Book Authors > General Works, CS & Info
Book Authors > General Works, CS & Info Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 070.4 Ang Angell, Roger Let Me Finish 2006 070 Bow Bowden, Mark Road Work: Among Tyrants, Heroes, Rogues, and Beasts 2004 069 Bur Burleigh, Nina Stranger and the Statesman, The; James Smithson, John Quincy Adams, and the 2003 Making of America's Greatest Museum: the Smithsonian 003 Dom Domingos, Pedro Master Algorithm, The; How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will 2015 Remake our World 081 Dow Downs, Hugh Perspectives 2005 081 Ein Einstein, Albert Ideas and Opinions 1954 R 030 Bri Encyclopaedia New Encyclopaedia Britannica, The. 15th edition 1991 Britannica, Inc. 070.4 Eva Evans, Harold My Paper Chase; True Stories of Vanished Times 2009 070.4 Fen Fenton, Tom Bad News; the Decline of Reporting, the Business of News, and the Danger to Us 2005 All R 031 Ame Harkavy, Michael D., ed, American Spectrum Encyclopedia, The: New Illustrated Home Reference Guide 1991 004.09 Isa Isaacson, Walter Innovators, The; How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the 2014 Digital Revolution LP 070 Kur Kurtz, Howard Fortune Tellers, The: Inside Wall Street's Game of Money, Media,and Manipulation 2000 031 Llo Lloyd, John and John Book of General Ignorance, The 2006 Mitchinson 004.165 Lut Luther, Bob First Apple, The 2013 070.5 Mar Marcus, Leonard S. Golden Legacy; How Golden Books Won Children's Hearts, Changed Publishing 2007 Forever, and Became an American Icon Along the Way R 031 New New York Public Library New York Public Library Desk Reference, The.
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