Administration of George Bush, 1992 / May 12 ry Council on Unemployment Compensa- through the Disaster Unemployment Assist- tion to study and make recommendations ance Program. on permanent unemployment compensation The President stated, ‘‘I urge the Con- reforms by February 1, 1993. gress to join us in setting aside partisan poli- As previously announced, workers who tics and moving expeditiously to pass this are unemployed as a result of the disturb- extension so that unemployed workers will ances in Los Angeles and who may not know they can count on these benefits as qualify for standard unemployment benefits the economy begins to recover.’’ will be receiving unemployment benefits

Statement by Press Secretary Fitzwater on the President’s Meeting With Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad and Tobago May 12, 1992

The President met this afternoon with coordinated counternarcotics strategy and Prime Minister Patrick Manning of Trinidad thanked him for his quick action in address- and Tobago. The President congratulated ing the drug problem. The Prime Minister him on his plans to further liberalize Trini- expressed his appreciation to the President dad and Tobago’s economy by removing im- for the support of the United States and port restrictions and promoting privatiza- reaffirmed his commitment to economic re- tion. He praised Prime Minister Manning’s forms and a strong counternarcotics effort.

Nomination of Marilyn McAfee To Be United States Ambassador to May 12, 1992

The President today announced his inten- served as Counselor of Public Affairs at the tion to nominate Marilyn McAfee, of Flor- U.S. Embassy in Santiago, , 1986–89; ida, a career member of the Senior Foreign and in Caracas, , 1983–86. Service, class of Minister-Counselor, to be Ms. McAfee graduated from the Univer- Ambassador to the Republic of Guatemala. sity of Pennsylvania (B.A., 1961) and Johns She would succeed Thomas F. Stroock. Hopkins University (M.A.T., 1962). She was Since 1989, Ms. McAfee has served as born January 23, 1940, in Portsmouth, NH. Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Em- Ms. McAfee resides in Jacksonville, FL. bassy in La Paz, . Prior to this, she

Nomination of Robert F. Goodwin To Be United States Ambassador to New Zealand and Western Samoa May 12, 1992

The President today announced his inten- and to serve concurrently and without addi- tion to nominate Robert F. Goodwin, of tional compensation as Ambassador to West- Maryland, to be Ambassador to New Zealand ern Samoa. He would succeed Della M.