

Northern Scandinavian Politics and Society

Studiested Bodø

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap

Studieprogramansvarlig Førsteamanuensis Marit Sundet

E-postadresse [email protected]

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk


Det kreves at søker har minimum ett års høyere utdanning, fortrinnsvis samfunnsvitenskapelig, og at en behersker engelsk.


I løpet av høstsemesteret gis studentene adgang til å evaluere undervisningsopplegget. Denne evalueringen brukes i den videre planlegging av studiet.

Eksamen og vurderingsformer

Eksamen består av en mappe i hvert emne, med innlevering av skriftlige svar på modulspørsmål og i tillegg en avsluttende hjemmebasert eksamen. Det benyttes bokstavkarakterer A-F, hvor F er ikke bestått.


Ingen egenandel

Beskrivelse av studiet

Studieprogrammet tar sikte på å sammenligne trekk ved nordisk historie, politikk og samfunnsliv. Det består av tre emner som til sammen gir en bred forståelse av de nordiske samfunn.


Den første uka er en fellesuke med ulike aktiviteter for internasjonale studenter, og universitetets internasjonale kontor står ansvarlig for opplegget.

Emnene som inngår i høstens studieopplegg er:

SA 218 S History, Politics and Northern Resources (10 studiepoeng) Dette emnet vil sette fokus på utviklingstrekk ved nordområdene med den økte betydningen av naturressurser i et nasjonalt, europeisk og internasjonalt perspektiv. Emnet vil ellers fokusere på Barentssamarbeidet og på den samiske befolkningen i Norden.

SA 210 S Scandinavian Politics (10 studiepoeng) Dette emnet sammenligner de nordiske politiske styringssystemer med vekt på hvordan parlamentarismen utøves, regional og lokal forvaltning. Temaer som politiske partier, interesseorganisering, kvinners deltakelse i politikk og urbefolkningens politiske situasjon er en del av opplegget. Også likheter og forskjeller i forholdet til Europa og det internasjonale samfunn settes fokus på. Nordområdepolitikk vil ellers stå sentralt.

SA 212 S Northern Scandinavian Societies (10 studiepoeng) Dette emnet tar for seg samfunnsmessige trekk ved de nordiske samfunn som utdanning, likestilling, velferdspolitikk, minoritetspoltikk m.m. i en vid forstand. Trekk ved den nordiske kulturen, språk og religion blir også tatt opp. Emnet vil ellers sette fokus på urbefolkning, miljø og forvaltning av naturressurser.


Målet for dette semesterprogrammet er å gi studentene innsikt i nordiske samfunnsforhold med vekt på historisk bakgrunn, politiske styringssystemer og sosiale forhold. Det legges spesiell vekt på nordområdene, på miljø, naturressurser og bærekraftig forvaltning samt på situasjonen for den samiske del av befolkningen. Programmet sikter primært på utvekslingsstudenter, men er også relevant for norske studenter som har interesse av et utdypende studium om Norden som valgfag i en gradsoppbygging.


2011 Høst Northern Scandinavian Politics and Society (30 studiepoeng)

Historie, politikk og nordlige ressurser

De skandinaviske samfunn

Skandinavisk[01.12.2014 20:19:25]



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Videre utdanning

For de som benytter emnene som del av Bachelor i nordområdestudier/nordlige studier, vil en kunne gå videre til mastergrad ved norske eller utenlandske universiteter.


Emnene tar sikte på å kvalifisere for utdypet kunnskap om nordiske samfunnsforhold.

Sist oppdatert av: , 28.02.2011 12:59 « Tilbake Emner årstrinn 1 Språk/Language:

Skandinavisk politikk - SA210S

Studiepoeng 10

Nivå Bachelornivå (grunnleggende)

Undervisningssemester Høst 2011

Studiested Bodø

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Emneansvarlig Eivind Karlsen

E-postadresse [email protected]

Kostnader No tuition fees.

Emneevaluering Mid-term evaluation and a final individual evaluation.


This couse focuses on the political systems of the Nordic countries. The different levels of government will be compared and discussed, as well as the Scandinavian political party system, the Nordic model of government, regional and local government and international relations concerning High North issues.

Tilbys som frittstående kurs

Students enrolled for

Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Northern Scandinavian Politics and Society

Elective course for other exchange students and other degree programs.


General entrance and language requirements for admission into higher education and either at least one year of undergraduate studies, preferably within the field of social sciences, or the core courses of the Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

Some background in political science.


Lectures, seminars and discussions. The students are supposed to take active part in the course.

Vurdering og eksamen

Portfolio, which is made up by answers to module questions and a final, individual, online student paper.[01.12.2014 20:19:25]


Pensum og anbefalt litteratur

The curriculum consists of the following articles available as reading collections. The reading collections can be bought from the student bookshop at Campus:

Aarsæther, Nils & Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole (2001): Understanding Local Dynamics and Governance in Northern Regions. In Aarsæther, Nils & Bærenholdt, Jørgen Ole (ed): Transforming the Local. Nord 2001:25 (pages 15-42)

Aarsæther, Nils, Jenssen, Synnøve & Røiseland, Asbjørn (2008): The Future of Northern Local Governance. In Aarsæther, Nils, Røiseland, Asbjørn & Jenssen, Synnøve (ed): Practicing Local Governance – Northern Perspectives. Nova (pages 191-198)

Abrahamson, Peter (1997): The Scandinavian Social Service State in Comparison. In Sipilä, Jorma; Social Care Services: The Key to the Scandinavian Welfare Model. Ashgate Publishing Company (pages 156-177)

Arter, David (1999): Scandinavian Politics Today. Manchester University Press (pages 23-69)

Arter, David (2006): Democracy in Scandinavia. Consensual, Majoritarian or Mixed? Manchester University Press (pages 1-25, 46-62)

Esping-Andersen, Gøsta (2000): Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies. Oxford University Press (pages 73-98)

Graubard, Stephen R. (Ed) (1986): Introduction. In Graubard, Stephen R.; Norden – The Passion for Equality. Norwegian University Press (pages 7-15)

Hagtvet, Bernt & Rudeng, Erik (1986): Scandinavia: Achievements, Dilemmas, Challenges. In Graubard, Stephen R.; Norden – The Passion for Equality. Norwegian University Press (pages 283-308)

Heidar, Knut (2001): Norway – Elites on Trial. Westview Press (pages 33-59)

Held, David (1987): Models of Democracy. Polity Press (pages 36-71)

Held, David (1989): Political Theory and the Modern State. Polity Press(pages 158-188)

Henriksen, John B. (1996): Saami Parliamentary Co-Operation. An Analysis. IWGIA/NSI (pages 12-99)

Hernes, Helga Maria (1987): Welfare State and Woman Power. Norwegian University Press (pages 135-163)

Hoffman, John & Graham, Paul (2006): Introduction to Political Theory. Pearson Education Limited (pages 154-237)

Lane, Jan-Erik & Ersson, Svante (1996): The Nordic Countries – Contention, Compromise and Corporatism. In Colomer, Joseph M (ed): Political Institutions in Europe. Routledge (pages 254-281)

Larsen, Helge O. & Offerdal, Audun (2000): Political Implications of the New Norwegian Local Government Act of 1992. In Amnå, Erik & Montin, Stig (ed): Towards a New Concept of Local Self-Government? Fagbokforlaget (pages 186-213)

Matlary, Janne Haaland (2004): The Nordics and the EU. In Heidar, Knut (ed): Nordic Politics – Comparative Perspectives. Universitetsforlaget (pages 247-261)

Milner, Henry (1994): The Scandinavian Experience and Beyond. Routledge (pages 114-130, 171-195)

Nordby, Trond (2004): Patterns of Corporatist Intermediation. In Heidar, Knut (ed): Nordic Politics – Comparative Perspectives. Universitetsforlaget (pages 98-107)

Nyhamar, Tore (2004): Security Policies from Constraints to Choice. In Heidar, Knut (ed): Nordic Politics – Comparative Perspectives. Universitetsforlaget (pages 228- 246)

Rose, Lawrence E. & Ståhlberg, Krister (2005): The Nordic Countries: Still the Promised Land. In Denters, Bas & Rose, Lawrence E. (ed): Comparing Local Governance. Trends and Developments. Palgrave MacMillan. (pages 83-99)

Skard, Torild & Haavio-Mannila, Elina (1986): Equality Between the Sexes – Myth or Reality in Norden? In Graubard, Stepen R. (ed): Norden – The Passion for Equality. Norwegian University Press (pages 176-199)

Overlappende emner

Følgende emner gir studiepoengsreduksjon: SA210S-001 Scandinavian Politics - Hjemmeeksamen, 10 studiepoeng SA210S-002 Scandinavian Politics, 4 studiepoeng SA210S-2 Scandinavian Politics, 10 studiepoeng Språk/Language:

De skandinaviske samfunn - SA212S

Studiepoeng 10

Nivå Bachelornivå (grunnleggende)

Undervisningssemester Høst 2011

Studiested Bodø

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Emneansvarlig Marit Lillian Sundet

E-postadresse [email protected]

Kostnader[01.12.2014 20:19:25]


No tuition fee.

Emneevaluering Mid-term class evaluation and a final, individual evaluation.


This course will focus on basic social features and social institutions, the Nordic Welfare Systems of the Scandinavian societies, their function and change with special emphasis on the northern regions. The course will also deal with land and natural resources, resource rights and northern minorities.

Tilbys som frittstående kurs

Students enrolled for

Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Northern Scandinavian Politics and Societies

Elective course for other exchange students or for other programs.


General entrance and language requirements for admission into higher education and either at least one year of undergraduate studies, preferably within the field of social sciences, or the core courses of the Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

BCS courses or some sociology/antropology.


Lectures, seminars, written student answers to module questions, discussions. The students are supposed to take active part in the implementation of the course.

Vurdering og eksamen

Portfolio: students have to answers some module questions online and a final written online exam.

Pensum og anbefalt litteratur

The curriculum consists of the following articles available as a reading collections. The reading collections can be bought from the student bookshop at Campus:

Barron, Karin: I am, and I am not: identity, a multifaceted concept and social phenomenon Chapter 9 in Gustavsen, Anders, Sandvin, Johans, Traustadóttir, Rannveig, Tøssebro, Jan: (eds): Resistance, Reflection and Change. Nordic Disability

Becker, Gay: Chapter 7: Living in a Limbo; in Becker, Gay: Disrupted Lives. How People Create Meaning in a Chaotic World. University of California Press 1997

Blehr, Barbro: Sacred unity, Sacred Similarity: Norwegian Constitution day Parades Ethnology; Spring 1999

Bjørklund, Ivar: Sami Pastoral Society 1990: The National Integration of an Indigenous Management System, Tromsø Museum, University of Tromsø

Blom , Ida: Widows, Widowers and the Construction of the Norwegian Welfare State Society, c. 1900-1960s; in Scand. J. History 29

Brochmann, Grete og Kjeldstadli, Knut: A History of Immigration: The case of Norway 900-2000, Universitetsforlaget 2008, chap 11 and 14

Christiansen, Niels Finn and Petersen, Klaus: The Dynamics of Social Solidarity: The Danish Welfare State, 1900-2000; in Scandinavian Journal of History nr 26

Dølvik, Bråten, Longva & Steen: Norwegian Labour Market Institutions. In Dølvik, J.E. & Steen, A. h.: Making solidarity Work

Eidheim, Harald: Ethno-Political Development among the Sami after World War II. The Invention of Selfhood

Esping-Andersen, G.: Socal Risks and Welfare States. Ch 3 in Esping- Andersen, G. (2000): Social Foundations of Postindustrial Economies, Oxford, University Press

Eythórsson, Einar: The Coastal Sami; a ‘Pariah Caste' of the Norwegians Fisheries? A Reflection on Ethnicity and power in Norwegian Resource Management. In: Jentoft, Svein. Minde, Henry, Nilsen Ragnar: Indigenous Peoples: Resource Management and global Rights. Eburon Delft 2003

Frykman, Jonas: Becoming the Perfect Swede. Modernity, body Politics, and National processes in the Twentieth-century Sweden: In ethnos vol. 58: III-IV 1993.

Gullestad, Marianne: Invisible fences: reinventing sameness and difference; Chapter VI in Gullestad, Marianne: Plausible Prejudice, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 2006

Gullestad, Marianne: Home, local community and nation; connections between everyday life practices and constructions of national identity: Focaal n 30/31, 1997 pp. 39- 60

Gullestad, Marianne: Egalitarian Individualism, Chapter VIII in Gullestad, Marianne; The Art of Social Relations, Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 1992

Gulowsen, J.: Skilles, options and Unions. In Hyman, R& Streeck, W. (1986): Industrial Relations

Hagen, Kåre and Hippe, Jon M: The Norwegian Welfare State: Introduction.

Holter, Øystein Gullvåg: Norwegian Families: The Family as the Moral of Society. In: Kiel, Anne Cohen (ed): Continuity and Change: Aspects of contemporary Norway; Scandinavian University Press 1993[01.12.2014 20:19:25]


Hunnisett, Stanley F and Pennanen, Jukka: Saami, Gypsies, Indians, and Others. Finn's Attitudes Toward Minorities and Others. University of Iowa, USA, and University of Oulo, Finland.

Karlsen, U. D.: Some Things Never Change. Youth and Occupational Preferences. Acta Sosiologica, vol 44 (2001), No. 3 p 243-255

Koester, David: Gender Ideology and Nationalism in the Culture and Politics of Iceland. In: American Ethnologist. Vol. 22, No. 3 (Aug., 1995), 572-588.

Lander, Patricia: Finnish Identity in a Changing Europe Ethnos 3-4, vol 56 1991

Lundberg, Urban and Åmark, Klas: Social Rights and Social Security: the Swedish Welfare State, 1900-2000; in Scand. J. History 26

Løfgren, Orvar: Nationalization of culture; in Ethnologia Europea XIX 5-23

Magga, Ole Henrik: cultural Rights of the Sami People in Norway: Past and Present; in Irimoto, Takashi and Yamada, Takako: circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity. Sentri Ethnological Studies no 66 2004

Mjøset, Lars: Norwegian Political Economy: Chap 6

Niemi, Einar: 6 The Kvens in Vadsø, , 1850 - 1940. In Ethnic Identity in Urban Europe, chap 6

Paulsgård, G.: Local Identities in a "Globalizing World". Young- Nordic Journal of Youth Research, Vol. 10 (2002), no ¾, p. 95-108

Russia: From Patriarchalism to Collectivism Chapter 7

Sandberg Audun: (2009): Constituting a new Order in the European North (In) The practice of constitutional Development (ed. Sabatti F, Allan B. Sproule-Jones M. Lexington books, Rowman & Littlefield publishers, New York, UK

Shuckmith, Mark:Young People and Social Exclusion in rural Areas; in Sociologia Ruralis Vol. 44, Nr 1, jan. 2004

Skard, Torild and Haavio-Mannila, Elina: Equality Between the Sexes-Myth or Reality in Norden: Chapter 8

Wiborg, A.: Between Mobility and Belonging. Out-migrated Young Students'Persspectives on Rural Areas in North Norway. Acta Borealia no. 2 (2003), p. 147-160

Overlappende emner

Følgende emner gir studiepoengsreduksjon: SA212S-001 Northern Scandinavian Societies, 10 studiepoeng SA212S-002 Northern Scandinavian Societies, 6 studiepoeng SA212S-2 Northern Scandinavian Societies, 10 studiepoeng Språk/Language:

Historie, politikk og nordlige ressurser - SA218S

Studiepoeng 10

Nivå Bachelornivå (videregående)

Undervisningssemester Høst 2011

Studiested Bodø

Ansvarlig fakultet Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap

Undervisningsspråk Engelsk

Emneansvarlig Håkan T. Sandersen

E-postadresse [email protected]

Kostnader No tuition fee.

Emneevaluering A mid-term class evaluation and a final individual evaluation.


This course will focus on the historical development of the Barents region, approaches to the study of international relations, former and present challenges, international organisations such as the United Nations and international conventions of relevance for the Northern region.

In addition the course will address the difficult balance between national jurisdiction and international regime building, natural resources and the challenges of regime formation for sustainable management. The Barents Sea and marine resources will be specially focused on.

Tilbys som frittstående kurs

Students enrolled for

Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies Northern Scandinavian Politics and Society[01.12.2014 20:19:25]


Elective course for other exchange students and other degree programs.


General entrance and language requirements for admission into higher education and either at least one year of undergraduate studies, preferably within the field of social sciences, or the core courses of the Bachelor of Circumpolar Studies.

Anbefalte forkunnskaper

BCS core courses or some background in social sciences.


Lectures and seminars. Students are supposed to play an active role, taking part in discussions, by presentations etc.

Vurdering og eksamen

Portfolio, with written answers to module questions and a final, online, individual paper.

Pensum og anbefalt litteratur

The curriculum consists of the following articles available as a reading collections. The reading collections can be bought from the student bookshop at Campus:

Arlov, Thor B.: A short , Oslo, Norsk Polarinstitutt 1989 (7 p.)

Arneberg, P., Korneev, O., Titov, O., Stiansen, J.E. (Eds.), Filin, A., Hansen, J.R., Høines, Å., and Marasaev, S. (Eds.). Joint Norwegian-Russian environmental status 2008 Report on the Barents Sea Ecosystem. Part I – Short version. IMR/PINRO Joint Report Series, 2009(2), (22 p).

Austvik, Ole Gunnar: The Geopolitics of Barents Sea Oil and Gas: The Mouse and the Bear. International Association for Energy Economics, Third Quarter 2007. Pp 19- 23 (5 p)

Bailes, Alyson J.K.: Options for Closer Cooperation in the High North: What is Needed? In Sven G. Holtsmark and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor (eds.) Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze? NDC Forum Paper 7, NATO Defense College, Research Division, Rome, 2009, pp 28-57 (30 p.)

Balsvik, Randi Rønning: Where are we? Notes on History of North Norway in a Gender Perspective. In Halldis Valestrand (ed.) Nord og Nedenfra. Kvinnforsk Occational Papers, Vol. 3/2000. (11 p.)

Balsvik, Randi Rønning: Women in Northern Norwegian coastal societies Translated from Historisk Tidsskrift, 4/1991, (15 p.)

Barr, Susan: Norway´s Polar Territories. Oslo, Aschehoug 1987 (9 p.)

ECA 2004: Institutional capacity for rural women´s empowerment in Norway. European Commission on Agriculture (ECA) 2004 (12 p.)

Elstad, Åsa: Changing labour roles in north Norwegian fisherman-farmer households. In Gerrad, Siri & Balsvik, Randi Rønning (eds.) Global Coasts. Life changes, gender challenges, Kvinnforsk occasional papers, 2/1999 (11 p.)

Evjen, Bjørg: Longyearbyen 1916-1975 – A Norwegian Society in the Arctic, yet not at Part of the Social Democratic State. In Halldis Valestrand (ed.) Nord og Nedenfra. Kvinnforsk Occational Papers, Vol. 3/2000. Pp 130-135 (5 p.)

Ministry of Environment 2006: Report no. 8 to the Storting (2005-2006) Integrated Management of the Marine Environment of the Barents Sea and the Sea Areas off the Islands,p. 13-134 (122 p.)

Græger, Nina: Norway between Europe and the US. In Clive Archer (ed.) New Security Issues in Northern Europa. The Nordic and Baltic States and the ESDP, Routledge 2008. Pp. 94-114 (21 p.)

Hanneson, Ragnvaldur: The International Law of the Sea, Chapter 2 in Privatization of the Oceans, MIT Press, 2004. Pp 29-42 (13 p).

Hoel, Alf Håkon: The High-North Legal-Political Regime. In Sven G. Holtsmark and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor (eds.) Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze? NDC Forum Paper 7, NATO Defense College, Research Division, Rome, 2009, pp 81-101 (21 p.)

Hultgren, Tora: When Did the Come to Svalbard? Acta Borealia, Volume 19, Number 2/December 01, 2002 (18 p.)

Koivurova, Timo: Limits and Possibilities of the Arctic Council in a Rapidly Changing Scene of Arctic Governance. Polar record 46 (237): 146-156 – 2010. (10 p)

Koivurova, Timo: Governance of the Protected Areas in the Arctic. Utrecht Law Review, Vol 5. Issue 1, 2009 (17 p)

Kryukov, Valeriy and Arild Moe: ’s Oil Industry: Risk Aversion in a Risk Prone Environment. In Eurasian Geography and Economics, 2007, 48, No. 3, pp 341-354 (14 p)

Lillebø, Geir O.: Norwegian Seal Hunting in the Eastern Part of the Polar Sea, 1917-1936: Conflicts between Norway and Soviet Union Based on Economic and Territorial Interests. Acta Borealia, Vol. 11-12, 1994/95. University of Tromsø. Pp. 45-62 (18 p.)

Mol, Arthur, P.J.: Environmental Deinstitutionalization in Russia. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, Vol. 11, no 3. 2009, pp 223-241 (19 p)

Nielsen, Jens Petter: The Barents Euro-Arctic Region – The Return of History? In Maria Lähtrrnmäki (ed.) The Flexible Frontier – Change and Continuity in Finnish- Russian Relations. Aleksanteri Series 5/2007. University of Helsinki. Pp 231-244 (14 p.)

Nielsen, Jens Petter: Russian Norwegian Relations in Arctic Europe: The History of the “Barents Euro-Arctic Region”, East European Quarterly XXXV, No. 2, 2001, pp 163-181 (18 p.)

Nielsen, Jens Petter: Novaja Semlja – “No man’s Land?”, Ottar 1993/4, Pp 4-17 (14 p)[01.12.2014 20:19:25]


Niemi, Einar: The Pomor Trade from a Norwegian Perspective. In The Barents Region, Tromsø Museum, 1995. Pp 26-36 (10 p)

Nyhamar, Tore: Security Policies from Constraints to Choice. In Knut Heidar (ed.) Nordic Politics – Comparative Perspectives. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 2004. Pp 129- 242 (13 p)

Offerdal, Kristine: High North Energy: Myths and Realities. In Sven G. Holtsmark and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor (eds.) Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze? NDC Forum Paper 7, NATO Defense College, Research Division, Rome, 2009, pp 151-178 (28 p.)

Offerdal, Kristine: The European Arctic in US Foreign Energy Policy: The Case of the Norwegian High North. Polar Record 45 (235): 59-71 (2009) (13 p.)

Pedersen, Torbjørn: The Svalbard Continental Shelf Controversy: Legal Disputes and Political Rivalry. In Ocean Development and International Law 37, 2006, Pp 339- 358 (29 p.)

Schrader, Tatjana A.: Pomor trade with Norway. Acta Borelalia, 1-2,1988 (8 p.)

Thorvaldsen, Gunnar: Coastal women and their work roles. In Hilde Sandvik, Kari Telste and Gunnar Thorvaldsen (eds), Pathways of the past: Essays in honour of Sølvi Sogner on her 70th anniversary, Novus, Oslo (2002), pp. 139–151. (11 p.)

Tunanader, Ola: Inventing the Barents region: Overcoming the East-West divide in Olav Schram Stokke & Ola Tunander (eds.) The Barents region. Co-operation in Arctic Europe, 1994, pp. 31-44. (14 p.)

Vliet, Martjin.V.and Wim Dubbnik: Evaluating governance – State, Market and Participation Compared. In: J. Kooiman, M. Van Vliet and S. Jentoft, Editors, Creative governance: opportunities for fisheries in Europe, Ashgate, Aldershot (1999), pp. 11–30. (20 p)

Young, Oran R.: Whither the Arctic? Conflict or Cooperation in the Circumpolar North. Polar Record 4 (0), 2008, pp 1-10 (10 p.)

Yurchenko, Alexei Y.: The Colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (Mid-19th to Early 20th Century): Two Approaches to the Economic Development of the Area (20 p.)

Zysk, Katarzyna: Russia and the High North: Security and Defence Perspectives. In Sven G. Holtsmark and Brooke A. Smith-Windsor (eds.) Security Prospects in the High North: Geostrategic Thaw or Freeze? NDC Forum Paper 7, NATO Defense College, Research Division, Rome, 2009, pp 102-129 (28 p.)

Åtland, Kristian: Mikhail Gorbachev, the Murmansk Initiative, and the Desecuritization of Interstate Relations in the Arctic. Cooperation and Conflict: Journal of the Nordic International Studies Association. Vol. 43(3), 2008) Pp 289-311 (23 p).

Åtland , Kristian: The European Artic After the Cold War: How can We Analyse It In Terms of Security? FFI/ Rapport – 2007/00344 (40 p).

Åtland, Kristian and Torbjørn Pedersen: The Svalbard Archipelago in Russian Security Policy: Overcoming the Legacy of Fear – or Reproducing it? European Security, Vol. 17, Nos. 2-3, June-Sept 2008, pp. 227-251 (25 p)

Overlappende emner

Følgende emner gir studiepoengsreduksjon: SA218S-001 History, Politics and Northern Resources, 4 studiepoeng SA218S-002 History, Politics and Northern Resources, 6 studiepoeng[01.12.2014 20:19:25]