Protopresbyter Κyprianos Κountouris Αssistant Professor of History of Education and Culture Director Theological School of the Church of Cyprus 1-7 Isocratous 1016, Nicosia Cyprus Τel.: 00357 22 443065 Fax: 00357 22443050 E-mail:
[email protected] Profile Protopresbyter Kyprianos Kountouris is an Assistant Professor of History of Education and Culture at the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus. He is also the Director of the School. He has worked for three decades in Primary Education, serving as a school Ηeadmaster in the United Kingdom and Cyprus. He has been actively involved in a great number of projects and has amble experience in the implementation of innovative programs and research projects. He received his PhD from the Department of Education of the University of Ioannina, Greece (2015) with a thesis entitled “Contribution to the History of Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education of Greek Community Schools in Great Britain (20th century). A Case Study: The Greek-Orthodox School of Ayios Demetrios, North London”. He also holds an MA in Teaching History from the University of London (1995), and a Diploma in Education (1992) from the same university. He is currently conducting postdoctoral research at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, on the Codex of Ayios Andronikos Church, in Dali, Cyprus. He has presented papers at international and local conferences. 1. Education Diploma Year Institution Department Title of final Project Post-doctoral 2020 National and Department Publication of the code of St Degree Kapodistrian of Pedagogy Andronicus in Dali. University of Athens PhD 2015 Ioannina Department Contribution to the History of University, Greece of Education Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education of Greek Community Schools in Great Britain (20th century).