Your Alpha Annual Report 2019 500,000 guests… with your support we can double it

Thousands of Australians continue to answer the call of the Great Commission

around the clock face of every part of the Church, Melinda Dwight faith. Hasn’t it been great to sharing around tables and see banners across Australia exploring faith together. Alpha Australia National drawing the attention of Director We are so grateful for the passers-by? All glory and generosity of all who give, @melindadwight thanks to God who has serve, pray, volunteer and prompted by the Holy Spirit invite, so that each of these What an amazing year! 500,000 to be Alpha guests. stories is made possible. We’ve loved celebrating Together we are seeking with you that through local All of us still know friends to make Jesus’ great churches running Alpha that haven’t come to faith. commision our first priority. 500,000 Australians have God cares about each of heard about the good them and so do we. Every Thank you for being hope news of Jesus. Great work person matters. Every story bearers and facilitating everyone! is important. Together let’s change in the faith climate facilitate another 500,000 to in Australia. Please keep Together there’s been participate in Alpha. praying that we can serve much prayer for people to many more people through explore faith, and many Thank you for your powerful Alpha and together see His conversations that have partnership in the Gospel. kingdom come. lead to invitations, and in As you can see in this some cases, acceptances. Much love and thanks, report there are many Remember the invitation is wonderful stories, across Melinda the win as we move them

Alpha was a watershed moment in my life — a journey from absolute emptiness in my relationship with God, to making Him the primary focus of my life. Alpha Guest at Mary Immaculate, Eagle Vale Our Vision

The The The Evangelisation Revitalisation Transformation of the Nations of the Church of Society

Our Growth

2,500 50,000

2,000 40,000

1,500 30,000

1,000 20,000 # Guests (per year) # Courses # Churches

500 10,000

0 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

#Churches 326 588 768 1078 1260 #Courses 694 975 1316 1906 2441 #Guests 8034 14723 19871 38960 45158

2019 ANNUAL REVIEW More churches, more volunteers, more guests We have so much to be grateful for, and even more to look forward to

Christianity in Australia is churches. They faithfully Dan Daniels facing some significant and tirelessly prepare challenges. However, in their teams, invite their CEO & Founder, the face of these guests, organise meals and Daniels Health Alpha continues to grow and fervently pray, creating an Alpha Australia Board strive toward its goal to environment of welcome Chairperson see 1 million Australians and grace. We estimate take part. over 6,300 volunteers While Alpha globally can helped serve in some way trace its history back to In 2018, we saw a 16.8% in 2018 - to each of you, we beyond the early 1990s increase in the number of are so grateful and want to from Holy Trinity Brompton in churches running Alpha extend our thanks. You are London, this year marks the from the previous year. the hands and feet in this twentieth year of operation Those 1,260 churches who move of God. here in Australia. Alpha took part represented was established to help almost every Christian Next year will be an Australian churches in their denomination, with exciting time as we release mission to invite people Baptists, Australian Christian new courses (Marriage to explore and develop a Churches, Catholics and and Marriage Preparation), relationship with Jesus. Anglicans making up nearly reveal a new and 50%. A pleasing trend is improved online Alpha Twenty years on, we are seeing local churches Digital Platform (hosting celebrating 500,000 Aussies run Alpha more often, all our Alpha and training who have taken that now averaging 2 or more videos), as well as faith journey. These are courses per year. This is Australian-specific Invitation significant milestones and resulting in ever more and Promotion Materials. worth pausing to praise guests attending and our God and King who exploring faith in Jesus. We hope and pray you will deserves all the glory. We continue to benefit from praise Him for raising up The significant uptake of these resources as well as donors like you who have Alpha in Australia is thanks the training support Melinda made this story happen. to our many volunteers and and her team are more leaders serving in local than willing to provide.

ALPHA AUSTRALIA Our Board & Leadership

Chris Sadler Mark Hutchinson Angel Hutchinson Consultant & Alpha Former President & Senior VP, International Board CEO, GE Europe Amber Chloe Member

Josephine Marshall Kevin Bailey Melinda Dwight Director & Philanthropy & Pastor & Alpha Decorator, Development Australia National One Rundle Trading Co Director

The changes God has brought me through Alpha are: confidence in self, a renewed love for my partner, a greater awareness of my surroundings; I find myself communicating more freely with people, a sense of hope has returned and the peace has not left me. Alpha Guest at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Orange A Strategic Solution

The release of the Alpha Film Series in Having run the Alpha Film 2016 has been pivotal in growing Alpha’s Series at Gateway four times impact in Australia. The series covers all in the last 12 months, we the familiar Alpha topics, but has two have seen new momentum new presenters; Gemma Hunt, a CBBC in some key areas. Firstly in TV presenter, and Toby Flint, an Anglican evangelism, as we are now clergyman. Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel reaching the unchurched features, along with a number of other people, sharing inspiring stories and through a culture of invitation. interviews from all around the world. Secondly, Alpha provides Other than the vibrant new format taking a tool of discipleship as we guests on a spiritual journey, it is also FREE journey with people who to download the talks, the Guest and have made faith decisions. Team Guides, training, promotional and Thirdly, Alpha has created a planning resources from Alpha’s website. leadership pipeline for raising We’ve also seen an increase in the number leaders, and finally, Alpha of resources translated to languages has grown the relational other than English being accessed. The strength of our church, as most popular being Mandarin, Farsi, and people have found a sense Spanish. Thanks to your generosity, these of belonging. We have resources are FREE and are accessible to more churches, and people of all ages been thrilled to see Alpha’s and all nations. impact to our congregation, our church strategy and our Our team continues to connect with and local community. support more churches to run Alpha. We are encouraging those who already run it to do so more regularly, 2 or more times a Craig Guntrip year. Over 80% of leaders say they found Gateway Church live training beneficial. It not only gives Devonport, Tasmania them an opportunity to connect with the Alpha team, but also with other church and Alpha leaders in their region.

ALPHA AUSTRALIA Mobilising Local Parishes The Catholic Church in Australia is increasingly aware of the need to intentionally evangelise and grow missionary disciples, and by many parishes Alpha is viewed as an excellent tool for this task. Over the last three years, 12,000 people have participated in an Alpha run by over 200 Catholic parishes and schools. Alpha has helped reinvigorate a passion for people without faith, and has been effective and fruitful in bringing people closer to Christ. This enthusiasm has been propelled further by Ron Huntley and Fr James Mallon from Divine Renovation Ministries. They have communicated to over 1,100 Catholic bishops, clergy, diocesan staff and lay people, laying out a vision of a growing, engaged Church supported by the disciple-making process of Alpha. Live training events have equipped parish and school teams across 13 Catholic dioceses nationally.

L-R Back: Fr Mauro Conte, Brett Larsson, Victoria Laban. Front: Vanessa Comninos, Jessica Thompson, and Judy Fakaosi Siaki with her daughter at Springfield Parish.

Lives are being changed through Alpha at Springfield Parish, Brisbane. The four parishioners pictured above said they were originally apprehensive, skeptical and reluctant to join Alpha. After Alpha, Judy Fakaosi Siaki said “We went to Alpha with the intention that we were only going so we could baptise our baby. But now we’ve come away with so much more – an ultimate unwavering knowing in my heart in being a Christian, and who Jesus and God are, and that I am His daughter.” Jessica Thompson said the weekend away during the Alpha program changed her life. “After all the bad decisions from my past, I had been filled with the Holy Spirit.” Brett Larsson stated that “I started reading the Bible, something I had never done before.” Mrs Laban felt that Alpha helped her marriage, “The events that unfolded during the weekend changed me as a wife, a mother, and as a disciple of Christ.”

Vanessa Comninos Our Lady of the Southern Cross Springfield, Queensland Celebrating 500,000 Aussie Guests After reaching 500,000 Alpha guests in Australia this May, the Alpha team have been celebrating by delivering cake and certificates to some of the churches and parishes who have significantly contributed to this milestone. Here are just a few! Your prayers, your time, your money and God’s grace have allowed half a million people try Alpha in Australia. The Alpha Youth Series has The generosity of supporters means more guests are attending Alpha’s across the country been the most and many lives are being transformed by Jesus. Across Australia, young people have a engaging and genuine hunger to do something meaningful, make a difference and to ask the big fruitful evangelistic questions. This is why the Alpha Youth Series resource we’ve is so important. It helps young Australians open up and have meaningful discussions used in our youth around life, faith and meaning. Over 1,100 Alpha Youth Series ran in 2018 with over 20,000 ministry. It explains young people taking part. In order to have a greater impact across the the gospel clearly, country, Alpha has partnered with ministries such as Youth Alive, the Bible Society and is culturally Soul Survivor, to help more youth ministries engaging, and our access Alpha’s resources. In 2019, Alpha co-hosted the ‘Young and Free’ lounge at young people feel Conference, which was attended by up to 200 youth leaders who were resourced confident to invite and encouraged in their leadership of young people, especially those who don’t yet their friends along! know Jesus. Earlier this year Alpha Youth Global Lead, Ben Woodman, inspired Youth Leaders in Mitch Everingham and Brisbane. This provided a great opportunity St Faith’s Anglican to learn how to run better Alpha’s in both Narrabeen churches and schools, and how to create a culture of invitation amongst youth networks.

ALPHA AUSTRALIA What Church Leaders Think

Wayne Alcorn Daniel Ang John Robertson ACC National President Director of Parish 2020, a Senior Pastor, Riverlife Senior Pastor, Hope Centre process of parish renewal Baptist Church Brisbane Brisbane and revitalisation in the Archdiocese of Sydney Alpha is a relaxed Alpha gets the conversation environment where people started, helping people Alpha for the Catholic can invite their friends, and to connect to a living and Church is more than just a we have loved seeing how loving God. So I would say: program. It is a catalyst for our people have latched

Have a go! It really is worth church renewal. onto this opportunity to it. share their faith in this way.

Peter Toganivanlu Kaye Reid Nick Scott Youth Pastor, Hillsong Senior Minister, Ringwood Senior Pastor, Mount Church Church of Christ Pleasant Baptist Church Alpha has absolutley Faith and life are explored Alpha is a significant and blessed our entire youth in an open and caring effective way the Lord ministry, helping us disciple environment, where no is using to draw people young people and build question is off-limits. Our to himself. Many people biblical foundations. Alpha this year was a have been added to the I couldn’t encourage huge success with many kingdom, or grown in their people enough when it attending multiple sessions faith as a direct result comes to this content. and making genuine of attending one of our connections with God and Alpha’s. others.

2019 ANNUAL REVIEW Marie’s Alpha Story

Marie was a dyed-in-the-wool atheist. She would tease her Christian mother about her ‘imaginary friend up in the sky’, and had decided to have nothing to do asking people all around the and how she tells everyone with church. world. I loved it, absolutely she meets about Jesus. “I just One night, one of Marie’s loved it,” Marie recalls. can’t wait to tell everybody! I’m standing in the line at the friend’s, Sarah, sent her a It was a dramatic and grocery store and start up a text inviting her to Alpha at sudden turnaround for Marie., conversation! I didn’t realise Newlife Church, saying the She talked about the seven that I would feel that way, it’s course was for people like “amazing women” in her so exciting!” Marie who don’t believe discussion group who “just in God but have lots of embraced me.” There are two wonderful questions, and that no ripples that have rolled It was the love of Jesus that question would be off-limits. through Marie’s life through enthralled and captivated “She added: ‘There’s also doing Alpha. “My dad wasn’t Marie, cutting through her free coffee and muffins.’ a Christian, but once I went shell of hostility. She found I love my coffee! And I love to Alpha, and I was blown it amazing that Jesus loved my muffins! I thought, ‘Darling away by what Jesus did, I her, even though he knew Sarah, my friend for 13 years, went to my dad after and everything about her. “I learnt who has always stood by me. said, ‘Dad, you won’t believe about this loving God, who She never gives up. I’m going it, I’ve just been learning would have died for me, if I to give her the surprise of her about the most amazing was the only one that sinned. life and say ‘Yes, I’ll go.’” God.’ I told him all about it.” Marie began her first night When I took that step of Marie’s father attended the at Alpha by sitting right up saying ‘Yes, I give myself to next Alpha and, at age 80, the back of the church. you Jesus, my life is for you to gave his life to Jesus. “His Newlife Pastor Scott Rigley, do what you wish, and just faith is so strong – and it’s who was running the course, please forgive me for my sins from my friend bringing me, was the first to breach and help me forgive those and then me talking to my Marie’s defences. Having who’ve done things against Dad. It’s that ripple effect. grown up at the beach me’; when we had this I never thought I would be with surfie brothers, she beautiful prayer, the only way a Christian, but look at us immediately related to his I could describe the feeling both, up the front: singing, “surfie dude” look. “The was like this helium-filled hands up, praising God every amazing film, the Alpha balloon, just floating.” Sunday.” presentation, which was Anyone who knew Marie Marie’s story has been just incredible – the scenery before she went to Alpha is shared with permission from was so captivating, and the amazed at her transformation Eternity News, with thanks questions that they were to Newlife Church, Gold Coast and Rev Stu Cameron.


Together, we can help serve the church, to provide a space for people to explore life, faith and God.

PRAY GIVE LEAVE A LEGACY Our desire and prayer is that We believe that everyone Leaving a legacy gift to God will continue to use should have the opportunity Alpha is a simple way of Alpha to introduce people to explore life and faith blessing future generations to himself - a personal and wherever they are in the with the gospel, for many loving God. Please join us world, for free. You can years to come. You could in praying that women and help make that happen by help provide opportunities men across the globe, young considering a gift to Alpha, for people to discover a and old, will come to know so that more churches will personal relationship with Jesus. We send out a prayer be equipped to create the Jesus by leaving a gift in diary each month with daily space for people to be your Will. prayer requests for Alpha in transformed by the Good Australia. If you would like to News of Jesus. receive this list, contact us at [email protected]. For any further information, please contact us at [email protected]

2019 ANNUAL REVIEW Sharing the Gospel through Alpha is free and always will be, thanks to friends like you.

ALPHA AUSTRALIA 2018/19 Financials

2018/19 2017/18 2016/17 2015/16

INCOME $1,927,636.00 $1,887,919.00 $1,588,563.00 $1,413,771.00

EXPENSES $1,994,558.00 $1,740,765.00 $1,507,580.00 $1,328,899.00

ASSETS $332,821.00 $386,613.00 $357,482.00 $159,201.00

LIABILITIES $142,934.00 $129,804.00 $247,827.00 $130,529.00

EQUITY $189,887.00 $256,809.00 $109,655.00 $28,672.00

Expenses: $1,994,558.00

Programs 83% & Staffing (2018: 80%)

Marketing 11% & Fundrasing (2018: 12%)

Administration 6% (2018: 9%)


$1,500,000.00 Income


$1,000,000.00 Other


$0 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

For more details our audited financial reports are available at

2019 ANNUAL REVIEW Get in touch!

To find an Alpha near you: To register an Alpha: - For Alpha in a Catholic Context, email: [email protected] For Youth Alpha, email: [email protected] For your local Regional Office, email: [email protected] (for NSW & ACT) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

postal @alphaaustralia Alpha PO Box 10, Australia Kerrimuir VIC. 3129 /alphaaustralia AUSTRALIA address /alphaaustralia 5/621 Whitehorse Rd, Mitcham VIC. 3132 contact 1800 811 903 [email protected]