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Copyright, 1906, by the American Academy of Political and Social Science. All rights reserved.

KRAUS REPRINT CO. New York 1968 Reprintted with the permission of the original publishers KRAUS REPRINT CO. A U.S. Division of Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited

Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS


PAGE ADDAMS,JANE. The Operationof the Illinois ChildLabor Law 327 ALLEN, WALTERS. Street Railway Franchises in Massachu- setts ...... 9I ASHLEY,PERCY. The Water, Gas, and Electric Light Supply of London ...... 20 BASCOM,JOHN. The Three Amendments...... 597 BROOKS,JOHN GRAHAM. Past and Present Arguments Against Child Labor ...... 281 BROWNE,HUGH M. The Training of the Negro Laborer in the North ...... 579 BULKLEY,WILLIAM L. The Industrial Condition of the Negro in New York City ...... 590 CRAWFORD,ROBERT. Glasgow's Experience with Municipal Ownership and Operation ...... I DONNELY,SAMUEL B. The Trade Agreement in the Building Trades ...... 510 EDMONDS,FRANKLIN S. Significance of the Recent Reform Movement in ...... I80 ELLIS,GEORGE H. The Fallacy of the "Closed Shop" ...... 517 FAIRLIE,JOHnN A. The Problems of City Government from the Administrative Point of View ...... I32 FILENE, EDWARDA. The Betterment of the Conditions of Working Women ...... 613 FROST,EDWARD W. The Operation of the Wisconsin Child Labor Law ...... 357 GOMPERS,SAMUEL. Organized Labor's Attitude Toward Child Labor ...... 337 GROSSER,HUGO S. The Movement for Municipal Ownership in ...... 72 HARRIS,HENRY J. The Essentials of a Child Labor Law for the District of Columbia ...... 364 (iii) iv Contents

PAGE HAYES, DENIS A. Length of the Trade Life in the Glass Bot- tle Industry ...... 496 HOFFMAN, FREDERICK L. Physical and Medical Aspects of Labor and Industry ...... 465 HUEBNER, GROVERG. The Americanization of the Immigrant. 653 HUNTER, ROBERT. A Plea for the Investigation of the Condi- tions Affecting the Length of Trade Life ...... 500 JONES, CHESTERLLOYD. Madrid: Its Government and Munici- pal Services ...... I2o KELLEY, FLORENCE. The Federal Government and the Work- ing Children ...... 289 KOBER,GEORGE M. The Physical and Physiological Effects of Child Labor ...... 285 LINDSAY, SAMUEL MCCUNE. Child Labor a National Problem. 331 LOVEJOY,OWEN R. Child Labor in the Coal Mines ...... 293 LOVEJOY,OWEN R. Child Labor in the Glass Industry ...... 300 MACASSEY, LYNDEN. Transportation Facilities and Street Rail- way Traffic in London ...... 66 MCKELWAY,A. J. Child Labor in the Southern Cotton Mills.. 259 MCKELWAY, A. J. The Child Labor Problem-A Study in Degeneracy ...... 312 MILLER, KELLY. The Economic Handicap of the Negro in the North ...... 543 MONROE,ROBERT GRIER. The Gas, Electric Light, Water, and Street Railway Services in New York City ...... NATHAN, MAUD. Women Who Work and Women Who Spend 646 NEILL, CHARLESP. Child Labor at the National Capital .... 270 NOYES, WILLIAM. Overwork, Idleness or Industrial Education 342 O'CONNELL, JAMES. The Manhood Tribute to the Modern Machine: Influences Determining the Length of the Trade Life Amongst Machinists ...... 49T OVINGTON, MARY WHITE. The Negro in the Trades Unions in New York ...... 55 PETERS,J. W. S. Home Rule Charter Movements in Missouri 155 PRESCOTT,WILLIAM B. The Services of Labor Unions in the Settlement of Industrial Disputes ...... 521 REYNOLDS,WILLIAM. Baltimore Under its New Charter..... I68 RICHARDSON, DOROTHY. The Difficulties and Dangers Con- fronting the Working Woman ...... 624 Contents v

PAGE ROWE,L. S. Municipal Ownership and Operation of Street Railways in Germany ...... 37 SKINNER, R. W., JR. Constitutional Limitations Relating to Cities and Their Affairs ...... Opp. 232 SMITH, A. BEVERLY. The "Mutual Government" or "Joint Commission" Plan of Preventing Industrial Conflicts .... 531 STOKES, ROSE H. PHELPS. The Condition of Working Women from the Working Woman's Viewpoint ...... 627 TAYLOR, GRAHAM. Parental Responsibility for Child Labor.. 354 VREELAND,H. H. Some Guiding Principles in the Adjustment of the Relations between Employer and Employee...... 507 WALD, LILLIAN D. Organization Amongst Working Women. 638 WOODRUFF, CLINTON ROGERS. Municipal Progress, I904-I905. I91 WOODWARD, S. W. A Business Man's View of Child Labor... 361 WRIGHT, R. R., JR. The Migration of Negroes to the North.. 559

Proceedings of the Second Annual Meeting of the National Child Labor Committee ...... 371 Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ...... 677


Conducted by L. S. ROWE. The Relation of the American Municipalitiesto the Gas and Electric Light Service-A Symposium: ...... 200. New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, , Cleveland, Buffalo, New Orleans, Milwaukee, District of Columbia, Newark, Providence, St. Paul, Grand Rapids, Seattle, Duluth.

Civic Organizations and Municipal Parties ...... 400 A symposium on Reform Organizations in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Mo.; Denver, Los Angeles, Seattle. vi Contents


REVIEWS. PAGE ATKINSON, F. W. The Philippine Islands.-J. R. Smith ...... 242 BLACKMAR,F. W. The Elements of Sociology.-G. B. Mangold...... 243 CARRERAY JUSTIZ, F. Introduccion a la Historia de las Instituciones Locales de Cuba.-L. S. Rowe...... 244 CONANT,C. A. Principles of Money and Banking. 2 Vols.-F. A. Cleveland ...... 424 COOK,S. A. The Laws of Moses and the Code of Hammurabi.-M. Jastrow, Jr ...... 435 DUNNING,W. A. A History of Political Theories from Luther to Montesquieu.-W. W. Pierson ...... 428 FLEMING,W. Io Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama.-C. C. Pickett ...... 4...... 430 GOODNOW,F. J. The Principles of the Administrative Law of the .- I. Loeb ...... 432 GREENE,E. B. Provincial America.-A. C. Myers ...... 245 HARPER,R. F. The Code of Hammurabi. Vol. I. . Jastrow, Jr..... 435 HEILPRIN, ANGELOand Louis. (Editors) Lippincott's New Gazetteer. E. R. Johnson...... 247 HILL, D. J. A History of European Diplomacy. Vol. I.-E. D. Adams.. 248 HUNT, W., and POOLE, R. L. (Editors) The Political History of England. Vol. X.-E. P. Cheyney ...... 437 KELLEY,FLORENCE. Some Ethical Gains Through Legislation.-Charlotte K. Patten ...... 249 KIRKBRIDE, F. B., and STERRETT,J. E. The Modern Trust Company.-T. Conway, Jr ...... 439 KOHLER, J., and PEISER, F. E. Hammurabi's Gesetz. Vol. I.-M. Jastrow, Jr ...... 435 MCLAUGHLIN, A. C. The Confederation and the Constitution, I783- I789.-D. Y. Thomas ...... 251 MILYOUKOV, P. Russia and Its Crisis.-J. T. Young ...... 441 MOORE,J. B. American Diplomacy.-J. 'W. Garner ...... 253 MULLER, D. H. Die Gesetze Hammurabis und ihr Verhaltniss zur Mosaischen Gesetzgebung, sowie zu den xii Tafeln.-M. Jastrow, Jr.. 435 RAE, J. The Sociological Theory of Capital.-L. W. Zartman...... 442 REID, G. A. The Principles of Heredity.-C. Kelsey ...... 254 SELIGMAN,E. R. A. Principles of Economics.-E. M. Banks...... 256 SMALL, A. W. General Sociology.-C. Kelsey ...... 444

NOTES. Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik. Vol. XXI, No. 3...... 234 BOURNE, H. E. A History of Mediaeval and Modern Europe ...... 234 CHAPIN, H. D. Vital Questions ...... 234 Contents viiV11

PAGE Charity Organization Society of New York, Twenty-third Annual Report. 416 DENBY,C. China and Her People ...... 416 DEVINE,E. T. Efficiency and Relief ...... 417 DORSEY,G. A. The Cheyenne. 2 Vols...... 418 DORSEY,G. A. Traditions of the Arikara, and Traditions of the Caddo.. 234 From Servitude to Service ...... 418 GEORGE,H., JR. The Menace of Privilege ...... 4I8 GLADDEN,W. The New Idolatry ...... 419 GRINNELL,W. M. Social Theories and Social Facts...... 419 GULICK,J. T. Evolution, Racial and Habitudinal...... 235 HAGGARD,H. R. The Poor and the Land ...... 236 HARDY,E. J. John Chinaman at Home ...... 236 HERZIELD,E. G. Family Monographs ...... 236 HOWE,F. C. The City ...... 237 HUME,J. T. The Abolitionists ...... 420 Jahrbttch fur Gesetzebung Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft. XXIX. 4.. 237 KILDARE,O. The Wisdom of the Simple ...... 420 KIRKUP,T. Progress and the Fiscal Problem ...... 238 KLEIN,FELIX. In the Land of the Strenuous Life ...... 238 KNAPP,G. F. State Theory of Money ...... 421 La duree legale du travail ...... 238 LANG,A. The Secret of the Totem ...... 421 LERoY,J. A. Philippine Life in Town and Country ...... 421 LEROY-BEAULIEU,P. The United States in the Twentieth Century...... 422 LEVY,H. Die Stahlindustrie der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika..... 239 LOANE, M. The Queen's Poor ...... 239 MINNICH, M. R. A Memoir of the First Treasurer of the United States. 239 MONNIER, A. Les Accidents du Travail dans L'Agriculture et la Legis- lation Anglaise ...... 239 POPE,J. E. The Clothing Industry in New York ...... 240 RIES, H. Economic Geology of the United States ...... 240 SALZ, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Kritik der Lohnfondstheorie..... 24 SEAGER, H. R. Introduction to Economics. 3d Ed...... 423 Statistisches Jahrbuch du Stadt Berlin, I904 ...... 241 VOTH,H. R. The Traditions of the Hopi ...... 423 WARNER, G. H. The Jewish Spectre ...... 241 ZUEBLIN,C. A Decade of Civic Development ...... 424

NOTES ON PHILANTHROPY, CHARITIES AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS Conducted by MRS. EMILY E. WILLIAMSON. Inter-Municipal Research Committee, The ...... 451 Juvenile Courts and Social Work in Rural Districts of the Central West. 447 Society to Protect Children from Cruelty, Some Functions of a...... 458 viii Contents



Proceedings of the session of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, held February 24, I906. Introductory Remarks by the Presi- dent of the Academy, Prof. L. S. Rowe. Addresses by His Excellency, Senor Don Joaquin D. Casasus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Pleni- potentiary of Mexico to the United States; His Excellency, Senor Don Joaquim Nabuco, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Brazil to the United States; His Excellency, Senor Don Ignacio Calderon, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Bolivia to the United States; His Excellency, Senor Don Joaquin Bernardo Calvo, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rica to the United States. May, 9go6. Pp. 22.