Budget Monitoring Report Q1 FY2013-14.Pdf
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THE REPUBLIC OF UGANDA Budget Monitoring Report Quarter One Financial Year 2013/2014 February, 2014 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 5 FOREWORD 11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 12 PART 1: INTRODUCTION 32 CHAPTER 1: BACKGROUND 33 CHAPTER 2: METHODOLOGY 34 2.1 Process 34 2.2 Methodology 34 2.3 Limitations of the report 35 2.4 Structure of the report 35 PART 2: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE 36 CHAPTER 3: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT 37 3.1 Introduction 37 3.2 Scope and Methodology 37 3.3 Financial Performance of selected Ministries. 37 3.4 Conclusions 50 3.5 Recommendation 50 CHAPTER 4: FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS 51 4.1 Introduction 51 4.2 Objectives 51 4.3 Scope and Methodology 51 4.4 Limitations 51 4.5 Findings 51 PART 3: PHYSICAL PERFORMANCE 65 CHAPTER 5: AGRICULTURE 66 5.1 Introduction 66 5.2 Export Goat Breeding and Production 67 5.3 Increasing Mukene for Home Consumption 80 5.4 National Livestock Research Institute 95 5.5 Support to Fisheries Mechanization and Weed Control 109 5.6 Support to Implementation of Quality Assurance for Fish Marketing 125 CHAPTER 6: EDUCATION 140 6.1 Introduction 140 6.2 The ADB IV project 140 6.3 The Centres of Excellence 142 6.4 Existing Seed Secondary Schools expanded under ADB IV 157 6.5 New Seed Secondary Schools Constructed Under ADB IV 161 6.6 Existing Seed Secondary Schools for Expansion 167 6.7 New Seed Secondary Schools Constructed To 100% 171 3 6.8 Additional centres of excellence for rehabilitation and expansion 176 CHAPTER 7: ENERGY 182 7.1 Introduction 182 7.2 Scope of the Report 182 7.3 Methodology 183 7.4 Limitations 184 7.5 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development 184 7.6 Rural Electrification Agency (REA) 200 CHAPTER 8: HEALTH 202 8.1 Introduction 202 8.2 Votes 163 – 175: Regional Referral Hospitals 203 8.3 Votes 501-850 Primary Health Care Development Grant (Project 0422) 212 CHAPTER 9: INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 243 9.1 Introduction 243 9.2 National Information Technology Authority (NITA- U) 244 9.3 Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) 263 CHAPTER 10: INDUSTRIALISATION 280 10.1 Introduction 280 10.2 Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development 281 10.3 Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Cooperatives (MTIC) 290 10.4 Uganda Industrial Research Institute (UIRI) 310 CHAPTER 11: MICROFINANCE 317 11.1 Introduction 317 11.2 Activities of Microfinance Support Centre 317 11.3 Findings 318 CHAPTER 12: ROADS 326 12.1 Introduction 326 12.2 Ministry of Works 327 12.3 National Road Construction/Rehabilitation 332 12.4 Uganda Road Fund (URF) 356 CHAPTER 13: WATER AND SANITATION 373 13.1 Introduction 373 13.2 Vote function 0901: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWSS) 374 13.3 Water and Sanitation Development Facility- Central 416 13.4 Water and Sanitation Development Facility -East 425 13.5 Water and Sanitation Development Facility –South West 428 Part 4: CONCLUSIONS 438 CHAPTER 14: CONCLUSIONS 439 CHAPTER 15: RECOMMENDATIONS 442 REFERENCES 447 4 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACAO Assistant Chief Administrative Officer ACCORD Action for Community Research & Development ADB African Development Bank ADF African Development Fund AfDB African Development Bank AG Accountant General AI Artificial Insemination AIA Appropriations In Aid AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome APL Adaptable Program Loan ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa ATAAS Agricultural Technology and Agribusiness Advisory Services BADEA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa BMAU Budget Monitoring and Accountability Unit BMU Beach Management Unit Bn Billion BoQs Bills of Quantities BoU Bank of Uganda BPO Business Process Outsourcing BTTB Background to the Budget BTVET Business, Technical and Vocational Education and Training CAA Civil Aviation Authority CAIIP Community Agricultural Infrastructure Improvement Programme CAO Chief Administrative Officer CBMS Community Based Management System CDD Community Driven Demand CEMAS Computerized Education Management and Accounting System CERT Computer Emergency Response Teams CFO Chief administrative Officer CGV Chief Government Valuer CIAT International Centre for Tropical Agriculture CIOs Chief Information Officers CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation CU Customs Union DA Designated Agencies DCOs District Commercial Officers DEOs District Education Officers DFO District Fisheries Officer DHO District Health Officer 5 DHSCG District Hygiene and Sanitation Conditional Grant DLGs District Local Government DSIP Agricultural Sector Development Plan and Investment Strategy DUCAR District, Urban and Community Access Roads DVD Digital Video Disc DWD Directorate of Water Development DWO District Water Office (s) DWSCC District Water and Sanitation Coordination Committee DWSDCG District Water and Sanitation Development Conditional Grant EAAPP Eastern Africa Agricultural Productivity Project EAC East Africa Community EACAA East African Civil Aviation Authority EATTP East Africa East African Trade and Transport Facilitation Project EDA Enterprise Direct Advisor EFT Electronic Funds Transfer EGI E-Government Infrastructure EoI Expression of Interest EPC Engineering Procurement and Construction ERP Enterprise Resource Planning ERT Energy for Rural Transformation ESDP Electricity Sector Development Project EXCO Executive Committee FAL Functional Adult Literacy FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FAWE Forum for African Women Educationalists FGD Focus Group Discussion FIEFOC Farm Income Enhancement and Forestry Conservation Project FINMAP Financial Management and Accountability Programme FY Financial Year GEF Global Environmental Facility GFS Gravity Flow Scheme GoU Government of Uganda Ha Hectare HC Health Centre HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HMIS Health Management Information Systems HSSP Health Sector Strategic Plan IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency ICEIDA Icelandic International Development Agency ICT Information and Communication Technology 6 IDA International Development Agency IDA International Development Association IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IFMS Integrated Financial Management System ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IPC Interim Payment Certificate IPF Indicative Planning Figure IPPS Integrated Personnel and Payroll System IsDB Islamic Development Bank JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency KADWASA Kabale District Water and Sanitation Association KALIP Karamoja Livelihood Improvement Project KCCA Kampala City Council Authority Kg Kilogram Km Kilometre LC Local Council LG Local Government LGDP Local Governments Development Programme LGMSD Local Government Management and Service Development Programme LGMSDP Local Government Managerial and Service Delivery Programme LLG Lower Local Government LRA Lord’s Resistance Army LVFO Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization MAAIF Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries MC Municipal Council MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MELTC Mount Elgon Labour Based Training Centre MEMD Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development MFIs Microfinance financial institutions MFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MICT Ministry of Information and Communication Technology MoES Ministry of Education and Sports MoH Ministry of Health MoICT Ministry of Information and Commutations Technology MOLG Ministry of Local Government MoLG Ministry of Local Government MoU Memorandum of Understanding MoWE Ministry of Water and Environment MOWT Ministry of Works and Transport MPS Ministerial Policy Statements 7 MSC Microfinance Support Centre Ltd MT Metric Tonnes MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework MWE Ministry of Water and Environment NAADS National Agricultural Advisory Services NALIRRI National Livestock Resources Research Institute NARO National Agricultural Research Organization NBI National Backbone Infrastructure NBI Nile Basin Initiative NCR Northern Corridor Route NDP National Development Plan NEC National Enterprise Corporation NELSAP Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Programme NEMA National Environment Management Authority NGO Non-Governmental Organization NIPA National IT Industry Promotion Agency (Korea) NISF National Information Security Framework NITA- U National Information Technology Authority-Uganda NMS National Medical Stores NSADP North West Agricultural Development Project NSIS National Security Information System NSSF National Social Security Fund NTCs National Teachers’ Colleges NUSAF Northern Uganda Social Action Fund O&M Operation and Maintenance OBT Output Budgeting Tool OHS Occupational Health and Safety OLP Outstanding Loan Portfolio OPD Out Patient Department OPM Office of the Prime Minister OSBP One Stop Border Post PAPs Project Affected person PAR Portfolio at Risk PARI Public Agricultural Research Institute PDO Project Development Objectives PDU Procurement and Disposal Unit PEPD Petroleum Exploration and Promotion Department PHC Primary Health Care PIP Public Investment Plan PITs Project Implementation Teams 8 PKI Public Key Infrastructure PMA Plan for Modernization Agriculture PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Assets PPDA Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority PPP Public Private Partnerships PRDP Peace, Recovery and Development Plan PSFU Private Sector Foundation of Uganda PTCs Primary Teachers’ Colleges PV Photo Voltaic Q Quarter Q1 Quarter 1 Q2 Quarter 2 Q3 Quarter 3 Q4 Quarter 4 QAFMP Support to the Implementation of Quality Assurance for Fish Marketing Project RAP Resettlement Action Plan