Captures in Methyl Eugenol and Cue-Lure Detection Traps with and Without Insecticides and with a Farma Tech Solid Lure and Insecticide Dispenser

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Captures in Methyl Eugenol and Cue-Lure Detection Traps with and Without Insecticides and with a Farma Tech Solid Lure and Insecticide Dispenser ECOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR Captures in Methyl Eugenol and Cue-Lure Detection Traps With and Without Insecticides and With a Farma Tech Solid Lure and Insecticide Dispenser ROGER I. VARGAS,1 R. E. BURNS,2 RONALD F. L. MAU,3 JOHN D. STARK,4 PETER COOK,5 3 AND JAIME C. PIN˜ ERO U.S. PaciÞc Basin Agricultural Research Center, USDA-ARS, P.O. Box 4459, Hilo, HI 96720 J. Econ. Entomol. 102(2): 552Ð557 (2009) ABSTRACT Methyl eugenol (ME) and cue-lure (C-L) traps to detect tephritid ßies on the U.S. mainland were tested with and without insecticides under Hawaiian weather conditions against small populations of oriental fruit ßy, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and melon ßy, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), respectively. In comparative tests, standard Jackson traps with naled and the Hawaii fruit ßy areawide pest management (AWPM) trap with 2,2-dichorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP) insecticidal strips outperformed traps without an insecticide. Addition of the reduced risk insecticide spinosad did not increase trap capture signiÞcantly compared with Jackson traps without an insec- ticide. Captures in AWPM traps with DDVP compared favorably with those for the Jackson trap with liquid naled (the Florida standard). In subsequent tests, captures with solid Farma Tech wafer dispensers with ME or C-L and DDVP placed inside Jackson and AWPM traps were equal to those for a Jackson trap with naled, currently used for detection of ME and C-L responding fruit ßies in Florida. Farma Tech ME and C-L wafers with DDVP would be more convenient and safer to handle than current liquid insecticide formulations (e.g., naled) used for detection programs in Florida. KEY WORDS Tephritid ßies, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. cucurbitae, naled, spinosad Within the dipteran family Tephritidae, the genus traps with ME or C-L are maintained in California and Bactrocera Macquart is composed of at least 440 spe- Florida for rapid detection of accidental introductions cies distributed primarily in tropical Asia, the South of fruit ßy species belonging to these two genera. PaciÞc, and Australia (White and Elson-Harris 1992). The oriental fruit ßy, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), Males of numerous Bactrocera and Dacus F. species are and the melon ßy, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), known to be highly attracted to either methyl eugenol are two major fruit ßy pest species in Hawaii with 173 (ME) (4-allyl-1, 2-dimethoxybenzene-carboxylate) and 125 host plant species recorded, respectively or cue-lure (C-L) [4-(p-acetoxyphenyl)-2-butanone] (Metcalf and Metcalf 1992). Monitoring is a primary (Metcalf and Metcalf 1992). In fact, at least 90% of the component of the Hawaii fruit ßy Area-Wide Pest Dacinae species (composed of the two major genera Management (AWPM) program, a community-based Bactrocera and Dacus) are strongly attracted to either statewide effort to transfer safe sustainable integrated ME or to C-L/raspberry ketone (Hardy 1979). For pest management (IPM) technologies to farmers and example, at least 176 species of the male Dacinae are residents (Mau et al. 2007, Vargas et al. 2008a). Simple attracted to C-L/raspberry ketone, and 58 species to bucket traps (termed AWPM traps) are often used for ME (Metcalf 1990). Of the 73 Bactrocera and Dacus detection and monitoring of fruit ßy populations. species that are agricultural pests, 41 respond to C-L/ Therefore, an AWPM trap also was included in these raspberry ketone, 22 to ME, and 10 to neither (White tests. The objective of the current study was to test the and Elson-Harris 1992). Large numbers of detection performance of C-L and ME detection traps without insecticides, with the reduced risk insecticide spi- This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a nosad, and with a novel solid lure and insecticide proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or a recom- formulation to capture B. cucurbitae and B. dorsalis mendation by the USDA for its use. ßies at low population densities under Hawaiian cli- 1 Corresponding author, e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Division of Plant Industries, Florida Department of Agriculture matic conditions. These two fruit ßy species represent and Consumer Services, Gainesville, FL 32608. model systems for potential application of our Þndings 3 College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University to other Bactrocera and Dacus species. Different com- of Hawaii at Manoa, 3050 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822. binations were compared against the standard Jackson 4 Washington State University, Puyallup Research and Extension Center, Puyallup, WA 98371. trap with ME and C-L used for detection in Florida 5 Farma Tech International, North Bend, WA 98045. and the AWPM trap used for monitoring in Hawaii. April 2009 VARGAS ET AL.: METHYL EUGENOL AND CUE-LURE DETECTION TRAPS 553 Table 1. Trap type, toxicant, and attractant (eiher methyl trap); and 4) ChamP trap (Seabright Laboratories, eugenol [ME] against B. dorsalis or cue-lure [C-L] against B. cu- Emeryville, CA) ϩ ME (6 ml). C-L treatments were curbitae) used in three field experiments conducted at Waimea and Honokaa, HI placed on wicks inside traps as follows (Table 1): 1) Jackson trap ϩ 5% ([AI]) naled C-L solution (6 ml) Exp Trap Toxicant Attractant (standard Florida detection trap); 2) Jackson trap ϩ ϩ ϩ 1 Jackson 1% naled 6 ml ME C-L (6 ml); 3) AWPM trap C-L (6 ml) insecticidal Jackson None 6 ml ME strip; and 4) ChamP trap ϩ C-L (6 ml). AWPMa Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml ME Studies were conducted in Waimea (for B. dorsalis) ChamP None 6 ml ME and Honokaa (for B. cucurbitae), Hawaii Island, HI, Jackson 1% naled 6 ml C-L Jackson None 6 ml C-L respectively, in areas where fruit ßy populations were AWPM Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml C-L low. Trials of different ME traps were conducted from ChamP None 6 ml C-L 20 November 2003 to 12 February 2004 in a large stand 2 Jackson 1% naled 6 ml ME Psidium cattleianum Jackson None 6 ml ME of wild strawberry guava, L. near Jackson 5% spinosad 6 ml ME Waimea. Trials of different C-L traps were conducted AWPM Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml ME in an abandoned vegetable Þeld near Honokaa from 20 ChamP None 6 ml ME November 2003 to 12 February 2004. Mean Ϯ SEM Jackson 1% naled 6 ml C-L Ϯ Њ Jackson None 6 ml C-L monthly temperature and rainfall were 16.95 0.14 C Jackson 5% spinosad 6 ml C-L and 0.42 Ϯ 0.09 cm for Waimea and 16.86 Ϯ 0.19ЊC and AWPM Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml C-L 0.72 Ϯ 0.19 cm for Honokaa, during the evaluation ChamP None 6 ml C-L period. Treatments were replicated four times in a 3 Jackson 1% naled 6 ml ME AWPM Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml ME randomized complete block design. To compensate Jackson Mallet-ME/DDVP wafer for position effects, traps were rotated one position AWPM Mallet-ME/DDVP wafer each week until all four positions in a block had been Jackson 1% naled 6 ml C-L AWPM Hercon Vapor Tape (DDVP) 6 ml C-L occupied by each trap. Wicks were replaced after 6 Jackson Mallet-C-L/DDVP wafer wk. ME traps were placed in guava trees in four AWPM Mallet-C-L/DDVP wafer patches of guava. C-L traps (20 m apart) were placed a on Þberglass stakes 1 m above the ground and arranged One-liter plastic containers with four 3-cm-diameter holes, de- in four blocks around the periphery of an abandoned scribed in detail by Vargas et al. (2003). vegetable Þeld. Fruit ßies from different traps were emptied at weekly intervals into plastic bags and trans- ported to the laboratory where counts were done. For We were speciÞcally interested in developing a more the statistical analysis, data for B. dorsalis or B. cucur- convenient and safer way to use lure and insecticide bitae captures (mean number of ßies per trap per d) combinations. were transformed to (x ϩ 1)1/2 to stabilize the vari- ance, and then subjected to analysis of variance Materials and Methods (ANOVA) (Proc GLM). Means were separated by a Fisher least signiÞcant difference (LSD) test at the Experiment 1. Performance of Jackson Traps with P ϭ and without Naled, ChamP Traps, and AWPM Traps. 0.05 level (SAS Institute 1999). The standard treatment was the Jackson trap with ME Experiment 2. Comparisons of Jackson Traps with or C-L prepared in accordance with the Florida trap- Naled, Jackson Traps with Spinosad, Jackson Traps, ping manual used to maintain a detection grid of 12,518 ChamP Traps, and AWPM Traps with DDVP Strips. ME and 6,844 C-L traps throughout the state of Florida ME treatments were placed inside traps and on wicks ϩ (FDACS 2003). The ChamP trap is a noninsecticidal as follows (Table 1): 1) Jackson trap 1% ([AI]) naled ϩ fruit ßy monitoring trap used in California. Jackson ME solution (6 ml); 2) Jackson trap ME (6 ml); 3) ϩ and ChamP traps are illustrated in the International Jackson trap 5% ([AI]) spinosad ME (6 ml) solution; Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA 2003) trapping guide- 4) AWPM trap ϩ ME (6 ml) ϩ insecticidal strip; and 5) line for AWPM programs. The Hawaii AWPM trap is ChamP trap ϩ ME (6 ml). C-L treatments were placed constructed of plastic containers (Highland Plastics inside traps and on wicks as follows (Table 1): 1) Jackson Inc., Mira Loma, CA) (Highland Plastic no.
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    International Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2014 Vol. 2, No. 11, pp. 263-277 ISSN(e): 2311-4746 ISSN(p): 2311-7435 © 2014 Conscientia Beam. All Rights Reserved. DEVELOPMENT AND DEMOGRAPHIC PARAMETERS OF BACTROCERA INVADENS (DIPTERA: TEPHRITIDAE) IN GUINEAN CLIMATIC ZONE OF TOGO M. Gomina1 --- A. D. Mondedji2 --- W. Nyamador3 --- J. F. Vayssieres4 ---- K. Amevoin5* --- A. I. Glitho6 1,2,3,5,6 Laboratoire d’Entomologie Appliquée, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Lomé, Lomé 1, Lomé-Togo 4CIRAD, UPR HortSys, Montpellier, France; IITA station, Tri Postal, Cotonou, Benin ABSTRACT Among the 35 Tephritidae species recorded in Togo, only Bactrocera invadens Drew, Tsuruta and White had high prevalence throughout the year and infested fruits of commercial importance. In perspective for control of B. invadens, a wild strain of this pest was reared in an open room conditions similar to those of the external medium (27.5 ± 1 ° C, 79.5 ± 3% RH and approximately 12: 12 L: D). It was fed on local diet consisting of a mixture of soya flour and superfine sugar, and water in the presence of a mango (cultivar Eldon). These conditions allowed us to determine it biological and growth parameters. Ovariole number per ovary in B. invadens was 41. The total mean development time was 21.71 ± 0.99 days. Egg incubation, larval development and puparia-adult periods were respectively 1.28 ± 0.02, 11.35 ± 1.13 and 9.37 ± 0.19 days. About 68.50 ± 5.13% of the eggs developed to the adult stage. Life expectancy at pupal eclosion was 55.03 ± 30.75 days in males and 51.94 ± 21.03 in females.
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