Distr~Ineer Superintending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Region: Warangal

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Distr~Ineer Superintending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Region: Warangal Undertaking t o Pay cost of raising and maintenance of Compensatory Afforestation ' We hereby undertake to pay the cost of raising and maintenance of compensatory afforestation (including raising and maintenance of plantations, I aided natural regeneration, SMC works etc.,) over degrade forest land identified , by the forest department, as and when demanded by the forest authorities and I also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charges at a later date as per the demand raised by the forest! authorities in respect of "proposed diversion of 0.50 ha of Forest Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Division for the purpose The work "R/ F PWD Road to Muthapur (including Construction of causeway Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/550 kms) of Govindaraopet(M)" in Mulugu District" Division-wise forest land required: Area in S.No Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Venkatapur-I 0 . 50 Total 0.50 ~ bJO/ Assistant Engineer Oy. Executive Engineer PR Sub Division: Mu lug PR Sub Division: Mulug ~a:>-\ ~-r-­ Distr~ineer Superintending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Region: Warangal //COLJnter signed// ~v- Chief Engineer PMGSY PR Hyderabad Undertaking for unqualified commitm ent from project authority to Pay cost of extraction of tree growth We hereby undertake to pay the cost of exploitation of tree grbwth of the ! forest land proposed for diversion under the project as and when deimanded by I the forest authorities and also undertake to pay the additional amount if any due to escalation or any other charges at a later date as per the demanid raised by the forest authorities in respect of in respect "proposed diversion IOf 0.50 ha of Forest Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Division for the purpose The work "R/F PWD Road to Muthapur ( including Construction of causeway Across Ja m pannavaagu at Km O/ S~ O kms) of Govindaraopet(M)" in Mulug u District" Division-wise forest land required: Are a in S.No Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Venkatapur-I 0.50 Total 0 .50 A ~eer Dy. Exec'lITiVe Engineer PR Sub Division : Mulug PR Sub Divls i.on: Mulug ~£)-4..'l)"-­ Dist ~ gineer Superintending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Regidn: Warangal / /Counter signed// Qrt-­ Ch ief Engineer PMGSY PR Hyderabad Undertak ing t o Pay Net Present Value We hereby undertake to pay Net Present Value (NPV) as PI' r guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildl ife (Protection) Act,1972 in accordance with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Indiar State Govt and MoEF in respect of "proposed diversion of 0.50 ha of Fo rest Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Division for the 9 urpose T he work " R/F PWD Road to Muthapur (including Construction of causeway I Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/550 kms) of Govindaraopet(M)" in Mulugu Dist rict" I We also hereby undertake to pay differential NPV amount, if any, due to escalation or revision of NPV, as and when demanded by the Forest Department. Division-wise forest land required: Area in S.No Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Ven katapur-I 0.50 Total 0.5 0 - -­ - ~ ~ Assistant Engineer Dy. f:Xecu elve Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub Di ~ ision: Mulug ~()--<"'~ Distr i ~neer Superint~nding Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Regiion: Warangal !!Counter signed!! ~v Ch ief Engineer PMGSY PR Hyderabad Unde rta king to pay Ad dl. Cost of Net Present value (NPV) I We hereby undertake to pay Addl. Cost of Net Present Value f NPV) as per guidelines under Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 and Wildl ife /. (Protection) Act,1972 in accordance with the orders of the Hon'ble Supreme C9urt of India/ State Govt. and MoEF in respect of "proposed diversion of 0 .50 ~t!t a of Forest Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Divis on for the purpose The w ork "R/F PWD Road to Muthapur ( including onst ruct ion I of causeway Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/559 kms) of Govindaraopet(M)" in Mulugu District" We also hereby undertake to pax differential additional N ~V amount, if any, due to escalation or revision of NPV, as and when demanded Iby the Forest Department. Division-wise forest land required: Are a in S.No Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Venkatapur-! 0 .50 Total 0.50 - - ~~ J:;JG Assistant Engineer Dy. Executive Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub Dit ision: Mulug Distri~ineer 5 upenn~ t enolng"i'--- Englneer. PIU: Mulug PR Reg ibn: Warangal / /Counter signed// ch i kn~eer PMGSY PR Hyderabad ARE A MINIMUM CERTIFICATE Certified that "proposed diversion of 0.50 ha of Fore~ t land in Venkat apur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Division for the purpose The w ork " R/F PWD Road to Muthapur (including Construction 11f causew ay Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/ 550 kms) of Govindara , pet(M)" in Mulugu District" . Also certified that any other forest land has not taken for this project. We also hereby undertake that no taking of fresh forest land sha ll de carried out during execution of the Project. Division- w ise forest land required: Area in S.N o Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Venkatapur-I 0.50 Tot al 0.50 - - - ~ Assistant Engineer Dy. ixec-upve Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub Division: Mulug ~~Q-r- ., Distri~eer Superint1ending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Regi/on: Warangal / /Counter signed// ~~ CHief Engineer PMGSY PR Hyderabad NO N VIOLATION CERTIFICATE Certified that no work has been carried out in violation ofIF© Act, 1980 and W(P)Act,1972 in the "proposed. diversion of 0.50 ha of Fo r1est Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulugu Division for the jurpose The work "R/F PWD Road to Mut hapur ( including Construction f causew ay Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/550 kms) of Govindara I pet(M)" in I Mulugu District" Division-wise forest land required: Area in S.No I Division Name I RF Name ha 1 Mulugu I Venkatapur-I 0 .50 Total 0.50 ~ Assistant Engineer Dy. Ex ecutive Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub Di t ision: Mulug --' District ~ ineer sup ~ri T"'d ltJ9Tn 9 i neer PIU: Mu lug PR Regip n: Warangal / /Counter signed/ / Ch ~~ eer PMGSY PR Hyderabad CERTIFICATE It is certified that, all the possibilities to avoid forest land for the project have been explored and it is found that no alternative suitable no -forestland is technically feasible and viable to that part of the work for which diversion has been "proposed diversion of 0.50 ha of Forest Land in Ve katapur - I Reserve Forest of Mulu9.u Division for the purpose The wo k "R/F PWD Road to Muthapur (including Construction of Across Jampannavaagu at Km 0/550 kms) of Govindaraopet( MI " in Mulugu District" Division-wise forest land required: Area in S.No I Division Name I RF Name ha 1 Mulugu I Venkatapur-I 0.50 T ot al 0.50 ~ Assistant Engineer Dy. cxecWITve Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub Division: Mulug q ,"",0.-­ Distr~gineer Superintending Engineer PIU: Mulug PR Reg!ion: Warangal / /Counter signed/ / ~~ Chief Engineer PMGSY PR Hyderabad UN D E R T AKING The user agency is hereby undertake that no labour ~amp shall be established on the forest lands during the construction of "propo e d diversion of 0.50 ha of Forest Land in Venkatapur - I Reserve For st of Mulugu Division for the purpose The work "R/F PWD Roa d 10 Muthapur (including Construction of causeway Across Jampannav1agu at Km 0/550 kms) of Govindaraopet(M)" in Mulugu District" Division-wise forest land re quired : Area in S.No Division Name RF Name ha 1 Mulugu Venkatapur-I 0.50 Total 0 .50 ~\ .~ ~ ::­ Assistant E: Exec e Engineer PR Sub Divis ub Ci ion: MuJug rv---..I'I ,-,\-O~ Distri ~neer Superi ~ tending EngJneer PIU: Mulug PR Region: Warangal / /Counter signed// Ch ~~neer PMGSY PR Hyderabad Model and Make of the ETS &. DGPSI GNSS In strum~nts It is certified that the ETS & DGPSj GNSS Survey was carried /out through an outsourcing agency. The make and model of the DGPSj GNSS instruments are South, South S86. Period of Survey was December - 2018. ~ Assistant Engineer Dy. Execu~ive Engineer PR Sub Division: Mulug PR Sub DiVision: Mulug 0 -\" -e:-­ Dist r i~eer nding Engineer PI U: Mulug n: Warangal !!Counter signed!! ~~ Chief Engineer PMG SY PR Hyderabad .
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    VVOLOL NNO.O. XXII ISSUEISSUE NNO.O. 334949 PPAGES.AGES. 88+8+8 ` //-- 4 EENGLISHNGLISH DDAILYAILY THE11 TUESDAY, AUGUST, SOUTH 2020 PUBLISHED FROM: HYDERABAD, CHENNAI INDIA & BANGALORE EDITOR INTIMES CHIEF: BUCHI BABU VUPPALA www.thesouthindiatimes.com /facebook/thesouthindiatimes.yahoo.in / thesouthindiatimes.yahoo.in ‘DONE DEAL’: CONGRESS WHO DECRIES ‘VAST GLOBAL BOMMAI, ASHOK HINTS AT UNDERSTANDING GAP’ IN FUNDS NEEDED TO CHIP IN FOR YEDIYURAPPA IN PM’S WITH PILOT CAMP FIGHT CORONAVIRUS FLOOD REVIEW SHORT TAKES PM holds meeting with CMs of six States to review flood situation CBI raids 4 locations New Delhi, Aug 10 (UNI) Prime central and state agencies to have warning systems so that people in for elderly people, pregnant wom- in Ambience Mall case Minister Narendra Modi on Mon- a permanent system for forecasting a particular area can be provided en and people with co-morbidity. day held a meeting, through video of floods and extensive use of inno- with timely warning in case of He further conveyed that States New Delhi, Aug 10 (UNI) The conferencing, with Chief Ministers vative technologies for improving any threatening situation such as should ensure that all develop- Central Bureau of Investigation of six States, namely Assam, Bihar, forecast and warning system. breach of river embankment, in- ment and infrastructure projects (CBI) is carrying out searches at Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kar- Prime Minister said that over undation level, lightning etc. Prime must be built with resilience to four locations in Delhi, Chandi- nataka and Kerala, to review their the past few years, our forecasting Minister also emphasized that in withstand local disasters and to garh, and Panchkula in Haryana, preparedness to deal with south- agencies like India Meteorologi- view of COVID situation, while help in reducing consequential including the premises of the Am- west monsoon and current flood cal Department and Central Water undertaking rescue efforts, States losses.
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