Doyle, A.C. (2013). The wanderings of a spiritualist: On the life hereafter. In the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. New York, NY: Delphi Classics Edition. (Original work published 1921) Gruning, H. (2014). Who do we think we are? – What it takes to be human. Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin. Kraft, D. (2013). Buddha’s map: His original teachings on awakening, ease, and insight in the heart of meditation. Nevada City, CA: Blue Dolphin. ...Paul M. Clemens

De Wys, Margaret (2014). Black smoke: Healing and Ayahuasca shamanism in the Amazon. Rochester VT: Inner Traditions. Clearest book out on how a fully trained Shaman works. Haddon, Mark (2003). the curious incident of the dog in the night-time New York, NY: Random House. (Editor’s NOTE: Original format. No caps in title) Good fiction and best introduction to the complex mind of an autistic teenager available. Read, R. (2013). LSD-blew out Granddad’s windows: Integrating psychedelic experience. England: Create Space Independent Publishing Platform. A remarkable and well thought-out book. Get the eBook version as there are endless links in the text. ... Jim Fadiman

Apffel-Marglin, F. (2011). Subversive spiritualities: How rituals enact the world. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Nagel, T. (2012). Mind and cosmos: Why the neo-Darwinian conception of nature is almost certainly false. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Parsons, W. B. (2013). Freud and Augustine in dialogue: Psychoanalysis, , and the culture of modern spirituality. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press. ... Jorge Ferrer

Bellah, Robert (2011). Religion in human evolution from the Paleolithic to the Axial Age. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Jacobi, Jolande (1971). Complex. archetype, and symbol in the psychology of C. G. Jung. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Shroder, Tom (2014). Acid test: LSD, ecstasy, and the power to heal. New York, NY: Blue Rider Press. ...

140 The Journal of Psychology, 2014, Vol. 46, No. 1 Abrams, D. (2010). Becoming animal: An earthly cosmology. New York, NY: Vintage Books. Arrien, A. (2011). Living in gratitude. Boulder, CO: Sounds True. Boykin, A., Schoenhofer, S., & Valentine, K. (2014). Health care system transformation for nursing and health care leaders. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. ... Michael Hutton

Primark, Joel R., & Abrams, Nancy Ellen (2007). The view from the center of the universe: Discovering our extraordinary place in the cosmos. New York, NY: Penguin. Spellmeyer, Kurt (2010). Buddha at the apocalypse: Awakening from a culture of destruction. Boston, MA: Wisdom. Wright, Robert (2010). The evolution of God. New York, NY: Back Bay Books. ... David Loy

Friedman, H.L., & Hartelius, G. (2013). (Eds.). The Wiley-Blackwell handbook of . Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Jennings, P. (2010). Mixing minds: The power of relationship in psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications. Vakoch, D. A., & Castrillon, F., (Eds.). (2014). Ecopsychology, phenomenology, and the environment. New York, NY: Springer Science-Business Media. ...Kaisa Puhakka

Braun, E. (2013). The birth of insight: Meditation, modern Buddhism, and the Burmese monk Ledi Sayadaw. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Haas, M. (2013). Dakini power: Twelve extraordinary women shaping the transmission of Tibetan Buddhism in the West. Boston, MA: Snow Lion. ...Charles Tart

Fontana, D. (1997). Teach yourself to dream: A practical guide. San Francisco, CA: Chronicle Books. Excellent coverage of what, why, and how to have and work with many kinds of dreams, emphasizing Jungian and spiritual approaches. Hill, M.O. (1994). Dreaming the end of the world: Apocalypse as a rite of passage. Dallas, TX: Spring Publications. A profound depth psychological engagement with the precariousness of our future on the troubled planet. ...Miles A. Vich

Books Our Editors are Reading 141 Boyd, T. (2009). The eternal weaver (Originally published in 1978 with B. Johnson). Laloux, F. (2014). Reinventing organizations: A guide to creating organizations inspired by the next stage of human consciousness. Brussels, Belgium: Nelson Parker. ... Jenny Wade

142 The Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 2014, Vol. 46, No. 1