New York University the Residential College Program Goddard

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New York University the Residential College Program Goddard New York University The Residential College Program Leadership and Public Service: Residential College Goddard Hall Spring 2019 COURSE ADMINISTRATOR: Briana Mathew ([email protected]) ​ ​ COURSE OVERVIEW The Residential College Program provides holistic learning experiences to our community members. These small, interconnected, student-driven residential communities are grounded in support through intentional interactions and reflective exploration. This form of learning emphasizes critical analysis and personal reflection while encouraging a heightened sense of community, civic engagement, and personal responsibility. The work you do for this course is aimed at enhancing your critical thinking and leadership skills. The course prepares you for active membership in the Residential College community by asking you to identify and engage directly with community needs, challenge your own assumptions, and integrate multiple points of view. A requirement of admission to The Residential College Program is the completion of the Residential College course in Leadership and Public Service. Active and successful participation in community events counts toward completion of this course. For successful completion of this course, participants must present demonstrable proof of their engagement in the various communities of which they are a part and must account for their personal development as a scholar-leader. By accepting admission to The Residential College Program, you have agreed to adhere to this requirement and to complete the associated evaluations. COURSE REGISTRATION All students living in the Residential College must be registered for the course for each semester they are ​ ​ in residence. Leadership and Public Service is a required zero-credit, pass/fail course. Students in the Residential ​ ​ ​ College at Goddard will need to enroll in the class. Any student not enrolled will automatically be enrolled in the course by the start of the Spring term. The course does not affect your overall GPA, but your transcript will denote a pass (P) or fail (F) based on successful completion of course requirements each semester. While an “F” grade will not directly impact your GPA, the visual impression on the transcript may carry weight for future academic and professional experiences. EXAMPLE COURSE REQUIREMENTS To receive a passing grade for the course, students must complete the below requirements. Residential College staff and faculty intentionally plan programming forecasts which span the entire semester. You are encouraged to plan your attendance ahead of time. Should you wait until the close of the semester, programmatic offerings may be limited with few remaining spaces. This will not be ​ accepted as rationale for exemption from the course requirements. It is the individual student’s responsibility to submit the necessary documentation for each event by the last day of classes for each semester. Please plan accordingly! All requirements must be completed by the end of the Spring Semester, Monday, May 13th, 2019. I. Spring First Floor Meeting (week of January 28th - February 3rd) This session will provide an overview of important things to know during the spring semester and will review the course requirements for the semester. II. Faculty-Hosted Community Events (a minimum of attendance at 2 events required) Residents must attend TWO faculty-hosted events. These programs may include events sponsored by ​ ​ Faculty Fellows-In-Residence in Broome or Goddard (Carley Moore, Michelle Dent, or Michael Ralph), or ​ ​ programs sponsored by a Faculty Affiliate (the professors who lead your streams). You are not limited to ​ ​ attending just your own stream’s events. You must sign the attendance sheet at these events. Events are emailed out weekly in the Goddard Gazette, posted on This Week @ Goddard calendar in the first floor elevator bank, and emailed out by faculty. III. Participation in RA-Hosted or GLO-Hosted Event (a minimum of attendance at 2 events required) Residents must attend TWO community programming events hosted by an RA, staff member, or by ​ ​ Goddard Leadership Organization (GLO). You must sign the attendance sheet at these events. These programs may include events planned by your RA, another RA in Goddard, or an RA at Broome, in addition to any events planned by BEAST, the Broome Hall Council. Events are emailed out weekly in the Goddard Gazette, posted on This Week @ Goddard calendar in the first floor elevator bank, and emailed out by RAs and GLO leaders. IV. TWO (2) Residential College Written Reflections Students are required to submit two (2) written reflections responding to the below prompts via a Google Form that RHD Briana will send out. Reflection should be a minimum of 250 words, written thoughtfully, and free of grammatical errors. EXAMPLE Written Reflection One Prompt (due by 11:59 PM on Friday, March 15th) ​ ● A goal of the Residential College is for everyone to feel like they belong. Reflect on the elements of your experience this year that have helped or hindered your sense of community in the Residential College, at NYU, or both. Written Reflection Two Prompt (due by 11:59 PM on Monday, April 29th) ​ ​ ● We all have causes or issues that matter to us personally. As you consider what matters to you, what steps have you taken this year to make a difference? If you haven’t, what plans or strategies can you put in place for the future? VERIFYING CREDIT ● In order to receive credit for participating in a Residential College event, you must record your name on the program sign-in sheet at the time of the event. The sponsoring RA and/or faculty member will have this sheet available. ● Failure to sign-in at an event will result in no-credit granted for attendance. This is an area of individual responsibility. ● Students will be notified twice (2) a semester regarding the status of their course progress. It is recommended that students keep track of their course progress to ensure completion of course requirements. ● Please email Briana Mathew at [email protected] immediately if you have questions or ​ ​ concerns about a requirement on the syllabus. ● All students participating in the Residential College Program must complete all the requirements outlined above ACADEMIC INTEGRITY From New York University’s Statement on Academic Integrity: ​ ​ Your degree should represent genuine learning. The relationship between students and faculty is a keystone of the educational experience at New York University. This relationship takes an honor code for granted. Mutual trust, respect, and responsibility are foundational requirements. Thus, how you learn is as important as what you learn. A University education aims not only to produce high-quality scholars but also to cultivate honorable citizens. Submitting false reports (i.e., claiming attendance credit for programs you did not attend, signing in a friend who is not present, etc.) is a violation of New York University’s honor code. All reports submitted will be subject to verification. If a student is found to have submitted a false or inaccurate report, the following measures may be taken: a. The student may receive a failing grade for their Residential College participation; b. The studentEXAMPLE may be referred to the honor court to determine necessary sanctions; c. The student may not be invited to return to the Residential College community for following semesters. COURSE EVALUATION Student participation and work for this course will be evaluated by a combination of Residential College professional staff and faculty members. Any resident who wishes to be reassigned from the community or withdraw from the Residential College course will be given a mark of “W” on their transcript. Exemptions from the course requirements will only be granted if similar exceptions and accommodations have been provided by the academic department or school (i.e., in cases of family emergency, personal illness, etc.). It is the student’s responsibility to communicate the situation to the ​ Residence Hall Director, Briana Mathew at [email protected], and to provide documentation ​ ​ when needed. BROOME RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE SPRING 2019 ROOM SELECTION Residential College students can supplement their priority in Broome Street Room Selection—held each spring semester for returning students—by maintaining active involvement in community hall councils, leadership within your stream/floor community, interactions with faculty and professional staff, and by simply exceeding the required events each semester. Please note: while exceeding minimum expectations (or demonstrating extensive involvement) will not impact a pass/fail grade, it can affect your priority for the selection process. Any questions, clarifications, or concerns should be directed to Briana Mathew Residence Hall Director for the Residential College Program at New York University [email protected] | 212.995.3128 ​ EXAMPLE.
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