information on primers used for real-time PCR


1reference genes

182 Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 2008 (5): 181–186 Original Paper

Germany) and Oligo(dT)20 Primers (Invitrogen, paid to the selection of genes that belong to differ- Carlsbad, CA, USA). The PCR primers were ent functional classes, which significantly reduces designed (Table 1) using the Primer Express the probability that the genes might be co-regu- software v2 (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, lated. The average cycle threshold values (the frac- CA, USA), except for PPIA (Vallee et al., 2003). tional PCR cycle at which the fluorescent signal Real-time PCR was performed in the 7500 Real- significantly rises above the background signal) of Time PCR System using Power SYBR Green PCR duplicate reactions were converted to relative quan- Master Mix (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, tities and these were analysed using the geNorm USA). The real-time PCR program started with algorithm, which is based on the principle that the 2 min AmpErase Uracil N-glycosylase (Applied expression ratio of two ideal reference genes should Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA) incubation step be identical in all samples (Vandesompele et al., at 50°C, 10 min at 95°C, followed by 40 cycles of 2002). Using the geNorm algorithm, two candidate 15 s at 95°C and 1 min at 60°C. PCR efficiency reference genes, HPRT1 and PPIA, were chosen as of each primer pair was verified by constructing the most stable reference genes for a subsequent the relative standard curve. Amplification was analysis (Figure 1). To determine the number of performed in duplicate and a blank was incor- reference genes required for accurate normaliza- porated for each gene. For the normalization of tion the pairwise variation analysis was used be- gene expression levels, geNorm application was tween the normalization factors NFn and NFn+1. used (Vandesompele et al., 2002). The raw data The use of another control gene than HPRT1 and from real-time PCR were analyzed with the qBase PPIA resulted in an increase in the inaccuracy of application (Hellemans et al., 2007). normalisation. Using the real-time RT-PCR, we identified differences in the expression of the six selected RESULTS AND DISCUSSION genes (CNN3, DCN, FBN2, POSTN, SPARC and YWHAQ) in the porcine fetal and adult muscles. For the normalization of gene expression levels, Figure 2 shows expression differences in muscle four candidate reference genes were compared: mRNA for these genes between the rescaled, nor- ACTB (actin, beta) – cytoskeletal structural pro- malized data of three sows and their foetuses. The tein, HPRT1 (hypoxanthine guanine phosphori- 95% confidence intervals (represented by error bosyltransferase 1) – purine synthesis in salvage bars) indicated that the mRNA expression le-vels pathway, PPIA (peptidyl-prolyl isomerase A) – of the investigated genes were significantly higher transport protein, and TOP2B (topoisomerase II in fetuses (P < 0.05) than in the adult muscle tis- beta) – regulation enzyme. Special attention was sue. The mean relative ratios were approximately

2.8 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 Average expression stability (M) stability expression Average 0.8 ACTB TOP2B PPIA Figure 1. Average mRNA expression HPRT1 stability values (M) of reference genes Least stable genes Most stable genes according to geNorm

183 Original Paper Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 2008 (5): 181–186

1 000.00 Figure 2. Relative normalized and rescaled expression of the Adult muscle analysed genes in adult and Fetal muscle foetal muscle tissue, error 100.00 bars represent the 95% confi- dence interval


1.00 Relative expression levels (arbitrary units) 0.10 FBN2 YWHAQ CNN3 DCN POSTN SPARC

8.9, 2.4, 182.7, 121.6, 9.9 and 4.0 for CNN3, DCN, CNN3 gene participates in the formation, arrange- FBN2, POSTN, SPARC and YWHAQ, respective- ment and disassembly of cytoskeletal structures ly. containing both actin and myosin (Maguchi et al., Expression analyses of muscle genes in differ- 1995). DCN is able to regulate growth factor activ- ent pig breeds and different developmental stages ity, collagen fibrogenesis, receptor tyrosine kinase showed to be very useful both to improve gene activity, cancer growth etc. (Goldoni et al., 2004). maps and to increase the number of candidate Zhang et al. (1994) presented the hypothesis that genes that could be involved in controlling pro- FBN2 may influence the formation and mainte- duction traits (Wimmers et al., 2004). The mac- nance of extracellular microfibrils. The POSTN ro- and microarray technologies were used to gene is preferentially expressed in the periosteum simultaneously measure the expression of a large and peridontal ligament. It plays a role in bone and number of genes in different developmental stages tooth formation, maintenance of their structure of embryonic/fetal development and in postnatal and it is involved in cell adhesion (Horiuchi et al., muscle, as well as to study differences in expres- 1999). Goldblum et al. (1994) proposed that SPARC sion between different breeds of pigs (te Pas et regulates the endothelial barrier function through al., 2005; Cagnazzo et al., 2006; Wimmers et al., F-actin-dependent changes in the cell shape, coin- 2007). It was shown that some genes are down cident with the appearance of intercellular gaps that regulated, others up regulated, and some do not provide a paracellular pathway for the extravasation change their expression level. A more sensitive of macromolecules. The YWHAQ gene is involved method to study the expression of genes is real- in the regulation of the cell-cycle via degradation time RT-PCR, which, however, is more laborious of p27Kip1, one of the CDKs activity suppressors and cannot be applied to a great number of genes (Fujita et al., 2002). simultaneously. On the other hand, the limits of The genes were mapped (Stratil et al., 2008) and detection are much lower and the results are more some QTL were found in the region of CNN3, DCN accurate providing proper reference genes are and SPARC (Čepica et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2003; used (Erkens et al., 2006). Pierzchala et al., 2003). The genes we studied were more expressed in It is obvious from previous studies that mam- the fetal muscle. Therefore, they can play impor- malian myogenesis and muscle growth are very tant roles in muscle development and could be complex processes. Further analyses are needed considered candidate genes for muscle growth. in order to better understand the biology of muscle Moreover, this assumption is supported by pre- and to identify genes and mutations involved in vious reports on the functions of the genes. The meat production and its variation.

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Corresponding Author

Ing. Karel Bílek, Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in brno, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 545 133 377, e-mail: [email protected]