Boys5 Rnfofoer Boots. Blacksmith the Barber
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OroUte p. Mogrf, VOL 37. &AMMONTON, N. JVFEBRITAIpr 11, 1899. NO. 6 5 <Jolm Pv&sclk, YOUR MISSION. of road, which would end a little past Furnishing The following was a favorite poem with Middle Koad, about in front of Mr. H. G.F.LENZ, Boys Abraham Lincoln, whose blrthay we M. Phillips' residence. The road was celebrate to-morrow. ' in fair condition on what we termed Undertaker If you cannot on .tbe ocean 11 Rnfofoer Soil among the swiftest fleet, "Oampanella's hill. The work was to Booking on the highest billows. be done' under tbe supervision, of the The Barber, and Embalmer Laughing at tbe storms you meet, overseer, he to inform the contractor of Yon can stand among the sailors what was required. 3rd and Bellevue. Boots. Twelfth 8t., between railroads. Anchored yet within tbe bay; Hanimonton, ST. J. You can lend a band to help them In addition to those already named I As tbey lanucb tbelr boats away. as witnesses of tbe transactions at that HamzQontori, N. J. -Af A-few more pairs of All arrangements for burials made If you are too weak to journey •meeting,- and to show that what I here and carefully executed. Up tbe mountain staep and high, state is correct, I bring, forward Mr. those Wbonsocket and Boston You can stand within the valley Bickford himself. If J,he contractor did Good stock'if the. Boots, sizes 1 te 3 remain. As tho multitudes go by. You pan cnant in happy measure not know where to begin -and end, Mr. Besl Brands of Cigars. Your choice, $1.25 a pair. As tbey slowly pass along. Bickford did, for. when Mr. Gay tore up SHOES. Though they may forget tbe slngjer. the road Mr. Bickford reported that be •'\ They will not forget the song. had"torn up the road beyond tbe two Has three chairs Always a Good Stock If you have not gold and silver Ever ready at command;" milemarh." VVheu aeked wby be bad ;'••«A«!'>5ps We are selling an 'excellent IT you cannot toward ibe needy allowed this to be done, he said, "I was every Saturday. fK^mm l^atch (200s) at 8 -cents Beach an over open hand. not there at the time; the road waa Only the Best! Yon can visit ibe afflicted, . torn up before I got there." per dozen boxes. O'er tbe erring yon can weep. H. Charadler, m Shoes made to Order is my You can be a true disciple. I am willing to admit that Mr. Gay Sitting at the (Saviour's feet. maae a mistake, but tbe highway com- Attora^at-Law Specialty, and full mittee uad nothing to do with the con- If you cannot in the harvest ; Official Town Attorney, Gumer up tbe richest sheave, tractor ; their business was with the Are you in tike market for satisfaction is guaranteed. Arlitz Building, Hatnmoaton, Many a grain botb ripe aud golden overseer oi highways, who should have Will the careless reapers leave. Union Bank Building, Atlantic Oity. \ Pare Leaf Lard? We. will Go and glean'umong the briers seen that a good piece of road was not sell you 2 pounds cheap, or Repairing done. Growing rank, agaiust the wall; disturbed. He was paid tor supervising In Hammonton For it may be that their shadows that work, and should .have placed a we will put you in a 30-lb. Hide tbe beavlestwheat or all. every TbtuMday JT. MURDOCH, stake at the end of two miles. tub at a penny a pound-4eea. If you cannot la the conflict lam not now a member of council, Practice in all Courts of the State. Bellevue Avenue, ^ 1_ Prov.ev ^yourselfa WH.BU4. a oumicJTJirUOsoldlertrue, : — .Irf"wJ'Ki»»f where~Hfeiin"dlSokt)ar1'A~<H~i'*~"«-* —— ~*~ e thickes-• " t out write Ibis in defence of the commit- Money for first mortgage loans x Eammonton. : : N.J There's no work lor you to do. tee (in this case all members of (ccuncil ' ' '' ' When tbe battlefield Is Blieot . beiog present gtjtbe mtetiog), an tbey Expect some Quarts and You can go with careful tread, • You eao bear away tho wouuded, have nothing to do witb enpervisiug the Oil Stoves Oval Pints about: the middle The People's Bank You cuu cover up tbe dead. days' work on roads, 'and did not order of April Will *ell them Do not, tbcn. stand Idly waitlug the road torn up.. On tbe contrary, no Of Hammonton.N. J. For some greater wort to do; parties were more surprised than tbey cheap from the car if ordered Fortune Is a lazy goddess, when told that it was done. Repaired ! Authorized Capital, $50,000 Sbowlll never come to yon. now,—cash on delivery. Go and toll In any vlueyara; <r As to paying Mr. tray's bill, there Leave your orders at once. Paid in, $30,000. * Do not f>.ar to do or Uuio. was no escape Irom paying a contractor II you want afield of labor, who worked under orders ol tbe overseer Surplus, $17,000. You can find it anywhere. ol highways. • The contractor received R. J. BYRNES, President. no orders from the committee. Litiga- WILLIAM BAKER, M. Ii. JACKSON, Vice-Pres't Who Tore Up the Road? tion tr> settle that point would have caused useless expense. No. 25 Third Street, Although I etutt d the facts in a for- 1 W. B. TILTON, Cashiei I am ready to aulrm tbe above as tbe • '''.•' « . AT ELVINS' mer issue of the REPUBLICAN regarding actual facts and am sure that any one Hanimonton. DIBEOTOBS: the tearing to pieces of that portion of or all of the members of Council will R.J. Byrnes, Mala Road from Middle Road nearly to M.L. Jackson, corroborate my statement. Broadway, I find tbai there aro many W. H. Bevnslioiise George Elvlns, I trust that tbe committee will be Blam Btookwell who have not underatood ray explaaa- 0. F. Saxton, given credit for "comruon sense," espec- tlon ; aod ID order that the .facta may ially as six men gave their opinions. Confectionary Real Estate and 0. F. Osgood, be made clear lo all I now mahe this W. B. TUton. etatemcot. Every load of gravel beyond tho two Insurance Agent A. J. Smith, mile limit coat the town ten cents extra; Only the choicest. J.O. Anderson. The grading of Main Boad, last W. J. Smith. W. L. Black. thai part of the road was good :' a por- Jfotaay Public, spring, was decided upon only after a tion of the road money was required OortlfloatflR of iioposit leaned, bearing carelul estimate of tho cost belorou loud elsewhere ; and every dollar waa care- Commissioner W Deeds. Interest art -tbe vuto of 2 per cent, per an- was hauled., The overseer of highways fully invested on the highways. Yet, num (f hold nix mouths, and 3 per cent U had a book containing stubs, and the Office, 101 (Railroad Ave. bold one year. because the committee did not prevent contractor-bad tickets. The contractor's something of which tbe members know Hanimonton. Discount dii) a— -Tuesday and bill was not paid until these tickets were nothing uatll It was done, tho reports Bread & Cakes handed in. The plan was to gravel ol the matter have circulated until they Friday of each week. two miles of road from tho county lino, have actually reflected injuriously upon and it was estimated that it would the vury parties who objected to lavish Bnfo Deposit H»xen for rent,— $2 expenditures. 1. H. JACOBS. Always the best. 93.00, $6, and $ 10 ycr year. leave about &)GO tor "incidental work." Frantz A, Lehman Had the comuitteo's direction* been lollowed, everything would have uctn That Throbbing Headache Would quickly leave you if you used Practical all right. But here Is what huppeucd, Or. King's JNuw Life Pilla. Tbonsouda. They who walk and aure aro the wltueb8QB\ of sufferers havu proved their matohlcas uioiltfor alok and nervous headaches. may Hide! Tho highway cointulMou deemed it Tboy rnako pure blood and strong nerves expedient-to request. every member of and build uj> your uoaltu., Knoy to take. J. B, SMALL, Blacksmith council, and also the oveieuer, to meet Try tlioiii. Only 25 uontu, Muuey back Ifnotourod, Sold at Orowoll's. ' Our line of new wheels at Mr. Boyer's to dlacuca ttiu oij(vlt<abll- Cor. Second and Bellevue, ; and lor '98 rungf in price tty of KravollUK Main ttoud. Thobo from $20 to $50,— present were Messrs. Suttou, lioyor, Ohas. Cunningham, M.D. thi» wp IJnchclor, Llcblntid, Jacobs, Cunning- Hammonton. ( Wheelwright. huiu, and DicUhmi. Physician and Surgeon. Spalding-, Crawford, Mr. Boyer, sccretuiy of the coinmit- mil's Block, liaiuiuoiitoii. OOloo lloura, 7:30 to 10:00 A.M. Waverley, Stornier. 'tee, opuned the bld» and kept a muuio- 1:00 to i!:00 aud 7:00 to 0:00 P.M. rancuiu of tlio pt'ocuediuga. Mr. Gay Win, Berashouse, Second-Laud Wheels . WUB IIOL the lowest 'bidder, aud would STEAJBf - Jrom $5 to $25. not have received, tho contract but for Seoond St., near Pleasant, tho curnest pleading of Mr. Bicklord, liiiiiiinoiitoit Hotel lleur Berahouse'a Mill Before pmclinNMifr, i xanaine ovuiBcor of hlchwayu, who gave as hit) our Htook. uhidi in tUo reasons that thoro was curtain work Livery and Boarding moBt complete' in town. that he preferred Mr. Guy to perform. Hammontoii. In compliance with this mgent mjuiial, Stable, AMD Repairing, Hiring, thu ciintruul waa given to Mr. tluy, Carting and Delivering of all hiudn and Sundries.