The Dynamic Nordic Region Looking Back at the Past Year in the Nordic Council 2004And Nordic Council of Ministers
The Dynamic Nordic Region Looking back at the past year in the Nordic Council 2004and Nordic Council of Ministers 1 The Dynamic Nordic Region Looking back at the past year in the Nordic Council 2004and Nordic Council of Ministers The photographs in this annual report were taken during the Ses- Photos sion of the Nordic Council in Stockholm in early November 2004. Johan Gunséus cover, pp. 2, 5, 7-, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, The annual Session brings together parliamentarians, ministers, 21, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 37. journalists, civil servants and international guests for three days Magnus Fröderberg pp. 1, 4 (2nd from left), 16, 29, 35. of hectic and intense activity, meetings and debate. Personal Johannes Jansson p. 4 (1st from left). exchanges of opinions and ideas are an integral part of the Nordic democratic process. The Dynamic Nordic Region The Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers 2004 Further information: Please contact the Information Department: ANP 2005:705 © The Nordic Council and Nordic Council of Ministers, E-mail Copenhagen 2005 Fax (+45) 3393 5818 ISBN 92-893-1109-6 Nordic co-operation Printer: Scanprint as, Århus 2005 Nordic co-operation, one of the oldest and most wide-ranging Production controller: Kjell Olsson regional partnerships in the world, involves Denmark, Finland, Design: Brandpunkt a/s Iceland, Norway, Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Greenland and the Copies: 1,500 Åland Islands. Co-operation reinforces the sense of Nordic commu- Printed on 130 g Arctic the Volume, environmentally friendly paper nity, while respecting national differences and similarities, makes as per the Nordic Swan labelling scheme.
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