Associations Institutions
Lis o A ss cia i ns S cie ies etc . t f o t o , o t , Actuarial Society of America . Cit . R . Henderson , New York y American Acade my of Political and Social Science . Ed mund . Ill. J James , Urbana , David Kinley , Urbana , Ill . Emory R . Johnson , Philadelphia , Pa . h . Carl Kelsey , P iladelphia , Pa l Clyde L . King , Philade phia , Pa . American Anthropological Association . Chas . Peabody , Cambridge , Mass . a Cl rk Wissler , New York City . American Anti'uarian Society . Hiram Bingham , New Haven , Conn . American Association of Advancement of Science . W . W . Campbell , Mount Hamilton , Cal . 0 . ar . L . How d , Washington , D C o American Association of Ec nomic Entomologists . ' W . J Holland , Pittsburgh , Pa . t C . L Marlatt , Washing on , D . C . o t American Association of Economical Ent mologis s . n n . He ry Skin er , Philadelphia , Pa C . L . Marlatt , Washington , D . C . ’ m ss A erican A ociation of Farmer s Institute Workers . n J . M . Stedman , Washingto , D . C . Assoc ation American Immunologists . Richard Weil , New York City . A . Parker Hitchens , Glenolden , Pa . American Association of Instructors and Investigators in Poultry Husbandry . Raymond Pearl , Orono , Me . as . h a . J E . Rice , It ac , N Y . as l J . Dryden , Corval is , Oreg . m A erican Association for International Conciliation . F . P . Keppel , New York City . n s America A sociation for Labor Legislation . e Am rican Association of Museums . Paul M . Rea , Charleston , S . C . s . Jame E Talmage , Salt Lake City , Utah . n i i n s a n to Amer ca As oci t o to Promote Teaching of Speech Deaf .
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