The Parish Magazine of the and Morville Parishes Team Ministry December /January 2020/21

Linking Parish Churches around Bridgnorth CROSS+LINK CROSS+LINK

St Mary Magdalene SS Peter + Paul St Calixtus St Nicholas St Mary Magdalene St Leonards Hall

Bridgnorth Tasley Astley Abbotts Oldbury Quatford Bridgnorth

Bridgn Acton Round Monkhopton Morville St James’ Hall St Mary the Virgin Aston Eyre St Peter’s St Gregory the Great St Michael’s 1 December/January 2020/21

Christmas 2020

It scarcely needs saying that Christmas this year is going to be VERY different. Some of our normal activities have already been cancelled, and many others are in limbo while we are waiting for indications from the government as to what is going to be permitted. Because of their smaller populations some of our village churches are releasing their dates and times for what they hope to do in good faith (but subject to whatever rules transpire). This is in part as we know that the numbers likely to attend won’t prejudice social distancing. For our churches nearer into town and in larger communities that is a bit more tricky and so we are asking everyone to keep looking at our notice sheets and webpages as lockdown ends for more details nearer the time. In think its safe to say we have plans almost A-Z for the scenarios which might arise.

There are however a number of things throughout Advent and Christmas which definitely are going ahead, and I am delighted to point to the articles later in the magazine. Colleagues and church members have been doing a superb job to bring together a number of resources for Advent and Christmas both online, in churches and in the High Street, from the Living Advent Calendar, to the Nativity scene in Church Street, to the Star Festival in St. Mary’s and the High Street and the advent windows to colour in and put up. We have also set up the Nativity Pilgrimage in the hope that even though many people may not be able to attend services in the way they would normally at Christmas churches will be opened, warm and welcoming over the Christmas break and our communities will have the opportunity to come out and experience something of the joyful remembrance of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Other things such as carol concerts will almost certainly need to be virtual and online if they can happen at all - look out for publicity.

But which ever way we are able to pray, worship and celebrate that wonderful gift of God’s Sn we can and we will. now more than ever in this difficult time the message of Christ come to live amongst us to share our lives is something of which we need to be reminded for in that there is grace, love and the extraordinary generosity of God who in Jesus is Emmanuel - God with us Simon 2 December/January 2020/21

CLERGY THOUGHTS FROM MARJORIE I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:12-13 I began writing this before the new lockdown began and the whole nation released a collective sigh of frustration. But at last this strange year is coming to an end. When I was a child I was always looking forward to Christmas or the next birthday; perhaps you did too. And if your parents were like mine, they probably told you not to wish your life away. But I am guessing we have all been wishing this year away and longing to move on to 2021; after all it can’t be any worse than 2020 can it???? It is not always easy to follow Paul’s example, quoted above, but he does not say that he welcomes everything that happens – only that he has learnt to be content when it does. Someone else who seemed to have a similar philosophy was Swedish diplomat Dag Hammarskjold, who, those of you with long memories will recall, was the second secretary general of the UN from 1953 until his tragic death in 1961. One of my favourite prayers - a very short one - is attributed to him and simply says this: Lord, For all that has been - Thanks. For all that will be – Yes

It is not always easy to give thanks for all that has been. We may resent or be angry about much of what has happened to us – and resort to that childish phrase – “It’s not fair!” But God does not choose to inflict suffering and hardship upon us; rather what he does, in Christ, is step into our situation and share it with us. And even in this worst of years he has continued to do so. And having his constant, loving presence is cause for thanks. 3 December/January 2020/21

Knowing that he has been with us through all our past troubles also gives us the assurance to know that he will continue to be with us in the future. And he will make sure that whatever happens we will get through it. “No trial has overtaken you that is not faced by others. And God is faithful: He will not let you be tried beyond what you are able to bear, but with the trial will also provide a way out so that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13) So, despite the uncertainty of the coming year we know that we do not face it alone but step into the New Year with God by our side, and so we too can say, for all that will be – yes. And with that in mind, I think it is worth reminding ourselves of this poem by Minnie Louise Haskins which was quoted by George VI in his wartime broadcast to the then Empire at Christmas 1939 – an even more bleak time:

God knows And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.” So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

So, here’s wishing you a happier New Year; and whatever situation you find yourself in at this time, I hope that you will once again know the blessing that Christmas brings, and especially that you will know the joys of Emmanuel – God with us!

Marjorie 4 December/January 2020/21

Just a bit of fun which hopefully will cheer you up, as you try to identify the poems/poets cited here, including one of ’s favourite sons!


Brief Pageant of English Verse

I won’t arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, I’ll sanitize the doorknob and make a cup of tea. I won’t go down to the sea again; I won’t go out at all, I’ll wander lonely as a cloud from the kitchen to the hall. There’s a green-eyed yellow monster to the north of Katmandu But I shan’t be seeing him just yet and nor, I think, will you. While the dawn comes up like thunder on the road to Mandalay I’ll make my bit of supper and eat it off a tray. I shall not speed my bonnie boat across the sea to Skye Or take the rolling English road from Birmingham to Rye. About the woodland, just right now, I am not free to go To see the Keep Out posters or the cherry hung with snow, And no, I won’t be travelling much, within the realms of gold, Or get me to Milford Haven. All that’s been put on hold. Give me your hands, I shan’t request, albeit we are friends Nor come within a mile of you, until this trial ends.

From the Slightly Foxed website. Author unknown. 5 December/January 2020/21


Most human beings have a natural sense of justice. We don’t think it right that people can commit crime and get away with it. It was important at the end of WWII that those guilty of war crimes were seen to be punished. The Nuremberg trials did not accept excuses that they were only obeying orders. It was essential that those accused accepted personal responsibility and its consequences.

In the story of the Garden of Eden in the first book of the Bible, one of the characteristics of sin was evading responsibility. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, and then they ran and hid when God showed up. The story is a powerful one. It identifies a defining human characteristic. When we are bang to rights, we all tend to try to excuse and blame someone else for our misdoings.

Advent is for Christians a season where we seek to reflect on our own responsibility and accountability before God. For many people, being accountable in this way sits uncomfortably with popular myths about what God is really like. We are comfortable with a cosmic grandfather or Father Christmas type figure, whom we expect to keep the good times rolling. However, we get cross if he doesn’t do his job properly and things like COVID happen, or heaven forfend, he expects something of us.

Religion can be terribly abused if people’s distorted view of God leads them to think they can do his job of judgement for him. ISIS is a case in point. However, faith can be a powerful corrective if we recognise our accountability. Christians sum it up in the creed that says, “one day he will return to judge the living and the dead”. To have our inner secrets exposed in this way would be a frightening thing. But it’s this bad news that led Christians to describe the message of Jesus as such very good news. There is judgement, but with Jesus there is also forgiveness. Advent anticipates the former, but prepares us for Christmas when we rejoice in the gift that sets us freeis judgement, but with Jesus there is also forgiveness. Advent anticipates the former, but prepares us for Christmas when we rejoice in the gift that sets us free.

Blessings 6 December/January 2020/21

St Nicholas Oldbury with Eardington

Remembrance At a time when we have had to close the church to services it was good to open up on the Armistice Day and toll the bell. The church was decorated with poppies on Remembrance Sunday to say that we have not forgotten those who have died in defence of this country and that the life of the church continues. Weekly prayers are posted on the village and church notice boards, taken from Marjorie's virtual vicar reflections, reaching out to those passing by and hope it means something to them. We continue to think of those who have passed away in recent months: George Banks and Bob Chadd, and pray for their families that they may be comforted in their grief. We think also of those who are housebound or in care homes and whose families can not visit. Toilet extension We are ready to apply for a faculty to the Diocesan Advisory Committee and for planning permission to Shropshire Council for a modest toilet extension and improved coffee making facilities inside the church. This should make the church building more welcoming and convenient to all who use it and to anyone passing by – under normal circumstances our church is open every day! Our next task is to apply for grants. Fundraising Ecclesiastical insurance have sent a newsletter on fundraising and grant applications and an offer to donate £130 to a church of your choice if you take out a home insurance policy with them. and quote CHMAT20 Celebrations 2021 Although the PCC can not make firm plans for events in 2021 we are thinking about what would be enjoyable for everyone, celebrate the back of Covid and raise funds as well. So far a Spring plant stall, 7 December/January 2020/21

Summer Fete and Autumn Barn Dance have been suggested. In the meantime wildflower seeds have been sown in the wildflower and butterfly patch at the end of the car park and we look forward to seeing the volunteers from Caring for God's Acre in April, scythes in hand, for a first hand cut of the grass. Book review - Jesus Now and Then by Richard A Burridge and Graham Gould. During lockdown I returned to this book, published in 2004 and read it a chapter at a time. The first part looks at the historical Jesus as recorded in the Gospels and the perspective of each of the writers and who they were writing for – a bit like the way newspapers present the events of the day to their readers today. We are reminded that the books of the New Testament only came into being because of the conviction of early Christians that God raised him from the dead. Those accounts and letters were a struggle to understand who Jesus was and how God was involved in his life and ministry, death and resurrection. The second half looks at the Church in the next few centuries and the debates that led to the formulation of the creeds and definitions of the Trinity and incarnation. Plenty of theology and philosophy. To sum up and to quote the writers: Our faith is more than a belief in God and the power of love; it requires believing and knowing certain things about Jesus. Put in its simplest terms I would say that if nothing else we can believe that Jesus was a good man and his unique experience of God made him the person that he was. His resurrection was the turning point for mankind.

Dorothy Leiper 8 December/January 2020/21


As I write this we are back in lockdown again, luckily we held our Remembrance Service a week early on November 1st,just a few days before we had to close. Together with the choir it was a nice well attended event and as well as the names of the fallen from our parish those from Oldbury were also remembered. This was followed by a PCC meeting, but at the time we did'nt know that this would be the last get together for some time.

The sheep have just arrived in the churchyard to do their last mow of this year, we will see them again next Spring when we hope, according to the good news just received about a possible vaccine we may be thinking of getting back to something like normal.

The kitchen is now complete and there is a new carpet fitted in the meeting area, this finishes off the improvements that were planned over the last few years.

We were to hold a Christmas (carol) service on December 13th and our usual 9pm communion service on Christmas Eve but whether these or any other event will take place remains to be seen

Thanks to every one who has helped in any way to keep our church active over this very difficult year and a Merry Christmas to you all and let's look forward to an improving New Year.

Bob Curtis. 9 December/January 2020/21

Advent and Christmas For Advent why not Light up your home with the Christmas Story. Linda Bowley has produced a colouring page for each day of Advent. You can download these from the church Website on or, if you don’t have access to a computer phone Sarah for copies of the drawings.. Every day you can listen in to the Virtual Advent Calendar produced by Jane from 24 talent ed Bridgnorth groups or individuals. Thank you to: The Mayor, St James’ Youth, Beavers, League of Friends, Concordia, Love Bridgnorth, Folk Group, Cliff Railway, The Bridge, Guides, Fire Brigade, Chamber Choir, Police, Yukele Band, Spartans, Bridgnorth Players, Scouts, Bridgnorth Rotary, Young Farmers, Little Stars, W.I. Rugby Club, Bridgnorth Library, The Ministers and Nerys singing on behalf of Innage Grange who couldn't take part because of Covid. Special thanks also to Clive for the editing This can be found on ChurchesInBridgnorth and also UCzQiY0n-kGqhDbODP8pvV4A. #livingadventcalendar #bridgnorthadventcalendar All around the town shops you will see Stars in the Windows , some of them with words attached – see if you can find all the words to a well known carol. Each shop, school and local institution has produced a star for St Mary’s Bridgnorth. On Wednesdays and

Sundays the church is open: do come in and enjoy the Festival of Stars lighting up the church. Thank you to Ann Clarke for organising the star festival and with friends making and putting up stars in church. Do make a point of admiring the town’s outdoor nativity scene in the memorial garden on Church Street. Roy Abiraad of Chill Salon has made the scene, and Elizabeth Cawdell, Hugh and Meerab Walker, Jane Peeler’s grandchildren Lucas and Ella French, and a number of others have all had a hand in creating the figures after amazing advice from Kourtney in London who found my plea for help on Love Bridgnorth Sarah 10 December/January 2020/21

Pilgrimage of Cribs Getting to church for Christmas As an alternative to large carol services the churches of the benefice are offering a pilgrimage of cribs. The idea is that each of the churches is particularly open for visitors one day of the week before and after Christmas. You are invited to visit your parish church, and any of the others. There will be a warm welcome, Christmas music and a peaceful place to revisit the Christmas story. 10.30am –3.30pm

20th Dec 21st Dec 22nd Dec 23rd Dec 24th Dec

Tasley Monkhopton Quatford Acton Round Oldbury

St Mary’s St James’ Astley Aston Eyre Abbotts Bridgnorth 26th Dec 27th Dec 28th Dec 29th Dec

St Mary’s St James’ Aston Eyre Astley Bridgnorth Abbotts

Monkhopton Oldbury Quatford Acton Round

Morville church will be open each day as usual. 11 December/January 2020/21 12 December/January 2020/21

Tasley News

Christmas is fast approaching and it looks like Covid-19 might disrupt our plans once more! Another lockdown sadly prevented our joint Remembrance Service at Astley Abbotts from taking place. Thanks again to Clive and the Bridgnorth Team Ministry for the service shown on Remembrance Sunday.

We hope that everyone is coping during these unprecedented times. Please know that we are only a phone call away should anyone need help or just a chat.

As you already know Joyce Pinder, a much loved friend and member of Tasley Church has moved away from Bridgnorth to live nearer her daughter Annette. We wish her well and hope that when able she will come back to see us.

In the meantime keep safe and keep well.


A message from Irene.

I keep hearing Christmas is cancelled. I disagree.

Children, Father Christmas flies all over the world on Christmas Eve. He flies so fast that he can’t catch the virus, so you can go to bed on Christmas Eve knowing that when you wake on Christmas Morning he will have been.

For me and for all Christians, Christmas hasn’t been cancelled. I have always said that to me the Midnight Communion Service is the most important part of Christmas. Unfortunately in some Churches there might not be a Midnight Service this year. But we do not need a 13 December/January 2020/21

building to be able to pray. So I will be praying to God in my own home, thanking him for the Birth of His Son Jesus.

The next important thing to me at Christmas is family. I know that we cannot have large gatherings but we have to make the most of what we can do and then, when the virus is under control we can all gather safely and meet up once more. In the meantime. I wish everyone a very peaceful Christmas and keep safe.


Tasley 100 Club November Winners

133 Ben Harris 57 Jean Jenkins 56 Robert Jones

Astley Abbotts Bible study

An online Advent Bible study will be taking place on each Monday evening during Advent. We will be using a study guide called Unexpected Jesus. As well as a weekly Bible study there is a daily reading.

We will be asking questions such as What are your expectations of God this Advent? Do you have any evidence of God showing up unexpectedly in difficult times? What does it mean that Jesus is 'God with us' today?

Contact Judy 01746 763684 or Rosemary 01746 769125 for more information 14 December/January 2020/21

Christingle In A Bag! Dear friends, as you can imagine, our Christingle will look a bit different this year! We’re going to do it in a bag! The plan is to give one to each primary and nursery age child if we possibly can. Our aim is to do this for Candlemas around 2nd February as an extra way of blessing our children in these dark months. That means, providing a Christingle and information to somewhere in the region of 1000 children! We are just at the beginning or our planning but our hope and prayer is that this is a project that could be ecumenical. Is this a ministry that you might be able to support? We will need some funding and volunteers to stuff bags and count money (in a Covid safe way!). Please do let Kate King know if this is something you feel you could support. What is a Christingle and what is it for? Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope and also raises funds for the work of the Children’s Society. We are blessed that we can do this through our relationship with our local schools and nurseries. 15 December/January 2020/21

What does the Children’s Society do? They empower young people to make positive changes and rediscover their hope by working alongside young people, their families and community to build a future they can look forward to. Locally, our Police and Crime Commissioner has funded the Children’s Society to recruit volunteer mentors to work with young people age 11-17 at risk of exploitation. This is a very real issue in Bridgnorth, much higher than many people imagine. If you’d like more information, Kate can put you in contact with the local coordinator Sian Mehlmann. If you can support this ministry to bless our children with light and support the work of the Children’s Society, it would be just wonderful

Kate King

REGISTERS FUNERALS 21.9.20 Dorothy Rhoda Riding 23.9.20 Gillian Ruth Jordan 26.9.20 John Stanley William Hinckley 13.10.20 Robert Alfred Chadd 13.10.20 Noel David Oakley 15.10.20 John Leonard Allen 29.10.20 Barbara Lynne Jones 30.10.20 Doreen Beryl Hammond 4.11.20 Barbara Mary Baker 4.11.20 June Gloria Southall 9.11.20 Hilda Mary Davies 16.11.20 Jeanette Margaret Rivers 16 December/January 2020/21

Dear friends in Christ,

Invitation for four short retreat ‘Sanctuary’ sessions to help process the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on our personal lives and on our churches. Thursdays (26th Nov – 17th Dec), 7.30pm for 1hr

In June, a number of us participated in 10 days of continuous prayer for Thy Kingdom Come. Since then, Emily Mondon (Baptist Church Leader with Responsibility for Prayer) and Kate King (Intergenerational Missioner for the Anglican church in Bridgnorth) have continued to pray weekly with a group of Christians discerning whether God is calling us to a network of Houses of Prayer across Shropshire.

We recognise that Bridgnorth has a strong foundation in faithful prayer which continues in small groups and with the regular Blessing Prayer. In this time of lockdown, God has given many a strong call to prayer and to unity. In response to this and to the national call for prayer during this second lockdown, we would love to see if we could gather together (virtually) Christians of all denominations and none – it is our greatest desire to do so without any existing gathering feeling that we are imposing in any way.

With this in mind, we would love to invite you to join us for four evenings of retreat in the lead up to Christmas. In order for us all to have personal space and opportunity to share what God has been showing us in this time, we are pleased to be using ReSource’s free ‘Sanctuary’ resource (see details below). We are even more delighted that Ven. Kevin Roberts has kindly agreed to facilitate the first two sessions for us.

We will facilitate these sessions on zoom – you can also access by phone.

Please help us to extend the invitation to any Christians you are connected with, we don’t want anyone to feel excluded.

Please do join us for as many of the following as you are able (don’t worry if you can’t make all four): 17 December/January 2020/21

Thursday 26th November 7.30-8.30pm Seeking Sanctuary (Kevin Roberts) Thursday 3rd December 7.30-8.30pm Looking Back (Kevin Roberts) Thursday 10th December 7.30-8.30pm Looking Up (Kate King/Emily Mondon) Thursday 17th December 7.30-8.30pm Looking Forward (Kate King/Emily Mondon)

You can register for the zoom link here: meeting/register/tZIqc-6gqTsuHNAlYVSJg8SHYz5sEQ_PVGjD

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Alternatively, contact [email protected], 07563 382 755, who can provide details and help with access by phone.

We really hope that you will be able to join us and will find this truly life giving in this time.


Emily & Kate 18 December/January 2020/21


A very Happy Christmas to everyone. This year is going to be very different, but we hope the church will be decorated better than ever!

We are taking part in the "Pilgrimage of the "Crib", as you know, we keep our church open every day but on Wednesday Dec 23rd and Tuesday 29th we will have carols playing and the crib will be lit and we hope you will come with your families for some quiet reflection. Other churches will do similarly on other days, the dates are on page 11, and I would encourage you to visit them with your families, perhaps taking in a stroll in a new area.

We are still hoping to have a crib service on December 24th at 4pm, and Christmas Day Eucharist at 9am, watch out for fliers or follow us on Facebook.

We said a sad goodbye to "Jeanie" Rivers, she has been a constant supporter of all village events for so many years, she will be greatly missed, our thoughts are with her family.

We are joining "ecochurch", and any eco suggestions would be appreciated. So far we are trying to minimise plastics, use fair trade commodities, and supporting wildlife in our churchyard. We had hoped to have a visit by our new Bishop Richard, this is now postponed to next May.

Bible study classes— have started on "zoom" each Monday evening until Christmas, please see page 13) - contact Judy 01746 763684 or Rosemary 01746 769125 for more information

Let us look forward to a new and happier year,we hope you all stay safe

Idonea and Shelah 19 December/January 2020/21 20 December/January 2020/21 21 December/January 2020/21 22 December/January 2020/21

Neat and Tidy cleaning services

All aspects of household cleaning undertaken with that extra magic touch

Home:- 01746 762779 Mobile: 07964849399 23 December/January 2020/21

St James’ Hall Church ROB’S MAINTENANCE For Hire SERVICES Lodge Lane, The Grove. Over 25 years experience Available to hire. BRICK AND STONEWORK GARDEN MAINTENACNE Following extensive TREE REMOVAL/EDGE TRIMMING CHANGING LOCKS/PAINTING & GLAZING renovation provides a FLOOR/WALL TILING comfortable, welcome CARPENTRY/FENCING CLEANING GUTTERS / BLOCKED DRAINS venue, at a very reasonable LAYING PATIOS/DECKING cost. HOUSE/GARAGE CLEARANCES LIGHT REMOVALS Bookings: Liz Fisher OWN TOOLS/SENSIBLE RATES HELP IS ONLY A CALL AWAY 01746 764059 or SO CALL NOW!! t: 01746 762779 email: M. 07814 104407 [email protected] E: maintenance. [email protected]

Bridgnorth Handy People Property maintenance and pest control

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Competitive rates. Friendly and reliable. Contact Jackie: 01746 218487 or 07891168961 24 December/January 2020/21

PLEASE SUPPORT THE BRIDGNORTH FOOD BANK WITH DONATIONS OF FOOD OR MONEY Opening hours Mondays 10.30am – 12.30pm Number Seven, West Castle Street, Bridgnorth 07960285520 [email protected] 25 December/January 2020/21

Service plan for Monkhopton, Acton Round, and Aston Eyre in December and January December 6th Monkhopton Morning Prayer 10am December 13th Aston Eyre Morning Prayer 10am Acton Round Holy Communion 10am

Christmas plans – these are provisional and dependent on lockdown guidelines. Please phone or consult social media for up to date information

December 20th 6pm Aston Eyre: Outdoor carols for half an hour in the churchyard. December 22nd 6pm Carols at Monkhopton church December 23rd 6pm Acton Round carol singing December 24th 11.15pm Midnight Communion at Monkhopton December 25th 10am Aston Eyre Holy Communion for Christmas 10am Acton Round Holy Communion for Christmas

There will be no service at Aston Eyre on December 27th. Services in January January 3rd 10am Monkhopton Holy Communion January 10th 10 am Acton Round Holy Communion 10 am Aston Eyre Morning Prayers

January 24th 10 am Aston Eyre Holy Communion. ************************** For sale – a pew from Monkhopton.Church £200 o.n.o. Would it be a good Christmas present for someone. The dimensions for the pew are 87cm tall x 219cm long x 49cm deep 26 December/January 2020/21 Royal Hospital 01743 261000 Shropshire Fire and Rescue 01743 260260

Princess Royal Hospital 01952 641222 Bridgnorth Library 763358 NHS Direct 0845 4647 Traveline (Buses) 0870 6082608 Shropdoc 0333 222 6655 Bridgnorth Endowed School 762103 Bridgnorth Hospital 762641 Oldbury Wells School 765454 Bridgnorth Medical Practice 767121 St John ’ s Primary School 762061 Police non-emergency calls 101 St Leonard’s Primary School 762781 Gas emergency 0800 111999 St Mary’s Primary School 763455 Electricity emergency 0800 056 8090 Castlefields Primary School 764072 Shropshire Council 0845 678 9000 St Leonard’s Church Custodian 769720 Bridgnorth and Morville Parishes Team Ministry Open to personal callers:

Team Office: St Leonard’s Hall Church, Mon - 11.00am - 12.30pm Racecourse Drive, Tues - Thurs 8.30am - 11.30am Tasley, Fri - 8.30am - 10.30am Bridgnorth Email : WV16 4NR [email protected] Tel: 01746 767174 Website : Team Administrator: Mrs Avril Bridges Revd Prebendary Simon Cawdell Mrs Emma Bristow - Children, - Rector Families and Education 16 East Castle Street, WV16 4AL Co - ordinator - 07531910180 01746 761573 email [email protected]. [email protected] Mrs Kate King— Intergenerational Revd Sarah Cawdell - Team Vicar Missioner 01746 761573 07563 382 755 [email protected] [email protected] Revd Marjorie Brooks - Associate Vicar Honorary Assistant Ministers 01746 761942 Revd Hugh Patterson 765298 [email protected] Revd John Webb 01384 295856 Revd Clive Munday - Team Curate Revd Clive Parr 767023 41 Innage Lane, WV16 4HS Reader PTO 01746 766197 Sheila Hodgkins 763854 [email protected] Local Ministry Development Group Revd Tom King –Team Curate Mrs Sandie Phillips 769271 01746 552101 Mrs Kay Prior 768259 [email protected] Miss Sheila Royle 766577

Reader Mrs Jane Peeler 767043 27 December/January 2020/21 St Mary Magdalene, Bridgnorth St Peter and St Paul, Tasley Churchwardens Churchwardens Mr David Oxtoby…766053 Mr Robert Turner...764881 Mrs Jane Parr...766984 Mr John Andrews 761708 Secretary Miss Catherine Wilson...761786 Secretary Ms Lesley Edwards...761847 Treasurer Mr Martin Blackburn...766529 Treasurer Mrs Irene Rogers...765926 Verger Mr Roger Taylor...767345 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648 Organists Dr John Turnock...716282 Mr Oliver Clarke...07545756869 St Mary the Virgin, Acton Round Churchwardens St Nicholas, Oldbury Mrs Bridget Chappuis...714035 Churchwardens Mr Thomas Kennedy...714360 Mrs Dorothy Leiper... 764559 Secretary Mrs Jayne Madeley...785571 Secretary Mrs Joan Thomas...763209 Treasurer Mrs Susan Kennedy...714203

Treasurer Mr Quentin Leiper...764559 Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365 Upton Cressett Monkhopton

St Calixtus, Astley Abbotts Churchwardens Churchwardens Mr Terry Fellows...01902 564748 Mrs Idonea Pickering...763065 Mr Ed Pugh….01746 789685 Treasurer Mr Roger Wilson ..07785 996630 Mrs Shelah Westley...762871 Secretary Mrs Juanita Gennard...768674 St James’ Hall Church Treasurer Miss Mary Tipton...763171 Booking Secretary Mrs Liz Fisher...764059 Organist Mr Stephen Lomas...768648 [email protected]

St Gregory the Great, Morville St Leonards Hall Church Churchwardens Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660 Mr Tim Morris...789271 Treasurer Mrs Kathy Renshaw...789271 Tasley Village Hall Booking Secretary Rachel Connelly...767660 Aston Eyre Churchwardens Astley Abbots Village Hall Mr Will Winton... Booking Secretary Charles Morris…..762029 Mr Dafydd Jenkins….07703 457839 Treasurer Mrs Shelley Caine...714362

St Mary Magdalene, Quatford Churchwardens Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Mrs Ann Wenlock… 762022 Verger Mr Bob Curtis….766126 Secretary Miss Rachel Edwards...766146 Treasurer Mrs Phyllis Taylor...762318 Organist Mrs Carol Wall...764365

Deadline for Cross+Link articles for 2021 If you would like to contribute to the magazine, please send to Avril at the Office on (Which means we go to PRINT on this date at 1pm!) [email protected]. Or to receive a copy of the magazine via email, February issue please send your name and email address to Wednesday January 20th Kathy James - [email protected] at 1.00pm Advertising co-ordinator 28 December/January 2020/21