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Book Authors > General Works, CS & Info Book Authors > General Works, CS & Info Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 070.4 Ang Angell, Roger Let Me Finish 2006 070 Bow Bowden, Mark Road Work: Among Tyrants, Heroes, Rogues, and Beasts 2004 069 Bur Burleigh, Nina Stranger and the Statesman, The; James Smithson, John Quincy Adams, and the 2003 Making of America's Greatest Museum: the Smithsonian 003 Dom Domingos, Pedro Master Algorithm, The; How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will 2015 Remake our World 081 Dow Downs, Hugh Perspectives 2005 081 Ein Einstein, Albert Ideas and Opinions 1954 R 030 Bri Encyclopaedia New Encyclopaedia Britannica, The. 15th edition 1991 Britannica, Inc. 070.4 Eva Evans, Harold My Paper Chase; True Stories of Vanished Times 2009 070.4 Fen Fenton, Tom Bad News; the Decline of Reporting, the Business of News, and the Danger to Us 2005 All R 031 Ame Harkavy, Michael D., ed, American Spectrum Encyclopedia, The: New Illustrated Home Reference Guide 1991 004.09 Isa Isaacson, Walter Innovators, The; How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the 2014 Digital Revolution LP 070 Kur Kurtz, Howard Fortune Tellers, The: Inside Wall Street's Game of Money, Media,and Manipulation 2000 031 Llo Lloyd, John and John Book of General Ignorance, The 2006 Mitchinson 004.165 Lut Luther, Bob First Apple, The 2013 070.5 Mar Marcus, Leonard S. Golden Legacy; How Golden Books Won Children's Hearts, Changed Publishing 2007 Forever, and Became an American Icon Along the Way R 031 New New York Public Library New York Public Library Desk Reference, The. 4th edition 2002 004 Pog Pogue, David Pogue's Basics: Life; Essential Tips and Shortcuts (That No One Bothers to Tell 2015 You) for Simplifying Your Day R 030 Col Raimes, James, ed. Columbia Encyclopedia, The. 5th ed. 1993 R 032 Enc Steinbrunner, Chris and Encyclopedia of Mystery and Detection 1976 Otto Penzler, eds. 155.92 Sul Sulloway, Frank J. Born to Rebel; Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives 1996 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 1 Book Authors > General Works, CS & Info Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 003 Tal Taleb, Nasim Nicholas Black Swan, The 2010 081 Tho Thomas, Lewis Late Night Thoughts on Listening to Mahler's Ninth Symphony 1983 R 030 Tim Time Magazine Time Almanac 2013 2012 051 Vin Vinciguerra, Thomas Cast of Characters; Wolcott Gibbs, E. B. White, James Thurber, and the Golden 2016 Age of The New Yorker 031 Voo Voorhees, Don Book of Totally Useless Information, The 1993 005.4 Wev Weverka, Peter Windows 10 for Seniors for Dummies 2016 R 005.4 Wev Weverka, Peter WIndows 10 for Seniors for Dummies 2015 070.4 Wic Wick, Steve Long Night, The; William L. Shirer and the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 2011 R 031 Wor Worth, Fred L. Super Trivia Encyclopedia 1979 # Titles Listed = 29 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 2 Book Authors > Philosophy & Psychology Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 133.9 Ale Alexander, Eben Proof of Heaven; a Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife 2012 155 Alf Alford, Henry How to Live: A Search for Wisdom from Old People (While They Are Still on This 2008 Earth) 153.4 Ari Ariely, Dan Upside of Irrationality,The; the Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic at Work and 2010 at Home 177 Arm Armstrong, Karen Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life 2010 133.9 Atw Atwater, P.M.H. with Complete Idiot's Guide to Near-Death Experiences, The 2000 David H. Morgan R 103 Bot Bothamley, Jennifer Dictionary of Theories 2002 LP 155 Bra Bradshaw, John Family Secrets: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You 1995 170 Bro Brooks, David Road to Character, The 2015 133 Bro Broughton, Richard S. Parapsychology: The Controversial Science 1991 133.9 Bur Burpo, Todd with Lynn Heaven Is for Real; a Little Boy's Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back 2010 Vincent 150 Bus Buscaglia, Leo Bus 9 to Paradise 1986 155.2 Cai Caine, Susan Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 2012 155 Cal Callahan, Maggie & Final Gifts 1997 Patricia Kelley 128 Chi Chittister, Joan Between the Dark and the Daylight 2015 155 Coh Cohen, Gene D. Mature Mind, The 2005 155.9 Col Colbert, Don Stress Less 2005 155.6 Col Coleman, Joshua When Parents Hurt; Compassionate Strategies When You and Your Grown Child 2008 Don't Get Along 152 Dam Damasio, Antonio Looking for Spinoza 2002 155.9 Dei Deits, Bob Life after Loss; A Personal Guide Dealing with Death, Divorce, Job Change and 2000 Relocation 158.1 Duh Duhigg, Charles Power of Habit, The; Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business 2012 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 3 Book Authors > Philosophy & Psychology Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 155 Eri Erikson, Erik H. Life Cycle Completed, The; Extended Version with New Chapters on the Ninth 1997 Stage of Development by Joan M. Erikson 153 Foe Foer, Joshua Moonwalking With Einstein 2011 153.1 Fog Fogler, Janet and Lynn Improving your Memory; How to Remember What You're Starting to Forget. Rev. 1998 Stern ed. 153.9 Gar Gardner, Howard Extraordinary Minds; Portraits of Exceptional Individuals and an Examination of 1997 Our Extraordinariness LP 152 Gay Gaylin, Willard, M.D. Feelings: Our Vital Signs 1979 153.4 Gla Gladwell, Malcolm Blink! The Power of Thinking Without Thinking 2005 150 Gol Goleman, Daniel Emotional Intelligence 1995 153.3 Har Harford, Tim Messy: The Power of Disorder to Transform our Lives 2016 155.67 Hen Hennezel, Marie de Art of Growing Old, The; Aging with Grace 2010 113 Hol Holt, Jim Why Does the World Exist? 2012 133 Hol Holzer, Hans Ghosts I've Met 2005 158.1 Kab Kabat-Zinn, Jon Mindfulness for Beginners; Reclaiming the Present Moment---and Your Life 2012 153.4 Kah Kahneman, Daniel Thinking, Fast and Slow 2011 211 Kau Kaufman, William E. Case for God, The 1991 179.7 Kie Kiernan, Stephen P. Last Rights 2013-70,171; Rescuing the End of Life from the Medical System 2006 155.924 LeB LeBey, Barbara Family Estrangement; How They Begin, How to Mend Them, How to Cope with 2001 Them 170 Lev Levine, Stephen Year to Live, A 1997 155 Lev Levinson, Daniel J., et al Seasons of a Man's Life 1978 153.4 Lev Levitin, Daniel J. Field Guide to Lies, A; Critical Thinking in the Information Age 2016 154.2 Lyu Lyubomirsky, Sonja Myths of Happiness, The; What Should Make You Happy, but Doesn't, What 2013 Shouldn't Make You Happy but Does LP 179.6 McC McCain, John with Mark Why Courage Matters; the Way to a Braver Life 2004 Salter 172 McC McCollough, Thomas E. Moral Imagination and Public Life, The: Raising the Ethical Question 1991 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 4 Book Authors > Philosophy & Psychology Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date 158.1 McR McRaven, William H. Make Your Bed; Little Things That Can Change Your Life ...and Maybe the World 2017 154 Mei Meier, Paul and Robert Windows of the Soul: A Look at Dreams and Their Meaning 1995 L. Wise 155 Mor Morris, Virginia Talking About Death 2004 155.9 Mor Morris, Virginia Talking about Death Won't Kill You 2001 LP 158 Orn Ornish, Dean, M.D. Love & Survival: The Scientific Basis for the Healing Power of Intimacy 1998 150 Pec Peck, M. Scott, M.D. Road Less Traveled; the Unending Journey Toward Spiritual Growth 1993 153 Pin Pinker, Steven How The Mind Works 1997 155.9 Ran Rando, Therese A. Grieving: How to Go on Living When Someone You Love Dies 1988 155.67 Res Restak, Richard M. Older and Wiser; How to Maintain Peak Mental Ability for as Long as You Live 1997 133 Rhi Rhine, Louisa Something Hidden 1983 133 Emm Rodegast, Pat and Emmanuel's Book III: What Is an Angel Doing Here? 1994 Stanton, Judith 189 Rub Rubenstein, Richard E. Aristotle's Children; How Christians, Muslims, and Jews Rediscovered Ancient 2003 Wisdom and Illuminated the Dark Ages 153.1 Rub Rubin, Gretchen Craft Better than Before; Mastering the Habits of our Everyday Lives 2015 150 Sca Scagnelli, Paul Deadly Dr. Freud: The Murder of Emanuel Freud and Disappearance of John 1994 Freud q 133.1 Smi Smith, Beth Craddock Mystery Tour: A Student Guide to North Carolina Ghosts and Legends 1992 152.4 Smi Smith, Richard H. Joy of Pain, The; Schadenfreude and the Dark Side of Human Nature 2013 152 Smi Smith, Richard H., ed. Envy: Theory and Research 2008 155.9 Tob Tobin, Daniel R. with Peaceful Dying: The Step-by-Step Guide to Preserving Your Dignity, Your Choice, n.d. Karen Lindsey and Your Inner Peace at the End of Life 153.4 Tri Trivers, Robert Folly of Fools, The; the Logic of Deceit and Self-deception in Human Life 2011 128 Van Van der Post, Laurens Voice of the Thunder, The 1993 155.9 Vio Viorst, Judith Necessary Losses 1986 152 Wri Wright, H. Norman Experiencing Grief 2004 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 5 Book Authors > Philosophy & Psychology Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date # Titles Listed = 64 Collected: 27 January 2018 Page 6 Book Authors > Religion Call No. Author (Sorted by) Title Pub. Date R 220.3 New New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, 5 volumes 2006 R 220 Abi Abingdon Press, Abingdon Bible Commentary, The 1929 Publisher 261.8 Alb Albright, Madeleine with Mighty and the Almighty, The; Reflections on America, God, and World Affairs 2006 Bill Woodward 221.6 And Anderson, Bernhard W.

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