VOL. Ill, NO. 49 • $1.00 A YEAR "~potllgllt NOVEMBER 13, 1958 • TEN CENTS A WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZINE A· D A I L Y H A B I T Will You Be There? "YEARS AGO" SCHEDULED LOCAL PICTURES NEEDED FOR BY LOCAL PLAYERS Mrs. Betty Sherwin, Chairman1 Motor Service, Albany County COMING CELEBRATION "Years Ago, 11 a comedy by Chapter, American Red Cross, Ruth Gordon, will open at the announced today the second an­ Hudson and Champlain sail a­ pictorial history exhibit, includ­ Bethlehem Central Junior High nual training •course for those in­ gain • • • and ideas about their ing many periods of town his­ School on Wednesday, Novem­ terested in joining as volunteer historical time and period are tory, is being sought. ber 19, at 8:30 p.m. The play, drivers. The course, under the causing many a group and com­ It is not necessary to have a which is presented in arena style leadership of Mrs. E.L. Larcher, mittee to unfurl their sails and pictme of Hemy Hudson riding by the Slingerlands Community Training Chairman for the Ser­ establish their communities par­ at anchor at the mouth of the Players, will run for four suc­ 1 vice, is scheduled for November ticipation in New York State s Normanskill; or of Albery Bradt, cessive nights. All seats are re­ 12, 19, and 25, and December year of Historical obserVances, who leased mill privileges on the served. Tickets may be ordered 3 and 10, fl'om 7:30 to 9:30 which begins January 1, 1959. No"rmanskill in 1630, and is con­ by telephoning 9-4158 or may be p.m. at the Chapter House, 3 The- Town of Bethlehem's sidered the first settler; nor of the bought directly from members Englewood Place. Conunittee for the Hudson­ legislature in session, when the of the Players .. Champlain Celebration, headed township of Bethlehem was creat­ The course will include a re­ 11Years Ago, 11 which is an auto­ by Mrs. Paul Dickenson, is pre­ ed officially in 1793. But if you view of safe driving p~inciples, biographical play by a success­ paring material to bring our do have anything along that line, information about the philosophy ful Broadway actress, won the township into the forefront. be sure to let the committee and method of operation of the approval of New York critics when The first request is to assist know about it. Material down various local services of the chap­ it opened on Broadway and had in the pictorial exhibits"of the to World War II is needed. Ear­ ter, including Motor Service. A a long and successful run. The area. Photographs, portraits, ly deeds_, maps, and pictures review of the work done by the late Wolcott Gibbs, theater re­ many agencies and organizations, viewerforthe New Yorker Maga­ other than the Red Cross, which zine, described it as "a charming Motor Service aids through its comedy with undeniable appeal .. eight car transport fleet, will al­ The background and the people be covered. '"":ho inhabit it have the kind of humor and the feeling of a past recalled with loving accmacy that The Slingerlands* * * Elementary are only too rare in these hard School observed National Educa­ pressed times;. " It is a play to tion Week on Wednesday, No­ which you will want to bring the veinber 12 with an open house.· whole family. Faculty member& presented the science curriculum pointing out The three members of Ruth that the content is varied, well GordonJones1 family (she dropped planned and a part of the total the "humiliating Jones" when she school program. The display entered th·e theater) will be played showing how various teaching· by Arthur Ploetz and Zaida John­ ethods and resources are used son, as the mother and father, in the curriculum to maintain and Nancy Jean Alsten as Ruth.o continuity. The open house was Paul Bruce Pettit is director and entitled "Scientific Highways" Edith Feder is Assistant Director. Illustrating that students follow 1906 - DELMAR SCHOOL Other members of the cast are various paths and avenues to dis­ views of the town of any period are excellent possibilities. Leslie Ann Brownrigg, Jean Alex­ cover general truths, to .classify other than the present are need­ Also, the Conunittee is plan­ ander, Dean Hartley, Charles facts and to develop critical ed. Of course, it· is necessary ning other exhibits and programs. Losacco, Kenneth Warner, and thinking. that all be identified. Many Already they are sponsoring the Betty Taylor. may be of considerable value. Writing Contest, which is in full The. Ladies* 1* Auxiliary * of the Therefore, if any person has a­ swing in the Junior and Senior You may purchase additional Delmar Fire Department will hold vailable material, wiiJ. they con­ High Schools. copies of the SPOTLIGHT their next meeting November 13, tact Mrs. Dickenson, or any of The committee includes: Mr. at the fallowing stores at 8:00 o'clock at the Fire Hall. her committee? It is impor­ Otto D. deHeuss, vice chairman; tant as enough material for a Mrs. William J. Comstock, Se­ PLAZA PHARMACY D~laware PI aza, Delmar -------------~ I cretary; Mrs. John T. Delaney, BUSH'S NEWSROOM The Third *Degree * * will be con- & K. F. A.M. in the Delmar Ma­ Mrs. Anna Rowe, Mr.. John Ravena ferred on a class of candidates Mr. sonic Temple on Tuesday, No­ E. Glenn, Leonard Welter, Voorheesville Pharmacy at the next regular meeting of vember 18 at 7:30 p.m. Peter Sr., Mr. S.. Vint Van Derzee; Voorheesville Bethlehem Lodge, No. 1096, H. Engel will preside. and Mr. Paul S. Twitchell. PAGE 2 - November 13, 1958 THE SPOTLIGHT FOUR AREA GIRLS ARE •••••••••••••••• TREASURE HUNT PICTURES 16 & 17 CHOSEN FOR AWARDS One girl from the senior class HUNTING of four area high schools has been chosen by her teachers and classmates for the 1958 Good SEASON'S Citizenship Award presented an­ nually by Tawasentha Chapter, Daughters of the American Rev­ olution. Mrs. Wallace D. Mac­ HERE- Bride is the chapter DAR Good citizens Chairman. And once again we can ex­ Chosen for dependability, ser­ pect tragic accidents in the vice, leadership and patriotism, fields and woods. the girls are Miss Nancy Korns, Certainly those of you who Bethlehem Central High School; go hunting are exposed to Miss Nancy Curtis, Guilderland far greater hazards to life Central; Miss Patricia Ann Sen­ and limb during this season ning, Voorheesville Central, and than at other times of the Miss Elizabeth A. Sloger, Berne­ year. No. 16. Another Delaware Plaza store ••• you'd be sure to go here Knox Central. for that extra-nice gift, a greeting card, or Mary Chess cosmetics. These girls and other state Added hazards make added The things this store stocks are so varied that slogans are abundant. chapter winners will compete in insurance a "must." a statewide essay contest to be A policy providing $5,000 New York representative in a na­ accidental death benefit and tional DAR contest. The win­ $500 medical indemnity ·costs ner will receive a $100 United only $2.00 for seven days. States savings bond. Stop in! It takes but a minute to put the insurance KIWANIANS ELECT in force. At a recent meeting of the New Scotland Kiwanis Club, Rob­ ert E. Zautner was unanimously elected President of the club for ROSE 1959. Other officers are Wyman Osterhout, First Vice-President; & William Childs, Second Vice­ President; Eugene Newcomb, Treasurer; Newell HelTick, Se­ KIERNAN cretary. Newly elected direc­ Inc. No. 17. Loaders, diggers, graders, rototillers ••• this place has more tors for a term of two years equipment for working in earth and snow! It's operated by one of the more are: Robert Farrell, Joseph friendliest, down·t~earth (no pun) men in the area. 163 Delaware Ave. Farrell, Joseph Cage and Richcird Slogans for Pictures 14 & 15 are due on Saturday, November 15. Slo­ Pellistri. These men will assume Elsmere, N. Y. gans for Pictures 16 & 17 are due on Saturday, November 22. All are office on January 1, 1959. to be left at the individual places of business you identified. (OPPOSITE Instead of waiting for your sut>:' DELAWARE PLAZA scription to expire, send $2 for SHOPPING CENTER) 3 FULL years right now!! Phone 9-4961 Our Readers include the people wha live in: •••••••••••••••• Delmar Elsmere Slingerlands Voorheesville JUST ARRIVED • , , New Scotland New Salem "Fortcast Vinyl" Westerlo Rensselaerville Glenmont Vm Wies Point LINOLEUM Feura Bush Clarksville Never Needs Woxing Unionville Meads Corners 49 South Bethlehem Selkirk sq. yd. Ravena Lawson Lake 1 FOUR PRARifACISTS Beckers Corners Bethlehem Centar 20 Patt•rns to Choose from Alfklrr Starmm. Pf>G. Al'-1 D. .,._, P1JG. ·Cedar Hill South Albany lfiJij.,. R. .,._ B.s.P'-. Jo1'f'O N..,teJ. B.S.PA.. SPOTLIGHT is published bv Spot• f/aJ {/ppet(/. light, Inc., 187 Roweland Avenue, Delmar, New York; Charles E. Walsh, 52 SHERIDAN AVE. Jr., President; Tracy F. Walsh, Sec­ ALBANY - PHONE 5-3418 retary•Treasurer. Mailing Address: Delmar, New York. THE SPOTLIGHT November 13, 1958- PAGE 3 LITTLE LEAGUE OFFICERS WINNERS! At a recent meeting of the Tri­ Writer of the winning slogan for Village Little League, the follow" Tad's, was Mrs, Robert Henk, ing offices were elected: Presi­ 103 Elsmere Ave, Prize: $50 dent, Larry McArthur; three Vice Gift Certificate, Presidents: WilliamKositzka, Mel Arnstein and Edward ] • Adams, "Lads and Dads love clothes Jr. ; Treasurer, RosWell.F airbank; from Tad's." Recording secretary, Joseph Lou­ Carroll's slogan was written dis, Jr.; Corresponding secretary, by Mrs, Walter Moore, 16 Her· John Klim. Board of Directors ber. Prize: Movie Projector.
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