10 /1 ISSN 1470-2037 Suffolk - Norfolk - Lincolnshire - Huntingdonshire - Hertfordshire - Essex - Cambridgeshire EASTERN ANGLE Cambridgeshire - Essex - Hertfordshire - Huntingdonshire - Lincolnshire - Norfolk - Suffolk Volume 10 March 2010 No. 1 Bulletin Editor Barry R Reynolds 74 Edgecomb Road STOWMARKET Suffolk IP14 2DW Tel: +44 (0)1449/613319 Mobile 07950427905 E-mail
[email protected] Website: www.freewebs.com/eaphsc Stowmarket Carnival Jubilee Mail March 2010 PDF Creator - PDF4Free v2.0 http://www.pdf4free.com 10 / 2 EAST ANGLIAN POSTAL HISTORY STUDY CIRCLE President Chairman Vice Chairman Paul Green John W J Copeland Gerald Daldry Secretary Treasurer Auctioneer Peter Day Barry Reynolds Peter Day 17 Heywood Road 74 Edgecomb Road 17 Heywood Road DISS STOWMARKET DISS IP22 4DJ IP14 2DW IP22 4DJ Tel: 01379 643907 Tel: 01449 613319 Tel: 01379 643907 Table of Contents Stowmarket Carnival Jubilee Mail 1 Table of Contents 2 Date of Next Meeting 2 Editor / Treasurer Notes 2 Roundup of Postal News of East Anglia 3 Office Closures and Openings 4 Condition 9 Access Mail 5 Registration Labels for East Anglian Bases in WW II 6 Newport / Saffron Walden Cancel Query 8 Stowmarket Bag Label 9 EAPHSC Stock Items 9 New Post Office at Hitchin 1962 10 Manningtree & its Sub-Offices – Part 3. 11 Sub-Office Datestamps of Norfolk – Parts 29, 30 &31 18 Date of Next Meeting March 13th 2010. Annual General Meeting and ‘Bring & Buy’. Your opportunity to dispose of your surplus material with immediate gains and to perhaps find the elusive items you have been searching for. Please give some thought to volunteering for the post of Secretary.