I also have a list of prominent unconfirmed participants, who should be confirmed shortly. I am looking for Canadian autistic persons to consider joining the board. Please send letters of interest to:
[email protected] PERM ALINK POSTED BY ESTEE KLAR-WOLFOND AT 3/16/2006 11:19:00 AM 13 COM M ENTS LINKS TO THIS POST TUESDAY , M ARCH 14, 2006 The Difficulty of Knowing There is an old adage: Ignorance is Bliss. In the case of liberal eugenics, human genome research and ethics, some people might think this as they read on. As we come closer to discovering what makes us physically human, we come closer to becoming god-like. In the name of progress we fly higher and seek control. Apollo had a son called Phaethon, who was human. Phaethon nagged at Apollo to let him borrow the sun chariot and fly across the sky. Finally Apollo agreed. Phaethon proudly drove the sun chariot up into the sky, but then he lost control of the horses. The sun chariot dived towards the earth, burning everything. Finally Jupiter had to stop him with a thunder bolt. In the name of progress, human genetics, biotechnology and the economic engine that will profit dearly from it all, this movement will go on. To what end is yet to be determined. In the meantime, let’s keep talking about what this all means as my son hugs me from behind with his cherub smile this morning. I’ve been pondering my first pregnancy with Adam. The expectation of him. Needless to say, after thirty-six years of waiting, I was ecstatic.